soc 1

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Why are older adults of great interest to sociologists who study the life-course today?

Older adults are the life-stage group experience the greatest growth

Which of the following statements most accurately compares a crime to a deviant act?

a crime breaks a law and a deviant act does not

emile Durkheim used the word anomie to refer to a very specific condition what is that condition?

a feeling of aimlessness or despair, due to the constant change typical of modern life

conflict theories

a theoretical perspective that emphasizes the role of political and economic power and oppresion as contributing to existing social order - focus on economic factors to explain changes arising from the industrial revolution - poor people, rich people, poor people are tired of being oppressed and things change. influenced by marxism

32. Devah Pager's experiment on the hiring of ex-felons showed that

a white man with a criminal record is as likely to be hired as a black man with no criminal record

In our schools we learn a formal curriculum in various academic subjects. However, schools are more subtle agents of socialization. Which of the following is an example of the latent aspects of socialization in schools?

affecting students expectations of themselves

Which statement is NOT true of Michelle Alexander's argument in "Go to Trial: Crash the Justice System"?

after taking a plea bargain and serving their time, ex-felons usually get a "second chance" to live their lives outside the criminal justice system

example of ethnocentrism

an american believes that learning a foreign language is not worth the time because english is the superior language

example of cultural relativism

an american believes that other languages should be respected and valued equally to english

whats an example of linguistic relativity hypothesis?

an indigenous people have no equivalent words for planet, earth or world. they do not view a macro picture of multiple planets.

33. Which of the following is NOT an example of corporate crime?

an organized crime group engages in sex trafficking

label theory - durkheim

approach to the study of deviance that suggest that people bc certain labels are attached to their behavior

According to ethnomethodology, people use ________ to organize everyday conversations.

background expectancies


beaurcracy- governed by princples of rationalization as an inevitable feature - rational choice theory

cultural universal values

behaviors shared by all cultures - basic things that everyone does.

davis and moore

believe social stratification is function bc the different positions must be unequal to attract the most qualified individuals for each role. 1% we dont need everyone in the 1% so the value wont go down.

Which theory claims that minor crimes in the neighborhood are the precursors to more serious crime, and therefore must be severely policed?

broken windows theory

25. All large organizations tend to be __________, according to Max Weber.


When Jorge was young, he liked to paint his toenails pink with his sister. On the first day he started kindergarten, the other kids laughed at him and told him that he was acting "like a girl" with his toenails painted pink. Once he got home he took the nail polish off so the kids would no longer make fun of him. According to George Herbert Mead's theory of socialization, Jorge now saw himself through the eyes of others and realized that boys are not supposed to wear nail polish. In other words, Jorge developed:

c. a social consciousness

5 stages of socialization

childhood teen young adult mature adult old age.

Two people are standing together in an elevator, but they do not speak to each other or look each other in the eye. Erving Goffman called this type of interaction:

civil inattention

Ideal bureaucracy

clear out hierarchy of authority and written rules of conduct. at all levels of organizations

In order to remedy the gender pay gap between female-dominated and male- dominated jobs, a local college adjusted the pay of its workers so that workers were paid by education and experience. This adjustment is an example of:

comparable worth policies

the most valued aspects of culture represent the values, norms, and goods of the most powerful individuals in society

conflict theory

The sociological technique used to examine the organizational principles of interaction through talk is called:

conversation analysis

Every Friday, Google, Inc., encourages all of its employees to attend a speaker series in which authors, athletes, and other famous and inspiring people speak. This weekly corporate event is an example of a management trend known as:

corporate culture of group solidarity

22. Which of the following is an example of quid pro quo sexual harassment?

d. when a supervisor demands sexual acts from a worker as a job condition

unfocused interaction

describes in occuring among people - walking past people on their phones at orientation

Michelle has spent the past year among a subculture of twentysomethings who all listen to the same kind of music. She spends time with them, participates in their events, and observes their interactions and behaviors. She records what she witnesses in her field notebook. What kind of sociological research best describes what Michelle is doing?


24. The Stanley Milgram "Obedience to Authority" study demonstrated that people are willing to obey an authority figure:

even if they are asked to inflict pain on others

According to Karl Marx, because workers produce more than is actually needed to pay them, the relationship between workers and capitalists in an industrial society is:


4 main agents of socialization

family school peers mass media

methods - ethnography

first hand study of people - gangs, basketball players - spec social group just watching

Hakeem prefers to think of institutions and human activities by analyzing the relationship of each individual part as it relates to the whole. His way of thinking most closely resembles which theoretical perspective?


Mainstream culture is popular because it represents the values, norms, and goods that benefit society most.


durkheims approach to deviance is understood as

functionalist perspective

49. Variations in gender roles across cultures demonstrate that:

gender roles are culturally determined

Which of the following is NOT true of systems of social stratification?

if a person no longer identifies with the other members of his or her category, he or she is no longer classified at that level.

