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Karl Marx

"all that is solid melts into air"


Global exchange of goods vs. protectionism Global migration vs. anti-immigration Different religions vs. tradition Modernity vs. restoration Multiculturalism vs. racial/ethnic privilege

Shelbi lives in Nagasaki. Why is her city famous?

The United States dropped a nuclear bomb on the city during World War II

One-child policy

The chances policy has three main points; 1) delayed marriage and delayed childbearing 2) fewer and healthier births 3) one child per couple (with some exceptions)

Rate of population growth (natural increase)

The differential between the crude birthdate and the death rate

How is Japan's government involved in fertility issues?

The government is trying to encourage couples to have more children

level of living

The level of material well-being that people actually obtain

Crude birth (or fertility) rate

The number of children born per 1,000 of the population

Which is TRUE regarding population and population growth in less developed countries (LDCs) ? - LDCs now contain almost half of the world's population - In many places, population growth now exceeds 150 percent. - The population in LDCs is likely to grow rapidly because so many people are of childbearing age - The population in LDCs is growing rapidly toad, but will begin to decline in about 25 years due to the rapidly aging population in LDCs

The population in LDCs is likely to grow rapidly because so many people are of childbearing age

Compared with 2010, the unemployment rate in 2015 has been reduced by

almost 50 percent

Dirk is having difficulty finding a "good job," which in the text refers to

jobs that provide employer-sponsored retirement plans, health care benefits, paid sick leave, and paid holidays

Any sexual harassment or sexual assault that occurs to a veteran while serving in the military is called

military sexual trauma

China is ranked first in Mtoe. What does Mtoe mean?

million tons of oil equivalent

Each year, _______ workers have their wages garnished to meet their unpaid debts

more than a million

Chelsea works at a large corporation in New York, but it has subsidiaries and pursues business activist and profits in several other countries across Asia. What is the best description of the type of corporation does Chelsea work for?

multinational corporation

Song Luiworks at a factory in southern China that makes sunglasses that are used all around the world. The factory has its headquarters in Los Angeles, but has subsidiaries in China and India. This arrangement is an example of a:

multinational corporation

In the mid-to-late nineteenth century, ant-immigrant or anti-foreigner sentiment was popular. This sentiment is called:

nativist feelings.

Another survey offered a list of seven personal economic issues that many people face:

not having enough money for retirement not having enough money to pay the medical costs of a serious accident or illness not being able to maintain their standard of living not being able to pay medical costs for normal health care not having enough money to pay monthly bills not being able to pay their rent, mortgage, or other housing costs not being able to pay the minimum amount on their credit cards

weapons of mass destruction

nuclear weapons and biological agents t hat have the potential to annihilate thousands or even millions of people quickly

Two examples of weapons of mass destruction includes -drones and biological toxins or gems - drones and fire - nuclear weapons and biological toxins or germs - nuclear weapons and fire

nuclear weapons and biological toxins or germs

The GTI uses four indicators to measure the impact of terrorism:

number of terrorist incidents number of deaths number of casualties level of property damage.

Which of the following is NOT an example of the effects of a consumer society on aspects of our lives? - excessive materialism -large quantities of waste - potentially biased news - occupational health and safety

occupational health and safety

A stereotypical image of automation in which a worker is replaced by a mechanical robot is actually

occurring throughout developed countries

Those who suffer as a result of terrorist acts can be divided into two groups. These two groups are random victims and ___________.

prominent victims

Which of the following is TRUE with respect to occupational health and safety ? - The American labor movement did not make safety one of its top priorities - Nearly 1200 fatal work injuries were recorded in the United States in 2013, which was higher than the fatal work injuries in 2012. - the most dangerous occupational categories are usually held by women, and childcare worker tops the list - proponents of occupational health have widened their focus to include illnesses as well as accidents

proponents of occupational health have widened their focus to include illnesses as well as accidents

What is the primary reason offered by President Obama when he called on Congress to raise the federal minimum wage to 10.10 an hour?

raising the minimum wage would help to support a family

Those who were injured or killed as a result of the Boston Marathon bombing were what type of victims?


Accelerated technological and scientific change and _____ are causing pollution and depletion of the natural environment as never before.

rapid population growth

An important but unanswered question about the unaccompanied children fleeing Central America is whether these children are illegal immigrants or _____ .


The central social institutions of capitalism are markets, which

regulate the worldwide flow of an extensive array of goods and services

You are writing a term paper on the demographic transition. You are describing a stage in which the birth rate remains high but the death rate declines. What stage is this?

the second stage

The one-child policy in China is both applauded and condemned. Why the condemnation?

the sex ratio of children has become imbalanced

Political Terrorism

use of force by a group to coerce a government into acceding to political demands, to bring about political/economic transformation and change of government Focus on representatives of regime and their deputies Concrete objectives Single or un-coordinated attack(s) Perpetrators take responsibility, publicly Not aimed at maximum destruction; does not aim per se at members of the public at large

The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees reports that more people in 2012 became refugees or internally displaced people than at any time since 1994. What is the main cause for this displacement?


Weapons and biological agents that have the potential to annihilate thousands or even millions of people quickly are called

weapons of mass destruction

The Institute for Economics and Peace has developed a Global Terrorism Index (GTI)

which is the first index to rank and compare 162 countries according to the impact of terrorism

People who see abuses of technological systems often run grave personal risks when they attempt to expose them. These individuals, and others who expose various kinds of abuses, are known as


Which region of the world is most violent, according to the United Nations ?

Central America

Hannah Arendt

"for the first time in history all peoples on earth have a common present" ... "every country has become the almost immediate neighbor of every other country, and every man [woman] feels the shock of events which take place at the other end of the globe"

basic roles in experiment

(1) Experimenter = authority figure (2) "Teacher" = subject = perpetrators of shocks (3) "Learner" = actor = victim

Modern terrorist groups:

(1) the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), also called ISIS (2) Boko Haram (3) the Taliban (4) al Qaeda "took credit" for 66 percent of all claimed terrorism-related deaths in 2013

Percentage Earning Above High School Grad

- 93% of students who attend this school earned, on average more than those with only a high school diploma. - 33% of students who attend this school earned, on average more than those with only a high school diploma.

- Q: if U.S. total fertility rate is 1.8, and replacement level is 2.1, why are births > deaths?

