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What was the highest recorded percentage of turnout of the voting-eligible population for a presidential election in the United States?


Which of the following statements about charter schools are true?

Charter schools are public schools run by private entities that operate with relative freedom from many of the bureaucratic regulations that apply to traditional public schools.

Characteristics of Socialism

Citizens have access to resources such as health care, food, housing, and other social services to meet their basic needs. Property and goods are mainly collectively owned.

Pew Research Center

College graduates earn about $650,000 more than high school graduates over a lifetime.


Germany, France, the Netherlands and Taiwan- mandatory insurance, sickness funds are non-profit and cover 90% of the population (premiums based on family income and covered by employer and patient), doctors are salaried and don't make as much, cost controlling measures (costs less and health outcomes better than U.S.)

conflict theory

Not all groups or individuals benefit equally from society's use of the natural environment.

Cycle of violence in abusive relationships:

One: relationship seems normal Two: the victim "walks on eggshells" to avoid arguments Three: acute battering and violence four: the abuser apologizes profusely and promises that it will never happen again.

Which of the following was the main finding of Kathryn Edin and Maria Kefalas's work on low-income single mothers?

Low-income single mothers have babies as a symbol of belonging and being valued.

The ACA: What it Did

Persons with preexisting medical conditions no longer denied coverage, A minimum level of benefits set by the federal government must be provided in all health insurance plans, State insurance exchanges established, Expanded medicaid program (not all states did so), Small businesses can buy insurance for their employees through the exchanges and get tax credits, Children may remain on their parent's health insurance plan until age 26

statements about Thomas Malthus's writings

Malthus advocated state assistance to the lower classes. One principle of the Malthusian theorem suggests that population growth is exponential or geometric.

Peter Capelli

Many college graduates obtain jobs for which they do not need a college education.

___ _____ defined power as the ability to get others to do one's bidding.

Max Weber

Myths about doctors and health system

Myth 1: doctors fear malpractice lawsuits (only 2% of U.S. health care costs are due to defensive medicine) Myth 2: it's our advanced technologies Myth 3: it's because we receive better care than do others


Practices based on those beliefs that identify a relationship between the sacred (holy, divine, or supernatural) and the profane (ordinary, mundane, or everyday)


Process by which a society transmits knowledge, values, and expectations to its members so they can function in society

Characteristics of Capitalism

Property and goods are mainly privately owned. Investment decisions are made by private entities. The production, pricing, and distribution of goods are determined by a free market.


Propositions and ideas held on the basis of faith

formerly known as the Food Stamp Program



Students in this type of school choose what they want to learn and often have minimal direction.

Sociologists do not evaluate the truth of any religion

Study the ways that religions shape and are shaped by cultural and social institutions and Study ways that religions influence and are influenced by the behaviors of individuals.

a cash benefit program that is often referred to as welfare


In 1950, rain forests covered approximately twice as much area as they do today.


The average American now spends the majority of his or her life unmarried.


There are two types of monarchies: absolute and constitutional.


Which of the following examples highlights the autonomy experienced by knowledge workers such as those who work at Google?

They often have the freedom to take breaks when they choose.


Those who consider themselves spiritual but not religious, and who often adopt aspects of various religious traditions


Those who literally interpret texts and want to "return" to a time of greater religious purity

Single payer:

UK and Canada- national health service is responsible for health services and related insurance (75% of NHS funding comes from general taxes and the rest mostly from a payroll tax, about 11% of population

Identify the true statements about authoritarianism

Under authoritarianism, citizens have no say in who rules them, what laws are made, or how those laws are enforced. Dictators may gain control through a military coup or by being legally elected or appointed. Two types of authoritarianism are dictatorships and totalitarianism.

Which of the following was one of the main findings of Brian Powell's 2010 study on definitions of family?

Unmarried couples, both gay and heterosexual, are more likely to be considered a family if children are present.

The goal is to understand health and illness in a social context

Who gets sick and why? How do we define sickness and health? How is power distributed in a health system?, How can we improve public health? How can we prevent illness and premature death?

