SECTION 1: Events of Jesus' Life

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What was Jesus's hometown?

Jesus's Hometown was Nazareth, a small, somewhat obscure town in Galilee.

What does Gospel mean?

Gospel literally means "the Good News." Jesus is the Gospelk. It is the proclamation of the Good News of salvation, that God has sent his beloved Son, Jesus Christ, to redeem sinners so that they might receive adoption as sons and daughters of God. This good news was preached by Jesus, proclaimed by the Apostle, and written as four records of Jesus's life: the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. The Church knows about the life of Jesus because the Deposit of Faith passed on through Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition has been entrusted and preserved by the magisterium. The living transmission of the Gospel message can be traced to the Word of God made flesh. Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition each make "present and fruitful in the church the mystery of Christ" (CCC, 80).The message was preserved by the Apostles who were called by Jesus from previous occupations and various family lives to follow him.

What is the basis for the understanding that Jesus's public Ministry lasted for three years?

Jesus celebrated Passover for three years which means the duration of his public ministry must have been three years.

What do you consider to be the most significant event in the life of Jesus? Why?

I think the most significant event was when Jesus was baptized. He was able to start his public ministry officially and he became connected to the Church (Us). The second most significant event in his life was when he died on the cross because that is what he came here to do. The purpose of him dying of the cross was to save us from sin. Another event that I thought was important was when he left his parents to go and preach to those pharisees in a temple. I think he had figured out his calling at the very young age of 12. Another event that I thought was important was when he prayed to his father at the Garden of Gethsemane. I think he had finally accepted that he was going to die. It showed the human side of Jesus because it is human nature to be a little scared of death. Also when he kissed Judas's cheek even though he betrayed him. It showed that Jesus had unconditional love for everyone no matter what.

Imagine you heard a good sampling of Jesus's preaching and witnessed several office actions. Write three sentences summarizing your impressions.

If Jesus was in front of me preaching I would be amazed and in awe. I would hang on to every word he says and worship him. Then, I would get the courage to ask him all my questions I have.

What crime was Jesus accused of under Roman law?

In religious Court, Jesus was found guilty of blasphemy. The accusation: he had claimed to be God's son. His crime was ultimately written and posted on the cross he died on. It read: "King of the Jews". In other words, Jesus was accused and convicted under Roman law of sedition against Roman Emperor Tiberius. Sedition is conduct or speech inciting people to rebel against theauthority of a state or monarch. Some people thought of Jesus as a great prophet because his preachings and actions. Jesus's words and actions challenged, angered, and threatened the Jeswish religious leaders and Roman officials. For example, he would communicate with public sinners such as prostitutes and tax collectors. His enemies would say he was doing the work of the devil!

What is one event in the life of Jesus you would like to know more about? Why?

It is not necessarily an event, but I think it would be nice if we were able to know more about Jesus's childhood. I would like to know about his childhood because I think I would feel more connected to him and we get to see his human side more. We get to see Jesus in a more vulnerable state.

Think about the many people who have helped you to learn about Jesus. Describe at least two of those people until what you learned about Jesus from them.

The people w[ho have helped me learn about Jesus are my teachers and my grandparents. My teachers taught me the basics such as prayers, the 10 commandments, etc. My grandparents would tell me miracle stories that would make me feel grateful for what I have. My grandmother also holds Church every single Saturday in the month of December.

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