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"slights," indignities, and put-downs. Ex: Describing transgender people using gender-inappropriate names or pronouns.

cultural capital

(tastes, habits, expectations, skills, knowledge, etc.), which helps us to gain advantages in society.

Labeling Theory

A definition is attached to an individual. The definition is not positive and stigmatizes the individual. People begin to respond accordingly to the definition. The individual begins to tolerate or accept the label. The individual begins to seek the company of like others who reinforce the label


According to one study, in Pennsylvania, black defendants on trial for murder were 40 percent more likely to receive the death penalty than whites convicted of similar crimes. This indicates that: A. blacks are given equal treatment by the U.S. justice system. B. whites are often the victims of reverse discrimination. C. the criminal justice system has a racial bias. D. African Americans commit more murders than other racial or ethnic groups.


An act that has been declared illegal by some authority.


Any violation of a widely held norm & generates a negative reaction. Usually mild and typically ignored. More serious deviance will attract attention of authorities


Authors often use the word "man" to refer to large groups that include both male and female members—for example, "all mankind." Sociologists and feminists argue that this is an example of the use of sexist language. What does this tell us about the relationship between language and culture? A. Language is shaped by culture, and the use of nonsexist words is a signal of social change. B. Language shapes culture, so using gender-neutral language facilitates social change. C. Language can change culture, but only in negative ways that increase sexism and discrimination. D. Culture can only be transformed through material and economic change, not through any connection to language.


For many years, Saturday Night Live ran a series of skits about a character named Pat. The premise of each skit was that no one could tell if Pat was male or female, and ingenious plots to determine his or her gender all failed. The humor in these skits is based on the fact that: A. men have historically had access to most of society's material resources and privileges; consequently, they generally seek to maintain their dominant status. B. gender identity is so important to our social selves that we can barely interact with anyone without first determining that person's gender. C. Pat was trying to avoid being classified as a woman, because expressive and instrumental roles may be complementary but the social rewards for filling them are far from equal. D. transgender and gender-nonconforming people are challenging old ideas about the relationship between sex and gender.


How did the G.I. Bill of Rights, which provided funds for home loans, affect African Americans? a. It greatly aided in the creation of an African American middle class. b. Though it was written to help all veterans regardless of race, African Americans were typically excluded from home ownership. c. It helped those who had served in the military, but there were relatively few African American veterans. d. It provided assistance to African Americans in the North, but there was still too much prejudice in the South.


In the United States, the federal poverty line is calculated using food costs, based on the cheapest possible diet that can still provide basic nutrition. What sort of measure of poverty is this? a. a measure of absolute deprivation b. a measure of relative deprivation c. a measure of poverty based on conflict theory d. a measure of social welfare


In the early 1900s, native-born Americans, usually Protestants, did NOT consider Irish, Italian, or Jewish immigrants to be white. What does this illustrate? A. racial passing B. the social construction of race C. an enactment of symbolic ethnicity D. racial pluralism


In the novel "The Scarlet Letter," Hester was required to wear the letter "A" sewn to her dress wherever she went, alerting everyone to her sin of adultery. This deliberate effort to attach a negative meaning to a behavior is an example of: a. Deterrence b. Recidivism c. Shaming d. Deviance


It is often said that you can always tell a millionaire by her shoes. She may dress like a slob in every other respect, but someone from the upper class is bound to have expensive, custom-made footwear. Whether this is true or not, it helps demonstrate the way we: A. try to "better ourselves" by increasing the amount of cultural capital we possess. B. allow relative levels of prestige to determine our class status. C. make split-second judgments about who people are and what social status they occupy based on their appearances. D. surrender to the impersonal forces of the market.


Joshua is interested in the controversial police practice of targeting individuals based on their race. Joshua is interested in racial: A. Deterrence B. Profiling C. Shaming D. Discretion

Gender Role Socialization

Learning the cultural and attitudinal qualities associated with males and females


Louise was a librarian who owned a home. After her husband's death, she lost her house and turned to alcohol to ease her pain. Now, Louise is a homeless beggar on the streets of San Francisco. This reflects: A. Horizontal Mobility B. Structural Mobility C. Exchange Mobility D. Vertical Mobility


Margaret Mead, an American anthropologist, spent much of her career documenting the ways in which other cultures had gender roles that differed, sometimes radically, from those of twentieth-century America. Why does this matter? a. It shows that gender is either male or female from birth to death and that there are no other options. b. It shows that the American version of gender roles is the most advanced in the world. c. It shows that the physical environment determines gender. d. It shows that the meaning of masculinity and femininity differs in different societies, which demonstrates that our version of gender is not naturally occurring.

Proletariat, the poor factory workers

Marx suggested that the class structure of western Europe consisted of two groups: #1?

Bourgeoisie, the owners of the factories

Marx suggested that the class structure of western Europe consisted of two groups: #2?


