soc 200-chapter 12 terms and concepts

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elder abuse

About 10% of older adults have been subjected to elder abuse Physical, verbal, emotional, and sexual abuse, financial steal, or misuse the elder's property or financial resources

Laura Scott

Describes our society as pronatlist Means that our cultural values supporting childbearing and child-rearing as the normative and preferred practice and those who choose to remain childfree must battle against these judgements

stage 1

Disagreements are glossed over and the relationship looks stable and healthy

Valarie king

Found that establishing a positive relationship with a stepparent helps adolescents feel like they belong in their new blended families

Jui Chung and Allen Li

Found that if the behavior of children is compared before and after divorce, the divorce itself is shown to have had very little impact on their grades or conduct Situation where divorce is anticipated, children fare equally well post divorce as they did pre divorce

remarriage patterns

males remarriage more than women Remarriage rates among younger Americans in the United States are actually significantly lower now than they were 1960

single parents vs race

black children are much more likely to be raised by a single parent

stage 3

Last for seconds, hours, or even days Abuser will invariably blame victim for incident

pattern maintenance

Pattern maintenance: values and norms of a society are passed on to the next generation

how much did divorce fall during the pandemic


what is the average length of marriage in the U.S

19.9 years

how much does it cost to raise a child


foster care

425,000 children in foster care more than 2 million adopted children There is an uptick in the number of children entering foster care, due in part to the opioid epidemic All foster kids have in common is that a social worker or someone else from the helping professions worked to make them part of a family -most reunite with parents -some are awaiting to adopt

childfree living

86% adults surveyed in a recent poll either had children or wanted them Some are choosing to live childfree rather than childless Never having given birth does not always mean a women is childless; she may have stepchildren or adopted children A recent study found that women don't necessarily decide to remain childfree once and that's that; rather it is a decision that develops over the life course as a result of changes in factors like educational attainment, labor market participation, and partnership status Childfree people (especially women) are stigmatized for their choice and are often the object of pity, suspicion, and discrimination


A person who helps with the comfort of pregnancy and focuses on breathing. Growing number of mothers to be are employing doulas pros of doulas service Less likely to have low birth weight babies more likely to engage in breastfeeding Usually satisfied Usually passed within family, but now a more formal training is provided with several organization Indicates that the future of childbirth is not all about cutting-edge technology

Carol stack

All our Kin Ethnography kinship relations in an urban african american community basically proved that we are constantly evaluating and reevaluating the attitudes and behaviors of those around us, assigning family status to new people and dismissing others from out circle of meaningful family relations

Emile Durkheim

Aruged that the industrial revolution and the division of labor had undermined the older social institution that formerly regulated society, leaving some people suffering from anomie or normlessness, which sometimes resulted in suicide Found that marriage and family (at least for me) decreased the chances of suicide because they provide the structure and regulation that Durkheim believed people require to be happy men who were married and had children were less likely to kill themselves because of their obligations to their families, while single men had less to tether them to this mortal coil, and would be more likely to have suicidal impulses

single and solo parenting

Attitudes about solo mothers vary greatly and often depend on the mother's age, race, education level, occupation, income, and support network of friends and extended family members -Women with more resources are subjected to less criticism Solo dads face dilemmas similar to those faced by single moms, but with the added suspicion and stigma surrounding society's notions of men who spend time with children. Have increased since 1960s Single-parent households vary significantly by race

Parenting in the 20th and 21st century

Become quite child centered and demanding particularly for mothers Contemporary mothering -Sociologist sharon hays -Called intensive Our culture defines a good mother as someone who mazimizes the time, energy, and money they invest in raising their children and anything that draws them away from this investment is shameful self interest This way of socially constructing motherhood createss what are ultimately impossible expectation for women

stage 2

Both parties sense that something will happen no matter what the victim may do to try to avoid it

children and elder abuse

Child and elder abuse are likely to be underreported because of the relative powerlessness of the victims and the private setting of the abuse children under the age of 1 and black children suffer from the highest rates of abuse