Place each of the four stages of the cycle of violence in order from first to last.

abusive partner is charming, attentive, and thoughtful, "walking on eggshells", acute abuse and violence occur, "loving contrition"

Karl Marx

argued that in capitalistic societies people lose control over their production and the conditions of production (thus, people view work as means to survive rather than a rewarding activity)

natural increase

change in population size that results from births and deaths; linked to a country's progress toward demographic transition

Public health challenges

chronic illnesses are skyrocketing, drug resistance, preparation for next pandemic is lacking

James Heckman

college is worth it only for those who are prepared and smart

In _________, the government owns everything and all citizens work for the government and are considered equal, with no _____ distinctions. Under _________, workers do not enjoy the same consumption patterns that __________ economies encourage. Many socialist nations have _________ ______ who enjoy a higher class of living than workers.

communism, class, socialism, capitalist, political elites

Independent (third) sector

composed of nonprofit organizations and their workers and volunteers

Contingent workforce

comprised of people working temporary and freelance positions or as independent contractors

urban density

concentration of people in a city, measured by the total number of people per square mile

Jonathan Kozol's Savage Inequalities

conflict theory

Marriage as a civil right was not extended to all same-sex couples in the United States until 2015. Nontraditional families are still marginalized in many ways, while the nuclear family remains the standard.

conflict theory

Outsourcing exploits poor and developing nations and laid-off local workers, all while enriching corporations.

conflict theory

There are inherent inequalities both within and between families.

conflict theory


contracting out or transferring to another country the labor that a company might otherwise have employed its own staff to perform

What does "CSR" stand for?

corporate social responsibility

These institutions may often attempt to enroll as many students as possible, regardless of their actual preparation for college. Thus, many suggest that for-profit higher education institutions are benefiting from a version of what?

corporate welfare


driven by profit (personal prosperity and competition, privatization of the means of production), encourages efficiency (new technologies/products, expansion of markets, cost cutting)

The city of Alexandria, VA, and the Crystal City and Pentagon City neighborhoods of Arlington County, VA, were once "bedroom communities" of Washington, D.C. Now they have their own entertainment, business, and shopping areas. These are all examples of what?

edge cities

Three generations of husbands and wives pose for a picture. A young boy photobombs the picture by running across the view.Which of the following factors contribute to the sandwich effect?

having children later in life, students graduating from college are likely to need financial help from their parents, advances in life expectancy

Curative or crisis medicine

health care that treats a problem after it has already started (management of illness)

Preventative medicine

health care that tries to prevent or delay the onset of disease (includes lifestyle changes)

Nuclear family is the norm:

heterosexual couple with one or more children, traditional view of the family (In reality, much more complicated)

Information revolution

knowledge work is more important (work that deals with information- produces value in the economy through ideas, judgments, analyses, designs, or innovations)


legal combination of two companies, usually in order to maximize efficiency and profits by eliminating redundant infrastructure and personnel

a formally recognized bond between two spouses, establishing contractual rights and obligations between them



marriage to someone within one's social group

Service Work

massage therapist, bank teller

Hypodermic needle theory

media consumers are passive, uncritical recipients of content

One woman has multiple husbands or male partners.


One man has multiple wives or female partners. Correct label: At least some people are permitted to have multiple spouses or sexual partners. Correct label: polygamy



practices based on those beliefs that identify a relationship between the sacred(holy, divine, supernatural) and the profane (ordinary, mundane, everyday)

Doctors make more income than in any other country

privatized fee for service health system means more compensation

Childless couples

pro-child messaging within culture- both sexes met with suspicion, pity, and scorn, statistics on childless couples: similar levels of marital satisfaction as married couples with children, childless women express higher levels of well-being than mothers

Critiques of capitalism

promotes inequality, values consumers not citizens, creates individual wealth, not social justice

Answering the question here will not affect your activity score or grade. Mary commutes to college in Atlanta from a nearby neighborhood. She ends up marrying Joe, who lives two doors down from her and attends the same school. What is this an example of?