- A: This patterns reflects a rapidly growing population in the past; it takes the average person 75+ years to die, but average mother gives birth at age 30 About 90% of U.S. population growth until 2065 will be due to immigration

Paul works in the field of international development, and he is identifying the three ways in which a country can control population growth. Which is NOT one of these ways? - Achieve a negative rate of growth - Reduce the rate of growth of the population - Control fertility to achieve a zero rate of population growth - Limit women's access to an education

- Limit women's access to an education

Which statement about the United Nations is TRUE? - The UN was originally created to help foster international trade rules, but more recently has shifted its goal to maintaining world peace. - The UN replaced an organization called the League of Nations in 1945 with the goal of settling international disputes - The UN was created in 1919 after World War I - The United Nations includes 86 countries as members.

- The UN replaced an organization called the League of Nations in 1945 with the goal of settling international disputes

How many legal immigrants to the U.S. have there been annually, since about 1990?


Using today's dollars as the benchmark, the minimum wage in 1968 was equal to about


Roughly, what percentage of veterans of recent wars has PTSD?

15 percent

Immigrants as a share of the total US population fluctuates, but peaked at 15 percent in what year?


According to information presented in class, for total GDP PPP adjusted, the ratio of China's figures to India's figures in Oct. 2016 was about


3. Land degradation Desertification and deforestation

2.6 billion people depend directly on agriculture, but 52% of the land used for agriculture is moderately or severely affected by soil degradation. Land degradation affects 1,5 billion people globally. Arable land loss estimated at 30 to 35 times the historical rate. Due to drought and desertification each year 12 million hectares are lost (23 hectares/minute!), where 20 million tons of grain could have been grown. Source: United Nations

Family-planning programs have been introduced in less developed countries (LDCs) but the programs have only limited success in rural regions where traditions remain strong. One notable exception is;


Figure 12-2 Americans' Financial Worry, 2001-2015: Percent of adults that report being "very" or "moderately" worried about three or more of the financial issues listed earlier.

2001; 44% 2002; 40% 2003; 41% 2004; 43% 2005; 46% 2006; 51% 2007; 45% 2008; 56% 2009;56% 2010;59% 2011; 57% 2012: 61 % 2013; 53% 2014; 49% 2015; 50%

Approximately how many illegal immigrants live in the United States?

23 million

Approximately how many works earn the minimum wage or less?

3 million workers

Although humanity has flourished for 200,000 years, the rapid and problematic rise in population that concerns us in this chapter is a feature of the last ___ years


The federal minimum wage in 2015 was

7.25 an hour

Approximately how many people live in the world today?

7.3 billion

4. Declining biodiversity

74 species are lost every day Why is biodiversity of important from an evolutionary perspective?

Through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act- often known as the "stimulus package of legislation" during the Obama Administration, ______ was included for the generation of renewable energy sources, expanding manufacturing capacity for clean energy technology, and advancing vehicle and fuel technologies

80 billion

You are writing a term paper about World War II and were surprised to learn that the nuclear bomb that exploded in the city of Hiroshima killed about _______ people instantly, and many more afterwards due to burns and radiation .


How many people in the world do not get enough food to eat to lead a healthy and active life?

800 million

Compare to Table 15-1 Top Five Countries with Highest Global Terrorism Index Scores, 2016* NOTE: Scale is 0 to 10, with 10 representing the greatest effect of terrorism.

9.9 Iraq 9.4 Afghanistan 9.3 Nigeria 8.5 Syria 7.4 India 6.1 China 5.6 France 4.8 United States 2.5 Canada 0.2 South Korea

Do undocumented immigrants pay taxes?

: Many do. With an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number, they pay Social Security taxes (but are not eligible for benefits), income taxes, property taxes, and sales taxes


A capitalist who creates a new business venture


A particular type of economic system found in the United States (and elsewhere); sometimes known as a free-enterprise system

Demographic transition

A process by which a population moves through several stages: An original equilibrium in which a high birthrate is more or less c canceled out by a high death rate, then through a stage in which the birthrate remains high but the death rate declines, to a final equilibrium in which the birth and death rates are lower but the population is much larger

limited liability

A protection by which the assets of the corporation are liable to seizure in the case of economic failure of wrongdoing, but the entrepreneur's personal assets are not liable if the corporation fails.

Limited liability

A protection by which the assets of the corporation are liable to seizure in the case of economic failure or wrongdoing, but the entrepreneur's personal assets are not liable if the corporation fails.


A system of government that controls a planned economy, determining the flow of goods and services

Q: What are ways to legal immigration?

A: Per 1965 and 1990 Immigration Acts, national origin, race, and ancestry were abolished in considering immigration, giving priority to relatives of U.S citizens (family reunification) for about half a million immigrants per year, and about 150,000 visas for job-based immigration; plus diversity immigrant visa; plus asylees and refugees

What is DACA?

A: Under the Obama administration, Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival was implemented, allowing undocumented immigrants relief from deportation and work authorization for 2 years, if - entered the U.S. before age of 16 and had continuously resided in U.S since mid-2007; were not convicted of a felony or certain misdemeanors; and were in school or had graduated from HS/earned a GED

How common is MST?

About 1 in 4 women and 1 in 100 men experience MST.

How do individuals become undocumented immigrants?

About half overstay their temporary visas; about half come to the U.S. illegally (via land borders or ports)

Causes of Death for Americans, average per year over past 10 years

Accidents-600,000 Cancer- 580,000 Diabetes- 130,000 Extremists/terrorists in U.S.-75,000 Heart Disease- 40,000 Suicides- 30 Terrorism worldwide- 7

revolutionary terrorism

Acts of violence against civilians that are carried out by enemies of a government

Why do environmental scientists often argue that Americans bear a large share of the responsibility for the world's environmental problems?

