Sociology Exam 3 Preparation

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Liberal feminism

A strand of feminism that emphasizes gender equality and views the "essential" differences in men's and women's abilities or perspectives as trivial or nonexistent.

Devah Pager's Marked

A study that showed that white men with a criminal record were more likely than black men without a criminal record to get a call back about a job interview

Myths about crack

A: Crack was everywhere and that mothers would give birth to a bunch of crack babies B: Smoking crack provides more significant developmental delays than other drugs C: Crack causes violent behavior D: Crack is the most addictive drug by far

1 in 3

According to recent research, what is the likelihood a black male born in 2001 will be incarcerated in his lifetime?


According to the Long Arm of the Law by Davies and Tanner, _________ sanctions against youth have significant negative impacts on life outcomes

Davies and Tanner: Long Arm of the Law

Formal sanctions in youth had significant negative impacts on life outcomes


Generally, Truth-in-sentencing laws require an offender to serve _____________ of their sentence.

Hirschi's Social Bond Theory

Hirschi claimed that the stronger a person is bonded to conventional society, the less prone they are to engage in crime

War on drugs

In the late 70s and 80s, this campaign fought the new levels of poverty, crime, & drug addiction in the inner cities. Led to many more poor people and people of color being thrown into prison than in any time before

The Roughnecks

In the research of Chambliss, which group was considered the troublemakers or the deviant ones?

The Roughnecks

In the research of Chambliss, which group was considered troublemakers or deviant?

The sexual control of women

Radical feminism focuses on which of the following?

Denial of Injury

The idea that the offender considers their behavior to be harmless

Denial of Responsibility

The idea that the offender refuses to accept the blame for their behavior

Feminization of poverty

The increasing concentration of poverty among women, especially unmarried women and their children

1 in 17

The lifetime likelihood of imprisonment for white men born in 2001 is...


The norms, roles, and behavioral characteristics associated in a given society with being male

Condemnation of the condemers

The statement, "My parents drank before they were 21 years old, therefore they cannot judge me," is an example of which neutralization technique?


The who believe that men should be responsible for earning income and women should be responsible for housework and child care


_______ feminism focuses on the socialization of women. This perspective believes that women tend to engage in criminal activities less than men because their socialization provides them fewer opportunities to engage in deviance.

Mommy Track

a career path for women who opt to sacrifice promotions and pay raises in order to devote more time to raising their children.

Men's rights movement

a group that feels that feminism creates disadvantages for men


a lack of sexual attraction to people of either sex

Motherhood penalty

a loss in wages associated with becoming a mother

Toxic Masculinity

a masculine ideal that espouses extreme and harmful attitudes and behaviors and may lead to various negative effects for women and men Limits men's opportunity for careers, family, and many other things The effects have been shown to have negative effects on men's physical and mental health

Glass escalator

an invisible ride to the top offered to men in female-dominated occupations

pro-feminist men's movement

an offshoot of male liberationism whose members support feminism and believe that sexism harms both men and women

Individual consequences

are the outcomes that mainly affect the individual. The organization also may suffer, either directly or indirectly, but it is the individual who pays the real price

Conflict Theorists

believe that men have historically had access to most of society's resources and priviliges, so it is in their interest to remain in the dominant position Men stand to lose a great deal if gender inequality disappears If gender equality existed, men would have to do more unpaid work, there would be more competition in the job market, and men would lose power and prestige

primary sex characteristics

biological factors, such as chromosomes, hormones, and reproductive organs, that distinguish males from females

Collateral consequences

civil and/or political rights that are lost temporarily in some cases, or permanently in others following a felony conviction

gendered job segregation

the practice of filling occupations with mostly male or mostly female workers

Second shift

the unpaid housework and child care often expected of women after they complete their day's paid labor


those who believe gender roles have a genetic or biological origin and therefore cannot be changed


those who believe that notions of gender are socially determined, such that a dichotomous system is just one possibility among many

