Showmanship and Skillathon questions 2021

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What are 5 of the 10 test items in a Canine Good Citizen test?

(1) Accepting a friendly stranger (2) Sitting politely for petting (3) Appearance and grooming (4) Out for a walk (walking on a loose leash) (5) Walking through a crowd (6) Sit and down on command/Staying in place (7) Coming when called (8) Reaction to another dog (9) Reaction to distractions (10) Supervised separation

Name 3 of the 6 main types of ear carriages.

(1) Bat ear (2) Button ear (3) Drop ear (accept Hanging) (4) Prick ear (5) Rose ear (6) Semi prick ear

What are 3 reasons dogs growl?

(1) Display aggression (2) Reinforce dominance (3) To play

Name 2 of the 4 groups in which the 10 genera of Canidae are divided.

(1) Dogs (2) Foxes (3) Culpeos (4) Bush dogs

Name 2 Showmanship patterns

(1) Down and Back (one dog) (2) Down and Back (two dogs) (3) Triangle Pattern (4) ¨L¨ Pattern (5) ¨T¨ Pattern

What are two important things to remember when using a blow dryer to dry your dog?

(1) Keep the air flow moving (2) Do not get it too close to the skin (or you might burn the dog)

When you are asked to gait your dog in a showmanship pattern, what is 1 of the 2 major goals to accomplish in gaiting?

(1) Keep the dog between you and the judge (2) Gait, turn, and switch hands with the lead (when necessary) smoothly with no wasted motion

What are 3 traits of social animals, which includes dogs?

(1) Live in packs (2) Travel in packs (3) Obey pack laws (4) Help each other (5) Follow a leader

Name 5 of the 7 dog body postures.

(1) Relaxed (2) Alert (3) Play Bow (4) Active Submission (5) Passive Submission (6) Offensive Threat (7) Defensive Threat

What are 2 reasons why it is important to crate train your dog?

(1) So he has a place to go to rest without being disturbed and wants peace and quiet (2) So he has a place to go when he wants peace and quiet (3) So he has a place to sleep (4) So he has a safe, secure place to stay out of trouble when you are gone

Name 2 types of forequarters

(1) Straight Front (2) Down in Pastern (3) Knuckled Over

What are the 2 meanings for the term "whelp"?

(1) To give birth to puppies (2) An unweened puppy

What are 3 possible signs of stress in dogs?

(1) Whining (2) Excessive vocalizations (3) Hackles raised along back (4) Dilated pupils (5) Turning head away/avoiding eye contact (6) Shaking (7) Excessive shedding (8) Excessive dandruff (9) Sweaty paws (10) Refusal to eat (11) Vomiting (12) Hiding (13) Distracted (14) Restless (15) Inappropriate urination (16) Inappropriate defecation (17) Diarrhea

Name 2 areas where a dog´s taste buds are located.

1. Front of lips 2. Sides of lips 3. Tongue 4. Mouth

Name 1 type of bite in relation to a dog´s conformation

1. Level 2. Overshot 3. Scissors 4. Undershot

Name 1 principle of operant conditioning

1. Positive Reinforcement 2 Negative Reinforcement 3. Positive Punishment 4. Negative Punishment

What are 2 purposes of using an undercoat rake when grooming a dog?

1. to loosen up the coat 2. to remove dead undercoat

What are 2 categories of nutrients necessary in a dog´s diet?

1. water 2. carbohydrates 3. fats 4. protein 5. vitamins 6. minerals

What is the normal body temperature range in dogs?

100.5 *F to 102.5*F

Socialization, or lack thereof, has the most impact on shaping a dogs temperament and behavior during the first __________ to __________ weeks of its life.

12 to 16

Up to how many bones are in a dog's skeleton?


How many active toes do dogs have on each foot?


How many total teeth do adult dogs have?


What is the range of the normal resting heart rate or pulse for most adult dogs?

60 to 160 beats per minute

you should not purchase a puppy younger than how many weeks old?

7 weeks

What is the definition of a ¨crossbred¨ dog?

A dog whose parents represent two different breeds

Describe a plume tail.

A tail that has a long fringe of hair on the tail that covers either part of the tail or the entire tail

What does the acronym AKC stand for?

American Kennel Club

On a dog food label, the nutritional adequacy statement is the AAFCO statement. What does AAFCO stand for?

Association of American Feed Control Officials

What is another name for a relaxed or natural body posture?

Baseline posture

What style of scissors should you use to trim the hair between a dog's pads?


What is the name of the basic brush used for regular brushing and to remove loose hair?

Bristle brush

What should you do if you notice an odor and discharge in your dog's ears when cleaning them?

Call your veterinarian (as that may be an indication of an infection or ear mites)

What is the scientific name of the domestic dog?

Canis familiaris

What does a dog use his canine teeth for?

Capturing, grasping and tearing prey

Referring to the rear quarter conformation, what is the term called when a dogs hocks turn in toward each other with the hind feet toeing out?


What ancestors of the dog were a group of small meat-eating animals on earth 100-50 million years ago?


What is the term that describes a dog that has 1 parent of one breed and another parent of a different breed?


What are mat combs designed to do?

Cut through mats without destroying the coat

Why should you not use human toothpaste when brushing your dog's teeth?

Dog's swallow when their teeth are brushed, and human toothpaste contains fluoride and foam, which is harmful to dogs if swallowed

what were the first animals domesticated by human?