One cost-of-living indicator available on the Internet shows that a salary of $40,000 in Santa Barbara, California, is equivalent to $14,000 in Wichita, Kansas. This is primarily because of housing, which is much less expensive in Wichita. What does this difference say about how the federal government calculates poverty? a. It highlights something the poverty line shows us: that poverty is connected to the local cost of living, reflected in the differences in rates of poverty in different parts of the country. b. It shows that the poverty line is more or less accurate, because it has been recalibrated to take into account housing costs. c. It points to a flaw in the way the government calculates the poverty line, as the standard is uniformly applied without regard to regional differences. d. It points to a flaw in the way the government calculates the poverty line, as it proves there are far more poor people in the Midwest.

National Crime Victimization Survey

People are asked about personal experiences as a crime victim. Much crime is not reported esp. if it involves a stigma


Plantation owners in America often argued that the Africans they imported were better off as slaves because they did not have the mental capacity to run their own lives. Today, this seems both racist and crazy. How could such racist beliefs flourish? A. People are, by nature, hostile and look to blame their problems on others. B. Such beliefs justify social arrangements between dominant and minority groups that benefit those who accept them. C. People knew much less about world history then, so it seemed more plausible. D. Nineteenth-century science was not very well developed, so no authority figures could debunk racist beliefs.

Patriarchy in everyday life

Positions of power and authority typically emphasize the male gender "chairman", "policeman" which implies one gender is more suited for a particular job than the other. This is an example of?

Uniform Crime Report

Published annually since 1930. It allows for comparisons in crime rates between years and geographic regions. FBI pays special attention in the UCR to 8 crimes: Homicide, Robbery, Aggravated assault, Forcible rape, Burglary, Larceny-theft, Auto theft, Arson.


Sexual orientation is a _______?

Differential Association Theory

Sutherland's idea that offenders learn crime from each other. Interested in how crime was not necessarily a function of individual pathology but rather the product of social organization (the people who live in the same area as the individual).

gender markers

Symbols and signs that identify gender Examples include choice of appropriate colors or naming patterns


The Bell Curve by Richard J. Herrnstein and Charles Murray generated an enormous amount of controversy when it first came out, largely because it suggested that racial differences in IQ scores were due to genetically driven differences in intelligence and argued that "both genes and the environment have something to do with racial differences." For those who disagreed, this seemed like a very familiar argument, because: A. racism usually is reducible to a group's cultural characteristics. B. this is the same argument that was made by the founding fathers to justify the relatively equal treatment of both Native Americans and involuntary African immigrants. C. as always, it leaves education policy at the center of a racial controversy. D. racist beliefs are often rooted in the assumption that differences between groups are genetic.


The Intersex Society of North America recommends that "surgeries done to make the genitals look 'more normal' should not be performed until a child is mature enough to make an informed decision for herself or himself." Usually, doctors would always try to involve a patient in his or her treatment, so why is this advice necessary? A. There are serious health risks associated with being born intersex that must always be addressed immediately. B. So few people are born intersex that no one knows about them. C. In our society, the prospect of an ambiguously sexed person seems so threatening that surgical procedures are performed long before a child is old enough to know what is happening. D. Intersex is based on secondary, not primary, sex characteristics, and these won't develop until later in life.


The reality show "Lock-Up" provides a bird's eye view of life within American prisons. Viewers see that the majority of inmates released from prison eventually return to prison. This tendency is called: A. Recidivism B. Deterrence C. Deviance D. Shaming

The poverty threshold in 2015 for a family of four was $24,250.

What did the U.S. Census Bureau define as the poverty threshold for a family of four in 2015?


When young people go away to college, it is often the first time they make friends with people of substantially different class statuses. Sometimes this leads to tension when the wealthier member of a friendship is oblivious to his or her friend's class status and suggests activities that are beyond the friend's means. This tension results from a lack of: A. historical materialism. B. prestige or power. C. status inconsistency. D. everyday class consciousness.


a deliberate effort to attach a negative meaning to a behavior.

Minority group

a group that has a smaller population and less power than the majority group

Stigmatized shame

a permanent label given to an offender, which could increase the chances of reoffending because the guilty person is forever labeled

lower middle class

a social class generally made up of people with high school diplomas and lesser levels of education. Makes up about 30% of the U.S. workers. Includes "Blue-collar" or service industry workers. Most working are paid on an hourly basis and usually do manual labor. Make $27-48k/per year.

middle class

a social class that consists of those who have moderate incomes. About 30% of Americans belong to it They include white collar workers -teachers, nurses, and some well-paid blue-collar occupations such as factory foremen. They make $48k - $116k/ per year

Relative (Deprivation) Poverty

a state of poverty that occurs when we compare ourselves to those around us


a system in which a person's position may be a position of power and privilege or of disadvantage, but in either case his or her place is permanently fixed. People are born into it and it is a lifelong positions that is ascribed. do not allow people to move up and down the ranks. The most widely known caste system is in India, although it is now formally illegal