Americans are among the wealthiest, the most educated, and the most polluting of the earth's peoples and use a disproportionate share of the earth's resources

In 2013, the world's top energy consumer, in Mtoes, was


Which of the following countries has the most favorable views of the United States? - Pakistan - China - Turkey - Egypt


Jack works for the US Department of Labor and has been asked by his supervisor to summarize the mood of Americans toward the economy since the recession. Which of the following statements best reflects that mood? - Americans haven to grown more confident in the economy despite the death that show the economy has indeed improved. - Americans have grown more confident in the economy despite the data that show the economy has not improved substantially - Americans feel that the economy has improved since the recession, and the number of people who feel that thy may lose their job or be laid off in the next 12 months has decreased -Americans feel that the economy has improved since the recession, yet the number of people wf eel that they may lose their jobs or be laid off in the next 12 months has increased

Americans feel that the economy has improved since the recession, and the number of people who feel that thy may lose their job or be laid off in the next 12 months has decreased

Which of the following best describes the attitude that American have toward illegal immigration? -The majority of Americans say that dealing with the issue of illegal immigration should be a top priority for the president and Congress - Americans have a declining interest in illegal immigration, and this decline is particularly striking among Republicans - Less than a quarter of Republicans favor a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants - Americans place illegal immigration fifth on a list of policy priorities for the coming year

Americans have a declining interest in illegal immigration, and this decline is particularly striking among Republicans

Will the increase in Latino voters matter in presidential elections until 2032?

Answer: In the long run, yes. As early as 2024, possibly. It might take a decade or so possibly to become the decisive factor, assuming the continuation of current voting patterns

Will the increase in Asian voters matter in presidential elections until 2032?

Answer: More likely not. Because they tend to reside in Democratic states already and their numbers are not large enough in other states to make a difference Crucial swing states: OH - in 2032: still only 2% of electorate FL - in 2032: 3% of electorate Compare to CA in 2032: 16%

As President Obama's standing increased abroad, his poll numbers at home declined, and administration's policies suffered severe setbacks in the 2012 election. What may account for this?

Anti-Islamic feelings spread throughout parts of America, and many people continue to believe that Obama is Muslim


Anti-immigrant or anti-foreigner sentiment

military sexual trauma (MST)

Any sexual harassment or sexual assault that occurs to a veteran while serving in the military

Religious Terrorism - Mark Juergensmeyer

Attack symbols (not representatives of the government) No claim of responsibility Often coordinated attacks Aimed at mass casualties (individuals) No advance warning Meant to play out in the media

total birth (or fertility) rate

Average number of children born to a woman during her lifetime

Gabriel is on a work assignment and he noticed that the AQI in the city he is working in was over 500. Which of the following cities do you think Gabriel may be working in? - Los Angeles, CA - New York, NY -Bejing, China - Helsinki, Finland

Beijing, China


Both the moneyed to purchase resources (e.g./ raw materials) and the physical asters (e.g., buildings and equipment ) used to produce goods and services. Capitalists are people who combine capital with the labor of workers to produce goods and services in the hope of making a profit-that is, selling their product or service at a market price higher then the costs the equipment and labor used to create it.

How might the changing demographics of American society be reflected in future elections?

Clinton margin over Trump in 2016 Asian Americans: 61%** (higher quality poll) - fastest-growing ethnic group (in %, not absolute numbers) Latinos: 38%* (exit poll; might understate margin) - fastest growing ethnic group (in absolute numbers)

Bart believes that keeping a large, well-equipped military force at the ready makes it easier for political leaders to choose war rather than negotiation as a tactic for handling international conflicts. His view likely reflects what perspective?

Conflict theory

The EPA encourages all people to reduce the amount of waste needing to be disposed of. They recommend three broad measures. Which is NOT one of these measures? - Recycle wastes - Consume less meat and more plant-based products - Compost organic wastes - Choose products with less packaging that gets thrown away

Consume less meat and more plant-based products

Which of the following is TRUE regarding corporations ? - Not all corporations sell shares to the public; those that do tend to be small and have few employees - Corporations were inspired by the Marxian dream of a classless society -The entrepreneur's personal assets are liable if a corporation fails - Corporations are chartered by governments to conduct business with limited liability to the owners of the business

Corporations are chartered by governments to conduct business with limited liability to the owners of the business

Multinational corporations (or transnational corporations)

Corporations that have their head-quarters in one coUntry but pursue business activities and profits in one or more foreign nations

William F. Ogburn's "cultural lag"

Culture takes time to catch up with technological innovation Example: development of Western welfare states lagged innovations in capitalist production and its concomitant social problems by decades

Who would most likely prefer contingent non standardized work? - Margaret, who is a low-income single mother - David, who is a single professional who values his freedom - Saul and Ruby, a low-income married couple with three children - Helen, an older worker who depends on the bus for transportation

David, who is a single professional who values his freedom

Jerry Burger replicates Milgram after almost 50 years; difference in studies

Differences: shocks capped at 150V: teacher receives milder shock repeated reminders: withdrawal from experiment possible at any time initial screening process more thorough group of subjects more diverse in age, ethnicity, and education second experiment: "model refusal group" subject administers shocks only after associate of experimenter refuses (the associate models/demonstrates disobedience) Gender, age, education, ethnicity: no influence on obedience level Milgram's / Burger's overall obedience levels: no difference same compliance level in "model refusal group"

Which approach to reducing climate change is favored more by more Americans? - EPA regulation - Carbon tax - Mandatory limits on corporate pollution -Cap and trade

EPA regulation

Contingent nonstandard work

Employment that does not have written employment contract, is only temporary, has irregular hours, or is some combination of these elements

Which of the following may be the most effective ways to deal with terrorism? - Show terrorists that you will not that them as criminals -Encourage journalists and the media to cover the story - Negotiate with terrorists to win the release of captives - Enact boycotts and other measures to put pressure on those who sponsor terrorism

Enact boycotts and other measures to put pressure on those who sponsor terrorism

You have just been hired by an international aid organization to work on the issue of hunger and malnutrition in the developing world. Of the solutions presented below, which would do the most to help reduce hunger and malnutrition - Teach people in the developing world to grow more produce - Ask the UN to distribute their food aid to rural as well as urban areas -Encourage Americans and others in the developed world to ship livestock to the developing world -Encourage Americans and others in the developed world to eat less meat

Encourage Americans and others in the developed world to eat less meat

True of False; According to class lecture, the significant loss in U.S. manufacturing jobs occurred in the last 5 years (2010-2015), and it coincided with a spike in China's global trade surplus.


True of False; As discussed in class, Ogburn believed that technological change always lags cultural advances.


True of False; As discussed in class, almost half of the current population growth in the U.S. is due to immigration, and the rest derives from a surplus of births over deaths, which shows that the fertility rate in the U.S remains significantly above the replacement rate.


True of False; Burger replicated Milgram's experiment, and found significantly lower compliance rates in his own experiment


True of False; Current polls in the U.S. discussed in class show that a majority of Americans oppose allowing immigrants living in the U.S. illegally but having committed no major crime the chance to become U.S. citizens.


