Soc of the family Test 5

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Figure 9.7 shows infertility for 12 months by race-ethnicity and education level of married women. This chart shows that while infertility is a problem for all types of married women, __________ women are the most likely to experience it.


Which of the following is a reason for lower rates of marriage among African Americans?

Black men have problems becoming employed due to a shrinking manufacturing industry.

How does the experience of living together with a partner (cohabitation) impact the likelihood that a couple will later divorce?

Cohabitation does not affect the chance of divorcing if the couple eventually marries.

Based on the discussion of cohabitation in Chapter 8 and the infographic exercise you examined, what role do you expect cohabitation to play in explaining the delay in marriage?

Cohabitation may delay marriage for a short period for some couples or prolong the search period for individuals.

According to contemporary polling on attitudes regarding divorce, how is the pattern of support for divorce related to a person's political views?

Conservatives tend to be less approving of divorce because they fear it causes harm to children and weakens families.

Rashad and Amaya are both young children who live with their mother. Recently, due to the financial strain of single-parenthood, all three of them moved in with a grandparent. This change is referred to as __________ and can often add stress to child development, even when their situation changes for the better.

Family transition

How much do families earning less than $57,000 spend on child care and education, on average, compared to families earning more than $98,000?

Low-income families spend about $22,000, compared to about $81,000 among high-income families.

How have rising educational and economic attainment changed marriage for women?

They have reduced the economic importance of marriage for women.

Which child-related expense do you think parents spend the least on per child (up to age 17)?

health care

The term wedding industrial complex refers to the

high cost and large number of components of a modern-day wedding.

Fathers who say that their primary responsibility toward their children is to provide affection, love, and support are embodying what ideal image of fatherhood?

the involved father ideal

The main difference between the crude divorce rate and the refined divorce rate for a given country is that

the refined divorce rate specifies how many divorces there are among all married couples whereas the crude divorce rate specifies the number of divorces there are relative to the total population.

The two assumptions required for Gary Becker's marriage market concept are that marriages must be __________ and there must be __________ for spouses.

voluntary; competition

How might the existence of boundary ambiguities cause difficulties for the members of a blended family? Choose all that apply.

Fluid living arrangements can undermine the physical sense of family that is normally present. AND Older children are less likely to see their new stepparent as a true parent in a blended family.

What are the reasons for the relatively high fertility rate among Latinos? Choose all that apply.

Many Latinos are recent immigrants from Latin America where having many children is a cultural expectation.

How does the faster shift toward single-mother families for African-American children represent evidence of inequality? (Choose all that apply.)

Single-parent families have much lower incomes compared to two-parent families.

How have custody outcomes changed in the last several decades due to a new appreciation of the challenges families now face after divorce? Choose all that apply.

States and local governments have increased their enforcement of child support orders. AND Shared custody and father-only custody decisions by judges have become more common. AND Judges are more often likely to initially presume that joint custody is the best outcome.

What would you expect to find if you compared the average age of first marriage now to the average age of first marriage in 1970?

The average age of first marriage today is higher than it was in 1970.

How would you characterize the differences in marriage rates between the 1970s and today?

The biggest difference is that men and women marry at older ages today than in the 1970s.

What does Figure 10.3 indicate about the relationship between the age at marriage and the likelihood of divorce?

Those who marry before the age of 20 are about twice as likely to divorce as those who marry after the age of 25.

Which of the following best explains the reason behind the passion of the childfree movement?

a backlash against the culture of intensive parenting

shows the changing attitudes in regard to same-sex marriage over the last 12 years. The trend suggests that?

a growing majority will probably support same-sex marriage in the future.

According to the principles of the marriage market perspective, who might be most likely to marry a heterosexual, male college graduate working in a civil service job?

a more attractive, heterosexual, female nurse with an associate's degree

What trends in single-parenting have been found to be associated with the overall increase in unmarried parents since the 1980s? Choose all that apply.


While the use of mobile phones and other technological gadgets can clearly enhance children's ability to communicate freely and express themselves, the tracking devices on smart phones also provide parents with a tool to __________ their children, which is another new trend in modern parenting.


Public opinion regarding spanking children can be understood as being shaped by both traditional beliefs as well as __________, which are influenced by the advice of experts such as doctors, teachers, and social scientists.

contemporary attitudes

Research shows that relationship dynamics play a role in the cause of divorce; specifically, couples are more likely to divorce when they do which of the following? Choose all that apply.

describe themselves as unhappy in their marriages AND have heated arguments, shout at, or hit each other AND disagree frequently about money, time together, sex, and their in-laws

What explanation does the author give for why social groups differ in their rates of divorce?

economic and social factors

As described by sociologist Viviana Zelizer, the transformation of American childhood during modern times can be understood as children losing their __________ value and instead achieving a newfound __________ value.

economic; emotional

A woman choosing to delay marriage longer than her mother did because she is able to support herself financially is an example of how __________ can contribute to declining marriage rates.