26. According to Robert Michels's concept of the "iron law of oligarchy":

in large scale organizations power is inevitably concentrated at the top

According to Robert Reich's article "How to Shrink Inequality," one of the key things the US should do in order to reduce the economic disparity between wealthy people and everybody else is

increase taxes on the wealthy

Émile Durkheim's concept of anomie is an important influence on the sociology of deviance. According to Durkheim, what is one of the main consequences of anomie?

increased disposition toward suicide

An educator disgusted with standardized testing and teaching methods decides to start a charter school that doesn't give students grades and encourages creative thinking over rote learning. According to Robert Merton's strain theory of deviance, which personality type best fits this educator?


personal space

intimate personal social public space edward hall


is a social construct

linguistic relativity hypothesis

lang influences perceptions of the world

Why is a larger random sample more desirable in survey research?

larger samples are more likely to be representative of the population studied

Which of the following concepts introduced by Max Weber suggests that your probability of economic success is largely dependent on the social position you are born into?

life chances

howard becker argued that smoking marijuana involved

looking for acceptance into a subculture and learning its norms

1. According to Mills in THE SOCIOLOGICAL IMAGINATION, sociological understanding is important because

many personal behaviors and feelings reflect larger social issues

Which of the following is a social group?

members of a society

what is the best definition of race socialization?

messages about race that each generation passes on to the next


models of action that dont conform to norms or values held by most members of a group or society - durkheim

Today people -- often children --are taken against their will and forced to work as brickmakers in Pakistan or sex workers in Thailand. These are examples of:

modern day slavery

Sexual assault has become as large a problem on campus as it is in American society as a whole. College provides an environment for many students both to explore intimate relationships with casual partners and to form serious relationships. Research shows that:

most rapes and sexual assaults are perpetrated by someone the victim already knows, not a stranger.

Which of the following statements is true concerning the role of biology in explaining the behavior patterns of men and women?

nearly a century of research has failed to identify significant biological origins of the behavior patterns of men and women


no direct results - give researcher control structured.

edwin southerlands

notion of differential association - allows us to learn deviant behavior and learning through association with those who have deviant behavior. rob houses

compulsion of proximity

peoples need to interact with others

According to Erving Goffman, social interaction is like:

performing a play in a theater

primary vs secondary groups

primary intense, emotional ties, during commitment


process through which we learn what is expected of us in society. develop awareness of social norms. constant lifelong process.

social identity -

refers to an individual by others.


research methods artificial setting to study as question. provide control of exp condition.

comparative research

research that compares one set of findings society vs society

piagets 4 stages of cog development

sensory motor - infants learn by touching preoperational - ego centric only understand things that revolve around them. concrete op stage - master logical not abstract formal op stage - grasp highly abstract and hypothetical questions.

Jacob and Amara both graduated from college with a high GPA and a good résumé in the field of accounting. A year after graduation, Jacob was working as a waiter, and Amara was working at an accounting firm that her father's best friend headed. Amara most likely got this job because:

she had an advantage due to her fathers social networks


snoop - backstage frontstage - stigmas

Socially defined expectations of a person in a given social position are referred to as:

social roles

As a doctor, Ivan is expected to follow certain standards, such as keeping patient information confidential. What would a sociologist call these expectations?

social rules

social rules

socially defined expectations of indiv in a given status.

racial socialization

specific verbal and non verbal messages that older generations transmit to younger generations regarding the significance of race commercials about black parents giving their kids the talk - police brutality.

social stratification

structured inequalities that exist between groups of people on the basis of factors such as gender race - sexuality.


studied social facts, solidarity, and divison of labor. term called organic solidarity which is a social cohesion that results from interdependence when various parts of society function as one unit.


study of how people make sense of what people say or do in any interaction

millgrams experiment

subject - confederate and researcher - shocks

The value of culture is subjective, and how individuals behave and act can reflect how they think social groups value those behaviors and actions.

symbolic interactionism


tendency to look at other cultures through the perspective of ones culture

durkheim -anomie

the feeling of isolation, difficulty, aimlessness and despair

What is France's national policy on wearing face-covering veils in public?

there is a ban on wearing veils in public

why do goths fit the definition of a subculture

they share a common set of cultural patterns that mark them as goth

23. Which of the following is an example of a primary group?

three best friends in hs


traffic lights, thumbs up or middle finger. non ling.

47. Downward mobility occurs when:

when a persons income, wealth or status is lower than his or her parents

Karl Marx's class definition, "relationship to the means of production," refers to

where you are located in the labor market: do you buy labor or sell it?

tax fraud

white collar crime

Eddie is a factory worker who makes about $42,000 a year. Eddie's wife, Joan, works part-time as a dental assistant and makes about $19,000. Their combined income is just enough to pay their mortgage and make ends meet. Eddie and Joan are considered to be:

working class

Amalia wants to research differences in attitudes toward globalization between people from the United States and people from Colombia. She is creating a survey instrument to give to people from both regions. What part of the research process is she in?

working out a design

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