True of False; In Sweden, the "demographic transition" appears to have commenced in 1750.


True of False; It is argued that the shock of the Great Depression fell predominantly on those in the 25% percentile of wealth in the U.S., as they tend to have wealth from both housing and jobs.


Which of the following would NOT be considered a direct effect of war? - family instability - death - physical injury - PTSD

Family instability

Great depression: Germany

Feb. 1932: 44% unemployment, highest in industrialized world

Which of the following statements is TRUE? - Russia and China are top energy consumers - Americans consume, on average, nearly twice as much food per person as people in poor nations - Producing half a pound of hamburger ( the size of two decks of cards) releases as much greenhouse gas into the atmosphere as driving a 3,000-pound car almost a mile - Feeding grain to livestock is not a very efficient way of producing food

Feeding grain to livestock is not a very efficient way of producing food

In 2015, the Gallup Poll surveyed a representative sample of American adults and ordered a list of seven personal economic problems that many people face. What did the Poll find?

Fifty percent of adults reported being "very" or "moderately" worried about three or more of these financial issues.

According to the text, which country listed below expressed very strong sentiments of nationalism in the twentieth century?


The Great Recession Early 2000s:

Global savings surplus (incl. China) in search of high returns Low interest rates Lucrative investment: real estate mortgages Bundling of mortgages and selling them removes risk for lenders Borrowers encouraged to go into debt Example/handout: Wamu Real estate crashes; underwater mortgages Banks, insurances, other companies tank Global recession

The U.S. economy is the largest on earth, but institutions are undergoing changes that can be grouped into master trends:

Globalization of markets and the rise of major multinational corporations Growth in service-sector jobs in the advanced economies and continued export of manufacturing jobs Increasing reliance on the incomes of multiple workers, especially of women and formerly retired people Increased reliance on innovations in technology and specialization to increase productivity and competitiveness of companies and their employees


Globalization: the interconnectedness of cultures and economies around the world; many companies produce, compete, and sell around the world (multinational corporations) In part because of globalization, middle-level American workers find it hard to compete; job-losses in the center; growth in low-pay service sections (such as retail or food services) and high-level production and services (think: Apple, Google, military equipment, universities) - many college graduates are globalization winners Decline in standard of living of those Americans without a college degree unless they have a job that is globalization-proof and requires technical or professional skills (think: plumber; medical assistant) Rise of the "precariat" (temporary jobs, often without benefits or prospects to advance); global sweatshops


Guides who help people immigrate illegally to the United States

What was President Obama's response to high unemployment during the recession?

He created a set of funding priorities commonly known as the stimulus package

Mateo is a 15-year-old from Honduras and is fleeing to the united States without his parents. Given what you have learned in this module, what do you think is the primary reason he is fleeing Honduras?

He is trying to escape violence

Given the rise in terrorist acts, the passage of the _____ represents the largest reorganization of the federal government in over 50 years, with the mission to prevent terrorism and enhance security, secure and manage the borders, enforce and administer immigration laws, safeguard and secure cyberspace, and ensure resilience to disasters - Federal Emergency Panel Act - US Safety and Retaliation Act - Freedom Bill - Homeland Security Act

Homeland Security Act


Identification with, and exaltation of, the nation's culture and interests above those of all other nations

but what about financial effects?

Immigration in the past 20 years Impacts on economic growth. Immigration is integral to the nation's economic growth. The inflow of labor supply has helped the United States avoid the problems facing other economies that have stagnated as a result of unfavorable demographics, particularly the effects of an aging workforce and reduced consumption by older residents. In addition, the infusion of human capital by high-skilled immigrants has boosted the nation's capacity for innovation, entrepreneurship, and technological change. Effects on wages. When measured over a period of 10 years or more, the impact of immigration on the wages of native workers overall is very small. Costs to state and local budgets over 3 years: Mostly due to education, first generation: cost $1,600; second and third-plus generation: $1,700; $1,300 Total fiscal impact annually for First generation adults and dependents, $57 billion cost Second and Third-plus generation net benefit: $30 billion; $224 billion

6. Pesticides and other chemicals

In U.S. alone, 100 millions tons of synthetic organic chemicals are produced per year, some of which are harmful

Water supply and pollution

In nature, water is purified through the "hydrologic cycle": water vapor, condensation, rain/dew/snow, collects and drains into streams and oceans, evaporates Problem: acid rain from the production of sulfuric and nitric acids Problem: eutrophication: depletion of oxygen in water from use of nitrate and phosphate fertilizers

Which comparison of the ways that the United States and many European countries deal with the catch-22 of inflexible full-time work or part-time penalty is TRUE? -In the US, part time work does not provide benefits; in many European countries, part-time jobs do provide benefits - In the US, most mothers work only part-time; in many European countries they work full-time - In the US, most mothers work full-time; in many European countries, they choose not to work at all - In the US, mothers have greater choice of full or part time work with benefits; in many European countries , they work full time in order to receive benefits

In the US, part time work does not provide benefits; in many European countries, part-time jobs do provide benefits

Which country ( or countries) increased their CO2 emissions between 2012 and 2013 and which country or countries decreased their CO2 emissions?

Increased; China, U.S. Decreased; European Union

In most countries, food is plentiful, but in other countries, or even areas of countries, food is extremely scarce. Yet, ironically, overall, food is plentiful in the world. There are several reasons for this uneven distribution of food. Which is NOT one of these reasons? - Food prices are often unstable - Increases in CO2 emissions reduce the number of people interested in farming - Wars and conflicts can disrupt farming and food production - The climate in the region may not be conductive to food production

Increases in CO2 emissions reduce the number of people interested in farming

President Obama met with the presidents of Honduras, El Salvador, and Guatemala at the White House to discuss how to stop the flow of unaccompanied child migrants to the United States. The leaders agreed that all four countries share some responsibility. How is the United States responsible with respect to the mass child migration?

It is a market for illegal drugs and has an ambiguous immigration policy

There are three ways in which a country can control population growth. Which is NOT one of these ways. -Achieve an negative rate of growth -Limit women's access to education - Reduce the rate of growth of the population - Control fertility to achieve a zero rate of population growth

Limit women's access to education

Why do other countries cause the United States of dragging their feet on climate change?

