so psych 7

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borrow parents car but in order to do that you either have to clean every bathroom or clean every floor in the house


General Adaptation Syndrome

Seyle's concept that the body responds to stress with alarm, resistance and exhaustion

alarm state

The body and mind become alert. The body's efforts go into responding to the demand.

The balanced physiological state we are driven to attain by satisfying our needs is called (A) equilibrium (B) homeostasis. (C) self-actualization (D) primary satisfaction. (E) secondary satisfaction.


Which of the following statements best depicts the concept of incentive theory? Responses a) Roger has not eaten all day; therefore, he daydreams about pizza b) Pam was extremely thirsty and drank two bottles of water after running two miles c) Jennifer studies hard because her parents reward her by paying $20 for each superior grade that she brings home d) despite low grades, Fred continues to study because he is interested i the material e) Kevin says that he is constantly hungry and eats at least five meals a day to reduce his hunger


The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory is used primarily to provide information about which of the following? Responses achievement communication skills intelligence body image clinical disorders

clinical disorders

One personality trait that is thought to be highly heritable is (A) generosity. (B) sense of humor. (C) neatness. (D) introversion. (E) diligence.


Which of the following factors does research indicate may influence sexual orientation? (A) parenting styles (B) degree of masculinity or femininity expressed in childhood (C) traumatic childhood experiences (D) genetic influences (E) being raised by homosexual parents


Which of the following is an example of an individual who demonstrates an internal locus of control? a) a woman believes that the reason she is often late to work is because of the traffic in her neighborhood b)a student volunteers at a food shelter because her school club requires community service of its members - no response given c)a man thinks that his displays of aggression are due to the extra caffeine he has been consuming lately - no response given d)a student decides to run for student government because he feels he can make some positive changes in the school - correct e)a teacher decides that students are noisy in her afternoon classes because of the energy they get after eating lunch - no response given


Biff continues to act as if he and Miffy were still together. He waits by her locker, calls her every night and plans future dates


biff could displace his feelings of anger and resentment onto his little brother


decided if which college to go to: college A has the major you want but is expensive, college B is in state but doesn't have the major you want

double approach/avoidance

Stress can most likely contribute to heart disease because A heart medication is very expensive, so having heart disease increases stress B stress blocks stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system, so blood pressure goes up C too much stress has an effect on inherited risk factors D the fight-or-flight reaction stops food digestion, so people gain weight E cortisol released during stress reduces the flexibility of blood vessels, so the heart has to work harder


What kind of psychologist would be most likely to use a projective personality assessment? (A) social cognitive B trait (C) behaviorist (D) humanistic (E) psychoanalytic


damage to ventromedial hypothalamus

extreme overeating

Eustress vs. Distress

good stress vs bad stress

Which of the following concepts provides the best explanation for why people seek to put on warmer clothing when they start to feel cold?


humanistic psychologists believe that the drive toward self-actualization is


cognitive/affective theory

learned beliefs/expectancies/ goals and values shape behavior

damage to lateral hypothalamus

lose interest in eating, die from not eating

Biff insists that Muffy still cares for him


Biff believes that he can now find a better girlfriend. Muffy is not really that pretty, smart, and fun to be with


Biff claims he loathes Muffy

reaction formation

facial feedback hypothesis

the idea that facial expressions can influence emotions as well as reflect them

Which of the following are reasons why intrinsic motivation might be more advantageous than extrinsic motivation? (A) Intrinsic motivation might be more enduring since extrinsic motivations are usually temporary. (B) ' Intrinsic motivations are easier and more convenient to provide. (C) Intrinsic motivations are higher on Maslow's hierarchy of needs, so we are motivated to meet them before extrinsic needs. (D) Intrinsic motivations are more likely to be primary drives. Extrinsic motivations are secondary drives. (E) Intrinsic motivations are more effective with a wider range of individuals.


when asked how he feels about the breakup with muddy, biff replies "who? of yeah i haven't thought about her in awhile"


Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

(level 1) Physiological Needs, (level 2) Safety and Security, (level 3) Relationships, Love and Affection, (level 4) Self Esteem, (level 5) Self Actualization


Having sexual arousal to unusual stimuli

Biff embarks on an in depth research project about failed teen romances


resistance stage

The second stage of the general adaptation syndrome, when there are intense physiological efforts to either resist or adapt to the stressor.

