Shipping & Documentation

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1. Used to fight corruption in developing countries (bc no trust) 2. Ensure that the price charged by the exporter reflects the true value of the goods 3. Prevents substandard goods from entering their country 4. Mitigates attempts to avoid the payment of customs duties

Inspection Certificate

In the US, rates are usually expressed as a rate per

$100 ($.50 per $100)

attests that the good conform to the chemical description and purity levels contained in the invoice provided by the exporter

Certificate of Analysis

A document provided by an independent inspection company, or by the Agricultural Department of the exporting country's government, that attests that the goods conform to the agricultural standards of the importing country.

Certificate of Certification

A document that attests that the product exported conforms to all of the regulations in place in the exporting country and that it can be sold freely in the exporting country.

Certificate of Certification

Certificate of Certification is sometimes called

Certificate of Conformity

Some importers use this certificate as a guarantee of quality if they are worried that the exporter will ship sub-standard goods.

Certificate of Free Sale

document provided by and independent inspection company that attests that the goods conform to the description contained in the invoice provided by the exporter

Certificate of Inspection

document provided by the exporter's insurance company that attests that the goods are insured during their international voyage

Certificate of Insurance

The NAFTA Certificate of Origin is actually a

Certificate of Manufacture

document provided by the exporter's chamber of commerce that attests that the goods were manufactured in the country in which the exporter is located

Certificate of Manufacture


Certificate of Origin

document provided by the exporter's chamber of commerce that attests that the goods originated from the country in which the exporter is located

Certificate of Origin

1. Burma/Myanmar 2. The Democratic Republic of the Congo 3. Iraq 4. The Ivory Coast 5. Liberia 6. Libya 7. Somalia 8. Yemen 9. Zimbabwe

Countries that there are many limits to what can be shipped there

NAFTA, Israel, South Africa

Country-Specific Certificates

AES Weblink + EDI

Direct connection to your in-house computer system

Items not requiring a license are classified as (most goods)


What replaces the SEC



Electronic Export Information

document required by some exporting countries in the case of sensitive exports, such as ammunition, to ensure that the product is used for acceptable (to the exporting country's government) purposes

End-Use Certificate

To be a qualifying product for NAFTA certification origin

grown, born, raised

AES PcLink is better for

high volume exporters

Even if a product is classified as EAR99, exporters still need to determine

if the partner of the product is on one of several lists.

CBP automated systems electronically support the facilitation of

importing and exporting goods

USPPI can be a Foreign Entity if

in the US when items are purchased or obtained for export

Invoices for International Documents compared to domestic

international are much more complete and detailed than in a domestic environment

Single Administrative Document

is similar to the Shipper's Export Declaration

Substantial Transformation: Steel rods into wire (y/n)


Total embargo

no products can be exported to this country

In the case of an ___________, the insurance company provides the exporter with a series of certificates that it uses as needed.

open policy

1. Import License 2. Certificate of Origin 3. Import Forms 4. Certificate of Insurance 5. Certificate of Inspection 6. Certificate of Free Sale 7. Phyto-Sanitiary Certificate 8. Consular Invoice 9. Certificate of Manufacture 10. Certificate of Analysis 11. Certificate of Certification

Types of Import Documents

1. Bills of Lading 2. Charter Parties 3. Aircraft Leases 4. Packing List 5. Manifest

Types of Transport Documents

Who is an AES administered by

US Census Bureau

Party who directly negotiated between the US seller and foreign buyer and received the order for the export of the merchandise

US Order Party


US Principal Party of Interest

Shipment of merchandise under the same Schedule B commodity number is valued more than _______ and is sent from the same exporter to the same recipient on the same day


SED is not accepted after


"This merchandise licensed by US for ultimate destination [country]. Diversion contrary to US law prohibited"

A Destination Control Statement

If a license is necessary, an exporter needs to obtain an

Individual Validated Export License or the express authorization to ship to a country

3 Options for AES

1. AES Direct 2. AES PcLink 3. AES Weblink + EDI

Certificates for Conformity of the Goods

1. Certificate of Free Sale 2. Certificate of Certification

Certificates for Inspection of the Goods (3)

1. Certificate of Inspection 2. Certificate of Analysis 3. Phyto-Sanitiary Certificate

Certificates for the Origin of the Goods (2)

1. Certificate of Origin 2. Certificate of Manufacture

5 countries that the US has a total embargo

1. Cuba 2. Iran 3. North Korea 4. Sudan 5. Syria 6. Crimea region of Ukraine

Types of International Documents

1. Export 2. Import 3. Transport

Types of Export Documents (4)

1. Export License 2. Destination Control Statement 3. Shipper's Export Declaration 4. Certificate of End-Use

Documentation Requirements for International Documents

1. Filled correctly and within a specific time frame 2. most countries still require documents to be printed on paper and not submitted electronically 3. Common to issue more than one original document (one for each of several parties)

What types of products need an export license?

