Skull (includes bones, sutures, and structures)-
lambdoidal suture
between occipital and parietal bones
squamous suture
between parietal and temporal bones
sagittal suture
between parietal bones
Lesser wing
of the sphenoid
superior orbital fissure
passage for CN III, IV, V1, VI, ophthalmic vein, sympathetic fibers
carotid canal
passage for ICA and the internal carotid plexus of sympathetic nerves
infraorbital foramen
passage for Infraorbital nerve and vessels
stylomastoid foramen
passage for facial nerve
greater palatine foramina
passage for greater palatine nerve and vessels
hypoglossal canals
passage for hypoglossal nerve
mandibular foramen
passage for inferior alveolar nerve and vessels
lesser palatine foramina
passage for lesser palatine nerve and vessels
incisive fossa and foramina
passage for nasopalatine nerve and sphenopalatine vessels
supraorbital foramen
passage for supraorbital artery and nerve
zygomaticofacial foramen
passage for zygomaticofacial nerve and vessels
petrous portion
condylar canals
small canals located posterior to the occipital condyles allowing passage for emissary veins
coronal suture
the suture between the parietal and frontal