Philip Cohen

Coined the term "personal family" people who help each other out, who care for each other, and who express that care are family expects divorce rates to continue to decline, with marriage becoming both rarer and more stable

Jessica clarco

Conducted in depth interviews with mothers during the early months of the pandemic learned that these pandemic-related changes led to a significant increase in the amount of time women spent with their children. For these mothers, the result was an increase in stress, anxiety, frustration, and conflict with partners. In september 2020, close to 1 million women dropped out of the workforce

covid and domestic abuse

Covid was a good storm for intimate partner violence Lock trapped victims with the abuser Economic crisis Stress associated with having kids

Nicholas Wolfinger's

Cycle of Divorce tendency of divorce to run in families

society serves as essential functions

Economic production Socialization of children Instrumental and emotional support Sexual control


Elizabeth Sheff Type of multiple-person partnership Consensual and emotionally intimate nonmonogamous relationships in which both men and women can negotiate to have multiple partners basically an open relationship Usually seen as deviant by the larger society, but may be smaller subculutres in which they are accepted

"normal" family

Even though a two-heterosexual-married parent household with a stay-at-home mother, a breadwinning father, and their two biological children is no longer the norm, this type of family remains the model by which new forms of family are judged Marriage still equates to family Children seem to be important in our customary definition of family

family over the years

Family institution has always changed in response to its social, cultural, political, and economic milieu Family moved from a more public social institution to a private one. Many functions associated with family were transferred to other institutions

family and the life course

Family molds everyone Our families provide us with our first lessons in how to be members of society Children's experiences are shaped by family size, birth order, presence, or absence of parents, socioeconomic status, and other sociological variables

Jon Bernardes

Family situations in contemporary society are so varied and diverse that it simply makes no sociological sense to speak of single ideal-type model if the family at all family is referred to as families

fathering today

Fathering has become more a active job as well Fathers today are expected to, and themselves expect to be hands on caregivers for their children Fathers are now encouraged to see themselves as co-parents rather than assistants

trends in baby making

Fertility treatments IVF Egg and sperm donations Gestational surrogacy

Arlie Hoschild and Anne machung

Found that women are indeed working two jobs: paid labor outside of home (first shift), and unpaid labor inside the home (second shift) In few cases men share household chores equitably or even do more than their partners, but in most cases women bear the runt of unpaid household labor Stereotypical "women's work" is usually more labor intensive, consisting of chores such as grocery shopping, washing dishes, cooking, laundry, and child care Men tend to do more occasional or sporadic outdoor work and auto and home repairs Women in the study tried numerous strategies to achieve balance between work and home: hiring other women to clean their houses and care for their children coined the term supermoms

Frank frstenberg, sual hoffman, and laura shrestha

Found that women experience on average a 25% decline in their economic well-being after a divorce Accompanying this post-divorce decline in financial resources after often scholastic failure, disruptive conduct, and troubled relationships in children of divorced families

interracial marriage

From the time of slavery through th 1960s, interracial relationships were considered criminal and were also punished outside the law Fears of interracial relationships led to the lynching of african american men and the creation of anti miscegenation laws These law fell after the 1967 supreme court declared that virginia's law banning marriage between between persons of different races was unconstitutional under the 14th amendment (Loving v Virginia)

sandwich generation

Group of people who are caring for both their parents and their children. People are having children later and advanced life expectancy also contribute Members of the sandwich generation have found themselves juggling a wider range of family responsibilities than ever before young men are more likely to live at home than young women

happiness vs birth

Having a child can have a strong negative impact on a person's happiness Only 30% of parent remained at about the same state of happiness or better after they had a baby, while the rest experienced some drop in their overall well-being