propositions and ideas held on the basis of faith

political protests in order from first to last

protests against the Iraq War at the Democratic and Republican National Conventions, Cindy Sheehan's antiwar protest outside George W. Bush's Texas ranch, protests against removal of the antiwar mural on the outside of the Museum of Contemporary Art in Los Angeles, the beginning of the Occupy Movement, the beginning of the Black Lives Matter Movement

media (4th estate)

provides checks and balances on elected officials (opinion leaders have a powerful influence on the public)

Divorce and social

psychological effects: women adjust better than men, men and women with nontraditional gender roles adjust better

Questions heteronormativity as "normal" for families.

queer theory

demographic free fall

rapid decrease in birth rates to below replacement levels; results in a shrinking population, mostly in industrialized nations

Industrial revolution

rapidly transformed social life through technological and economic development (assembly line, steam power, and urbanization) (With the shift to a manufacturing economy, vast numbers of people migrating to cities in search of work.)


refers to marriage to someone from a different social group


seen substantial increase in number of marriages that end in divorce (not accurate to say that half of all marriages end in divorce)


sense of community/common purpose, public ownership


shapes everyday behavior by providing morals, values, rules, and norms for its participants (gives meaning to the believer's lives- provides the opportunity to come together with others )

The textbook suggests that "fake news" programs such as Last Week Tonight with John Oliver and The Nightly Show with Larry Wilmore blur the lines of reality and are what postmodern sociologist Jean Baudrillard would call a ___________.


Public health successes

smoking rates have plunged dramatically, cancer survival rates have increased

Workers whose jobs are outsourced may come to see themselves as worthless and expendable because it seems that others see them that way, too.

symbolic interactionism

social institutions

systems and structures that shape the activities of groups and individuals in society

US Census Bureau definition of family:

two or more individuals related by blood, marriage, or adoption living in the same household

Which of the following is the U.S. Census Bureau's definition of family?

two or more individuals related by blood, marriage, or adoption living in the same household


unmarried couples living together

Fourth estate

we consider the media like a fourth branch of government and thus serve as another of the checks and balances on power

Knowledge Work

web designer, market researcher, advertising copywriter

value free

what sells is what is profitable (sex, drugs, violence), automation and globalization

Single mother households

women have poorer job prospects, may not receive adequate benefits


working jobs that are not up to one's training, being in involuntary part time work, seasonal work


"like marries like", sociologists observe that people choose mates who are similar to them (class, race, ethnicity, age, religion, education, and even levels of attractiveness)

Which of the following resulted from the 2010 Supreme Court ruling in the Citizens United v. Federal Election Committee Case?

$600 million in federal election spending from 195 wealthy donors and their spouses, unlimited spending on campaigns by corporations, unions, and other non-campaign entities, Super PACs

Five of the top twenty-five transnational firms are U.S. companies. Match each one to its ranking.

(1) General Electric, (4) ExxonMobil, (9) Chevron (19) Apple, (25) Johnson & Johnson

charter school

A group of teachers and parents petition the state government to give them the autonomy to open a new elementary school that focuses on bilingual education and the arts. The new school will be this type of school.


Ann Honest, William Catton, Garrett Hardin

Which of the following statements about religion are true?

Between 1990 and 2001, the number of Americans who described themselves as "Fundamentalist Christians" tripled. Approximately 23 percent of Americans claim no religious affiliation. Europeans are about one-third as likely as Americans to say that religion is important to them.

Sociologist _ ______ _____ was one of the first to propose a theory of the _____ _____. This _______ theory perspective suggests that a relatively small group of people in the top ranks of economic, political, and military institutions make many of the important decisions in American society. Since the introduction of this theory into the literature, _ _______ _______ has studied this phenomenon extensively.

C. Wright Mills, power elite, conflict, G. William Domhoff

Minorities have worse health outcomes on many chronic health issues (higher infant mortality rate, higher rates of hypertension (African Americans), lower life expectancy)

Explanations: racial discrimination has a direct link to stress responses, more like to live near pollution, in poverty, have inadequate educational opportunities, receive poor medical care)

As of 2014, the average life expectancy in the United States was 79.1 years of age for men and 84 years of age for women.