Many in the United States prefer voluntary compliance with emission standards rather than strict enforcement of mandatory emission limits.

In the United States, the family planning movement owes much to the energy and dedication of a nurse who hopes to free women from the burdens of unlimited childbearing. In 1916, she opened the nation's first birth control clinic ( and was jailed for doing so) what is her name?

Margaret Sanger

What statement about climate change is FALSE? - Climate change encompasses global warming, but refers to the broader range of changes that are happening to our planet - Climate change is primarily caused from burning fossil fuels, from breeding vast numbers of methane-producing livestock, and from cutting down forests that naturally absorb carbon dioxide from the air. - China is the top energy consumer; however, China's population is about 4.5 time that of the United States, so per person, Americans still use the vast majority of the energy in the world. - Most people, especially young people, now see global warming as a serious threat and one of them most serious problems facing America today

Most people, especially young people, now see global warming as a serious threat and one of them most serious problems facing America today

The theme of "technology run amok" appears frequently in movies, books, and other functional works that are often based on real possible for future problems. What do sociologists say to the idea that technology is now autonomous and controls humans?

Most sociologists do not see technology as autonomous

Four groups took credit for 66 percent of all claimed terrorism-related deaths in 2013. Which is NOT one of these groups? - Nigerian People's Army - the Taliban - the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL),also called ISIS - Boko Haram

Nigerian People's Army

The demographic transition first occurred in ;

Northwestern Europe

General birth (or fertility) rate

Number of children born per 1,000 women ages 15-44 (some countries use 49 as the cutoff age)

How do we know the number of undocumented immigrants?

Number of legal permanent immigrants (naturalized citizens, lawful permanent residents [=with green card], those who a granted asylum or refugee status, immigrant visa holders, per Department of Homeland Security and other agencies; subtracted from total number of immigrants, per surveys, such as American Community Survey (ACS) and Current Population Survey (CPS), conducted by the Census Bureau. 11-12 million undocumented immigrants

Which of the following statements is TRUE about military sexual trauma (MST) ? -One in four women have responded that they experienced MST. - One in 250 men have responded that they experienced MST. -There is little data on its frequency because the military does not keep records - MST is defined as a man raping a woman.

One in four women have responded that they experienced MST.

Allowing immigrants living in the U.S. illegally the chance to become U.S. citizens if they meet certain requirements over a period of time... (Gallup, June 2016)

Oppose; 15% about Favor among Republicans; about 75% Favor; about 85%

If so many married women want to work part-time, why do they continue to work full-time?

Part-time workers earn less pay and are less likely to have fringe benefits

Why do so many people around the world dislike the United States, or do they ?

People around the world often think Americans are rude and greedy, exploiting others for their own gain.

A survey conducted in 2014 shows that the majority of Americans believe that legal immigrants:

Should be eligible for citizenship if requirements are met

Which is an example of cap and trade? - Company X, which does not pollute, trades information with Company Z, which does pollute on ways in which Company Z can lower their pollution levels - Low polluting countries reduce their pollution standards at a slightly lower rate than high polluting countries. Those countries that meet their targets enter into mutually beneficial trade agreements. - Polluting Company X reduces its level of pollution and receives credit for the reduction. They then sell their credit to polluting Company Z, whose emissions exceed the regulatory limit. -The United States works with other countries to encourage lower thresholds of pollution, and those countries that reduce their levels for one year receive better trade agreements with the US

Polluting Company X reduces its level of pollution and receives credit for the reduction. They then sell their credit to polluting Company Z, whose emissions exceed the regulatory limit.

Can we control harmful environment effects before it is too late? In many cases, the technology exists to control environmental damage, so why isn't the damage being controlled?

Powerful interests do not wish to shoulder the cost of controlling environmental damage.

Initial variations of experiment:on the milligram experience


Which statement is TRUE about minimum wage? - Raising the minimum wage to $10.10 would directly boost the wages of about 28 million workers. - The federal minimum wage ensures that a small family would not have to live in poverty - Eleven states have chosen to increase their minimum wage above the federal standard - President Obama opposes raising the minimum wage because it would likely reduce jobs

Raising the minimum wage to $10.10 would directly boost the wages of about 28 million workers.

In recent years, the highest number of legal immigrants has fallen in which category?

Relatives of U.S. citizens.

post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

Severe stress reactions after a traumatic event such as war

Do you think the government should attempt to deport all people currently living in the country illegally or should the government not attempt to do that? (CNN/ORC, March 2017)

Should not ; around 70% Should around 25%

How many legal immigrants to the U.S. are there per year?

Since 1990, there have been about 1 million per year.

Has President Trump revoked DACA?

So far, he has not.

Where can one currently find the world's highest fertility rates, per class lecture?

South Sudan

Felisa is interested in learning more about the history of the so-called international peace symbol and the meaning and role it played during the Vietnam War era. Her study of the peace symbol likely represents which perspective?

Symbolic Interactionism

In the popular book, The Long Walk, Brian Castner describes his three tours of duty in the Middle East, two of them in Iraq as the head of an Explosive Ordnance Disposal unit. These perceptions and experiences are grounded in what perspective?

Symbolic Interactionism

Technology allows

Teacher to increase distance from learner (increasing compliance) Highlight the reputation of institution (Yale = ok) (increasing compliance) Lessen extent of teacher's role in experiment (increasing compliance)

variants in milligram studies

Teacher-learner distance Experimenter-teacher distance Reputation of institution Support for teacher from group of follow teachers Extent of teacher's role in experiment

Measuring Terrorism:

The Institute for Economics and Peace has developed a Global Terrorism Index (GTI), which systematically ranks and compares 162 countries according to the impact of terrorism (Tables 15-1 and 15-2)

Which is TRUE regarding population and population growth in less developed countries (LDCs) ? - The population in LDCs is likely to grow rapidly because so many people are of childbearing age - in many places, population growth now exceeds 200 percent -The population in LDCs is growing rapidly today, but will begin to decline in the year 2030 due to the rapidly aging population in LDCs - LDCs now contain one-third of the world's population

The population in LDCs is likely to grow rapidly because so many people are of childbearing age

What do Americans believe about terrorism?