What dog coat type is extra warm and water repellent?

Double-coated, medium-length coat (if they just say medium, ask for additional information because they need to say double-coated)

When referring to a dog's skeletal system, what is another term for the orbit?

Eye socket

Describe the type of hair that makes up a dog's undercoat

Finer, smaller and softer hairs

What breed of dog is stacked differently from other breeds in a Showmanship class?

German Shepherd

From what country did the Boxer originate?


What is the name of the country the Boxer came from?


In 4-h showmanship, what is the first and most important step to do in stacking your dog?

Getting control of the dogs head

What is the type of foot that has 2 center toes that are noticeably longer that the inside and the outside toes of the foot?

Hare foot

How is a spayed female dog different from an intact female dog?

Her uterus and ovaries have been removed (female reproductive parts) to prevent her from having puppies

In what AKC group is the Border Collie?

Herding Group

In what AKC group is the Finnish Lapphund?

Herding group

In what AKC group is the Beagle?

Hound Group

The Rhodesian Ridgeback is a member of what AKC group?

Hound group

Describe the dolichocephalic head shape.

It has a narrow skull and elongated muzzle

What is body condtion scoring

It's a way to standardize the assessment of whether dogs are underweight or overweight

What does the term "release word" mean?

It's a word used to tell your dog that an exercise is finished

What two breeds of dogs were crossed to become the first "Designer" dog, and what was that cross called?

Labrador Retriever and Poodle Labradoodle

What vaccine do dogs have reactions to more so than any other vaccination?

Leptospirosis vaccine

What is the name of the grooming tool designed to cut through mats without destroying the coat?

Mat comb

Why might you use a natural bristle brush instead of a synthetic one?

Natural bristle brushes are softer, gentler, and less likely to cause static electricity

Dogs showing this type of body posture are preparing to attack, and if forced, will bite and fight.

Offensive threat

What is the type of tail called that has a long fringe of hair on the tail that covers either part of the tail or all of the tail?

Plume tail

Describe how to show a dogs bite.

Pull the lips back from his teeth

What is a dog that is usually less than 12 months of age called?


what is the term that describes a dog with both parents belonging to the same breed, and who are themselves of unmixed descent?


What were Beagles bred to hunt?


What is the name of the viral infection that attacks the central nervous system in all warm-blooded animals, resulting in paralysis and death?


What is the best way to prevent the transmission of diseases?

Regular hand washing

What type of ear carriage does a Collie have?


What breed of dogs came from the Shetland Islands of Scotland?

Shetland Sheepdog

What type of dog´s coat is shiny and sleek, and lies very close to the skin?

Smooth coat

What does a judge look for when you do a Figure 8 exercise?

Smoothness in handling and change of pace for the dog (as he negotiates the inside and outside turns)

When gating your dog in Showmanship and you are approaching the judge, why should you 3-4 feet in front of the judge?

So the judge has room to look at the front conformation of your dog.

Why is it important for your body language and tone of voice to match when communicating with your dog?

So you send a clear message to your dog

In what AKC group is the Golden Retriever?

Sporting group

What does the term ¨targeting¨ mean?

Teaching your dog to touch or follow your hand

Who decides whether or not you can use bait in showmanship class?

The Judge

What does it mean when a dog is said to have a camel back?

The back is arched from the neck to the croup (accept convex curvature, but they must say from the neck to the croup)

In showmanship, where do you position a dog's front feet when shown on the table?

The front feet are centered on the edge of the short side of the table

In showmanship, which leg do you position first once you have control of the dog's head?

The front leg closest to the judge

What does the term "sire" mean?

The male parent

What is an alpha dog when referring to a dog's social behaviors?

The pack leader (dog who most often initiates pack activity)

Describe an otter tail.

The tail is thick at the base, round and tapering, with the hair parted or divided on the underside

What is the function of a dog's premolars?

They are used for cutting and holding meat

How are vaccines used to prevent or treat infectious diseases?

They give the dog immunity against the disease caused by the microorganisms

What does it mean when someone says that lice are "host specific"?

They spend their entire life cycle on one host

What is the purpose of place training a puppy or dog?

To teach them to stay in a specific area or place

What species of roundworms, or ascarids, are most common to dogs?

Toxocara canis

In what AKC group of dogs is the smallest breeds of all the dog breeds?


Describe how to groom a dog with a smooth coat.

Use a rubber brush, bristle brush, or hound glove to remove dead hair. Follow with a bristle brush and end with a chamois to shine the coat.

In showmanship, what does the term "free stacking" mean?

Walking a dog into a stack without using hands to position the dog's feet

The Yorkshire Terrier traces back to what breed of dog brought to Yorkshire by the Scottish weavers?

Waterside Terrier

Why are slicker brushes not ideal for show dogs who want to maintain luxurious coats?

When using them they can pull out some of the live hair (as well as efficiently removing large amounts of dead hair - they don't need to say this, but might)

How do a dog's whiskers above his eyes protect the eyes?

Whenever the whiskers are touched the dog blinks

Describe a scissors bite.

Where the outside edge of the lower incisors just touches the inside edge of the upper incisors

What is a list of a particular dogs ancestors for 3 or more generations called?


In Showmanship, when stacking your dog, once you get control of the head, what is the second step to stacking?

positioning the front legs

What is the most common internal parasite in dogs?


What does the term ¨level back¨ mean?

when the height at the withers is the same as the height over the top of the loins

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