Intimate partner violence

IPV Refers to violence that occurs between two people in a close relationship, including current and fromer spouses and dating and sexual partners Includes five main types of behavior: physical violence, sexual violence, stalking, psychological aggression, and control of reproductive or sexual health Rate of intimate partner violence vary across groups (American Indian and Alaska native are more often and Asian women are less often) lesbian women experience violence more than gay man transgender people experience intimater partner violence it most (54%) women between the ages 18-24 are victims of abuse more frequently

postmodern families

In 1960 Over two-thirds of families consisted of married couple with a male breadwinner, a stay at home mom, and their children. In 2012, less than quarter of families look like this We are looking at a growing diversity of family forms Diverse family forms are not especially new they are merely new to mainstream working and middle class families Diverse, improvisational postmodern family forms will become more and more familiar to the rest of society as we all cope with social and cultural change

same-sex marriage

In 2015 the supreme court ruled that such ban were unconstitutional, effectively allowing gays and lesbian to marry nationwide Neither LGBTQ nor heterosexual persons need legal marriage to form romantic relationships or establish families This calls to question the idea that marriage is the basis for family

Gender, sexuality, and family labor today

In more recent decades most families require two incomes in order to make ends meet Despite women's increasing participation in the paid workforce, they are still more likely to perform the bulk of household and caregiving labor

family roles in same-sex couples

In some respects, same sex couples have already broken out of the normative family structure that still applies to hetero couples Research indicates that same sex couple tend to communicate better, share duties more fairly, and assign chores based on personal preference rather than by gender, income, or hours worked, and more likely to share equally the most tiem consuming work of child care

blended families

Most divorced people will eventually marry someone else There are no traditional norms or models for stepfamilies, and our firmly held notions of the traditional family lead many in stepfamilies to find the transition to a new family situation difficult face special challenges (ex: children in different stages in life) Some partners in gay and lesbian couples have heterosexual marriage in their past

native cultures and family kinship groups

Non parents could have recognized roles in child rearing Men and women's taks were differentiated in native societies, but they were more equally valued than in western/industrial societies While more of the work of child rearing might still be done by women, it was considered a valuable contribution to life, as important as the work done by men

Stage 4

One of the reasons victims remain in abusive relationship After abuse the abuser will apologize profusely and promise that it will never happen again Give gifts and beg for forgiveness

Talking about kin

P.D Eastman's children book One reason we name our kin is to delineate the relationship and obligations we share

parental roles in United States

Parental roles are powerfully shaped by various institutional influences (religion, economy, and medicine) Our idea of parenthood will continue to change as society changes In colonial America (industrial revolution) children were economic assests Parents either supervised children's wage work at home or hited children out to often exploitative workplaces such as textile mills or coal mines Women were expected to bear as many children as possible, since may wouldn't survive childhood due to deadly childhood diseases like smallpox


Parents with regular visitation patterns are better able to meet the psychological and financial need of their children Father who visits regularly are more likely to maintain strong relationships with their children and to pay child support and research shows that this is good for kids' academic success and may help reduce risky behaviors

Dalton Conley

Pecking order Maintains that inequality between siblings; things outside the family's control such as the economy, war, illness, and death, and marital discord affect each child at different stages in their life, resulting in different experiences for each child Argues that family proves not to be the consistent influence many people view it to be

trouble in families

People are more likely to be killed, physcially assaulted, sexually victimized in their own homes by other family members than anywhere else or by anyone else in our society Family is the site of unequal power relations and intense feelings, the circumstances are ripe for trouble and violence

single parent vs African American fathers

Persistent negative stereotypes about absent african american fathers, reserach has found that black fathers have higher levels of engagement in physical play and literacy activities than white or hispanic fathers

