SLCC Anatomy- CH 15

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____ is a group of tracts in specific areas of the spinal cord.


The functional differences of the hemispheres, although they're anatomically identical, is termed

Hemispheric lateralization

Lobe responsible for conscious perception of visual stimuli, integration of eye movements, correlation of visual images with previous visual experiences


A nerve is defined as being an axon bundle extending through the ____.


Lobe responsible for sensory interpretation of textures and shapes, understanding speech and formulating words to express thoughts and emotions


Coordinating skeletal muscle movements and maintaining equilibrium are two of several important functions of the


The subdivision of the brain that does not initiate somatic motor movements, but only coordinates and fine-tunes those movements


Responsible for involuntary arm swinging

cerebral nuclei

The amygdaloid body, claustrum, and corpus striatum are all components of the non-cortical gray matter of the cerebrum collectively known as the

cerebral nuclei

What are the masses of gray matter deep inside each cerebral hemisphere?

cerebral nuclei

The ___ are descending motor tracts on the anterolateral surface of the midbrain.

cerebral peduncles

The four major regions of the brain are the

cerebrum, diencephalon, brainstem, and cerebellum

CSF is formed by the _____ of each ventricle. The ventricles are lined with ependymal cells that secrete CSF.

choroid plexus

Until it was banned, visual subliminal advertising seemed like a tremendous tool for the motion picture industry: a photograph of a hot dog interspersed occasionally among the frames of the movie, passing too quickly to be noticed, and yet hot dog sales skyrocketed. Which cerebral nucleus likely played a part?


In regions where the two layers of the dura mater separate, the gap between them is called a ______ sinus.

dural venous

In essence, _______ are large veins that drain blood from the brain and transport this blood to the internal jugular veins that help drain blood circulation of the head.

dural venous sinuses

Which cranial nerve assists in monitoring O2 and CO2 levels in the blood?

glossopharyngeal (CN IX)

The folds of the brain are called ____, and the depression between those folds are the ____.

gyri; sulci

This nerve is responsible for both intrinsic and extrinsic tongue muscles.

hypoglossal (CN XII)

Hormones released by the posterior pituitary are actually produced by the ____________, which also controls the activities of the anterior pituitary as well as numerous autonomic functions, emotions, drives, and natural rhythms.


The blood-brain barrier is absent in the _____ and _____ where hormones are produced that must go into the blood stream, and the ____ ____ because it must be permeable to CSF.

hypothalamus and pineal gland; choroid plexus

Reflexive turning of the head and eyes in the direction of a sound is controlled by the ____________ of the mesencephalon.

inferior colliculi

Damage to one's ____________ would impair the somatic reflexes involved in eating.

mammillary bodies

The _____, or midbrain, is the only primary vesicle that doesn't change into a secondary vesicle.


From the rhombencephalon (hindbrain), the pons and cerebellum arise from the _____ and the _____ makes the medulla oblongata.

metencephalon; myelencephalon

The transverse fibers that connect the two parts of the metencephalon are the

middle cerebellar peduncles

Lobes that are pre-central gyrus are ____ in function.


The color of white mater is due to ___, while the grey color is contributed to ___.

myelinated axons; cells

Which nerve innervates the four extrinsic muscles of the eye?

oculomotor (CN II)

Which cranial nerves have are both autonomic (parasympathetic) and somatic motor functions?

oculomotor (III), facial (VII), glossopharyngeal (IX), vagus (X)

The ______, ______, and ______ are the only cranial nerves that are exclusively sensory.

olfactory, optic, and vestibulocochlear

The network of nerves in the PNS is the ____.


The ____ and medulla oblongata are the two parts of the brain most directly control normal breathing.


The central sulcus divides the lobes into cortexes- the ____ is the motor cortex and the ____ is the somatosensory cortex.

pre-central gyrus; post-central gyrus

Which cerebral cortical area coordinates learned, skilled motor activities?

premotor cortex

Which hypothalamic region serves as the body's "thermostat"?

preoptic area

Which cortical region is responsible for the conscious awareness of touch, pressure, pain, and temperature?

primary somatosensory cortex

The largest of white matter tracts (bundles if axons); provides communication between left and right hemispheres

Corpus callosum

Meningeal layers of dura mater that extend as flat portions into the cranial cavity are the

Cranial dural septa

A _____ is a cluster of neuron cell bodies within the CNS.