Arun's coworkers regularly describe him as being very agreeable. According to the behavioral perspective of personality, Arun's agreeableness most likely comes from A being rewarded for exhibiting agreeable behavior as a child B witnessing agreeable behavior and wishing to mimic that behavior C a character trait that he inherited from his family D having a secure attachment with his parents E the superego successfully controlling the impulses of the id


Cettina fills out a personality inventory several times over the course of one vear. The results of each administration of the test are extremely different. Cettina's situation suggests that this personality inventory may not be (A) reliable. (B) standardized. (C) normed. D) projective. (E) fair.


Dr. Anderson is a psychologist who currently has a patient who is having difficulty forming relationships with others. To help her patient work through his issues, Dr. Anderson focuses on developing with him a strong relationship that is characterized by unconditional positive regard. Dr. Anderson's approach is most consistent with which type of theory of personality? A Humanist B Psychodynamic C Behaviorist D Biological E Trait


Emotions are controlled primarily by the A limbic system B endocrine system C occipital lobe D hindbrain E corpus callosum


Jenny and Anne are identical twins but were separated at birth and adopted by different families. When they meet each other as adults, they are interested to learn that they share some aspects of personality but differ in other aspects. Albert Bandura, known for the social learning theory of personality, would most likely attribute the differences in the twins' personalities to A differences in the environmental stimuli they experienced and elicited from others during development B subconscious desires to differentiate themselves from each other C their substantial differences in genetic makeup D the fact that genetic factors influence personality only in childhood E the attachment style they developed during childhood


Melvin, a server at a restaurant, is in the middle of a lunch rush. He is completing orders, serving customers, and seating new guests. He has adapted to this level of stress and is coping. Which of the following terms identifies a stage in Hans Selye's general adaptation syndrome that Melvin is currently experiencing? a) Resistance b) Exhaustion (c Withdrawal d) Alarm (E) Pressure


Michael is a kindergartner who is habitually very kind to his classmates and always wants to play with others, even if it means sharing his toys. However, every morning when his mother leaves him at school, he becomes very upset and cries for a half hour. How would a trait theorist most likely characterize his relative levels of extraversion, neuroticism, and agreeableness? A High on extraversion; high on neuroticism; high on agreeableness B Low on extraversion; low on neuroticism; low on agreeableness C High on extraversion; high on neuroticism; low on agreeableness D High on extraversion; low on neuroticism; high on agreeableness E Low on extraversion; high on neuroticism; low on agreeableness


Monica is kicking a soccer ball with her brother in her front yard. When the ball rolls into the street, Monica runs into the street to retrieve it, and her father yells at her from the window. Monica becomes upset when her father raises his voice. How do the Cannon-Bard theory of emotion and the James-Lange theory of emotion differ in explaining Monica's response to her father's raised voice? A The Cannon-Bard theory proposes that Monica's emotional state and physiological arousal occur simultaneously, whereas the James-Lange theory proposes that Monica's physiological arousal precedes her emotional state. B The James-Lange theory proposes that Monica's emotional state and physiological arousal occur simultaneously, whereas the Cannon-Bard theory proposes that Monica's physiological arousal precedes her emotional state. C The James-Lange theory proposes that Monica's emotional state and arousal occur simultaneously, whereas the Cannon-Bard theory proposes that Monica's emotional state stems from her cognitive appraisal of her father's disapproval combined with physiological arousal. D The Cannon-Bard theory proposes that Monica's emotional state stems primarily from physiological factors, whereas the James-Lange theory proposes that Monica's emotional state stems from her cognitive appraisal of her father's disapproval combined with physiological arousal. E The James-Lange theory proposes that Monica's emotional state stems primarily from physiological factors, whereas the Cannon-Bard theory proposes that Monica's emotional state stems primarily from cognitive appraisal factors.


Perceived control over a stressful event tends to result in (A) less reported stress. (B) more frustration regarding the stressful event. (C) more motivation to solve the stressful problem. (D) increased arousal. (E) higher heart and respiration rates.


