Soc inequality, crime, and justice exam 1

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6 skills for communication by Gudykunst

1. Being Mindful 2. Tolerating ambiguity 3. Managing anxiety 4. practicing empathy 5. adapting 6. making accurate predictions and explanations

Lorber's 2006 three perspectives on social construction of gender

1. gender as a process 2. gender as stratification 3. gender as structure

Which of the following identity categories is socially constructed?

Race, Sexuality, Gender

Who is attributed to "biological fact"?

Sociologist Robert Miles 1989

The US is based on a _____ political-economic system.


Achieved status

given based on accomplishments


idea that there are fundamental differences between men and women

Emancipation thesis

idea that women's liberation movement would lead to rise in women's offending

interrogate "unmarked normative groups"

ie. whites, men, heterosexuals, able-bodied individuals, middle class, etc.

Civil Rights Act 1964 and equal Employment Opportunity Act 1972

prohibited discrimination in employment based on protected categories, including sex

What are some ascribed status'?

race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender, age, social class

Social class

reflects and shapes the unequal allocations and distribution of life options and social worth among groups of people


set of theories about women's oppression and a set of strategies for social change

3 gendered consequences of mass incarceration, war on drugs, and three strike laws

1. redirected government dollars away from social services and welfare protections 2. shift in jobs away from social services to law enforcement and corrections 3. care for families and dependent children let behind in the wake of mass incarceration fell upon women

Gender differences in justice-related professions focuses on:

1. underrepresentation of women in justice related employment and the use of law to leverage change 2. privileging of masculine qualities over feminine qualities in the use "doing" of justice work 3. ongoing challenges surrounding gender and differences within professions

Girls and women offending

1/4 and 1/3 of all arrests

Boys and men offending

3/4 of all arrests

Nonverbal communication

Anderson 2010 describes culture is mainly nonverbal; one must pay attention to nonverbal communication

Who first discussed microaggressions?

Chester Pierce 1970s

Who later popularized this concept?

D. Wing Sue

Is difference the problem?

Difference itself is not the problem its that differential value is placed on individuals, which means different allocation of resources, privileges, disadvantages, etc.

Alvin Poussaint

Harvard professor of psychiatry who called experiencing negative microaggrssions "death by a thousand nicks"

Matthew Shepard and James Byrd jr. 2009

Hate crimes prevention act: expanded federal hate crimes laws to include protection for sexual orientation, gender, and gender identity

Interlocking oppressions

Ken 2007 argues that intersectionality is based on class, race, and gender; no individual is all oppressed or all oppressing

Do people know that they are using microaggressions?

They do not always realized because they can be ingrained into social and cultural norms of a society

What has been linked to criminal offending?

a history of childhood and familial violence

What does difference assume?

a norm or standard that reflects power and privilege

social resources

ability of group members to benefit from relationships with others who can advance their interests

Cultural resources

ability of social groups to mold popular consciousness by influencing the content of mass media and public communication


attaching lesser value to some social identity, frames one group as valued and one group as inferior and "the other"

Socialist feminist

both capitalism and patriarchy are responsible for gender inequalities Social change= women must gain access to political and economic power


can be used to illustrate the ways race and other social identities influence how people make sense of their interactions with the justice system complex process of socially constructing and ascribing characteristics and meanings to biological racial categories

Marxsit feminism

capitalism is the source of gender inequalities social change= overthrow the economic system, eliminate class difference, struggle and inequality


chasing nature of discrimination; more subtle and convert kinds of discrimination

Social _____ is a component of social difference in the US that both reflects and shapes the unequal allocation of life options and social worth among various groups of people.



cross cultural communication would ensure quality across the criminal justice system

The ability of social groups to mold popular consciousness by influencing the content of mass media, education, or other platforms of public communication is known as _____.

cultural resources

Political resources

direct and indirect forms (positions as public leaders voting interest groups)

Privilege and disadvantage

either earned or unearned; born into it

Sexual orientation

enduring romantic, physical, or sexual attraction to individuals of the other sex or same sex

Intersectionality focuses on the significance of individual identity categories.


Street crimes cost more (in terms of life and resources) than do white collar crimes.


The crimes of the wealthy are criminalized in the same way as the crimes of the poor.