CSF flows from the ____ ventricle through the cerebral aqueduct to the ___ ventricle. From there, it flows into the _____ space through paired lateral apertures or the single _____ aperture into the central canal. Excess CSF flows into ______, draining into venous sinuses.

3rd; 4th; subarachnoid; medial; arachnoid villi

____ fibers contact gyri within the same lobe.


Forms the roof over the sella turcica, allows for the passage of the infundibulum

Diaphragma sellae

A sickle-shaped vertical partition that divides the left and right cerebellar hemispheres

Falx cerebelli

The largest of the dural septa, with the superior Sagittal sinus and inferior Sagittal sinus running within it.

Flax cerebri

Lobe responsible for higher intellectual functions (concentration, decision making, planning), personality, verbal communication, and voluntary muscle control of skeletal muscle. Contains the motor speech area


The lobe responsible for interpretation of taste and memory


Each lateral ventricle communicates with the third ventricle through an opening called the

Interventricular Foramen

___ fasciculi contact gyri within neighboring lobes.


The thin partition that seperate a the lateral ventricles

Septum pellucidum

Lobe responsible for interpretation and storage of auditory and olfactory sensations, and the understanding of speech, contains the primary auditory cortex.


Horizontal dura mater that separates the occipital and temporal lobes, with the transverse sinus within its posterior border

Tentorium cerebelli

Which structure produces cerebrospinal fluid in each ventricle?

The choroid plexus

The ___ are isolated, innermost grey matter areas near the base of the cerebrum, inferior to the lateral ventricles.

auditory association areas

_____ innervates the lateral rectus eye muscle.

abducens (CN VI)

The word root ependyma, as in "ependymal cells," literally means

an upper garment

Commissural tracts connect between the cerebral hemispheres, linking them together. Examples are the corpus collosum, and the smaller _____ and _____ commissures

anterior; posterior

The association tract that connects the central cerebral cortex with the promotor or motor association area is an example of ____ fibers.


The central white matter consists of which three groups of axons?

association, commissural, and projection tracts

Myelinated axons that extend between the cerebral hemispheres are called

commissural tracts

The external layer of grey mater is called the ____.


Projection tracts link the cerebral cortex to the inferior brain regions and spinal cord. An example would be the _____ tracts that carry motor signals from the brain stem to the spinal cord.


Endocrine organs housed within the cranium are all directly associated with which brain region?


Association tracts connect ____ of the cerebral cortex within the same hemisphere.

different regions

Which cranial nerve innervates the muscles of facial expression and several glands, and conducts gustatory impulses from the anterior part of the tongue?

facial (CN VII)

The association tract that connects the Wernicke area to the motor speech area is an example of longitudinal ____.


Corpus callosum is to commissural as ____________ is to projection tracts.

internal capsule

The projection tracts passing to and from the cortex are called _____.

internal capsules

Which thalamic nuclei relay visual information from the optic tract to the visual cortex and mesencephalon?

lateral geniculate nuclei

Because of its major roles in controlling emotions, drives, and memory, damage to the _______ system could drastically alter an individual's personality.


The cerebral hemispheres are separated by the

longitudinal fissure

Lobes that are post-central gyrus are ____ in function.


The visual reflex center is housed with the

superior colliculus

The mesencephalon is comprised of the corpora quadrigemina, cerebral peduncles, and _____.


The twelve pairs of cranial nerves arise mostly from the brainstem, with only one pair from the ______.


As the brain develops, the prosencephalon (forebrain) grows into the _____ which forms the cerebrum, and the ____ which forms the thalamus, epithalamus, and hypothalamus.

telencephalon, diencephalon

The sensory information relay center


A CNS axon bundle that have a similar function and share a common origin and destination is defined as being a ___.


Which cranial nerve has three divisions; ophthalmic, maxillary, and mandibular?

trigeminal (CN V)

Which cranial nerve innervates the muscles of mastication and provides sensory information from the face, mouth, and anterior scalp?

trigeminal (CN V)

Cranial nerve IV only innervates the superior oblique of the eye.


Which cranial nerve plays the largest role in the autonomic control of visceral functions?

vagus (CN X)

The ____________ nerve monitors sensations of balance and equilibrium as well as hearing.

vestibulocochlear (CN VIII)

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