Stereotype Threat

when members of a negatively stereotyped group are placed in a situation where they fear they may confirm those stereotypes


doing more or less symmetrical amounts of paid and unpaid work

false consciousness

laborers' lack of awareness of the exploitation they are experiencing at the hands of the owners of the means of production and capitalism

Mandatory Minimum Sentences

legal requirements that persons found guilty of particular crimes must be sentenced to set minimum numbers of years in prison


people who embrace a modified version of traditionalism: they think that a woman should be able to work if she desires, but only if it doesn't interfere with her "real" duty to take care of her husband and children


people who prefer relationships in which both partners do their fair share of breadwinning, housekeeping, and child-rearing

secondary sex characteristics

physical differences between males and females, including facial and body hair, musculature, and bone structure, that are unrelated to reproduction

Fair sentencing act

reduced crack cocaine v. powder cocaine sentencing disparity from 100:1 to 18:1 and eliminated the 5 year mandatory minimum for simple possession of crack cocaine


sexual attraction to people of both sexes


sexual attraction to someone of the other sex


the belief that one sex is superior to the other

Socialist Feminism

the belief that women's inequality results from the combination of capitalistic economic relations and male domination; argues that both must be transformed fundamentally before women can achieve equality

Masculinization of wealth

the concentration of men in high-earning occupations, and their resulting ability to accumulate savings, investments, and assets

Hostile sexism

the condemnation of women with negative instead of positive stereotypes and the use of threats and violence to enforce women's subservience to men

Gender pay gap

the difference between the incomes of the average man and woman who work full-time

The ideal worker norm

the idea that an employee should have the ability to devote themselves to their job without the distraction of family responsibilities

Glass ceiling

the idea that there is an invisible barrier between women and top positions in masculine occupations

mommy tax

the loss of income women experience if they reenter the labor market after staying home to raise children

Expressive role

the person who provides the family's emotional support and nurturing Usually the woman

Instrumental role

the person who provides the family's material support and is often an authority figure Usually the man

Purposes of criminal punishment

(1) restraint or incapacitation (2) individual or specific deterrence (3) general deterrence (4) reform or rehabilitation (5) moral affirmation or symbolism (6) retribution (7) restitution or compensation.

Condemnation of the Condemers

"Who are you to judge?" He who is without sin casts the first stone

Problem with social bond theory

1. The effects of attachment depend on whom you are attached to 2. Involvement in certain activities is beneficial while others may increase the likelihood of committing a crime

Hegemonic Masculinity

A cultural masculine ideal that promotes one form of masculinity as superior to other kinds, as well as femininity, values characteristics such as independence, aggression, and toughness

Glass cliff

A heightened risk of failing when compared to men

Gender Identity

A person's self-conception of being male or female based on their association with masculine or feminine gender roles can be defined as


A political system where men have all the power and predominant roles in political leadership, moral authority, and control of property

reproductive organs

An example of a primary sex characteristic is _________

Bonds are compromised of

Attachment- affectionate bonds between an individual and their significant other commitment- stake in conformity Involvement- time spent in conventional activities

Three strike laws

Began in Washington state in 1993 Laws that require a sentence of life-in-prison after someone receives their third felony conviction These are not shown to be effective

Chambliss's Saints and Roughnecks

Class differences influenced how the delinquency of each group was perceived and labeled; formal sanctions applied to lower class Roughnecks has significant negative influences in later life

group differences in power

Conflict theorists explain inequalities as a result of

Crack-cocaine disparities

Crack was punished much more severely than cocaine due to the association of who was using each drug (100 times the amount of cocaine was needed to trigger the same mandatary minimum sentence)

Labeling Theory

Criminal/ Deviant is a status imposed on an individual or group that may or may not be related to actual rule breaking Extralegal influence who is labeled Power is instrumental in determining who/what is labeled (Think of Billy Madison and peeing your pants)

differential association

Edwin Sutherland Criminal behavior is learned in interaction with other persons in intimate personal groups through a process of communication When criminal behavior is learned, the learning includes : techniques of committing the crimes, the specific direction of motives, drives, rationalizations, and attitudes


Feminist theorists believe that a patriarchal society ______________ the abuse of women.