The majority of K-12 students in the United States attend private school.


The rate of divorce in the United States began rising in the 1960s and is still climbing today.


Many believe that America's educational system is in crisis Yet, there is little agreement on how to fix the problem...

Homeschooling and Nonschooling; School vouchers or charter schools

Which of the following statements about educational inequality in the United States are true?

Individuals with only a high school degree have an unemployment rate about 70 percent higher than the unemployment rate for individuals with a bachelor's degree. Lifetime earnings for someone with an advanced degree are almost 50 percent higher than for someone with only a high school diploma. Among young adults ages twenty-five to twenty-nine, women are more likely than men to have a bachelor's degree or higher.

A young mother of three children just getting home from work and school. This working mother holds a toddler in one arm, and a bag of groceries and her purse in the other arm. Her two other children fight over a book bag.In the context of feminist critiques of family structures and gender roles, what does the phrase "the second shift" mean?

It refers to the after-work homemaking chores of a wage-earning wife.

private school

Jamal's parents obtain a school voucher from the government because his neighborhood school has been consistently labeled "failing" by the state government. Jamal will now be able to attend this type of school


Julian Simon, William Peterson

Schooling serves a number of important functions for society

Learning to follow society's rules; At first, being socialized to develop qualities that will eventually make people efficient and obedient workers

symbolic interactionism

The meanings assigned to the natural environment will determine how society sees and uses it.

structural functionalism

The natural world exists in order to keep the social world running smoothly. The environment provides raw materials and space for development in order to meet society's needs.


The regular practice of religious beliefs, measured by church attendance. (Thirty-eight percent of Americans report attending services weekly)

Which of the following statements about the Information Age and modern knowledge work are true?

The rise of new technologies may roll back many of the original effects of the Industrial Revolution. Most new jobs being created are considered knowledge work. The average worker is working more hours in a week than her predecessor in the pre-Information Age workplace.

Which of the following statements about the early education system are true?

The roots of what we would recognize as modern mass education can be traced back to the idealism of the European Enlightenment of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. In the Middle Ages, the church was the main educator.

Randall Collins

The value of credentials might be a moving target since credential inflation creates a credential arms race. College provides only a credential and not the skills needed for a job.


a group of densely populated metropolises that grow dependent on each other and eventually combine to form a huge urban complex


a political system in which all citizens have the right to participate


a practice based on religious beliefs


a proposition or idea held on the basis of faith

Changes to modern leisure time activities:

a shift from public to private sphere (people spend more time at home, especially with new technologies), commodities (people used to make their own fun, now they purchase it as goods and services), formal organization (recreational activities that were once spontaneous and unsupervised are now formally organized)


a situation in which there is only one individual or organization, without competitors, providing a particular good or service


a system in which the government seeks to control every aspect of citizens' lives


a system of government by and for a small number of elites that does not include representation of ordinary citizens

demographic transition

a theory about change over time from high birth and death rates to low birth and death rates, resulting in a stabilized population rapid decrease in birth rates to below replacement levels; results in a shrinking population, mostly in industrialized nations


agent of socialization (way in which people learn about norms and values, portray a collective experience for members of society), enforcer of social norms (media reaffirms normative behavior), promotes consumerism and hyper-consumerism (average number of commercials a year the average child views in U.S.: 20,000, think about product placement and the power of branding)

People perform highly specialized labor

alienation from one's product

People's creativity is stifled

alienation from oneself

People's social worth is determined by their earnings

alienation from other people

People cannot control their working conditions

alienation from the production process


amount of money that the insured must pay before an insurance company will pay a claim


amount paid at time of procedure/appointment Major issues with U.S. health system: rising costs, equity and access, geographic distribution of services

Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA)

an area with at least one major city of 50,000 or more inhabitants that is surrounded by adjacent counties that are socially and economically integrated with the city core

