Short Story Test Review

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Explain "Man vs. Man"

A character in opposition to another character.

What are characters?

A character is a person or being that experieences the events in a story.

Explain "Man vs. Society"

A character struggles against the rules/expectations/unfairness/corruptness of the society he lives in.

Explain "Man vs. Self"

A character struggles with himself- with his own soul, his ideas or right and wrong, physical limitations, choices, etc.

What are foil characters?

A character that is used to enhance another character through contrast. Cinderella's grace and beauty as opposed to her nasty, self-centered stepsisters is one clear illustration of a foil many may recall from childhood.

What are static characters?

A character that remains primarily the same throughout a story or novel. Events in the story do not alter a static character's outlook, personality, motivation, perception, habits, etc.

What are dynamic characters?

A character which changes during the course of a story or novel. The change in outlook or character is permanent. Sometimes a dynamic character is called a developing character.

What are flat characters?

A character who reveals only one, maybe two, personality traits in a story or novel, and the trait(s) do not change.

Explain "Man vs. Nature"

A conflict with some natural force, such as a tornado, storm, drought, wild animals, etc.

Explain the Stream of Consciousness.

A narrative technique that imitates the stream of thought in a character's mind.

What is a short story?

A short story is a relatively brief fictional narrative or story written without using any rhymes or rhythms. The short story has a beginning, a middle, and an end, and is composed of different elements.

What are stock characters?

A special kind of flat character who is instantly recognizable to most readers. Possible examples include the "ruthless businessman", "shushing old librarian" or "dumb jock." They are not the focus nor developed in the story.

Explain the Innocent Eye.

Also known as the naive observer, this POV is controlled by a young character.

What is an archetypal setting?

An archetype is a very typical example of a person or thing. Examples: Deserts- spiritual quests Seas- hint at the opportunity to delve into one's deeper self Underground- more unpleasant aspects of life

What is characterization?

Characterization is the way authors reveal information about characters to the readers.

What are the elements of a short story?

Conflict, plot, setting, character, point of view, and theme.

What is first person?

In a first-person narrative the story is relayed by a narrator who is also a character within the story, so that the narrator reveals the plot by referring to this viewpoint character as "I" (or, when plural, "we"). Oftentimes, the first-person narrative is used as a way to directly convey the deeply internal, otherwise unspoken thoughts of the narrator. Frequently, the narrator's story revolves around him-/herself as the protagonist and allows this protagonist/narrator character's inner thoughts to be conveyed openly to the audience, even if not to any of the other characters. It also allows that character to be further developed through his/her own style in telling the story.

What are the five essential parts of plot?

Introduction/Exposition, Rising Action, Climax, Falling Action, and Denouement.

What is the protagonist and the antagonist?

One character shoud clealy be the main character with all important events being somewhat relative to them. This character is a protagonist. The antagonist is a character or force who opposes the protagonist in some way.

What is POV?

POV is the lens in which readers see the story. There are 5 parts.

What are round characters?

Round Character - a well developed character who demonstrates varied and sometimes contradictory traits. Round characters are usually dynamic (change in some way over the course of a story).

What are the seven types of characters?

Round, flat, dynamic, static, stock, foil, and confidante.

What are confidante characters?

Someone in whom the central character confides, thus revealing the main character's personality, thoughts, and intentions. The confidante does not need to be a person.

What is third person objective?

The author tells the story in the third person, as above. However, in this POV, the voice of the narrator is like a camera roving, following characters and events without commentary.

What is third person limited omniscient?

The author tells the story in third person (using he, she, it)We know the thoughts and feelings of certain characters, but not all.

Explain "Falling Action"

The events and complications begin to resolve themselves. There is almost a sense of relief as the tension eases off.

What are the three other forms of narration?

The innocent eye, the stream of consciousness, and the unreliable narrator.

What is plot?

The plot is how the author arranges the events in a story in order to introduce then resolve the conflict. A short story will only have one plot.

What is second person?

The rarest mode in literature (though quite common in song lyrics) is the second-person narrative mode, in which the narrator refers to one of the characters as "you", therefore making the audience member feel as if he or she is a character within the story

Explain "Rising Action"

The rising action introduces the conflict in the story. This part of the plot tellls us what it is the main character is facing. During the rising action, the main character(s) struggle(s) with this conflict.

What is setting?

The setting is the world in which the characters are. It is the time and place, but much more. There are two important types of setting: geographic location and time period/social context.

Explain "Denouement"

The story is brought to a close as loose ends are tied up.

What is theme?

Theme is the controlling idea or insight of a fictional work. In longer works there are often many themes, but in short stories there will be one central theme. The theme is a generalization about human conflict.

Why is conflict so important?

There must be conflict- some form of tension or opposition. Without conflict, there could not be a story.

What are the four categories of conflict?

They are man vs. man, man vs. nature, man vs. society, and man vs. self.

Explain "Climax"

This is the highest ping of interest and the turning point of the story. The main character comes F2F with the conflict and something happens to usher in some kind of resolution

Explain "Introduction.Exposition".

This is the introduction to the characters and story. most short stories have very brief introductions.

Explain the Unreliable Narrator.

This narrator's interpretations of the story's events should be questioned because he/she might have suspicious motives or be mentally unstable. This narrative usually occurs in first person.

How do you find theme?

To find theme, ask the following questions: How has the main character changed? What lessons have thye learned? What is the central conflict? What is the subject? What does the author say about the subject? Can this idea be supported entirely by evidence from the work itself?

What is third person roving omniscient?

We know the thoughts and feelings of all characters.

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