Third-wave feminism

Focuses on diversity among women's experiences and identities

Sex is biological; gender is social.

For most sociologists, what is the difference between sex and gender?

Marxist perspective on law

Law is used to maintain the status quo It's an instrument to support the ideology of capitalism Means of providing equality on paper Laws are implemented to control the proletariat Law is also used to settle disputes among the bourgeoise

Truth-in-sentencing laws

Laws that require people sentenced to prison to serve a certain amount of their sentence (usually 85%) before they have the opportunity for parole

Supporting the idea of communism

Marx believed that the law was not used for which of the following purposes?

Mass incarceration

Michelle Alexander argues in The New Jim Crow that _____________ has/have made discrimination against black people legal again.

Intensive Mothering

Mothers should be primary caretaker of their children Child-rearing should include copious amounts of time, energy, and resources

Stereotype Promise

Positive stereotypes about a group lead to positive outcomes

Conflict Perspective on Power

Power can be found and defined in more ways. Argue for reform less radical than revolution.

Marxist Perspective on Power

Power is rooted in the economy and in a capitalist system Advocates for overthrowing the system

Gender identity

Refers to an individual's self-definition or sense of gender while gender expressions refers to an individual's behavioral manifestations of gender


Sexual attraction to the same sex


Sexual behaviors, desires, and fashions that include sexual orientation or the inclination to feel sexual desire toward and engage in sexual behavior with others

an essentialist perspective

Some people believe that women are better suited to be homemakers because they are naturally more caring and emotional than men. What perspective is expressed in this statement?


Someone who has undergone a sex change


Splitting paid and unpaid work so that each partner does more of one than the other

techniques of neutralization

Symbolic Interactionist Offenders drift between offending and law-abiding; when returning to law-abiding, must rationalize offending to neutralize guilt

mass incaraceration

Term coined by David Garland which refers to the fact that the United States has much higher incarceration rates than anywhere else in the developed world


The anatomical and other biological characteristics that differ between males and females and that originate in genetic differences

None of the above

The assertion that perpetrators of the Holocaust were "just following orders" is an example of which of the following?

Gender Roles

The attitudes and behaviors that are considered appropriately "masculine" or "feminine" in a particular culture.

Radical Feminism

The belief that a radical reordering of society in which the patriarchy is eliminated in all social and economic contexts


The belief that women should have economic, political, and social equality with men

First-wave feminism

The feminist movement during the nineteenth and early twentieth century focused on de jure (officially mandated) inequalities, primarily on gaining women's suffrage.

Queer theorists

Those who believe in unlimited genders

Dominican Republic

What was the only country that offered to take in Jewish refugees from Germany in the 1930's?

"If my mother cared more about me, I would want her to be proud of me. Therefore, I would not smoke marijuana"

Which of the following is an example of the attachment component of Hirshci's social bonding theory?

Second-wave feminism

Women's rights movement that revived in the 1960s with a different agenda than earlier women's suffrage movements; second-wave feminists demanded equal rights for women in employment and education, women's right to control their own bodies, and the end of patriarchal domination.


______ feminism focuses on how women's oppression contributes to the acts of domestic violence, rape, and sexual harassment against women.

Men's Liberation

a movement that originated in the 1970s to discuss the challenges of masculinity Sought to free men from oppressive gender roles Eventually split into two movements

Appeal to higher loyalties

a neutralization technique in which a youth who has committed a delinquent act justifies it on the basis of a higher calling or purpose

Androcentric pay scale

a strong correlation between wages and the gender composition of the job

Fatherhood Premium

a wage increase that accrues to married men who become fathers

School to prison pipeline

exclusionary discipline makes students angry and damages their bonds Also, school performance suffers Both weaken future prospects which increases criminal activity in turn

Mass incarceration began in

the 1970's

Benevolent sexism

the attribution of positive traits to women that, nonetheless, justify women's subordination to men

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