The public is near equally split over whether using military force is the best way to defeat terrorism or whether military force actually causes more terrorism

Chain migration

The tendency of immigrants to migrate to areas where they have kin and others from their home communities


The threatened or actual use of illegal force and violence by a non-state actor to attain a political, economic, religious, or social goal through fear, coercion, or intimidation


The threatened or actual use of illegal force and violence by a non-state actor to attain a political, economic, religious, or social goal through fear, coercion, or intimidation.

Why are so many young men and boys from Central America coming to the United States?

They are trying to escape gang violence

President Obama met with the presidents of Honduras, El Salvador, and Guatemala at the White House to discuss ways to stop the flow of child migrants to the United States. How did the leaders of those Central American countries respond?

They, and President Obama, agreed it was a shared responsibility

Measures of Population Growth:

Total birth (or fertility) rate: average number of children born to a woman during her lifetime [does not take into account population's age structure] - relates to replacement rate: ~2.1 in adv. indust. societies General birth (or fertility) rate: Number of children born per 1,000 women ages 15-44 or 15-49 Crude birth (or fertility) rate: The number of children born per 1,000 of the population [does not take into account population's age structure] Natural rate of population growth (natural increase): The differential between the crude birthrate and the death rate

Learning to Be Illegal

Traces 150 Latino youths, who are undocumented immigrants but were initially protected in school from deportation Many did not know they were undocumented until they graduated As "undocumented young adults cannot legally work, vote, receive financial aid, or drive in most states, and deportation is a constant threat," after discovering that they were illegal, they learn how to cope and adjust Live in permanent legal limbo with uncertain prospects for their jobs and future

True of False; As was argued in class, there is reason to believe that renewable energy for the generation of electricity, such as solar and wind, has now become cost competitive with oil and coal.


True of False; How do individuals become undocumented immigrants in the U.S.? About half overstay their temporary visas; about half come to the U.S. illegally.


True of False; One of the problems of work and the economy discussed in class is the rise of the "precariat."


True of False; Overall, immigrants to the United States tend to have lower crime rates that the native born.


True of False; Polls on the issue global warming, as shown in class, for 2017 show that about two thirds of Americans believe that global warming is caused by human activities.


True or False; As discussed in class, one of the big environmental problems is the desertification and deforestation of land, which occurs in many parts of the world.


True or False; The bundling of mortgages by finance companices and selling them was believed to lessen or remove mortgage lenders' risk, and that was one factor in bringing about the Great Recession, as argued in class lecture.


Union membership has been declining in the US. Union membership has several consequences. Which is NOT one of these consequences? - Unions help male workers obtain higher pay, but do less for female workers. - Unions help workers gain fringe benefits from their employers - Unions help workers obtain higher pay. - Unions help workers gain health insurance from their employers.

Unions help male workers obtain higher pay, but do less for female workers.

What country or countries have used nuclear weapons?

United States

Americans eat a lot of meat compared with other people in the world. What is the primary criticism of eating so much meat?

Vast quantities of grain are fed to livestock, and this grain could be used to feed more people

Types of environmental problems

Water supply and pollution Solid and toxic wastes Land degradation Declining biodiversity Air pollution Pesticides and other chemicals Energy resources Climate change

Current economic situation

We can compare countries by Gross Domestic Product (net value of goods and services created by economy domestically each year), GDP based on PPP (purchasing power parity - to account for different price levels for common goods between countries), and GDP per capita We can also look at economic growth projected for 2017

Paris Climate Agreement 2015

What is it?: An accord reached by representatives of 195 nations at the end of 2015 Purpose: to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in order to keep temperature increase between 1.5 and 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels Possible policies: reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation; fund renewable energies; reduce methane emissions; cap and trade [government sets caps; companies trade emissions permits for non-local pollutants - CA, China, EU]

standard of living

What people want or expect in the way of material well-being.

Which statement best summarizes American's views of terrorism? - Less than 10 percent of Americans support sending US ground troops to fight Islamic militant groups in Iraq and Syria -The vast majority of Americans say they have "a great deal of concern" about the possibility of future terrorist attacks - The public has increased in opposition to the United States fighting ISIL - Whites and Hispanics are more likely than blacks to support sending US ground troops to fight Islamic militant groups

Whites and Hispanics are more likely than blacks to support sending US ground troops to fight Islamic militant groups

Who developed the term cultural lag?

William F. Ogburn

The "mom and pop" neighborhood grocery store owned by Mr. and Mrs. Gonzales can no longer compete with the large grocery store chain that opened up nearby. Consequently, their store is going out of business. This situation is one of the drawbacks of

a consumer society

A consumer society requires;

a large middle and upper class with enough leisure time to enjoy the use of many goods and services that are not strictly necessary

Anika lives in Bangladesh and works in the garment industry. Her workspace is very crowded and hot. She has few breaks during the day and sits hunched over a sewing machine for 13 hours per day. Her working environment is an example of ________

a sweatshop

The term technological dualism refers to the idea that

advances in technology can have both positive and negative impacts

Some countries with low fertility rates also have high death rates, such as Japan and much of Europe. This proportion likely reflects

an aging population

In the mid-to-late nineteenth century, nativist feelings swept across sections of the United States. In other words

anti-immigrant or anti-foreigner sentiment was popular

China's one-child policy consists of three main points. Which is NOT one of them? - One child per couple, with some exceptions -delayed marriage and delayed childbearing -any "extra" child to be placed in an orphanage -fewer and healthier births

any "extra" child to be placed in an orphanage

Canh lost his job on an assembly line and was replaced by a machine that performed the same task. This situation is an example of


Malala Yousafzai is famous for ;

being an outspoken advocate for the educational rights of women and girls throughout the world

Anthrax, botulinum toxins, cholera, smallpox, and ricin are examples of

biological weapons

Perhaps an even greater threat to the world than nuclear weapons are

biological weapons

What are the most deadly substances known?

botulinum toxins

The cap-and-trade approach is generally thought to be a more conservative measure to control greenhouse emissions, and it had the support of former Republican President George W. Bush and senator and former Republican presidential candidate John McCain. Today,

cap and trade is primarily supported by Democrats and most Republicans do not support it

Katsuo was discussing the American free enterprise system with his Japanese friends. They were talking about an economic system known as


Linhimigrated to the United States from Vietnam and decided to settle in Seattle because there was a large Vietnamese population already there, including several cousins. This is an example of _______.

chain migration

Unemployment can have many effects on the family. For example, a study based on 4,476 school-age children in 2,569 families across the country found that, when fathers are involuntarily unemployed,

children have a greater likelihood of repeating a grade or getting suspended from school

Daphne is a scientist who studies the changes that are happening to our planet. These changes include rising sea levels; drinking mountain glaciers; accelerating ice melt in Greenland, Antartica, and the Arctic; and shifts in plant blooming times. She studies

climate changes

What is the name of the economic system in which the means of production (e.g., capital) are collectively owned, and the central government determines the flow of goods and services?


