SHSU - POLS3393 - Social Policy International Disaster Management

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Disasters may spread from one country to any other because of which of the following?

All of the above

Statutory authority is important because it does which of the following?

All of the above

The Incas addressed which hazard at their mountain fortress Machu Picchu?

All of the above

When are response efforts initiated?

All of the above

Which of the following describes the goal of disaster preparedness?

All of the above

Which of the following describes the goals of the public in receiving disaster information?

All of the above

Which of the following groups is susceptible to inequity in relief?

All of the above

Which of the following is a common injustice seen in the disaster management process?

All of the above

Which of the following is a life safety system into which redundancy may be designed?

All of the above

Which of the following is managed as part of sanitation operations in the response phase of a disaster?

All of the above

Which of the following is not a situation in which risk acceptance may be an appropriate option?

All of the above

Which of the following is typically included in a community profile?

All of the above

Which of the following must be identified by disaster managers in the planning phase of evacuation, long before the disaster happens?

All of the above

Which of the following officials is likely to have information that could assist a hazard identification effort?

All of the above

The likelihood component of risk is generally written as which of the following?

Both a and b

Which of the following hazards is likely to affect a community in a uniform manner?

Both a and b

Which of the following is a task managed as a part of fatality management?

Both a and b

Which of the following might be covered by a functional annex?

Both a and b

Which of the following is also referred to as "wet" food distribution?

Cafeteria-style meals

Which of the following is probably the most significant cause of trends relating to increasing disaster consequences?

Changes in human activities

Dennis Mileti described several characteristics that must be considered when creating public education messages. Which of the following is not among his list of factors?


Which of the following is the greatest obstacle to mitigation?


When donated clothes and food are significantly different than what is normally worn and eaten by the local population, what is likely to be at risk?

Cultural loss

Roof straps are a mitigation measure that is effective against which of the following hazards?

Cyclonic storms

Situation assessments are also referred to as which of the following?

Damage assessment

Which of the following is an example of the response mechanism known as "treating the hazard"?

Containing a hazardous materials spill

The primary difference between social marketing and business marketing is which of the following?

Content and objectives

Which of the following is not one of the three main categories of volcanoes?


Qualitative analyses use which of the following to describe and compare risks?

Defined terms

Which of the following is most likely to result in an adjustment of the assumptions that disaster managers include in the EOP?


In 2003, over 40,000 people died as the result of which hazard?

Extreme heat

Historical incidence of disasters in not necessarily helpful in the analysis of which of the following?

Extremely rare hazards

A country's physical profile is considered to be a collective examination of its geography, infrastructure, and political climate.


A strong economic standing indicates that a country will protect itself from the likelihood and consequence of disasters.


According to risk communicators Singer and Endreny, the spatial extent of a hazard is not an important factor when formulating risk messages.


An avalanche bridge is a form of a retention system.


By the year 2000, the global cost of disasters had exceeded $600 billion.


Checklists are a good way to begin the hazard identification process.


Considering the hardships victims endure in times of disaster, it is vital that the management of response activities not be placed in their hands.


Covered stadiums, if soundly built, can provide adequate long-term shelter following a disaster.


De manifest is risk levels are risk levels below which we no longer need to worry about a hazard risk.


De manifestis risk levels are risk levels below which we no longer need to worry about a hazard risk.


Disaster-causing hazards usually result in a greater total number of injuries and fatalities over the course of each year than more common hazards encountered on the individual level.


Disasters tend to exhibit the same consequences regardless of when in the day they occur.


Earthquakes are a secondary hazard of a tsunami.


Effective public education normally involves no more effort than simply telling citizens what is causing them to be at risk.


Food and shelter materials are the most appropriate donation in a majority of disasters.


For technological disasters, mitigation measures addressing hazard consequence tend to address the hardening of structures and systems, and the protection of people.


Generally, government-based emergency relief funds are created in anticipation of a future disaster, regardless of whether a similar disaster has happened before.


Hazard awareness programs are more effective if they rely on a single source that transmits a single message through a single outlet.


Hazards have always existed


If a risk can be eliminated in a cost-effective manner, there is no reason why a risk manager should not eliminate it.


In 2010, the United States was listed among the top 10 countries ranked by number of terrorist attacks.


In general, natural hazards are much less understood than technological hazards.


In most cases, the security needs of an affected area actually decrease following the disaster.


In the case of rapid onset disasters, the affected are not likely to know that a disaster has struck for quite some time.


In the years immediately following the civil defense era, a surprisingly high number of civil defense units evolved into more comprehensive disaster or emergency management organizations.


Insurance is more common in the wealthy countries than in developing countries.