Personality tests that use forced-choice questions are beneficial in identifying personality traits because they A minimize desirability bias because test takers are choosing between two unrelated statements B allow the psychologist to account for how the participant acts in a variety of different situations C can test more personality facets than can other personality inventories D allow test takers to give intermediate responses E are subjective in nature, which allows a psychologist to draw more accurate conclusions from the data


Research studies indicate that people who are intrinsically motivated as compared to people who are extrinsically motivated tend to a) work harder and enjoy their work more b) work less and enjoy their work less c) more eagerly look forward to rewards like paychecks d) be less creative and less effective e)respond to a challenge by working less


The Yerkes-Dodson law predicts that most people would perform an easy task best if they are at a (A) high level of arousal. (B) low level of arousal. (C) baseline state. (D) level of self-actualization. (E) state of homeostasis.


at dinner, choose between chicken dinner or turkey dinner


offered a new job that will give you more money but is also a longer commute


The best method to understand the causal effect of a reward on an intrinsically motivated behavior is to A conduct an experiment in which intrinsic motivation for a behavior is tested prior to administering a reward for that same behavior in a random sample of the participants and then measure the motivation after the reward is taken away B conduct a case study in which one individual is interviewed extensively about his or her intrinsic motivation for a behavior and the effect of rewards C conduct a cross-sectional study in which a large sample of individuals are interviewed extensively about their intrinsic motivation for a behavior and the effect of rewards D conduct an experiment where a random sample of the participants are given a reward for a given behavior and measure whether the behavior increases E conduct a correlational study where the relationship between participants' self-reported intrinsic motivation for a behavior is correlated with the rewards they receive for that behavior


Which of the following examples best illustrates the defense mechanism of regression? a) after failing an exam, a college student has a temper tantrum and tears up his books and notes b) anxious about an upcoming election for class president, a high school student stops campaigning, saying that anything she does will not matter anyway c)after his girlfriend leaves him, a graduate student accuses his best friend of disloyalty d)a military combat veteran avoids movies and television shows with violent content e)a person who frequently uses drugs joins an antidrug group


Which theory of emotion explains why, when we frown, we feel unhappy? a) James-Lange (B Ekman (c) Cannon-Bard (D) Schachter-Singer (E) Opponent-process


All of the following are identified by researchers as important factors in the causes of eating disorders EXCEPT (A) cultural attitude toward weight. (B) lack of willpower. (C) genetic tendencies. (D) family history of eating disorders. (E) food obsessions.


Domy was raised in a collectivistic culture, while Naureen was raised in an individualistic culture. Based on their upbringings, it is most safe to conclude that compared to Naureen, Domy is more likely to A keep a journal in which she highlights the ways that she is special and unique B skip going to a concert so she can have dinner with her family C tell her boss that a coworker did not contribute to a project so that she could get full credit for the work D speak up at a meeting to make sure her ideas are heard E try to run faster on the treadmill at the gym than the person on the treadmill next to her


Giraldo is unhappy at work. One explanation that is consistent with psychoanalytic theories of personality is that A Giraldo feels he cannot really be himself at work, and this lack of self-actualization causes his unhappiness B Giraldo feels critical of his choice not to go to college, and his defense mechanism is to blame his job for his unhappiness C Giraldo feels he has no choice about his work duties, and this external locus of control leads to his unhappiness D Giraldo thinks he is terrible at his job and everyone will soon find out, and this lack of self-efficacy leads to his unhappiness E Giraldo is generally not a very friendly or happy person, and this trait of low agreeableness causes his unhappiness


Rolf is beginning to learn to ski, but he is nervous about going down some of the steeper slopes. Which of the following potential explanatory factors would theorist Alfred Adler be most interested in exploring to understand Rolf's concerns? A Rolf's need to overcome his feelings of isolation in the world B Rolf's feelings about his older sister, who qualified for the Olympics in skiing C Rolf's need to achieve self-actualization D Rolf's neurotic personality E Rolf's desire to prove to himself that he is capable of skiing down the steeper slopes, and his certainty that he has observed sufficient skilled skiers to emulate them


Sarai is completing an assignment for a college psychology course and is being asked to tell a story about a picture that is provided, based on her interpretation of the picture. This activity is one that might be found on which of the following tests? a. MMPI b. Thematic Apperception Test c. NEO-PI d. Rorschach Inkblot Test e. Myers-Briggs Personality Type Indicator