What perspective would suggest that war occurs when interests of nations or groups collide with one another for power, control, resources, and markets?

conflict theory

Gretchen loves to shop. She works part-time while attending school so that she can buy new clothes on a regular basis. When the doe not have the cash for her purchases, she will use her charge card. She gets new ideas for things to purchase from the advertisements she sees on the Internet and from the magazines she reads. Gretchen lives in a

consumer society

Abbey is a young mother who works in the fast food industry. She does not have a set number of hours per week. In addition, sometimes she works a night shift, and other times she works a day shift. She often gets sent home when work is slow and is not paid, even though she told her boss she would like to work full-time. Her job is an example of

contigent nonstandard work

Emilio crawled through the desert to enter the United States with the assistance of a guide, called a(n):


Manuel tried to enter the United Sates illegally. he eluded the border patrol for a time by wading across the Rio Grande. He paid someone to help him cross into the United Sates, but he was eventually caught and deported. What is the name given to guides who assist those like Manuel who try to enter the Untied States illegally?


Large-scale production of consumer goods depends on a steady flow of profits, which in turn requires that purchases be made constantly, not just whenever the consumer has a windfall or can accumulate enough through savings- hence the widespread use of


Professor Holmes does research on fertility. He measures fertility as the number of children born per 1,000 of the population and then compares this measure across countries. What is the name of the rate he is using?

crude birth or fertility rate

Your professor does research on the number of children born per 1,000 of the population and compares this rate across countries. What is the name of the rate she is using?

crude birth or fertility rate

During the 1970s, large numbers of mothers began to work outside the home, and today nearly two-third of mothers are employed. Yet, up until the 1990s there were few after school programs or childcare for children. This situation is an example of

cultural lag

During the Industrial Revolution, the frequency of industrial accidents was increasing because operators were not adequately protected from the rapidly moving mechanisms of the new machines. There was little compensation for these accidents. This situation is an example of

cultural lag

Research points to the negative environmental effects of plastic bottles, and the general public seems aware of this, yet the bottle water industry is booming, What explains this situation?

cultural lag

What term is used to describe the effect when two parts of culture are correlated, and one part changes before or in a greater degree than the other part does ?

cultural lag

The switch away from manufacturing jobs has led to a(n)

decline in unions

The percentage of people who classify themselves as "upper-middle" or "middle" class has _____ since 2008, immediately before the recession

declined somewhat

Compared with the height of the recession in 2009, the percentage of adults in a 2015 Gallup Poll who consider the economy the most serious problem facing America has

decreased substantially

Lower death rates, such as those found in developed countries like the United States, are closely associated with the spread of technological change and higher living standards. This transformation is part of a process known as the _______.

demographic transition

Sebastian was physically wounded in "Operation Enduring Freedom." His right leg was severely injured and needed to be amputated. His injury is considered to be a _______ of the war.

direct effect

You were surveyed recently by the Gallup Poll asking you what you consider to be the most serious problem facing America. You seemed to agree with the largest contingency of Americans who said


Joey opposes sending ground troops into combat in Syria. Which demographic group would you guess Joey belongs to?


In 2012, the Secretary of Homeland Security announced that certain unauthorized immigrants who entered the United States as children would be able to apply for the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival (DACA) program, granting relief deportation and worth authorization for two years. Prospective beneficiaries have to meet a series of requirements. Which is NOT one of these requirements ? -have not been convicted of a felony or a significant misdemeanor - are currently in school, have graduated from high school or earned a GED, or are honorably discharged veterans of the US armed forces - entered the Untied States before the age of 22 - have continuously resided i the Untied States since June 2007

entered the Untied States before the age of 22

The presence of toxic agents added to the environment by society in quantities that are potentially damaging to other humans and other organisms is called

environmental pollution

Landfills and toxic waste dumpsites are disproportionally located near low-income and minority housing. This practice is labeled as ______ by environmental activists.

environmental racism/ justice

Discharging substances into the air, water, and soil; producing heat, noise, and radiation; removing plants and animals; and physically transforming the environment through drilling, damming, dredging, mining, and pumping- what society does to the environment is called

environmental stress

Heightened government secrecy, limitations of habeas corpus, and curtailment of freedom of speech in the interests of security are examples of what response to terrorism

erosion of civil liberties

The Immigration Act of 1921 is best remembered for;

establishing quotas and strict controls over the admission of new immigrants


factory-type arrangements, especially in developing nations, with working conditions that would not be tolerated in affluent nations (e.g., crowded, hot spaces; minimal breaks; dangerous work).

While the US post-recession economy remains by many measures the strongest on earth, its institutions are undergoing rapid and dramatic changes. Which is NOT one of these trends? - Increased reliance of families on the incomes of multiple workers - Growth in service-sector and manufacturing jobs in advanced economies - Increased reliance on innovations in technology and specialization to increase productivity and competitiveness - Globalization of markets and the rise of major multinational corporations

growth in service-sector jobs and manufacturing jobs in advanced economies

Governments in less developed countries (LDCs) have recently invested greater money in education, health care, transportation, and communication. According to the text, these investments have resulted in;

higher expectations among those people who live in LDCs

Several years ago, someone installed malware in Target's security and payments system. The malware was designed to steal every credit card used at the company's 1,797 US stores. This situation is an example of

identity theft

Zeke has a system to fraudulently obtain and use another person's social security number for economic gain. This is an example of

identity theft

Diana's feeling sad, worried, and even panicked because her husband, who is in the Marines, was just deployed to the Middle East. She now will be a single parent to her young son and feels overwhelmed by all the responsibilities. She is experiencing a(n) ______ of the war.

indirect effect


institutions that regulate the worldwide flow of an almost finite carry of goods and services. Almost all markets in nations throughout the worlds are regulated by acts of governments, including the United States.