The Second Shift

a term coined by sociologist Arlie Hochschild, refers to the unpaid work—cooking, cleaning, laundry, child care, home repair, yard work—that must be done at home after the day's paid labor is complete.


all of your material possessions, including income

The Glass Ceiling

an invisible barrier preventing women from reaching executive-level positions in the workplace

the death penalty

black defendants on trial for murder were 40% more likely to receive _______ than whites convicted of similar crimes which suggests the CJS has a racial bias

Criminal Justice System

comprised of institutions, policies, and practices with the goal of social control and deterring crime through sanctions and rehabilitation. made up of: Legislatures, Police, Courts, Prison.


discrimination based on a person's race

symbolic interactionists

examine the way we use status differences to categorize ourselves and others.


exists in societies where many groups are able to coexist without any of them losing their individual qualities.


fear or discrimination toward homosexuals or toward individuals who display purportedly gender-inappropriate behavior.


formal acknowledgement the defendant is innocent

Residential Segregation

grouping people in residential areas by some characteristic such as age, SES, religion, race, or ethnicity

G.I. Bill of Rights

guaranteed low interest home loans to all veterans. It also provided money for all veterans for education. However, although it was written to help all veterans regardless of race, it systematically discriminated against African Americans. They were typically excluded from home ownership and told no to home loans, no to job placement except the most menial positions, and no to college unless it was a historically black college. Loans that would alter the racial composition of white areas were rejected.

Social Stratification

hierarchical differences in economic positions, often including wealth, power and/or prestige

upper middle class

high-income members of society who are well educated but do not belong to the elite membership of the super wealthy. Makes up about 14% of the population and is made up of managers, highly educated professionals and owners of businesses. They make $116k-205k/year.

Vertical Mobility

involves moving from one social class to another


is a measure that prevents a person from doing something because of fear of the consequences/harsh penalties - this is the punishment used in the U.S.

Institutional Discrimination

maintains the advantage for the dominant group in social institutions, while providing the appearance of fairness to all


negative attitudes about an entire category of people

socially defined

no act, belief, or characteristic is inherently deviant because deviance is _______


occurs when a minority group takes on the characteristics of the dominant group.

Lower class

often feels the affects of poverty. Members often live paycheck to paycheck (~20% of workers). are among the 37 million who live in poverty in the U.S. Blacks and Hispanics disproportionately live in poverty.

Hate Groups

organizations that promote hostility or violence toward others based on race and other factors

Gender Identity

our perception of ourselves as male or female


people whose bodies (including genitals) have both male and female characteristics

Upper class

possess significant wealth. Makes up about 1 percent of the population (3 million people), and their total net worth is greater than that of the entire other 99%. Their average income is $2 million

Absolute (Deprivation) Poverty

poverty so severe that one lacks resources to survive


proposes social, political, and economic equality for all people. In general In general, feminists agree on 4 points: Increasing equality in work and education Expanding human choice for outcomes Eliminating gender stratification Ending sexual violence

Horizontal Mobility

refers to moving within the same status category

Feminization of Poverty

refers to the economic trend that women are more likely than men to live in poverty, due in part to the gendered gap in wages, the higher proportion of single mothers compared to single fathers, and the increasing cost of child care.


refers to the total control over people who have no choice about their state. There are about 27 million slaves worldwide. Under old slavery systems, slavery was legal, and slaves were never paid. Under new slavery, it is illegal, but slaves may be bound by debts, rarely earning enough to repay them. Slavery is driven by rapid population growth, extreme poverty, weak governments, and desire for cheap labor.


represents a form of stratification that allows social mobility. People are stratified by wealth, property, power, and prestige Sociologists often refer to social class as socioeconomic status. There is no agreement on the number of classes that are in the United States In general, although Americans are very optimistic about their chances for upward mobility, although if they climb vertically few go more than a few rungs


simplified perceptions of an entire category of people, they tend to be rigid and inaccurate images that are self-serving for the dominant group

Gender Roles

society's expectations of how males and females should act and think

Just-World Hypothesis

the assumption that people get what they deserve and deserve what they get


the belief system that one sex is superior to the other


the biological distinction between the sexes


the classification of people who share a common cultural, linguistic or ancestral heritage

Racial Profiling

the disproportionate selection by law enforcement of minority suspects. The reliance on race as the basis for detaining an individual for investigation or for arrest.


the division of people based on real or perceived biological differences

Majority group

the group that has the largest population and holds a significant amount of power and privilege


the idea that members of any minority group are affected by the nature of their position in other arrangements of social inequality.


the money you take in


the personal traits and position in society connected with being "male" or "female"


the physical separation of majority and minority groups.


the systematic attempt at eliminating an entire group of people


the tendency for inmates released from prison to be rearrested and returned to prison

Social reproduction

the tendency for social-class status to be passed down from one generation to the next


the unfair treatment of people based on prejudice

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