Tahani is hiking in the woods and sees some movement in the trees. She immediately tenses up. A few moments later, after she realizes that the trees were just rustling in the wind, she calms down. According to Joseph LeDoux, Tahani's reaction is due to the fact that a) emotions are irrational and bear no relation to the stimuli we perceive b) there is a fast-processing path that sends sensory information directly to the amygdala, causing Tahani's initial fear response, and a slower processing path that processes the content of sensory information first, which overrode Tahani's fear response c) emotions are not long-lasting d) what we perceive automatically triggers physiological arousal, like Tahani's fear response, but the actual emotion we experience depends on the label we assign to the physiological arousal, like when Tahani realized her fear response was irrational e) the emotions we feel, like fear, are interpretations of our bodily arousal, which is triggered automatically after processing a stimulus


What is the principal difference between how achievement motivation theory and arousal theory explain human motivation? (A) Achievement motivation is a specific example of arousal motivation. (B) Arousal theory describes the optimum level of general arousal an individual seeks, While achievement motivation describes what type of goals the individual is motivated to achieve. (C) Arousal theory describes motivation by referting to stages in our responses to stress (the general adaptation syndrome). Achievement motivation is not used to describe motivation due to stress. (D) A person with a low optimum level of arousal according to arousal theory would have a high achievement motivation. (E) Arousal theory is an older, outdated precursor to achievement motivation theory.


When Jordan was one year old, he and his father were in a car accident. Neither he nor anyone else in the car was seriously injured, and as an adult he has no memory of the event, though his father developed anxiety around cars as a result. Jordan is now 26 years old. Despite not having been in any car accidents since he was one year old, Jordan has recently begun experiencing anxiety every time he gets in a car. According to psychoanalytic theories of personality, why is Jordan experiencing anxiety? A His anxiety is likely genetic and not related to the accident at all. B Despite not having any conscious memory of the accident, he remembers it in his subconscious, and that has begun to cause his anxiety. C He has learned to be anxious regarding cars over time because he has witnessed his father being anxious. D His anxiety was extinguished over time by not being reinforced by additional car accidents, but he is now experiencing spontaneous recovery of the anxiety. E Anxiety most often begins to develop after the age of twenty-six.


Which approach toward personality is the least deterministic? (A) psychoanalytic B) humanistic (C) trait (D behaviorist (E) biological


Which of the following scenarios most directly refutes trait theories of psychology? A Benjamin takes a personality inventory and feels that it describes him very well. B Victoria goes to the same restaurant and orders the same meal every day, but when she goes out to eat with friends, she likes to order the most interesting thing on the menu. C Cristobal is habitually easily frustrated when he does not get his way. D Assaf keeps his house very organized. E Franklin gets along with just about everyone he meets and makes friends wherever he goes.


Alison is completing a practicum in a psychiatric clinic, and her supervisor has asked her to select an appropriate test for a patient she suspects has a personality disorder but who is otherwise within the normal range for IQ and does not appear to have other cognitive issues. Of the following measures, which would be the most appropriate choice? A The Rorschach test B The Stanford-Binet test C Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2-Restructured Form® (MMPI-2-RF®) D The HEXACO Personality Inventory Revised (HEXACO PI - R) E The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®)


Diane is very disciplined and usually completes the goals she sets for herself. How would a trait theory of personality and a social cognitive theory of personality differ in their explanations of Diane's behavior? A A trait theory might say that Diane is highly conscientious, whereas a social cognitive theory might say that Diane has a fixed mind-set. B A trait theory might say that Diane has a fixed mind-set, whereas a social cognitive theory might say that Diane is highly open to experiences. C A trait theory might say that Diane is highly conscientious, whereas a social cognitive theory might say that Diane's belief about her own self-efficacy drives her behavior. D A trait theory might say that Diane's belief about her own self-efficacy drives her behavior, whereas a social cognitive theory might say that Diane is highly conscientious. E A trait theory might say that Diane is highly open to experiences, whereas a social cognitive theory might say that Diane has a fixed mind-set.