International disaster management as it exists today is characterized as being ad hoc, or knee jerk, in nature.


It is impossible to control or influence hazards through nonengineered structural means.


Local recovery workers are more likely to suffer from recovery and reconstruction "burn-out" than imported workers.


Long-term systems of shelter, also known as "camps," are most effective if set up in a grid format.


Maritime accidents rarely involve passengers, causing most of their harm through the release of their hazardous cargo.


Mitigation measures are often identified and evaluated during the hazard identification stage of hazards risk management.


Modern disaster management, in terms of the emergence of global standards and organized efforts to address preparedness, mitigation, and response activities for a wide range of disasters, did not begin to emerge until the mid-nineteenth century.


One of the important functions of an EOP is to introduce the individuals and agencies involved in response to each other.


Only recently have humans begun to accept increased hazard risk as a tradeoff for living in a desirable location.


Only the poor countries of the world have needed to call upon the philanthropy of the international community to supplement their recovery needs in times of disaster.


Overall, disasters are becoming more deadly.


Physical location dictates a nation's full hazard profile.


Preparedness of businesses and individuals is primarily defined through the creation and application of an emergency operations plan (EOP).


Programs that addressed all of the hazards within each government's jurisdictional domain characterize the management of disasters during the past few thousand years.


Public education measures are considered both structural and nonstructural mitigation measures.


Recovery plans more on specific actions and procedures than on broad goals and ideals.


Risk acceptance, as a mitigation option, is most prevalent in wealthy nations.


Sentinel surveillance is normally conducted as part of search and rescue operations.


Studies have found that the public tends to act irrationally and ineffectively in the face of disaster.


Technology has been called the "silver bullet solution" to pre-disaster recognition.


The CNN effect has made recognition of disasters more difficult.


The Incident Command System began as a way to better manage earthquakes in the United States.


The International Red Cross/Red Crescent Societies are the most common source of disaster-related loans to developing countries.


The Richter Scale measures earthquake intensity.


The benefits that result in the aftermath of disasters, like jobs created and greater public recognition of risk, are commonly included in the assessment of hazard consequence.


The best way to plan for disasters is to have a separate EOP for every hazard known or expected to affect a country or community.


The failure of buildings during a disaster event is proof that existing building codes are insufficient.


The functions associated with disaster response are much more diverse than the functions associated with disaster recovery.


The media tend to overstate commonly occurring hazards, and understate the least likely hazards.


The terms hazard and disaster mean essentially the same thing.


Though natural hazards have existed for thousands of years, technological and intentional hazards are both relatively new, emerging only in the past few decades.


Today, there exist no countries that do not maintain an organized disaster management capacity.


Water that is left in a covered, protected container deteriorates over time.


When a disaster happens, the first priority of responders is limiting extensive property damage.


Since the 1970s, the number of recorded disasters worldwide has tripled. During this same time, the number of disaster-related deaths has:

Fallen by 50%

Which of the following performs the majority of search and rescue activities?

Family members and bystanders

Triage is most closely associated with which of the following response functions?

First aid medical treatment

Amenemhet III performed mitigation during his reign over ancient Egypt to address which of the following hazards?


The most common natural hazard throughout the world is which of the following?


Which of the following is the most common reason that structures are relocated as a mitigation measure?


Which of the following is the distance below the earth's surface where the energy of an earthquake is released?

Focal depth

Which of the following describes the recent shift in the way governments are addressing emergency management within their borders?

From disaster response to disaster prevention

Losses to structure use and function are often considered when performing which of the following?

Full damage consequence analysis

Which of the following is not one of the five general categories of government preparedness actions?


Which of the following describes contingent credit?

Governments pay creditors a regular periodic fee that guarantees them the right to draw down emergency funds in the event that a disaster occurs.

International aid is rarely deployed in advance of a disaster because of which of the following reasons?

Governments wish to preserve an image of control.

Which of the following is not generally considered an intentional hazard?

HazMat spil

When considering a hurricane, a disaster manager is likely it employ a mitigation measure that addresses which of the following?

Hazard consequence

The first step taken in any effective disaster management process should be which of the following?

Hazard identification

The poor are most likely to get their disaster-related information from which of the following?

Information social networks

There are three factors that together influence the determination of risk acceptability. Which of the following is not one of those factors?

Institutional factors

Which of the following is the most common form of risk transfer?


Loss of cultural heritage is an example of which of the following?

Intangible losses

Which of the following types of reports builds upon information listed in the initial assessment to relay changes in the situation and needs?

Interim report

A person who is forced from his or her home by a complex humanitarian emergency could end up being classified as which of the following?

Internationally displaced person

"Adverse selection" has resulted in which of the following?