The media is a major social institution

an independent media, free from government, economic, or other powerful interests, is argued to be a necessary component for a functioning democracy


an urban area with a large population, usually 500,000 to 1 million people

Gratification paradigm

approaches that focus on the psychological or social needs that various media fulfill (media as escape, form relationships with characters, gain sense of personal identity, inform and educate, just for entertainment)

relatives or relations, usually those related by common descent


When sociologists talk about _________, they are referring to the legitimate, ___________ exercise of power.

authority, noncoercive


cultural and economic changes from increased international trade and exchange (increased productivity and competition, labor exploitation in less developed countries


deals with the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services within a society; Powerful link between individuals (micro) and society (macro) (the economy shapes the type of work we do)


describes the decline of manufacturing and rise of service and knowledge work

Feminist and queer theorists

examine how assumptions about gender and sexuality affect family relationships, queer theory challenges heteronormativity in families and traditional conceptions of family

Active Audience Theory

explains the effects of media through the interpretive activity of the audience members

a large group of relatives, usually including at least three generations living either in one household or in close proximity

extended family

a social group whose members are bound by legal, biological, or emotional ties, or a combination of all three


Structural functionalism

family is one of the basic institutions that keeps society running smoothly (socializes children, improves economic production, instrumental and emotional support, improves stability within the family unit, maintains social control)

Conflict theorists

family is site of various forms of stratification (reproduces inequalities, nontraditional families may be marginalized), conflict within the family is about the competition for resources (time, energy, leisure to pursue recreational activities)

Single father households

fathers usually have higher education, occupational status, and continuation of career

Questions male dominance as "normal" for families.

feminist theory

Agenda setting theory

focuses on how mass media can influence the public by how stories are presented in the news (news organizations decide what is important, powerful opinion leaders influence how news is conveyed)

Epidemiological transition

from acute illnesses to chronic illnesses (acute- sudden onset, may be briefly incapacitating and are either curable or fatal, chronic- develop over a longer time period and attributed to lifestyle factors)

Marx believed workers were alienated in four ways:

from the product of their labor, their own productive activity, their fellow workers, human nature


government regulation of the economy; collective ownership of the means of production, collective distribution of goods and services,

Agricultural revolution

included social and economic changes, population increases, and increased efficiency of food production (majority of labor was done in private sphere) (stratified labor force and slave labor)

Relationship Trends

increases in single people and those who never marry, cohabitation, single and solo-parenting, childfree living

Roughly 60% have private insurance, about 30% are covered by government, about 10% are uninsured

individuals and employers pay monthly premiums, deductibles, and co-pays, physicians act as gatekeepers to specialists

Symbolic interactionism

interested in shared understandings about the world, media create social capital for individuals (refers to the benefits of membership in social networks, internet is most obvious example, shared viewing habits also increase social capital)

Conflict theory

media power is concentrated in very few hands, gatekeeping: a small number of people control what types of media reaches audience members (in some countries, governments control what types of information is portrayed), media inaccurately portrays reality (may reinforce stereotypes, can ignore reality), digital divide- some groups do not have access to the internet (low income households, racial and ethnic minorities, rural areas, global differences)

Divorce and economics

men adjust better than women (more likely to have established careers and higher education/ SES)


methods and tactics of managing a nation or state (attitudes and activities of groups of individuals)

Equity in health services:

millions don't have access, millions cannot afford health insurance and don't use it (cost of premiums, deductibles, and co-pays), wealthy have abundant use of health system

Critiques of socialism

minimizes individual freedom and choice, inefficiency, motivation to succeed is stifled, can lead to totalitarianism

Each person has just one spouse or sexual partner.



monthly amount to be paid for an insurance policy


most Americans required by law to purchase health insurance or pay a fine

Problems in the family: domestic abuse

most common form of family violence, includes behaviors abusers use to gain


most men remarry within the first five years, more acceptance of men who marry younger

When did cities become the prevalent residential areas?

nineteenth and twentieth centuries

growth rate

percentage change in population over time calculated by subtracting the number of deaths from the number of births, then adding the net migration; expressed as a fraction of the initial population

Marriage is not made solely by completing a legal contract but is also constructed through the everyday interactions between partners over the years.

symbolic interactionism

a heterosexual couple with one or more children living in a single household

nuclear family

special interest groups

organizations that raise and spend money to influence elected officials or public opinion

Government is the formal, _________ agency that exercises power and control in modern society.


