Sedimentary Rocks

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This class of sedimentary rock has has nonclastic or crystalline texture, where the minerals form patterns of interlocked crystals and classified by composition


Chief constituents of this class of sedimentary rock are clay minerals, quartz, feldspars, micas


This class of sedimentary rock has clastic texture, composed of discrete fragments cemented together and classified by particle size


This class of sedimentary rock is formed from sediments that have been weathered and transported


The two main types of sedimentary rock are _____ and _____

Detrital Chemical

This sedimentary structure occurs where the sediments in a strata gradually change from coarse at the bottom to fine at the top often associated with turbidity currents and alluvial fans

Graded beds

this type of detrital rock consists of angular gravel sized sediments


Inorganic limestone forms when chemical changes increase the ___________ _____________ content of water until it precipitates.

calcium carbonate

______ is composed of cemented fragments of shell material


o Large quantities of marine limestone are formed from ______


This sedimentary structure occurs when the layers in the sedimentary rocks are inclined. o Characteristic of sand dunes, deltas and some stream deposits, they indicate the flow direction of the environment. Top of the structure is inclined towards the flow that energy is coming from


_____ marine environments include primarily fine sediments that accumulate on the ocean floor with the exception of turbidity currents


Chemical, physical and biological changes that take place after sediments are deposited and buried, occurring within the upper few kilometers of earth's crust describes this process of turning sediments into rock


_____ and ____ are the two processes for turning sediments into sedimentary rock

diagenesis lithification

This type of chemical sedimentary rock's origin is unclear and is similar to limestone but contains magnesium


This type of chemical sedimentary rock forms when restricted seaways become over-saturated and salt deposition starts, such as rock salts and occasionally they form on salt flats when dissolved materials are precipitates as a white crust on the ground


Sandstones are the most abundant detrital sedimentary rock.


True or false: in the continental environment wind areas result in poorly-sorted and coarse sediments


Sediments and soluble constituents are typically transported downslope by ______


_______ limestone forms when chemical changes increase the calcium carbonate content of the water until it precipitates


The precipitation forming chemical sedimentary rocks can occur through ______ processes such as evaporation and _______ processes from water-dwelling organisms forming biochemical sedimentary rocks

inorganic organic

This type of detrital rock forms in thin layers called _____ and has fissility (meaning the rock can be split into thin layers)


This is the most abundant chemical rock and can form from inorganic and biochemical origins


Sediments are deposited and subsequently buried. As deposition continues, the sediments are _______ into sedimentary rocks


Which environment would fossiliferous limestone be formed


This type of vertical facies progression is a drop in sea level, known as an off lap sequence, and has a coarsening upward sequence, fine on bottom and coarse on top; continental -> transitional -> marine

marine regression

This type of vertical facies progression is a rise in sea level, known as an onlap sequence, and has a fining upward sequence, coarse on bottom and fine on top; marine -> transitional -> continental

marine transgression

Sedimentary rocks are products of ______and ______ weathering

mechanical chemical

Common names for sediment that makes up Detrital sedimentary rocks are ______, ____ and ______

mud (shale), sand, gravel

This sedimentary structure indicate sediments form in an alternatively wet and dry environment

mud cracks

Conglomerate and Breccia are both _______ sorted


_____ sorted grains are of different sizes had a low energy environment that didn't move particles


Shales form from silt and clay sized particles that gradually settle in _________________ environments


This sedimentary structure occurs when small waves are lithified in the sedimentary rocks

ripple marks

The degree of _______________ is indicative of how far sediments have been transported.


Which type of detrital rock would a preserve the sedimentary structure: cross-bed


what type of detrital rock is the - second-most abundant sedimentary rock, and is formed in a variety of environments


This contains evidence of past environments and is an Important resource for Coal, oil and other fossil fuels and Groundwater resources

sedimentary rocks

______ marine environments borders the worlds continents, received huge quantities of terrestrial sediments and has warm seas with minimal terrestrial sediments that have carbonate rich muds


The two types of marine environments are ____ and ___

shallow deep

This is the degree of rounding is indicative of how far the sediments have been transported


The most common way that limestone is formed is from the ______ of marine organisms


Particles in sandstone vary and are classified by their _____ and _____

sorting shape

the inorganic limestone Travertine, forms when water in the environment loses carbon dioxide. These form _____ and ______

stalagmites stalagtites

The most characteristic structures of sedimentary rock are _______


layers of sedimentary rocks are called ____ or beds


______ ripple marks are when waves are a constant back and forth.


chalk are biochemical limestones made up of hard parts of microscopic organisms called _____


Beaches, tidal flats, lagoons, deltas and sand bars are part of what sedimentary environment


This sedimentary environment is the shoreline between marine and continental environments


______ is a type of inorganic limestone found in caves


Chert is a chemical sedimentary rock composed of microcrystalline quartz formed when dissolved silica precipitates.


True or False: in the continental environment glacial deposits are typically unsorted mixtures of sediments that range form clay to boulder-sized


This is a density driven current of sediment that flows down submarine canyons into deep marine environments. As soon as the sediment flows out of the canyon and the velocity drops the heavier particles settle to the bottom, followed by the medium and then the fine particles creating grading bedding structures.

turbidity current

Detrital sedimentary rocks form from sediments that have been __________________ and transported.


_________ sorted grains are of similar size had a constant energy that removed rocks or particles of all by the largest sediment size that were left behind


Sedimentary rocks They comprise about ___% by volume of earth's outer 10 miles


Sediments and sedimentary rocks cover approx. _____% of the earth


particle size of mud or shale is...

<= 1/16mm

particle size of gravel is..

> 2mm

the inorganic limestone, ____ limestone is composed of small spherical grains called ooids


This type of Detrital rock is silt and clay sized particles formed from the gradual settling sediments in quiet, non turbulent environments*


Which type of detrital rock crumbles easily and tends to form gentle slopes, is the most abundant sedimentary rock and great at preserving fossils and microfossils


this is the degree of similarity in particle size in a sedimentary rock and can help decipher the depositional environment of the rock


_____ ripple marks are when there is a unidirectional flow of energy


The inorganic Oolitic limestone forms as tiny "seeds" roll in shallow marine water supersaturated with calcium carbonate. This can happen in places like the ______


______ planes separate stata


particle size of sand is

between 1/16mm and 2mm

The _____ ______ is a biogeochemical process and the three main sources and sinks are land, ocean and air.

carbon cycle

_______is composed of the tests of microscopic marine organisms


This class of sedimentary rock forms from precipitated material that was once in solution


This type of chemical sedimentary rock is composed of microcrystalline quarts, forms when dissolved silica precipitates, has a strong sharp edge and even can be in wood.


This type of organic chemical sedimentary rock forms from the carbon-rich remains of organisms


Lithification occurs in two steps: _____ and ____

compaction cementation

This type of detrital rock consists of rounded, gravel-sized sediments


Caves, sand dunes, lakes, alluvial fans, glacial deposits, landslides, swamps, rivers are part of which sedimentary environment


This sedimentary environment is dominated by stream erosion and deposition, glacial and wind


The three types of sedimentary evironments are _____, _____ and _____

continental marine transitions

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