It has made the business of hazard insurance undesirable to many insurance companies.

Which of the following would typically decrease public fear of a hazard?

It is not globally catastrophic

Which of the following is one of the greatest obstacles to the success of building codes?

Lack of effective code enforcement

Which of the following can cause a tsunami?


The practice of using funds from a development loan that existed before a disaster to cover relief and recovery costs is called which of the following?

Loan diversion

Equipment from which of the following categories might include shoring devices?

Rescue equipment

FONDEN and the Disaster Financial Assistance Arrangement are two examples of which of the following?

Reserve funds

The study of why people fear the things they do is which of the following?

Risk perception

Disaster managers performing a risk evaluation can record their findings in a concise format known as which of the following?

Risk register

Which of the following may be created by disaster managers to summarize all of the necessary information about a disaster into a succinct report?

Risk statement

Which of the following is a method by which mitigation options may be assessed by a hazards risk management team?


Which of the following is not normally found on a standard risk statement?

Secondary hazards caused by the hazard

Which of the following are most appropriately labeled as "relief" actions?

Short-term recovery actions

Which of the following components of recovery may be planned before a disaster occurs?

Site selection for the disposal of debris

Which of the following sections of the EOP base plan describes the scope of the plan?


Education and government are components of a country's:

Social profile

Which of the following measures the individual, societal, political, and cultural factors that increase or decrease a people's propensity to incur harm or damage as a result of a specific hazard?

Social vulnerability

Which of the following information is not normally included in an emergency operations plan (EOP)?

Sources of funding for hazard mitigation projects addressing the community or country's hazards

Tropical cyclones occur in which part of the world?

Southwest Indian Ocean

For many personal risks, such as those associated with many recreational sports like skiing, individuals are given the freedom to decide the degree to which they will reduce their risk exposure.


Frequency refers to the number of times an event will occur within an established sample size over a specific period of time.


Governments should focus their efforts upon those hazards that are likely to result in the greatest undesirable consequences if they were to occur.


Housing reconstruction is most successful when it is performed by or with input from the recipient population.


Humanitarian crises can occur with or without the presence of armed combat.


Humans have had more success in limiting the negative consequences of common disasters than those that rarely occur.


In hazard identification, disaster managers must attempt to identify every scenario that could possibly occur within a given community or country.


In the START system of triage, victims tagged with an "I" are in greater need of care than patients tagged with a "DEL".


Insurance does not directly address the likelihood component of risk.


It has been theorized that the difference in survival rates between Pompeii and Herculaneum is attributable to the amount of time the citizens of each city had to organize a mass evacuation.


It is possible to measure nutrition rates across whole populations of affected people by measuring the upper-arm circumference of young children.


It is possible to retrofit a building roof such that it is more resistant to the effects of hail.


It is the scale of the disaster that dictates the response.


Landslides can occur slowly, over a course of days and even weeks.


Lenders may impose restrictions on borrowed money to ensure that reconstruction is performed to imposed risk reduction standards.


Mitigation measures addressing hazard consequences assume that the hazard will occur.


Mitigation measures addressing risk likelihood are more likely to be nonstructural.


Mitigation measures that address hazard likelihood are more commonly appropriate for technological hazards than they are for natural hazards.


Modeling techniques can be used to estimate disaster consequences of rare hazards.


Most of the world's poor countries are unable to coordinate well during large-scale disasters.


Natural disaster detection systems are employed primarily to save lives.


New risks are perceived to be much scarier than old risks.


On average, over 1 million avalanches occur each year.


Once informed with an idea of how their actions can affect their risk levels, people are more likely to take actions to improve their chances of avoiding disaster in the future.


One of the goals of public education is to raise awareness about certain hazards.


Organized mass feeding cannot begin until accurate assessments have taken place.


Participation in insurance has been known to encourage people to act more irresponsibly than they may have without such coverage.


People are affected by visible vulnerability.


People are willing to accept voluntary risks more than involuntary risks.


People of almost all nations have come to expect that their government will intervene and come to their aid in times of disaster.


Recovery actions may begin long before the disaster occurs.


Risk avoidance is most commonly applied to technological hazards.


Securing furniture to building walls is a form of nonstructural mitigation.


Short-term recovery actions do not often contribute directly to the actual long-term development of the community.


Special populations must be approached in a manner that addresses their particular method of perception and learning.


The Hawaiian Islands are an example of a shield volcano.


The components of the emergency management cycle are intermixed, with each being performed before, during, and after disaster.


The concept of operations section of the EOP base plan explains how the planned disaster response will play out.


The hazard identification process tells disaster managers little more than what hazards threaten the community.