Dr. Brenner works with people to help them decide what jobs would be most suitable for them. She wants her clients to take a personality inventory and believes that the five-factor model of personality is the best model to use to determine job fit. The test that will give her reliable results and best fit her view of personality is the A Draw-A-Person test (DAP) B Woodworth Personal Data Sheet C NEO™ Personality Inventory-3 (NEO™-PI-3) D Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale®—Fourth Edition (WAIS®-IV) E Thematic Apperception Test (TAT)


Dr. Li asks her clients to interpret ambiguous pictures of people in various settings. The method she is using is called (A) the Rorschach test. (B) the MMPI. (C) the TAT (D) factor analysis. (E) the WISC.


Excessive time spent in the resistance phase of Seyles general adaptation syndrome can contribute to (A) increased time needed to adapt to new emotional situations. (B) decreased motivation to perform novel tasks. (c) stress-related diseases like ulcers or heart conditions. (D) a reduction in the drive to achieve goals. (E) resistance to learning skills needed for novel tasks.


Exposure to stressors decreases the effectiveness of lymphocytes in the blood stream, which perform the function of a) reducing the stress response b) sending hormones through the body (c defending the body from viruses (D delivering oxygen to the body (E) promoting a feeling of pleasure


Feminist psychoanalytic critics of Freud most commonly argue that (A) there is no proof that the unconscious exists. (B) Freud devoted too much attention to childhood. (C) women's superegos are just as strong as men's. (D) men and women use different defense mechanisms. (E) while women all suffer from penis envy, men all suffer from womb envy.


Jason is seeing a psychologist who wants to assess his personality. His test includes statements about feelings and behaviors. It asks him how much he agrees or disagrees with each statement on a scale of 1-5. What kind of test is this? a. Thematic Apperception Test b. Projective Personality Test c. Objective Personality Test d. Rorschach Inkblot Test e. Scholastic Aptitude Test


Redirecting one's unacceptable urges into more socially acceptable pursuits best defines which of the following defense mechanisms? (A) intellectualization (B) denial (C) sublimation D) rationalization (E) regression


Russ went for a run, and Nelly took a nap. They then watched a horror movie together. Usually, Russ and Nelly are about equally scared when they watch horror movies. In this situation, Schachter's two-factor theory of emotion predicts that A Nelly will be more scared of the movie because she is well rested from the nap B Nelly will find the movie funny because she is well rested from the nap C Russ will be more scared of the movie because he is aroused from the run D Russ will find the movie funny because he is aroused from the run E Russ and Nelly will be equally scared of the movie


Seyle's general adaptation syndrome describes (A) how the central nervous system processes emotions. (B) the effect of low levels of arousal on emotion. (C) our reactions to stress. (D) our reactions to the different levels of Maslow's hierarchy of needs. (E) the sexual response cycle in humans.


The Garcia effect describes (A) the increased motivation felt by individuals with high levels of arousal. (B) the increased susceptibility to illness experienced in the exhaustion phase of the stress response. (C) classical conditioning associating nausea with food or drink. (D) the effect of a theory Y management style. (E) the effect the hypothalamus has on perceiving hunger.


The belief that personality is created by the interaction between a person, his or her behavior, and the environment is known as (A) combination theory. (B) interactionist perspective. (C) reciprocal determinism. (D) mutuality. (E) circular creation.


What does Schachter's two-factor theory state about the relationship between emotion and physiological reaction? (A) Emotions are caused by physiological reactions. For example, we feel excited because our heart begins to race. (B) Physiological reactions are caused by emotions. For example, our experience of fear causes our breathing rate to increase. (C) A combination of physiological reactions and our cognitive interpretation of an event produces emotion. (D) Physiological reactions and emotional response occur simultaneously. (E) Cognitive emotions occur independently of physiological states and are unrelated.


