Signs & Symptoms

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Various congenital defects of the heart (PDA)

"machinery" murmur usually associated with an abnormal tremor accompanying a cardiac murmur or thrill and often accompanied by a widened pulse pressure. Respiratory distress and cyanosis are common

female sexual arousal disorder

loss of sexual desire or report slow sexual arousal. Lack the vaginal lubrication and vasocongestive response of sexual arousal


Same as seasonal flu (fever, cough, sore throat, nasal congestion, body aches, and headaches) and possible diarrhea and vomiting

Various congenital defects of the heart (ASD)

a crescendodecrescendo type of systolic ejection murmur. Large hole can cause arrhythmias and congestive heart failure in middle age

Malrotation with volvulus

abdominal pain that causes an infant to draw up the legs, vomiting of a digetive fluid known as bile, a swollen abdomen, tachycardia and tachypnea, and bloody stools. Also they can dehydrate quickly

acne vulgaris

acne plug often appears first as an open or closed comedo. Eventually an enlarged plug may rupture or leak spreading its contents to the dermis. This results in inflammation and acne pustules or papules. Scars develop if chronic irritation continues over a period of time

intestinal Anthrax

acute inflammation of the intestinal tract causing nausea, vomiting, and severe diarrhea


acute pain at the affected site, deformity, swelling, discoloration, loss of limb function, muscle spasm, and perhaps hemorrhage and shock. Bones may protrude through the skin

Lyme disease stage 2

affect the central nervous system causing things like meningitis, nerve damage, and facial palsy

bipolar disorder

alternating pattern of emotional highs and lows with the symptoms varying from mild to severe. Depression cycle insomnia, fatigue, sadness, hopelessness, anxiety, guilt, loss of interest in activities, irritability, and suicidal thoughts or behavior. Manic cycle overactive, talk too much, have enormous energy, have an inflated self-esteem, become aggressive or agitated, express an increased sexual desire, and experience an inability to concentrate

Sickle cell anemia

anemic with episodic attacks of intense pain in the arms, legs, or abdomen. White of the eye is jaundiced. Recurrent bouts of fever, chronic fatigue, dyspnea, tachycardia, cardiac murmurs, and pallor. Possible triggers are infections, stress, and extremes in temperature

Hirschsprung disease

appear during infancy but may not appear until adolescence. Infancy neonate fails to pass the first feces, within 48 hours of birth. Severe abdominal distention and feeding difficulties. May also include fever, failure to thrive, and explosive watery diarrhea. in adolescencechronic constipation and abdominal distention, anemic, appear poorly nourished

keratosis pilaris

appearance of small evenly spaced papules on the upper arms, thighs, buttocks, and sometimes the face. Skin may feel coarse and rough

personality disorders

are inflexible and maladaptive in their environment and have very few strategies in forming and maintaining relationships. Patterns of behavior and communication evoke negative reactions from others. Lack resilience in day-to-day life and are often unable to adapt to changes in their world. experience loneliness, withdraw, and become dependent on their jobs and their homes for their solace.

paget disease

asymptomatic and symptoms that appear depend on the extent of the disease and which bones are affected. Swelling or other deformity in one of the long bones or a need to increase their hat size if the bones of the skull are involved. Gradual onset of sull but persistent pain around the area and may become severe enough to be disabling. possable pinched nerves and tingling or numbness from that. headache, vision, and hearing loss from enlargement of the skull


asymptomatic except on weight-bearing areas. Size, shape, and appearance vary widley with possible tenderness and itching

dermatophytoses (tinea capitis)

asymptomatic or have slight itching of the scalp. Characteristic lesions are round, gray, and scaly

dermatophytoses (tinea unguium)

asymptomatic that starts at the tip of one or moretoenails, with the affected nail appearing lusterless, brittle, and hypertrophic

dermatophytoses (tinea pedis)

athlete's foot with the most common symptom being intense persistent itching on the feet. If in the groin area then called jock itch

plantar fasciitis

begins as pain or stiffness of the feet when getting out of bed or after sitting for long periods. Usually decreases but returns after excessive long periods of standing, sitting in pain position, or climbing stairs

Duchenne muscular dystrophy

between ages 3 and 5 you see muscles become weak and easily damaged, starts with leg and pelvic muscles. Characeristic waddling gait, may engage in toe-walking, and may have lordosis or otherspinal deformities