The increasing numbers of disasters can be attributed, in part, to humans settling in more vulnerable areas to a greater degree.


The media play a significant role in disaster and emergency management, both before and after disasters occur.


The most critical factor in assessing a risk mitigation option is to determine its impact on reducing the identified risk or vulnerability in the community.


The number of international disaster response plans is increasing.


There is a direct link between a healthy and productive natural environment and disaster resilience.


There is no global formula for how the countries of the world developed their disaster management capacities.


Treatment systems seek to remove a hazard from a relied-upon natural system.


Warning systems and messages must be designed to reach the full range of possible recipients no matter where they are or what time it is.


When locating water sources to provide water for disaster victims, groundwater sources tend to be cleaner than surface water sources.


How much international humanitarian relief funding is provided on average each year?

$10 billion

Which of the following illustrates the format in which a hazard probability would be reported?


On average, about how much water does a typical disaster victim need per day?

10-20 liters

The roots of the modern fire department trace back approximately how many years?

2000 years

Modern disaster management is based upon a cycle of how many components?


As of the year 2000, what percentage of the world's population was estimated to be living in areas at risk from a major disaster?


Which of the following is an example of resistant construction?

A house built on stilts

The British and Indian governments used which of the following to address the famines that plagued India?

An expansive railway system

Developers often fight the creation of strict building codes because of which of the following reasons?

Associated increased building costs lower their profit margins.

Which of the following mitigation measures is designed to "stop a physical force dead in its tracks"?

Barrier system

When is PEPPER performed?

Before the disaster

In which of the following are affected people sampled in groups arranged geographically within the affected area, representative of the different geographic areas affected by the disaster?

Cluster sampling

Which of the following categories involves equipment that enhances command and control?

Communications systems

Which of the following mitigation measures is dependent upon an effective early warning system?

Community shelters

Which of the following have been described as "those first order consequences which occur immediately after an event, such as the deaths and damage caused by the throwing down of buildings in an earthquake"?

Direct losses

Which of the following describes the logical order of progression by which emergency management exercises should be conducted?

Drill, table-top exercise, functional exercise, full-scale exercise

Which of the following hazards generally gives emergency managers little lead time?


Which component of risk is addressed by mitigation measures?

Either a or b, or both a and b

Which of the following is a form of behavioral modification?

Environmental conservation

Which of the following statements is false?

Even though 90% of disasters occur in the industrialized countries, only 30% of total worldwide disaster damages occur in these countries.

Which of the following focuses on the many possible effects resulting from a single hazard?

Event tree

Which of the following is not one of the three factors that are normally examined in determining the consequence component of hazard risk?


Which of the following is blamed for reversing the rates of development in several Central American countries, including Honduras and Nicaragua, by as much as 20 to 30 years?

Hurricane Mitch

The Predecessor to the Post-2015 Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction is which of the following?

Hyogo Framework for Action

Which of the following can a disaster manager do in order to ensure that new risk information is considered in recovery planning?

Impose a temporary moratorium on new construction

Material and service-based donations, other than cash, are known as which of the following?

In-kind donations

Mass casualty incidents are defined as which of the following?

Incidents where the number of victims overwhelms the capacity of local clinics or hospitals

Expansive soils, avalanches, and land subsidence are all forms of which type of natural hazard?

Mass movement hazard

Which of the following involves reducing or eliminating the likelihood or the consequences of a hazard, or both?


Which of the following is not a component of the Incident Command System?


What must be conducted in order for damage and needs assessments to be useful?


Which of the following cannot benefit from the purchase of insurance prior to a disaster?

None of the above

Which of the following is not a component of the formula used to calculate risk?

None of the above

Which of the following must disaster managers consider when scoping social vulnerability?

None of the above

Which of the following is defined as a measure that reduces risk through modification in human behavior or natural processes without requiring the use of engineered structures?

Nonstructural mitigation

Which of the following might be included in the administration and logistics section of the EOP?


Which of the following is considered the most effective means by which awareness of a hazard is acquired by an individual?

Personal experience

Slope terracing is a form of which of the following mitigation categories?

Physical modification

Which of the following categories of public education seeks to teach an informed public how to react in the midst of and aftermath of a hazard?

Post-disaster response behavior

There exists a strong correlation between disasters and which of the following?


Teaching people what materials they should stockpile, and how to designate safe meeting places, are examples of public education that addresses which of the following?

Pre-disaster preparedness behavior

Brainstorming is a form of which kind of hazard identification method?


Which of the following is not a type of biological weapon?


Who shoulders the majority of private development funding?

Private businesses and individuals

Which of the following systems allows emergency management officials to receive information from the public?

