Soc 1000 exam 1

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Nearly ________ people in the United States died from gun related injuries in 2017. Suicides accounted for __________ percent of gun deaths in the United States in 2017. On a global level, half of altgun-related deaths occurred in just ______ countries. The United States ____ one of those countries.

40,000 60 6 IS

The blog post explains that the best sociological research uses quantitative methods


carry out research- "When conducting ethnography, we might start with basic observations" review the literature- "find the results of research others conducted"

Interpret the results- "conduct a unique analysis, even if we are using data someone else collected* Work out design- Choose among "measurement techniques such as surveys, interviews, focus groups, ethnography, or comprehensive analysis of texts"

In a comment following the blog post, Grace writes, "The quality of research has been adversely affected by people conducting more Google searches than carrying out sociological research." How would Karen Sternheimer likely respond to this comment?

Lets use a word other than *research* to refer to online searches and everyday observations.

One teenage girl yelled at her friends "Go Go" - Language in this neighborhood, ppl see neighborliness as important- value artificial pumpkins and ghosts decorate a front lawn- material culture

Ppl still give candy away, but in new ways, due to the pandemic- material culture- norm

Identify the prominent people who majored in sociology.

Soccer champion Megan Rapinoe, Michelle Obama, Ronald Regan, Martin Luther king jr

Identify each scenario as systematic research, or not.

Systematic Research - A sociology student conducted a survey on campus about how students decorate their laptop covers with stickers. - A public health organization compared COVID-19 death rates across racial subgroups Not systematic Research -Mary googled "safe masks," and found instructions for sewing her own COVID-19 masks. -Kandy improved her bowling technique by closely observing other bowlers.

What is the common thread uniting all the "sociological bits of knowledge" in the post?

They look at social life with a sociological imagination

Generational categories such as "Millennial" or "Generation Z" clearly and strictly include people born within a fifteen-year span.


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