Various congenital defects of the heart (Tetralogy of Fallot)

bluish discoloration of the skin and mucous membranes, or cyanosis, is often evident at birth or within several months of birth and is considered the hallmark of the disorder


blurred or double vision, slurred speech, drooping eyelids, difficulty swallowing, and muscle weakness occur usually within 12 to 36 hours of exposure to the toxin. But can appear as early as 6 hours and as late as 10 days from exposure. Muscle weakness moves through the body , paralyzing arms and legs until respiratory muscles become paralyzed then death


catarrhal stage mild fever, running nose, dry cough, irritability, and anorexia. Paroxysmal stageclasic cough, consisting of a series of several short, severe coughs in rapid succession followed by a slow, strained insperation, during which a whoopmay be heard. may be accompanied by weight loss, dehydration, vomiting, epistaxis, hypoxia

Escherichia Coli 0157:H7

causes severe bloody diarrhea and abdominal cramps but can be asymptomatic, with elderly and children cause a complication called hemolytic uremic syndrome that causes kidney failure

seborrheic dermatitis

characterized by skin eruptions on areas of the scalp, eyelids, cheeks, beard, chest, axillae, groin, or trunk that produce dry, moist, or greasey scales. Lesions are brown-yellow or red. Frequently itches and may appear reddened

Lyme disease stage 3

chronic arthritis and continuing neurological problems


could be gradual or abrupt. Stiffness of the jaw, esophageal muscles, and some neck muscles are the first signs. Later the jaw become rigidly fixed, the voice is altered, and the facial muscles contract turning there face into a grimace. Then muscles of the back and extremities may become rigid, or experience extremely severe conclusive spasms of muscles

intellectual disability

delay in development is noted by the parents or pediatrician and the child may show deviations in adaptive behaviors, experience learning disabilities, or have severe cognitive and motor skill impairment

herniated interverbral disc

depend on the particular site of herniation, severe back pain that worsens with motion is common. Sensation of numbness, prickling, or tingling, and restricted mobility of the neck often occurs. Coughing, sneezing, or bending intensifies the pain and discomfort. sciatic nerve is painful on the supplication of pressure. begin as a dull ache and progress to severe pain.

lordosis, kyphosis, scoliosis

frequently is insidious. May include chronic fatigue and backache. See uneven clothes or hips


depend on thick bones are affected and the virulence of the infecting microorganism. Generalized symptoms sudden onset of fever, chills, malaise, sweating, pain, tenderness, and swelling over the affected bone acute phase fever, is abrupt and children can show irritability and fatigue. chronic phase may exhibit drainage or seeping from and open wound near the infection site, and the client may have intermittent fever and chronic fatigue although the chronic form may persist for ears before it is detected following a flare-up due to minor trauma


dependent on where the infection causes disease


depigmentation or white spots on the skin appear most often on those areas exposed to sunlight face, lips, hands, and feet. Also commonlu in the armpits, navel, groin, genital, rectal areas. Three patterns focal which is limited to one or a few areas, segmental affects only one side of the body, and generalized occurs symmetrically on both sides of the eyebrows, and eyelashes. progress slowly or quickly

Infectious Diarrheal Disease

diarrhea possibly with blood. May be accompanied by vomiting, nausea, and abdominal cramping, low-grade fever. Severe cases dehydration, electrolyte imbalance, acidosis, and kidney failure may occur

Cerebal palsy (ataxic)

difficulty with balance, depth perception, and coordination, rhythmic, involuntary movement of the eyeball, muscle weakness, and tremor


distractibility, impulsivity, and hyperactivity that must ne excessive and long-term. Occur before age 7 and continue for at least 6 months. Behaviors must create a real hardship in at least two of the following three areas home, school, or social settings. they seem not to listen, avoids difficult tasks, talks excessively, is careless, and has difficulty following through. in general is forgetful, fidgety, and has a difficult temperament

premature ejaculation

ejaculation during foreplay, before complete erection of the penis or as soon as intromission occurs

contact dermatitis

erythema and the appearance of small skin vesicles that ooze, scale, itch, burn, or sting. Area may be hot and swollen

Tourette syndrome

facial tics in early childhood, other tics could include arm thrusting, throat clearing, jumping, eye blinking, or shoulder shrugging, use of curse words or inappropriate phrases occurs in only a small number of individuals. They may be controled but is uncomfortable and when they return with increased intensity for a period of time


fever, flulike illness, shaking chills, headache, muscle aches, and malaise. May have nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Can cause anemia and jaundice