When a projective technique is used, a person could be asked to Responses a) select statements that she believes best describe her personality b)select statements that she believes identify her likes and dislikes c) look at some pictures and tell a story about each of them d) respond to grade level questions aboutt math, English, social studies, and science e) respond to questions designed to assess her artistic potential


Dr. Howard wants to evaluate a patient's personality with respect to motivation. The patient does not read very well and does not have a very long attention span. Which of the following tests will provide reliable results in the most practical manner? A The Cattell Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire® (16PF®) B The NEO™ Personality Inventory-3 (NEO™-PI-3) C The Freudian Personality Type Test D The Thematic Apperception Test E The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2-Restructured Form® (MMPI-2-RF®)


Which of the following correctly explains the evidence (as well as the person responsible for the discovery) that stress leads to three distinct stages of physiological change: alarm reaction, resistance, and exhaustion? A Hans Selye conducted interviews with human participants identifying their emotional state during different lengths of time living under stressful conditions. B Hans Selye conducted a study comparing the cortisol and blood sugar levels in rats before and during a stressful situation. C Hans Selye conducted a study measuring cortisol and blood sugar levels in rats during different amounts of time living under stressful conditions. D Richard Lazarus conducted a study measuring cortisol and blood sugar levels in rats during different amounts of time living under stressful conditions. E Richard Lazarus conducted interviews with human participants identifying their emotional state during different lengths of time living under stressful conditions.


Which sentence most closely describes the difference between theory X and theory Y types of management? (A) Theory X managers are more active in work groups. Theory Y managers are more hands-off, letting groups work out problems on their own. (B) The management theories differ in regard to what tasks they delegate to workers. (C) Theory Y managers regard employees as intrinsically motivated. Theor X managers see them as extrinsically motivated. (D) Management theory X is dominant in collectivist cultures. Theory Y is more prevalent in individualist cultures. (E) Theory Y is used with workers who have high optimum levels of arousal. Theory X is used with those whose arousal levels are low.


"it belongs to human nature to hate those you have injured." This belief is best explained by

cognitive dissonance theory

type A

competitive, hard-driving, impatient, verbally aggressive, and anger-prone people, heart attack

A high score on Holmes and Rahe's social readjustment rating scale correlates with (A) high optimum levels of arousal. (B) level of need reduction. (C) incidence of eating disorders. (D) incidence of stress-related illness. (E) levels of perceived control.


A therapist who is an adherent of the humanistic personality theory would most likely focus on which of the following? A The underlying and consistent behavioral traits that differ across individuals B Differences in rewards and punishments as the source of behavioral differences C Unconscious motives guiding people's behavior D The pursuit of self-actualization E The influence of the beliefs about the self on behavior


According to Freud, which part of the mind acts as a person's conscience? (A) Eros (B) ego (C) libido (D) superego (E) id


According to the drive-reduction theory of motivation, drives arise because of physiological imbalances in A the gonads B the cochleae C the parathyroid glands D homeostasis E the synapses


Before starting her day working at a day-care center, Meredith takes a few moments to smile at herself in the mirror. No matter how she is feeling before she comes in, she finds that smiling helps her feel happier before beginning her day. Meredith's experience is evidence for A general adaptation theory B cognitive dissonance theory C unconditional positive regard D the facial feedback hypothesis


Chidi is very selfless, cooperative, and trusting of other people. According to the Big Five model of personality, these characteristics make him A low in agreeableness B high in extroversion C low in neuroticism D high in agreeableness E low in extroversion


Chronic stress is most likely to lead to A increased cognitive function B increased tolerance for stressful situations C decreased blood pressure D decreased functioning of the immune system E decreased production of cortisol


Dr. Dameron wants to test whether the Yerkes-Dodson law holds true for the players on a college basketball team. Dr. Dameron will manipulate arousal in the players by giving them different doses of caffeine. Which method would best allow Dr. Dameron to test the causal effects of arousal on performance in the players, and what results should he expect to find? A Give three different groups of players low, medium, and high doses of caffeine during a practice game. The performance of the high-dose group is predicted to be best. B Give each player a low dose, then a medium dose, then a high dose of caffeine during three consecutive practice games. Their performance while on the low dose is predicted to be best. C Give each player a low dose, then a medium dose, then a high dose of caffeine during three consecutive practice games. Their performance while on the high dose is predicted to be best. D Give three different groups of players low, medium, and high doses of caffeine during a practice game. The performance of the medium-dose group is predicted to be best. E Give each player a low dose, then a medium dose, then a high dose of caffeine during three consecutive practice games. Their performance while on the medium dose is predicted to be best.