If a country has a total fertility rate of more than 2.1, the population will usually__________, but if the total fertility rate is lower than 2.1, the population will instead __________.

grow; shrink

Research shows that in regard to happiness, married people are generally happier than unmarried people. One likely reason for this is that

happier people may be more attractive marriage partners.

Which of the following would be an example of a demographic change that is thought to be related to the decline in the marriage rate?

high rates of incarceration among Black men

Mahir and Dalia are a recently divorced couple. Dalia was unemployed for most of their eight years of marriage but she began working at an entry-level retail job two years ago. Both spouses also had experienced varying degrees of stress and unhappiness during the last few years of their marriage. The circumstances leading up to their divorce are most indicative of which effect discussed in your textbook?

independence effect

Women's employment facilitates both the ability to leave unhappy marriages, which is known as the __________, and the additional resources needed to stabilize marriages, which is known as the __________.

independence effect; income effect

Social and cultural changes have brought about more __________, which some argue has weakened marriage ties; however, researchers suggest that the relationships that do survive are emotionally stronger.


Which group of people would you guess have the lowest chances of getting a divorce in their lifetime?

individuals who have bachelor's degree or higher degree

One problem with using Becker's market principles to understand marriage choices is that

people often make bad decisions when they are in love, so we cannot assume that these decisions are rational.

One skill or resource that parents provide (or try to provide) for their children is __________, which helps prepare them for future social situations so that they will feel less confusion and stress.


Based on what you read in Chapter 9, select examples of parenting behaviors that have been proven to be beneficial for children.

spending time with children AND sending a child to have a 5-minute time-out for breaking a rule

The decline of religious endogamy has mostly been the result of changes in

the marrying behavior of liberal and moderate Protestants.

The paradox regarding economics and marriage is illustrated by the fact that

while there has been a decline in the economic need for marriage, those with higher incomes are now more likely to marry than those with lower incomes.

Figure 10.7 shows which of the following effects of divorce on a family's economic status?

After the divorce the income of the children decreases if they live with their mother.

According to data on U.S. divorces in 2012, what is the relationship between education and the divorce rate?

Divorces are the least common for college graduates compared to everyone else.

According to data on U.S. divorces in 2012, what is the relationship between racial-ethnic groups and the divorce rate?

Divorces are the most common among American Indians and African Americans.

Researchers have found that within the last few decades, those with less education are increasingly delaying their first marriage due to __________.

Increased economic insecurity

Since the Supreme Court's Windsor decision, which invalidated the Defense of Marriage Act and allowed the federal government to recognize same-sex marriages, the Internal Revenue Service and other federal agencies have written new rules that include same-sex married couples. These new tangible benefits are an example of the __________ of marriage.

legal status

According to the animation you viewed, marriage is __________ to how many people define a happy or successful life today than it was 40 years ago.

less central

The increase in women's employment and the increased diversity of family structures changed the cultural view of fathers from the __________ to the __________ ideal, which emphasizes providing both material support and emotional bonding.

male provider; involved father

Figure 9.6 shows that married women are more likely to have __________ while unmarried women are more likely to have __________.

miscarriages; abortions

Sarah and Dean are a young unmarried couple with two children. They are part of the observed nationwide increase in unmarried parents that has been occurring since the 1990s. Sarah and Dean are also __________ to be poor compared to __________.

more likely; most other married parents

Juanita and La'Mon, who are both divorced, are a cohabitating couple with two teenage children, one from each of their respective previous marriages. If someone were to ask them why they choose to cohabitate rather than marry, they would most likely say

they see cohabitation as a long-term and less risky substitute for marriage.

Kayla decides to leave her lucrative job as a financial analyst in order to have and raise a second child. The income she will be giving up in order to raise her child can be referred to as

an opportunity cost.

During what period did the crude divorce rate peak at its highest point?

around 1980

Monique and Tyrone are stepsiblings who live in a household with Tyrone's mother, who is Monique's stepmother, and Monique's father, who is Tyrone's stepfather. According to the textbook their family can be considered a

blended family.

Which reason for marriage is related to the legal status of marriage rather than the symbolic status of marriage?


selection effect

The problem that occurs when the cause being studied has already been determined by the outcome that is under investigation.

marriage market

The social space in which people search for potential marriage partners.

Which of the following is an example of endogamy?

a woman who marries someone in her racial group

Which child-related expense do you think parents spend the most on per child (up to age 17)?


About how much money would you guess that families making more than $98,000 spend on raising one child, from birth to age 17?


Approximately what percentage of all first marriages end in divorce within a single year?

1.7 percent

In 2012, what percentage of the married population do you think got a divorce?

2 percent

About how much more money do families earning more than $98,000 per year spend per child compared to families earning less than $57,000 per year?

2.3 times as much

What would you guess is the percentage of divorces that occurred among couples who have been married for less than 5 years in 2012?