1. National treasures, antiques, or works of art 2. Products put under control for political or military purposes 3. Scarce natural resources

Why a Consular Invoice? (3)

1. Predict the demand of US$ or other foreign currency 2. Revenue 3. Correct classification and duty assessment

What lists does the exporter need to look at for a purchaser to be on

1. The Entity List 2. The Unverified List 3. The Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons List 4. The Denied Persons List

U.S Export Controls focus on four elements to determine if an export needs a license

1. Type of product exported 2. person or entity purchasing the product 3. ultimate country of destination 4. what the product will be used for

The SED is required for shipments to

1. US 2. Virgin Islands 3. Puerto Rico 4. Guam

Roles USPPI can be

1. US Manufacturer 2. US Seller 3. US Order Party 5. Foreign Entity

The US government considers some countries ______ and other _____

1. friendly 2. unfriendly

Carnets can be used for ______trips and are valid for ____ year and cover over ____ countries.

1. multiple 2. one 3. 70

A Certificate of Insurance can be based on a _______ specifically contracted for a particular voyage, or it can be based on the ________ that covers all of an exporter's shipment.

1. single policy 2. open policy

EEI's are submited via



Automated Commercial Environment


Automated Exported System

The US does not require and SED for shipments to


1. Goods to be sold or hired out abroad for financial gain 2. Perishable or consumable items (as they would not normally be re-exported) 3. Goods used as a means of transport 4. Equipment to be used for the construction, repair or maintenance of building or for earth moving and like projects

Carnet may not be used for:

allow fast, trouble free importation into countries belonging to the Carnet scheme, without the need to pay duty and/or local tax at the time of import.


are like passports for goods, replacing the need for usual customs documentation.


A commercial invoice that is printed on stationary provided by the consulate of the country in which the good will be imported

Consular Invoice

The Bureau of Industry and Security maintains a Commerce Control List, in which all products of concern to the US are given an ______.

Export Control Classification Number (ECCN)

express authorization by a given country's government to export a specific product before it is shipped

Export License

a limit, set by the exporting country's government, on the quantity of a specific commodity that can be exported in a given year

Export Quotas

Who has the responsibility of insuring that the goods can be legally exported from the US


Each document for international transactions has the same requirements (T/F)

False- different

All countries have specific administrative forms that have to be submitted by the importer in order to clear Customs

Import Forms

The express authorization, granted by the government of the imported country, to import a particular product in a given country

Import License

1. A detailed description of the goods, with HS number 2. The Incoterms rule of the transaction 3. Details on the costs of domestic transportation, loading, insurance, etc 4. Details on the weight and dimensions of the goods 5. Details on the itinerary of the shipment 6. The terms of payment

Invoices for International Documents Requirements

AES Direct

Online filing

To be a qualifying product for NAFTA certification

Origination, Substantial Transformation, Assembled from origin parts

AES PcLink

PC-based software

attests that the agricultural goods are free of pests and disease and conform to the standards of the importing country

Phyto-Sanitiary Certificate

1. Requested by some buyers 2. required by some governments (sometimes based on product or industry) 3. checks the quantity, quality, or consistency, documentation, verifies standards compliance (CE Mark, ASME, etc)

Pre-Shipment Inspection


Pre-Shipment Inspection

A quote (preview of the commercial invoice) provided by the exporter to the importer for the purpose of obtaining a letter of credit

Pro forma Invoice


Shippers Export Declaration

the primary system through which the trade community will report imports and exports

Single Window - what ACE is becoming


Temporary Admission

The Shipper's Export Declaration was a

data-collection document used to tabulate what products are exported from the US, and to which countries they are exported

Some countries require exporters to pay an _____ _____ on certain commodities

export taxes

A Destination Control Statement is required for

products that have obtained a Validated Export License

The USPPI can the US Manufacturer if

selling the merchandise for export

Why do you need the HS Number in a invoice?

so that the goods can be classified correctly by Customs

Greek arms dealer Prodromos Bodosakis, cheif shareholder and executive of the Greek Powder and Cartridge factory (main gunpowder and firearms factory in Greece)

supplied both the Nationalist (best and latest weapons) and the Republicans (oldest and least valuable) - Free-lancing the sales for personal profit.

Goods in the Commerce Control List may fall under the control of one or more government agency including

the Department of Defense, Department of State, or the Drug Enforcement Agency

Governments control their exports when

the commodity that is exported is scarce or when their country is one of the few that produces a particular product

Who determines the admissibility of ACE?

the government

US Principal Party of Interest

the person in the US that receives the primary benefit monetary or otherwise of the export transaction

An insurance certificate can be issued by (3)

the seller, forwarder, or insurance company

Products need a license because

they may be potentially dangerous or have "dual use"

Why do you need a certificate of origin

to determine import tariff treatment

Why do you need details on the costs of domestic transportation, loading, insurance, etc

to help Customs determine the dutiable value of the goods

1. Shipment of merchandise under the same Schedule B commodity number is valued more than US$2,500 and is sent from the same exporter to the same recipient on the same day 2. Merchandise requires an export license 3. Merchandise subject to ITAR

when an EEI required

Manual process will be streamline and automated, paper will be eliminated, and the international community will be able to more easily and efficiently comply with US laws and regulations.

with ACE as the Single Window

Substantial Transformation: Assemble Photo pages ---> album (y/n)


Substantial Transformation: Wood-->Table (y/n)


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