Pneumonic plague

fever, weakness, shortness of breath, chest pain, sough, and pneumonia. Possibly bloody or watery sputum, nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain


first may include deep, aching joint pain that usually is relieved by rest. Nay be stiffness and some swelling, especially in the morning, and aching during weather changes. Minimal inflammation. Possible crackling sound heard during joint movement. possable boney enlargement

Common cold

gradual and may include nasal congestion, pharyngitis, headache, malaise, burning and watery eyes, and low-grade fever. Possible productive or nonproductive cough and become reinfected

systemic lupus erthematosus

host of symptoms are possible including weight loss, fatigue, and fever, butterfly rash, photosensitivity of the skin, joint and muscle pain, joint deformities, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea, oral or nasopharyngeal ulcerations, patchy alopecia, pleurisies or pericarditis, and raynaud phenomenon

Cerebal palsy (spatic)

hyperactive reflexes, rapid muscle contractuion, muscle weakness, spasticity, and underdevelopment of limbs


infants have enlarged skulls, high-pitched cries and abnormal muscle tone in their legs. Projectile vomiting likely occurs. May also be irritable and very sleepy. Older children and adults headache, nausea, vomiting, blurred or double vision, and problems with balance, coordination, and walking


initial rhinitis, cough, cold or coryza, drowsiness, anorexia or loss of appetite, and slow but progressive rise in temperature to 101F or 103F by the second day. Small red spots with bluish white centers appear on the oral mucosa by the second or third day followed by photophobia and cough. fourth day fever reaches its maximum and rash appears. also tiny maculopapular lesions with discolored spots of skin called macules and red raised areas of skin called papules that move through the body


intense pruritus and evidence of nits on hair shafts, clothing, or skin. Gross excoriation of patches of skin and pyoderma and reashes or wheals may develop

Cerebal palsy (athetoid)

involuntary muscle movements that are generally slow and writhing and impaired muscle tone, arms are affected more often then legs, speech may be difficult


itching intensifies at night. Lesions are usually excoriated and may appear threadlikecommonly appear between fingers, on wrists, on elbows, in the axilla, at the waist, on nipples and buttocks, and on genitalia


lesions bagin as macules, vesicles, and pustules usually accompanied by pruritus. Lesion ruptures leaving a honey-colored serous liquid. Liquid hardens, and a thick, yellow crust eventually forms over the infected site. Most common on the mouth, nose, neck, or extremities. erythema with ulcerations and scarring may result


localized pain and inflammation, black-and -blue declaration at the site of the injury, and loss of mobility. Caused by chronic overuse of a ligament, muscle, or tendon typically cause stiffness, soreness, and tenderness, whereas a sharp, transient pain may result when either condition is acute

Various congenital defects of the heart (VSD)

loud, early systolic murmur heard during ausculation, or listening for sounds produced by the internal organs. May be signs of rapid, heavy breathing, poor feeding, poor weight gain, and sweating

rheumatoid arthritis

malaise, persistent low-grade fever, fatigue and weight loss joint pain and stiffness gradually emerge as the principal symptoms in a symmetric form

Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)

may be asymptomatic or mild reparatory illness. Moderate begins with a temperature of greater than 100.4F. Other symptoms include headache, overall feeling of discomfort, and body aches. Severe people develop a dry cough, have trouble breathing, and may show evidence of pneumonia or respiratory distress syndrome


may go undiscovered initial there is a presenting fracture. Bone pain, may notice a loss of height and/or kyphosis. Vertebrae, hips, and wrists are particularly susceptible to fractures

Spinal bifida, Meningocele, Myelomeningocele

may show no signs or may manifeste by a dimple in the skin, hair tuft, or a nevus in the midline above the buttocks with possible foot weakness or bowel and bladder disturbances. More savere a sacelike structure protrudes from the spinal area with partial paralysis and bladder and bowe dysfunction to permanent neurological difficulties

Various congenital defects of the heart (Coarctation of the aorta)

murmur may or may not be present. Infant may exhibit dyspnea, pulmonary edema, tachycardia, and failure to thrive. Adolescence may include dyspnea, claudication, headache, epistaxis, and hypertension

Chronic fatigue syndrome

must have persistent/relapsing fatigue for at least 6 months that does not resolve with bed rest and is severe enough to reduce daily activity by at least 50%. Also 4 of the 9 of the following fever or chills, sore throat, painful cervical or axillary lymph nodes, unexplained generalized muscle weakness, muscle discomfort and myalgia, migratory arthralgia or joint pain without joint swelling or redness, neuropsychological symptoms including photophobia, forgetfulness, transient visual scotomata or an islandlike blind spot on the visual field of the eye, irritability, confusion, depression, inability to concentrate, difficulty thinking, brain fog, sleep disturbance, or acute or subacute initial onset