3.1 percent

Based on the figure, what percentage of men have been married (at least once) by age 55 in the United States today?

83.7 percent

What is the difference between a divorce and marriage annulment?

A divorce ends a marriage, while an annulment states that the marriage was never valid.

Which racial-ethnic group would you guess has the highest rate of divorce?

American Indians

This figure suggests that in regard to intermarriage, the group that has the highest intermarriage rate is __________, while the group that has the lowest intermarriage rate is __________.

American Indians; Whites

Marriage rates are also influenced by demographics. What is one example of the "marriage squeeze"?

Asian women are more likely to marry outside of their racial-ethnic group, which makes marriage less likely for Asian men.

Why do families spend so much money in housing costs per child?

Families with children need additional rooms, bathrooms, and yard space.

Jacob and Ashley are a young couple in their early 20s who have been together for two years and are contemplating marriage. Which of the following is a likely reason why they may choose to get married despite the fact that marriage rates are in decline? (Choose all that apply.)

Family members, religious leaders, and others may pressure them to marry., There are a variety of government and market incentives for them to marry., Although there are alternatives to marriage, most couples imitate common behavior patterns.

How did the ability to unilaterally demand a divorce change the context of divorce for individuals?

It allowed either partner to ask for a divorce without the consent of the other, which was particularly beneficial for women.

How does educational endogamy affect economic inequality in the United States?

It exacerbates inequality because better educated individuals are more likely to marry than less well-educated individuals are.


Living together as a sexual or romantic couple without being married.

How do you think having a job is related to men's chances of marrying?

Men with jobs are more likely to marry than men who are unemployed.

Between the 1960s and recent decades, women's time in the paid labor market has increased substantially. Over the same period, what happened to the amount of time mothers spend with their children?

Mothers now spend more time with their children than they did in the 1960s.

What trends in single-parenting have been found to be associated with the overall increase in unmarried parents since the 1980s? Choose all that apply.

Older women who are single by choice are bearing children. AND Young adults who are not ready to marry are bearing children.

Why does the author say that families spend so much money on their children?

Parents want to provide their children with the resources needed to get ahead and be successful.

What are some reasons why higher-order marriages (those that are the second, third, or higher-number marriages in an individual's life) are more likely to end in divorce than a first marriage? Select all answers that apply.

People who marry more than once may still be dealing with the same problems and stressors that affected their first marriage. AND People who marry more than once often have to bring together blended families.

Which of the following is an example of how members of a blended family may benefit from their experience in this type of a family?

Remarried adults tend to preserve their autonomy more than they did in their first marriage.

Better-educated mothers spend more money on their children and also spend more time with them. They are also more likely to breastfeed their children in infancy. According to Chapter 9, why might mothers with higher education levels be more likely to breastfeed?

They are more likely to have jobs that are flexible and provide resources for breastfeeding.

Which of the following does this suggest about remarriage during that year? Choose all that apply.

Twice as many men remarried during this year compared to women. AND Younger people were more likely to remarry than older people. AND African Americans had the lowest rate of remarriage during this year.

Among adults today, what gender differences would you expect to find in marriage rates?

Women marry earlier than men and are more likely to have married someone by age 50.

Which of the following family arrangements may be most likely to lead to boundary ambiguity?

a blended stepfamily

The dramatic increase in divorce rates in the late twentieth century, often referred to as the divorce revolution, can be understood as the result of __________. Choose all that apply.

baby boomers' different attitudes regarding divorce and family commitments AND the liberalization of family law across the country, which made it much easier to divorce

One major illustration of the modern changes seen in marriage patterns is that __________ has now become an expected stage in relationships for the majority of couples.


While adoptions have become more open in the last 50 years, they have also become much more uncommon. This can be understood as a result of the __________. Choose all that apply.

declining stigma associated with unmarried motherhood

Which term refers to the legal dissolution of marriage according to the laws of the state?


The divorce-marriage ratio is used in order to __________. Choose all that apply.

estimate what the odds are that a couple who marry today will end up getting divorced AND directly compare the frequency of divorces to that of new marriages for a given year AND provide a number that directly indicates a country's divorce rate

The purpose of the Hague Adoption Convention was to ensure that adoptive families are

first searched for in a child's home country.

Figure 10.2 shows that the U.S. divorce rate __________ in the years following World War II and then __________ until the 1960s.

increased; declined

Figure 9.10 shows that the number of children living with a grandparent and __________ has increased during the past 20 years, although the number of those living with a grandparent and __________ has stayed fairly similar during the same time period.

neither parents or both parents; a father only

Which group(s) of women are more likely to have unintended pregnancies as well as abortions? Choose all that apply.

single women, low-income women, Black women

According to the textbook, the marriage of Barack and Michelle Obama, two Harvard-educated lawyers, illustrates the role __________ plays in choosing a marriage partner. Select one:


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