Liberal feminism

gender inequalities arise from gender based discrimination and a lack of equal opportunities for women social change=creating laws that prohbit gender-based discrimination and ensure equal access

Ascribed status

given based on things that individuals cannot change


greatest predictor of criminal activity; masculinity associated with aggression; nonverbal communication can differ

The least well off people in the US are those who _____.

have low or no income own little material property and few or no financial securities exhibit styles of speech, dress, and conduct that are viewed as maladjusted or "dangerous"

Gender expression

how individuals preform gender

Violence Against Women Act Reauthorization 2013

included preventions and services for LGBTQ victims

Economic resources

income and wealth

Gender Identity

individuals self-concept and beliefs about whether they are female, male, a combination of both, or neither

Gender identity

individuals understanding of their own identity

The way that differences overlap and affect experiences and outcomes in the justice system is known as _____.



judge others by the standards of ones own group; considers something unfavorably because they are not familiar

Law and difference

law plays a central role in the construction and maintenance of difference; law artificially constructs difference through categorizations of people

Other feminisms

lesbian feminism and queer heteronomativy. Black feminists, indigenenous feminists, Latina feminists draw attention to racial differences


meaning of names changes overtime and geopraphy; process of naming is influenced by power dynamic; oppressed group lacks power in their own naming; names revel societal attitudes and beliefs about groups

Which gender engages in crime the most?

men are disproportionately responsible for engaging in harmful behavior

Messerschmidt 1986

men engage in crimes of domination and women engage in crimes of accommodation

How is devaluation expressed?

neighborhood segregation, structural barriers, interpersonal violence, hate crimes, micro aggressions, and interpersonal discrimination

Difference exists where there is a _____ or standard against which everyone else is compared.



normalized behaviors and social expectations that presume heterosexuality to be the only sexual orientation

Normative privilege

occurs when the standard for evaluation reflects and maintains the already existing privilege of the more powerful group

Radical feminism

patriarchy is the source of gender inequality Social change= dismantle the patriarchy and equalize power


placing others in categories based on easily identified characteristics; can be positive or negative; prevent individuals from communicating effectively and interacting freely

Examples of nonverbal communication

posturing, touching, facial expressions, eye behavior, silence and verbal sounds, gestures and movements, personal space, movement while speaking, and symbols


process that occurs between two or more individuals who use words and/or nonverbal signals to construct the narrative of their interaction and to attach meaning to the message they transmit

Gender 2

social and cultural meanings assigned to sex difference; masculinity and feminity;

_____ approaches argue that if it were not for the biased nature of the justice system, the poor would appear just as law abiding as the affluent.

social interactionist


socially constructed

People make difference matter through the process of social interaction, which is to say that difference is _____.

socially constructed

What is the focus put on society?

society tends to focus on our differences rather than similarities

Legal definitions

sough to facilitate exclusion social control of a specific group

All of the following except _____ are examples of nonverbal communication.


Importance of competence for Criminal Justice workers

the ability to communicate effectively has important implications like law enforcement training


the formal and technical language of legal documents that is often hard to understand; based in latin


the increase awareness of the human diversity on the planet

Situational context

the social or environmental setting of a person's behavior

Why is "biological fact" problematic?

there is no specific evidence that it is biologically related in anyway

Antidrug funds allocated to the department of education reduced from $14 million to $3 million


Between 1980 and 1984 FBI anti drug allocations increased from $8 million to $95 million


Budget for the national Institute on drug abuse was reduced from $274 million to $57 million


Categorization is the process by which society decides which individuals fit into the boxes used to define difference.


Criminal justice practitioners are largely members of privileged classes.


DEA antidrug spending increased from $86 million to $1 billion


Department of defense anti drug allocations increased from $33 million in 1981 to over $1 billion on 1991


FBI antidrug spending increased from $38 million to $181 million


Minimum wage in the US is the outcome of political decisions that have been shaped by elite interests.


Power and status are often linked


Racialization is a complex process of socially constructing and ascribing characteristics and meanings to biological racial categories.


Social class can mitigate other disadvantaged social positions such as race or gender.


The meanings attached to difference make some kinds of difference matter in society more.


The meanings we attach to difference change over time


The popular media image of the poor preying on the rich is inaccurate.



typically conceived as a categorical difference; thought of as binary; many cultures have a third sex

Hard social control

use of coercion and force to ensure compliance

Postmodern feminism

use of power and privilege to socially construct gender inequalities Social change=people must recognize and exercise their power to shape meaning of gender and achieve greater justice

Sheffield 2007 sexual terrorism

violence toward women might be best conceived as sexual terrorism since the intimidation and violence directed toward some women is designed to create fear in all women so they win fear in all women so they will "stay in their place"

Soft social control

way that compliance with cultural expectation is assured by encouraging individuals to internalize gender norms

American with Disabilities Act

workplace must provide "reasonable accommodations" for qualified difference

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