The family is responsible for the reproduction of society as it produces and socializes children who will in turn become future workers and produce and socialize more new members of society. What did Talcott Parsons refer to this as?

pattern maintenence

Symbolic interactionists

people do family in that they follow prescribed rules and behaviors about how to act as a family

Orit Avishai's 2008 study of Orthodox Jewish women comes from which theoretical perspective about religion?

symbolic interactionism

Social status is a predictor of health outcomes

socioeconomic status, race, geography, gender, religion

ACA cons and concerns:

some exchanges are struggling, we have a lot of sick people who didn't previously have coverage, young and healthy people have not participated, doesn't address the main reasons for cost increases


state of being economically active and in the labor force, able and willing to work and seeking employment yet unable to find work

Socioeconomic status and health

strongest and most consistent predictor of a person's health (impacts people's ability to access better health care, able to afford better nutrition, better educated about health literacy, greater sense of self efficacy, more likely to live in food desert- a community in which the residents have little or no access to fresh, affordable, healthy foods)

Family is a cultural universal.

structural functionalism

Marriage regulates sexuality and forms the basis for family, with all its other functions.

structural functionalism

Outsourcing is necessary to keep both national and global economies stable in the current market.

structural functionalism

Randall Collins's The Credential Society

structural functionalism

highest to lowest college graduation rates

students at private nonprofit schools, students at public nonprofit schools, students at for-profit schools

Administrative costs of fragmented system

submitting bills, locating unpaid bills, and paying staff

"Gold farming" by mostly Chinese players of massively multiplayer online role-playing games highlights which of the following concepts?

sweatshops, global inequality

Robert Rosenthal and Leonore Jacobson's Pygmalion in the Classroom

symbolic interactionism


tendency to marry or have relationships with people in close geographic proximity (more important in previous eras, but still influences mate selection)

ushered in more federally mandated health care coverage for millions of Americans

the Affordable Care Act of 2010

This union formed in 1881 when a number of smaller groups banded together

the American Federation of Labor

Aging and the family:

the American population is aging because of the Baby Boom generation (some live with family members though 45% of women age 75+ live alone, 11% of those age 85+ lived in institutional settings such as a nursing home- social security benefits are a major source of income for about 65% of the elderly)

This union merged with another large union in 1955 to become the largest federation of unions in the United States

the Congress of Industrial Organizations

often referred to as the "bailout bill"

the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008

During the past few years, which brands and companies have been associated with foreign sweatshop labor?

the Gap, Forever 21, H&M, Urban Outfitters, Nike, J. C. Penney, Walmart, Kohl's

Formed in 1852, this union is usually considered the first organized union in the United States

the Typographical Union


the formal, organized agency that exercises power through the creation and enforcement of laws (power and authority)


the holy, divine, or supernatural


the ordinary, mundane, or everyday


the process by which a single corporation acquires ownership of a variety of otherwise unrelated businesses


the process where some issues that used to be seen as personal/social problems are redefined as medical issues


those who literally interpret texts and want to "return" to a time of greater religious purity Unchurched- those who consider themselves spiritual but not religious, and who often adopt aspects of various religious traditions


time that can be spent relaxing, engaging in recreation, or indulging in freely chosen activities Recreation- any pleasurable activity that is refreshing and renewing for the body, mind, and spirit

A government continues to privatize once public environmental resources, such as forests. This government does so to grow its revenue stream while the private companies who gain ownership of the forest continue deforestation at exponentially higher levels, permanently eliminating most of the country's trees, all in the name of greater profit margins. What is this an example of?

treadmill of production

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