How would drive reduction theory explain a person accepting a new job with a higher salary but that requires more work and responsibility? (A) Money is a more powerful incentive for this individual than free time. (B) This person seeks a higher activity level and takes the job in order to satisfy this drive. (C) For this person, money is a higher-level need than free time. (D) The person takes the job to satisfy the secondary drive of increased salary. (E) Humans instinctively seek greater resources and control over their environment.


Humanistic psychologists assert that people are motivated to self-actualize. Which of the following statements best describes the meaning of this term? (A) accepting themselves the way they are (B) encouraging others to pursue their dreams (C) identifying core principles by which to live (D) trying to achieve their full potential (E) bringing their actions into line with their desires


If a personality survey with high internal consistency includes two different questions related to the personality dimension of agreeableness, then which of the following is true? A It is impossible to predict how people will answer the second question based on how they answered the first question. B If people give an extreme answer to the first question, they will tend to give the opposite extreme answer to the second question. C People will tend to give dissimilar answers to both questions. D People will tend to give similar answers to both questions. E If people give a moderate answer to the first question, they will tend to give an extreme answer to the second question.


Jamal sucked his thumb until age eight. As an adult, he smokes, chews gum, and thinks constantly of food. Psychoanalysts would describe Jamal as having a (an) (A) obsession. (B) orally controlled libido. (C) Oedipus complex. (D) oral fixation. (E) mother complex.


One of your classmates remarks that "Mary is all id." What does she likely mean? (A) Mary uses a lot of defense mechanisms. (B) Mary is a highly ethical person. (C) Mary is a perfectionist. (D) Mary frequently pursues immediate gratification. (E) Mary is in constant conflict over the proper course of action to take.


Someone who has an external locus of control is likely to have a (A) positive self-concept. (B) high sense of self-efficacy. (C) strong libido. (D) belief in luck. (E) high IQ.


The neurotransmitter dopamine is most closely associated with A alertness B obsession and compulsion C irritability D reward-seeking behavior E appetite


To develop his theory about personality, Freud interviewed his patients during therapy sessions, typically multiple sessions per week. The patients laid on a couch while Freud asked questions and listened to the patients' responses. What was one of Freud's main contributions to personality theory, and which method did he use? A The existence of archetypes and the collective unconscious; case studies B The existence of archetypes and the collective unconscious; personality inventories C Personality is related to balance among the id, the ego, and the superego; case studies D Personality is related to balance among the id, the ego, and the superego; personality inventories


When given a drug that produced general arousal, research participants placed in a room with a happy confederate described their emotional state as happy, while those placed in a room with an angry confederate described their emotional state as angry. Which theory of emotion best explains these results? a) James-Lange (в ) Ekman (c Cannon-Bard D) Schachter-Singer (E) Opponent-process


Which is NOT one of the big five personality traits? (A) extraversion (B openness (C agreeableness D) honesty (E) conscientiousness


According to Kurt Lewin's motivational conflict theory, approach-avoidance conflict occurs when a situation has A only neutral aspects B only a strong negative aspect C only a mildly negative aspect D only a strong positive aspect E both positive and negative aspects


Juan has a huge crush on Sally, but he never admits it. Instead, he tells all who will listen that Sally is really "into him." Psychoanalysts would see Juan's bragging as an example of (A) displacement. (B) reaction formation. (C) sublimation. (D) denial. (E) projection.


Which aspects of hunger are controlled by the lateral and ventromedial hypothalamus? (A) contraction and expansion of the stomach, indicating too much or too little food (B) body temperature and desire to eat (c) desire to eat and physiological processes needed for eating and digestion (such as salivation) (D) the binge and purge cycle in bulimics (E) the desire to eat and the feeling of satiety, or fullness, that makes us stop eating


type b

easygoing, relaxed people


emotional memory

4 stage of sex

excitement, plateau, orgasm, resolution


of or relating to symptoms caused by mental or emotional problems

Biff begins to sleep with his favorite childhood stuffed animal, Fuzzy Kitten


Biff devotes himself to writing poetry and published a small volume before graduating high school


Garcia effect

taste aversion, when nausea and a food are paired, the food will be averted in the future

What hormone seems to be most closely linked with aggressive behavior?


exhaustion stage

the third stage of the GAS, characterized by weakened resistance and possible deterioration

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