Various congenital defects of the heart (Tricuspid atresia)

neonate will have low oxygen levels and cyanosis. There can also be tachypnea and poor feeding

bulimia nervosa

normal weight but still exhibit signs of malnutrition. Has a high incidence of dental decay. Chronic sore throat. Chronic depression, low tolerance for frustration, anxiety, self-consciousness, and difficulty expressing feelings

Cleft lip and palate

not completely formed lips and/or palates

autism spectrum disorders

noted early because of delays in the areas of socialization and communication. Poor eye contact, inability to play, repetitive behaviors, seeming hearing impairment, lack of emotional response, echolalia, inability to regulate emotions, precocious language, sensory problems, learning disabilities, intellectual disabilities, and/or seizures. development might be somewhat slower but overall have high intelligence

Erythema infectiosum (fifth disease)

occasional fever and red facial rash that looks like a slapped cheek and a circumoral pallor and symmetric lacy rash on the trunk and limbs

alopecia areata

occur gradually, sudden, all at once, or in patchy spots


onset abrupt with fever, chills, croup, malaise, muscle aches, headache, nasal congestion, laryngitis, and a cough

herpes zoster

pain along the course of the affected nerve, usually occurring 1 to 3 daus bafore appearance of the lesionsbegins as an arythematous maculopapular rash that develops quite rapidly into vesicles

carpal tunnel syndrome

pain, burning, weakness, numbness. Or tingling in one or both hands. Unable to clench the fist or demonstrate a strong grip. Discomfort is usually worse at night and in the morning


person must experience persistent genital pain which causes interpersonal difficulty and marked distress


predominantly sad mood, along with a loss of interest in pleasurable activities, that last more than several days. May seem unhappy and apathetic, have difficulty concentrating, and be unable to finish tasks. Fatigue and insomnia. Some lose there appetite while others may want to eat al the time. possible hallucinations and/or delusions

Pyloric stenosis

projectile vomiting, beginning about the second to fourth week after birth. May eject vomitus a distance of 3 to 4 feet. Dehydration and starvation may be evident if the pyloric sphincter closes completely. May be decreased elasticity of the skin, abdominal distention, and a palpable tumor in the epigastrium


pruritic rash that start as erythematous macules that produce papules and then clear vesicles. Also possible anorexia, malaise, and fever

atopic dermatitis

pruritus and often severe characteristic lesions on the face, neck, upper trunk, and bends of the knees and elbows. Vesicular and exudative eruptions in children and dry, leathery vesicles in adults


pulmonary: shortness of breath, dyspnea, coughing, chest pain, fever, and opportunistic pneumonia. Gastrointestinal: loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, oral and esophageal candidiasis, and chronic diarrhea or gastroenteritis. Neurological: memory loss, headache, depression, fever, confusion, and visual disturbances malignancies: Kaposi sarcoma, a neoplasm evidenced by multiple vascular nodules in the skin and other organs. chronic illness.

TEF and Esophageal atresia

quickley realized from a frothy white bubles in the mouth, vomiting, coughing or choking when feeding, cyanosis, and difficulty breathing

cutaneous anthrax

raised itchy bump that resembles an insect bite but quickly develops into a vesicle and a painless ulcer develops within 1 to 2 days

Lyme disease stage 1

rash which appears at the site of the bite called erythema chronicum migraines(ECM) and may resemble a bull's eye, flulike symptoms


rayneud phenomenon is first symptom, followed by pain, stiffness, and swelling of the fingers and joints. Calcium deposits appear in connective tissue. Skin becomes thick, shiny, and taut. Contractures eventually develop. GI symptoms include heartburn, reflux, diarrhea, constipation, weight loss, disphagia, and malabsorption. late stage cardiac and pulmonary fibrosiscause arrhythmias and dyspnea

inhalation Anthrax

resemble those of a cold, with sore throat, mild fever, muscle aches, and malaise, severe breathing problems and shock can occur

dermatophytoses (tinea corporis)