Jim holstein and Jay Gubrium

Points that family does not exist, only families

reproduction of society

Produced and socialized children Brings emotional support Regulates sexuality (no incest) These responsibilities and patterns help society run smoothly and maintain stability and order

unmarried equality

Promote rights of unmarried people in the united states Engages in research, education, and advocacy for unmarried and single adults of all types and is concerned about the discrimination that is built into American social systems, especially economic and political levels but also in terms of culture and values as the number of people who live along increases, so does their potential power to change a society in which they are no longer a minority

race and parenting expectation

Race and ethnicity and immigration status also shape parenting expectation of parenthood so often rely on stereotypical gender images (nurturing mom and authoritative dads) Not surprising that the social construction of parenthood is at least partially based in racial and ethnic stereotypes even when those stereotypes are untrue

same sex marriage vs divorce

Reaserach shows that same-sex marriages are about as likely as heterosexual marriages to end in divorce Legaliziation of same-sex marraige now presents the possibility of divorce for gay and lesbian couples as well


Refers to geographical proximity We are likely to find possible mates among the people in our neighborhood, at work, or at school

how children impact parents

Relationship satisfaction tends to decline when there are small children in the house, and heterosexual couples' gendered division of labor becomes more traditional when children are born, even if it has been nontraditional up to that point As children get older, they may exert other types of influence on their parents

sexual abuse of child

Sexual abuse is another form of child abuse that exploits the trust that children must place in their caregivers May lead to eating disorders and substance abuse, and the inability to form trusting relationships later in life those who were physically or sexually abused as children have a much higher likelihood of becoming abusers themselves

Discrimination against single people

Single people usually charged more for auto and health insurance Some hotel rooms and vacation packages are usually advertised with double occupancy rates Since those who live alone are more likely to be older women, they may experience multiple forms of discrimination at once

Marjorie DeVault

Social scientist Committed to making the invisible labor of family visible Excavates all the knowledge, skills, and practices we take for granted when we feed our families Ex: not only is the knowledge of cooking needed, but also the necessary shopping must be done to stock the kitchen; to make meals that account for family members' likes, dislikes, and allergies


Some women accepted their dual workloads without any help to avoid conflicts with spouses and children Often felt unhappy or emotionally numb Has been applicable to working class mothers all along. The strategies that middle-class women use to negotiate their second shift are available only to wealthier families

cycle of divorce

Speculated that every family structure transition that children experience in their family of origin cumulatively increases the likelihood of negative outcomes for those children "If you expereience relationships as transitory while growing up that's what you'll do as an adult" ex: In early 1970s the children of divorced parents were more than three times more likely to divorce than their peers from intact families, but those figures dropped to about one and a half times by the mid-1990s

Kathryn Edin and Maria Kefalas

Spent five years doing in-depth research with 162 low income single mothers to understand their attitudes about parenthood and marriage Dispelled the myth that such women become mothers to cash in on welfare benefits and instead found that thse young women, having a baby was a symbol of belonging and being valued Being a good mother is an accessible role that can generate respect and admiration in the community

Judith shcargrin

Spent her career working for baltimore county children's services, compares a foster care placement to an arranged marriage and says that like arranged marriages, sometimes they work out and sometimes they are just a bad match

Carla Pfeffer

Studies of cisgnder women in partnership with transgender men In queers families, the designation of gay/straight, male/female, wife/husband, and mother/father are nonnormative making it problematic to ask if the women/wives/mothers are disproportionately taking on the second shift


Test tube baby Louise brown mullinder

unmarried life

The idea that american society puts marriage and family at the center of everyone's lives are becoming less and less Married couples were dominant in the number through 1950s, but have slipped nearly 80% of households in 1960 to 49% in 2020

internet vs mate selection

The internet can weaken the effects of proinquity, but can also intensify the effects of homogamy by bringing together people with very specific interests and identities

aging in america

The number of american 65 or older is growing much faster than the population as a whole This is because the baby boom generation is moving into middle age and beyond, concurrent with advances in medical technology Without other sources of incomes, retired citizens may find themselves with limited resources Care of older adults is no longer a primary duty of family and has been taken over by other institutions in 2035, older adults are projected to outnumber children for the first time

Changing patterns of break ups, divorces, and remarriages

The percentage of married people who have divorced has greatly increased since 1950

contemporary sociologist

They use the world family to mean a social group whose members are bound by some type of tie-legal, biological, emotional, or a combination of all three may or may not share a household, but family members are interdependent and have a sense of mutual responsibility for one another's care recognized as integral social institutions

what is family

Two or more individuals related by blood, marriage, or adoption living in the same household