The North American Free Trade Agreement of 1993 (NAFTA) - is a policy to break up oligopolies in the food industry in Canda, Mexico, the US, and most countries in Central America - is an arrangement in which the United States, Mexico, and Canada agreed not to impose import taxes on goods and services flowing among these countries - is a series of labor laws to protect workers in Canada, Mexico, and the the United States - is an agreement that only the assets of a corporation are liable to seizure in the case of economic failure or wrongdoing

is an arrangement in which the United States, Mexico, and Canada agreed not to impose import taxes on goods and services flowing among these countries

According to the text, climate change

is happening now

Since the recession, there has been a decline in "good jobs", which, according to the text, usually refers to

jobs that provide employer-sponsored retirement plans, health care benefits, paid sick leave, and paid holidays

What is the term used when only the assets of the corporation are liable to seizure in the case of economic failure or wrongdoing, and the entrepreneur's personal assets are not liable if the corporation fails?

limited liability

A comparison of the literacy rates over the last 30 or 40 years reveals;

literacy rates among the world's population are increasing


locating businesses that produce goods for American (or other Western) markets in poor, developing nations where the firm can take advantage of lower wage rates and fewer environmental restrictions

Which of the following represent the most dangerous occupational categories? - retail sales, education, and childcare - healthcare, management, truck driving - farm work, construction, and health care - logging, fishing, aircraft piloting

logging, fishing, aircraft piloting

Scientists suggest that there will be many consequences of climate change. Which is NOT one of these changes? - disruption to food supplies - longer wildfire seasons but less damaging wildfires due to precipitation - heavier precipitation and flooding - accelerated sea level rise and increase costal flooding

longer wildfire seasons but less damaging wildfires due to precipitation

The AQI is a

measure of the amount of give pollutants in the air regulated by the Clean Air Act

Victoria supports sending ground troops into Syria and Iraq to fight ISIL. Which demographic group would you guess Victoria belongs to?


Locating businesses that produce goods for American markets in poor, developing nations where the firm can take advantage of lower wage rates and fewer environmental restrictions is called


Sajel lives in India and works for a call center that has a headquarters in Minneapolis. Her job is to answer the telephones and help customers with technology problems they may be having. This work situation is an example of _____


Why have critics of US multinationals been especially vocal in condemning outsourcing?

outsourcing reduceds the number of jobs available for American workers

William, a young man from Wales, came to the United States as al legal visitor, but he exceeded the time he was allowed to stay. He isn ow in the country illegally. William, and others like him, are referred to as;


The Milgram experiment is famous because it studied the conditions under which

people would be willing to do harm to someone in obedience to an authority figure

Many parents in the United States scramble because of the lack of paid maternity leaves, the high cost of childcare, the low number of subsidized preschool slots, extended summer vacations from school, and the limited availability of part-time jobs with benefits that would allow families to more easily combine work and family. These social problems occur because

policies and programs have not kept pace with the changing social structure

Terrorism's threat to polarize the world between Islamic and Christian civilizations is an example of what response to terrorism?


According to the text, accelerated technological and scientific change and rapid population growth are causing what to occur in the world?

pollution and depletion of the natural environment as never before

Willy lives in a family who does not own a computer, and therefore the only time he has access to the internet is when he is at school. Chances are, Willy's family is


The education of girls is an important human rights issue. But it is more. It is also a(n)________

population control issue

The Boston Marathon bombing is an example of what type of terrorism?


The most common type of terrorism is

revolutionary terrorism

Personal bankruptcies have ____ since the recession

risen substantially

Much of asia, africa, and latin america are in what stage of the demographic transition?


Professor Kimura is giving a lecture about the demographic transition. She is describing a stage in which the birth rate remains high but the death rate declines. What stage is this?

second stage

As manufacturing jobs have declined over the past generation, jobs in what sector(s) have increased?

service and sales

You are sitting on an airplane next to a woman and strike up a conversation. She tells you that she is a recent immigrant to the United States. Given what you know about recent immigrants and their immigration, which of the following is likely to be FALSE? -She is about 45 years old - She lives in an urban area -She is hispanic - She is Asian

she is about 45 years old

what is a common way that employers circumvent the 1963 Equal Pay Act, according to the text?

some employers give highly similar jobs a different title, classification, and pay scale


someone who starts out as a legal visitor, but becomes an illegal immigrant when he or she exceeds the time allocated to visit or reside in the United States.

Earlier in this century, pesticides and herbicides revolutionized agriculture, making it much more productive. Subsequent research has linked many of these chemicals to the destruction of fish and birds and to certain cancers in humans. These findings suggest that

sometimes technologies that seem benign and that we take fore granted as part of everyday life have unanticipated environmental consequences.

Chemotherapy for cancer patients is a therapy that has saved or prolonged many lives, yet it also makes patients feel very sick. This situation is referred to as ____

technical dualism

"The totality of means used by a people to provide itself with the objects of material culture" is a definition of ________


After college, Renalda hopes to work for a large international organization that is devoted to maintaining world peace. A good example of this type of organization today is

the United Nations

According to the text, which of the following is a more likely consequence of a 24/7 economy ? - It has decreased the number of global markets - the boundaries between work and family are blurring - Multinational corporations have been created to serve people in different time zones -People experience less stress because they have more time to conduct their work

the boundaries between work and family are blurring

Idir is a physician in rural Africa. His patients suffer from serious infectious diseases, but he sometimes lacks access to the information he needs to treat his patients because he has few medical journals and does not have Internet access in his community. This situation is an example of

the digital divide

Poor families, those with less education, and older people are more likely to be among those Americans who do not have access to the Internet. This gap is referred to as

the digital divide

When a 2015 Gallup Poll was conducted with a nationally representative sample of adults, asking them to identify the most serious problem facing America, the largest single response was

the economy


the interconnectedness of cultures and economies around the world; many companies produce, compete, and sell around the world (multinational corporations)

The "level of living" in a particular country refers to:

the level of material well-being that people actually obtain

Terrorism is defined not only by the physical attack itself but also by

the long-term psychological effect it has on society

Those who hold a functional perspective would suggest that there are several functions of war. Which is NOT one of those functions ? -advancing ideology -social integration -the expansion of territory -the meaning behind a military attack

the meaning behind a military attack

Terrorism is defined as

the threatened or actual use of illegal force and violence by a nongovernmental person or group to attain a political, economic, religious, or social goal through fear, coercion, or intimidation

The average number of children born to a woman during there lifetime is called :

total birth fertility rate

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