Public emergency reporting systems ("911" systems)

"55 people killed" is an example of which of the following?

Quantitative representation of consequence

Which of the following weapons involves the movement of energy through space and material?

Radiological weapons

Which of the following more appropriately describes post-disaster planning than pre-disaster planning?


Denial of service to high-risk areas is a form of which of the following nonstructural mitigation measures?

Regulatory measures

Risk avoidance, in relation to natural hazards, often involves which of the following?

Removing all people and structures from the affected area

Which of the following does the recovery planning team require in order to have the power to enforce their actions and recommendations?

Statutory authority

Which of the following is often referred to as "man controlling nature" when applied to natural hazards?

Structural mitigation

A disaster cannot automatically be classified as being international just because it has overwhelmed a nation's ability to manage it.


A dollar value cannot be assigned to the intangible losses of a disaster.


A table-top exercise involves an environment of lower stress than a functional exercise.


All mitigation measures have an associated cost.


Average citizens are more worried about their day-to-day concerns than with catastrophic hazards.


Benefit-cost analyses are probably the most widely used and widely accepted method by which risks and alternatives are evaluated for acceptability.


Building codes are the primary reason for the drastic drop in the number of earthquake deaths that have occurred over the past century.


Businesses participate in international disaster management.


Chemical weapons have existed for centuries.


Community shelters are not an effective measure to mitigate the consequences of landslides.


Contingent credit programs are best for countries with a low risk for catastrophic disaster.


Cultural recovery may be facilitated by organizations from outside the community.


Damage assessments from the response phase are rarely detailed enough to guide recovery actions.


Developing an effective emergency response capacity is a form of disaster mitigation.


Developing countries repeatedly subject to disasters experience stagnant or even negative rates of development over time.


Disaster-related pollution cleanup is primarily a responsibility of the affected nation's government.


Drills normally provide practice for only one operation or function of disaster response.


During hazard identification, emergency managers are not concerned with the likelihood or consequence of hazards.


Evacuations are most effective when they are limited to only those areas facing risk.


For many hazards, pre-hazard response may not be possible.


Hazards associated with movement of the earth's plates are known as which of the following?

Tectonic hazards

Which of the following is a coordination mechanism utilized by the United Nations, centered around response and recovery themes?

The Cluster System

The 1990s were declared by the United Nations to be which of the following?

The International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction

Which of the following seeks to build "disaster resilient communities by promoting increased awareness of the importance of disaster reduction as an integral component of sustainable development, with the goal of reducing human, social, economic and environmental losses due to natural hazards and related technological and environmental disasters"?

The International Office for Disaster Risk Reduction

Which of the following may be used to measure drought risk?

The Palmer Index

In many developing countries, where the knowledge, experience, and expertise required to lead the planning and operation of recovery does not exist at any level of government, these actions are most often assumed by which of the following?

The United Nations

When considering from where to draw personnel to conduct the recovery efforts following a disaster, which group should be assumed to have the greatest vested interest in the recovery outcome?

The affected population

CAT bonds do not need to be repaid if which of the following groups is affected by a major disaster?

The bond issuer

Depth of hazard analysis performed normally depends upon three factors. Which of the following is not one of those factors?

The experience of the analysis team

The Mozambique floods are an example of a disaster where which of the following occurred?

The international community did not immediately respond to a disaster.

The CMR measures which of the following?

The number of people who die each day

Search and rescue involves three interrelated functions, including the locating of victims, the extraction of victims, and which of the following?

The provision of initial first aid medical care

What is described in this chapter to be the "greatest obstacle to disaster managers" in the recovery phase?

The urge to return to "normal"

Why is it difficult for poor countries to maintain government-based emergency relief funds?

Their budgets are not strong enough to support the funds

During the past 30 years, what trend has been witnessed in relation to technological disasters?

There has been a seven-fold increase in the number of disasters.

How do awareness messages differ from warning messages?

They instruct recipients to take immediate action.

Which of the following describes why Peru, Nicaragua, and Guatemala developed their disaster management capabilities?

They were spurred into action by popular criticism for poor management of a terrible disaster that had struck.

What is probably the greatest obstacle for international search and rescue team operations?

Time delays in reaching the affected country caused by travel

Risk evaluation is conducted for which of the following reasons?

To determine the relative seriousness of a community's hazard risks

Which of the following is a factor of how small or great the consequences would be should the hazard manifest?


Which of the following is the opposite of resilience?


Which of the following is generally considered the most severe type of hazard message?


Which of the following is an investment instrument that can be sold by farmers to cover their losses if lower than optimal rainfall results in low crop yields?

Weather derivative

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