Why do they stay with their partner

Victims often believe what their abuser tells them They can't make it on their own They are somehow responsible for the abuse Threaten to harm other family members such as children

Effects of social change on family

Waves of social change (such as women's liberation movement) have begun to erode the dominance of the married heterosexual nuclear family Increased divorced rates Working mothers Single parents Same-sex marriage

Traditional gender roles today

Women also shoulder more of the "cognitive labor" involved in running a household—things like anticipating family needs, the planning and decision making necessary to meet those needs, and any necessary monitoring and follow-up Recent research suggests that crises in the larger society can cause setbacks for women at home.

Lisa wade

Women are more likely to file for divorce and when they do, they are happier as divorcees than they were when married

feminist perspective vs family

assume that the family is a gendered social institution and that men and women experience family differently In patriarchal societies, women's contribution to family and society is devalued and unpaid or underpaid Considering men to be the heads of the household and providing them with legal rights that women don't have means the families themselves are places in which women are discriminated against

how industrial revolution created gender roles in family

at that time men began to leave their homes to earn wages working in factories women remained at home to take care of children and carry out other domestic responsibilities as men's earned wages replaced subsistence farming these wages became the primary mechanism for providing food, clothing, and shelter for families thus giving men economic power over women

before industrial revolution vs after industrial revolution

before:family tended to mean extended family after: largely superseded by the nuclear family

queer couple

cisgender women and her transgender male partner

Talcott Parsons

coined pattern maintenance Argued that the modern nuclear family was especailly complementary to the requirements of an industrial economy because it freed individuals from the onerous obligation to extended family members and made possible the geographic and social mobility demanded by the modern economy because family is responsible for the reproduction of society

Disappearance of nuclear family

divorce rate especially for the baby boom generation, families are changing in other ways as well Increasing number of middle-aged people are becoming members of a sandwich generation

conflict theory

family is a site of various forms of stratification and can produce and reproduce inequalities based on these statuses. Recognize that the family produces and socializes children to function efficiently in a capitalist economy, but they see this function as problematic. Believe that society revolves around conflict over scarce resources and conflict within the family is also about the competition for resources the family contributes to oppression and is often an oppressive institution in itself See exploitation in family through a sex-based rather than a class based division of labor

symbolic interactionism vs family

family is a social construction, it is created, changed, and maintained in interaction They consider it more effective to examine how family relations are created and maintained in interaction with one another than to look at how families are structured Legal bond of marriage has the same technical meanings, but individual marriage may have very different meanings (ex: one couple may pool their finances) we are constantly evaluating and reevaluating the attitudes and behaviors of those around us, assigning family status to new people and dismissing others from our circle of meaningful family relations Conceives of family as a fluid adaptable set of concepts and practices that people use for constructing the meaning of social bonds

structural functionalism vs family

family performs necessary functions such as the socialization of children, that help society run smoothly and maintain social order responsible for the reproduction of society emile Durkheim Walcott parson

instrumental work

generally achieve a tangible goal ex:Washing the dishes, fixing the gutters

expressive task

generally achieve emotional or realtional goals Remembering relatives' birthdays, playing chutes and ladders with kids

monogamy, polygamy, polygyny, polyandry

having only one spouse at a time Having more than one spouse at a time Having more than one wife at a time Having more than one husband at a time

nuclear family

heterosexual couple, usually married, living in their own household and raising children

how likely is that you will marry

if you live in the U.S, your chances of getting married before reaching age 40 are 86% if you are a woman and 81% if you are a male


inadequate nutrition, insufficient clothing or shelter, or unhygienic or unsafe living conditions Because children depend on adults for thier care and well-being, they suffer when those adults abandon or corrupt that responsibility

mixed orientation

include stepparents of more than one sexual orientation

why has the divorcee rate increased since the 1860s

individualism and concern for the fulfillment of the self -am I happy? higher expectations of the ideal marriage -we have developed a romanticized view of divorce Women are now less dependent on men the change nature of marriage itself -marriage is increasingly defined as semi permanent more stress on marriages divorce is more socially acceptable divorce is legally easier to accomplish

what is the number one reason cited by couples for divorce?