Cystic fibrosis

sense all exocrine glands can be affected the symptoms can be quite numerous. Sweat glands, resiratory, and GI functions are those most commonly affected. Sweat has more salt in it. Respiratory may include wheezy respirations, dry cough, dyspnea, tachypnea, and frequent lung infections from accumulations of thick secretions in the smaller passages. GI include intestinal obstructions, vomiting, constapation, electrolyte imbalance, and inability to absorb fats. buildup of fibrous tissue and fat in the pancreas

West Nile Virus

severity ranges from mild to severe, mild includes fever, headache, body ache, skin rash, and swollen lymph glands, severe includes all of the mild symptoms plus stupor, disorientation, tremors, convulsions, coma, and paralysis, 80% show no symptoms


similarity to fractures with a deformed appearance. Ligaments, muscle, and nerves can also be affected by a dislocation. Additional damage possibly to the spine and shoulder. Vertebral column can cause nerve impairment called a pinched nerve. Possible impairment of blood vessels and nerves

myasthenia gravis

skeletal muscle weakness and fatigability occur. Onset may be sudden with drooping eyelids and double vision as the first signs. A blank expression, nasal regurgitation of fluids, dysphagia, blepharoptosis, dysphasia, and a bobbing head may result. Muscle weakness typically occurs later in the day or after strenuous exercise and is progressive until paralysis occurs. menses, emotional stress, prolonged exposure to sunlight or cold, and infections heighten the symptoms. respiratory muscle weakness if severe enough may require mechanical ventilation


skin cell turnover produces the thick, flaky scaling characteristic. Affected areas of skin typically apperar dry, cracked, and encrusted. Buildup is composed of both living and dead tissue. Possible arthritis with 10 to 35 precent of cases

furuncles and carbuncles

skin may be extremely tender, painful, and swollen. Abscess may eventually enlarge, soften, and open, discharging pus and necrotic material. Erythema and edema mau persist at the site for days or weeks. Mild fever may accompany this condition


some will have only a flushing of the cheeks, forehead, nose, or chin. For others small red pustules form on the same areas and the skin in those areas may thicken. Nose may also enlarge and become misshapen. Eye problems such as redness, burning, dryness, and excessive tearing can occur


sudden onset of excruciating long pain, usually affecting the joints of the big toes with possible other joints. Pain reaches a peak after several hours and then gradually subsides over 5 to 10 days. May be accompanied by mild fever and chills. Free from any symptoms between attacks. as disease progresses the interval between acute attacks diminishes

bursitis and tendinitis

tenderness or pain especially on movement of the affected part. Restricted movement and edema at the site are common. Dull aching in the affected tendon area and severe pain when the area is moved and the pain often interferes with sleep


the eruption of pale, raised wheals on the skin, possably surrounded by erythema. Lesions usually form and then resolve quite rapidly often moving from one area of the body to another and accompanied by intense itching


two or more for at least one month hallucinations, delusions, disorganized speech, flat affect, alogia, attention deficit, and decreased motivation

Various congenital defects of the heart (Transposition of the great arteries)

typically severely cyanotic at birth and has tachypnea. Congestive heart failure and cardiomegaly follow

substance abuse and dependence

unable to control their drinking even when it becomes the underlying cause of serious harm, craving, unable to stop once started, withdrawal from heavy use unpleasant physical ailments. For drugs needle marks, scars from skin abscesses, rapid heart rate, constricted pupils, and a relaxed or euphoric state. for nervous system stimulants is similar except the pupils are dilated and may be restless and hyperactive


unilateral or bilateral swollen parotid glands, headache, malaise, fever, earache, and other salivary glands may become swollen


unilateral the testis on the affected side is not palpable and in bilateral the scrotum will appear to be underdeveloped

Down syndrome

vary with each individual can feture smaller and abnormal in shape head, inner corners of the eye is rounded, flat nose and excessive skin in the nape of the neck, tongue may be large and protrude, ears and mouth are small, hands are short with short fingers, one or two creases in the palm of the hand instade of three


vary with the site of infection. Typical cases slight headache, malaise, and a mild fever occur. May be a strong and foul odor to the breath, bluish skin color, bloody watery nasal drainage, and breathing problems

anorexia nervosa

weight loss, clinical evidence of semi starvation, amenorrhea, and an alteration in body image. Loss of at least 25% of original body weight without medical disorder. Evidence of food avoidance, vomiting, and excessive exercise. May tend to deny feelings of hunger and claim to be overweight despite physical evidence to the contrary

male erectile disorder

when a person is unable to achieve any erection, is able to achieve an initial erection and then loses it, or is able to achieve an erection only during self-masturbation

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