Snuffle 1

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1).Cytokinesis is the division of the cytoplasm to form two separate cells 2).Cytokinesis may occur at the same time as Telophase 1 3).The two new cells produce at the end of Telophase 1 and Cytokinesis are haploid

Cytokinesis Statements


Each cell at the end of Meiosis has___ the number of chromosomes as the cell at the start of Meiosis

Tetrads do not form in Prophase 2

How is Prophase 2 different from Prophase 1?

1) DNA replicates during interphase 2) Chromatin is made of DNA 3) Genes are found on DNA

Interphase statements

Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase

Meiosis 1 and Meiosis 2 both have the same order for their phases


What are chromosomes made of?

4 haploid gametes

What are the final results after Telophase 2 and Cytokinesis are finished?

Homologous chromosomes separate and move toward opposite ends of the cell

What happens during Anaphase 1?

Tetrads line up down the middle of the cell

What happens during Metaphase 1?

1)Each newly forming cell gets a nucleus 2)Chromosome uncoil to form Chromatin 3)4 haploid gametes are being formed

What happens during Telophase 2?

Sister chromatids separates and move toward opposite poles

What happens in Anaphase 2?

Chromosomes line up single file down the middle of the cell

What happens in Metaphase 2?

1) Chromatin condensed to form visible chromosomes 2) The nucleus and nucleolus disintegrate 3) Homologous chromosomes pair up to form tetrads

What important event take place in Prophase 1?

The nucleus of each cell may reappear as two independent cells are being formed

What is one event that may occur during Telophase 1?


What is uncoiled stingy DNA called

1) It occurs before Meiosis 2) The does normal cell activities during interphase

Which of the following is true about Interphase?

To make gametes (sperm or eggs)

Why do organisms do Meiosis?

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