lack of commitment

extended family

large group of kin or relatives, which could include grandparents, uncles, aunts, and cousins, living in one household

boomerang kids

leave home at eighteen to attend college but then return home for at least a short period of time afterward


marriage between people with the same social characteristics There are social pressures to adhere homogamy

seasonal spike in divorce

most people file for a divorce between January and March than at any other time of year some researcher believe this is a side effect of the perceived strain on familial relationships over the holidays


often implies a young heterosexual adult who is actively seeking a partner for a relationship or marriage It can also included people of any sexual orientation who live together or are in a relationship without opting to get married, people living along who are in long-distance relationships, people living in


physical and legal responsibility for the everyday life and routines of children In previous decades it was mothers who were disproportionately awarded sole custody of children, but more recently there has been a dramatic shift toward shared custody between both parents and research shows that this arrangement can be better for children's health increased in shared custody father sole custody has remained the same


practice where members only choose mates within the group marrying out; marriage from a different social group

antimiscengation laws

prohibited the mixing of racial groups through marriage, cohabitation, or sexual interaction

pro and cons

pros: People who were once unable to have biological children now can do so con: It is very expensive These cost art prohibitive for many people, meaning only people of a certain socioeconomic status can make use of these certain socioeconomic status can make use of these reproductive technologies Technologies like these make it possible to imagine a future of designer children whose genetic characteristics, such as gender, can be manipulated by parents and doctors new form of inequality

Feminist and queer theory vs family

question male dominance and heteronormativity as yardsticks for determining what is norm when it comes to family Further critique traditional perspectives on family by resisting heteronormativity as well as sexism in their analyses Neither masculinity nor heterosexuality should be a requirement for individuals to have power and autonomy within families help us see that more diverse and egalitarian family structures are possible ex: Dr. Ferris

transracial adoptions

race or ethnicity of adpoted child is different from race or ethnicity of the parents

fictive kin

refer to people who are not related to us through or brought through marriage Created thoroughly closely-knit friendships to the family Sometimes are formalized through ceremony examing kinship terms is one way to understand the diversity of families and how kin fulfill their social roles

who will you likely marry?

research shows that couples who are mismatched when it comes to physical attractiveness are more likely to split up people may prefer those who look like them due to the familiarity effect or the tendency to like familiar stimuli

relationship trends

single people people who are cohabitating single parents people who are living in intentional communities

why do most of us want to have children

society says so society teaches us to want to have children -parents communicate a strong desire for their children to have children -peers start having children -the culture associates parenthood with maturity society in order to survive, must insure that people have children

cycle of violence

stage 1: abusive partner is charming, attentive, and thoughtful stage 2: walking on eggshells stage 3: acute abuse and violence occur stage 4: loving contribution

pandemic vs childfree living

the pandemic will result in 300,000 fewer births in 2021

why do we get married

to publicly and formally declare love between two people to form.a single household unit to legitimize sexual relations and procreation for social economic stability for the education and nurturing of children

interracial marriage rates

tripled since the 1980s higher in newlyweds dramatic increase are seen among Black nelyweds asains have the highest and whites have the lowest

domestic abuse

umbrella term for a variety of behaviors that involve violence or abuse within a household setting Abusers use a variety of beahviors to gain and maintain control over their victims Physical, verbal, financial, sexual, and psychological or emotional abuse


unmarried couples live together before or instead of being married Have become increasingly commonplace Most common among young adults 25-34 of age the increase is due to economics independence and less financial motivation, and changes in attitude of religion and marriage is no longer viewed as a prerequisite for childbearing this increase divorce rates

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