SOC200QR ~ Set 3 Quizes

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Which of the following of r represent the strongest relationship?


When there is a perfect, inverse relationship, what is the value of r?


Which of the following values of r represent the strongest relationship?


"For nominal data, researchers normally report frequencies and percentages instead of means and standard deviations." This statement is


"For the data in the following table, a two-way chi-square would be appropriate test of significance." This statement is Happy Unhappy Boys n = 30 n = 40 Girls n = 40 n = 30


"In a direct relationship, those who are high on one variable tend to be high on the other." This statement is


"In an inverse relationship, those who are high on one variable tend to be low on the other." This statement is


"It is possible for a relationship to be both inverse and strong." This statement is


"The acronym ANOVA stands for analysis of variance." This statement is


"The symbol for the coefficient of determination is r 2." This statement is


"When r = .40, the percentage of variance accounted for is 16%." This statement is


"When reporting the results of a t test, the values of the means and standard deviations should first be reported." This statement is


"When the dots in a scattergram form a pattern from the lower left to the upper right, the relationship is direct." This statement is


For the scores on Test D and Test E shown below, there is Student Test D Test E Buddy 303 20 Turner 343 53 Kathy 479 70 Suzanne 599 88

a direct relationship.

Which type of study is recommended in order to study causation?

An experimental study.

Suppose you read the following: F = 0.641, df = 3, 29, p > .05. What conclusion would you normally draw about the null hypothesis?

Do not reject it

" Correlation is the best way to examine cause-and-effect." This statement is


"ANOVA can be used to test for the difference(s) between only two means." This statement is


"An inverse relationship is sometimes called a positive relationship." This statement is


"An r of -.45 represents a stronger relationship than an r of .88." This statement


"An r of .60 is equivalent to 60%." This statement is


"Each dot in a scattergram stands for a participant's score on one variable." This statement is


"For nominal data, a researcher normally reports means and not standard deviations." This statement is


"For the data in the following table, a one-way chi-square would be an appropriate test of significance." This statement is Yes No Men n = 30 n = 40 Women n = 40 n = 30


"If a t test yields p < .05, the null hypothesis normally would be rejected." This statement is


"If a t test yields p > .05, the null hypothesis normally would be rejected." This statement is


"In the social and behavioral sciences, it is common to find scattergrams in which all the dots are on a single line." This statement is


"It is appropriate to convert a Pearson r to a percentage by multiplying it by 100." This statement is


"It is impossible for a relationship to be both inverse and strong." This statement is


"It is safe to assume that if a difference is statistically significant, it is of practical significance." This statement is


"Reporting t test makes it unnecessary to report the values of the means and standard deviations." This statement is


"Statistical significance is synonymous with practical significance." This statement is


"The acronym ANOVA stands for Alternative Number of Variance Approach." This statement is


"The symbol for the coefficient of determination is r." This statement is


"When r = .20, the percentage of variance accounted for is 20%." This statement is


"When the dots in a scattergram form a pattern from the lower left to the upper right, the relationship is inverse." This statement is


"An r of -.95 represents a stronger relationship than an r of .88." This statement is


"Each dot in a scattergram stands for the two scores of one participant." This statement is


"For an r of .60, the ability to predict is 36% better than zero." This statement is


Suppose you read that as the result of a chi-square test, p > .05. By conventional standards, what decision should be made about statistical significance?

It is not significant.

Suppose you read the following: F = 2.20, df = 4, 400, p > .05. What conclusion would you normally draw about statistical significance?

It is not statistically significant.

Suppose you read that as the result of a chi-square test, p < .05. By conventional standards, what decision should be made about statistical significance?

It is significant

Suppose you read the following: F = 3.50, df = 2, 20, p < .05. What conclusion would you normally draw about statistical significance?

It is statistically significant.

In a scattergram for a weak relationship, there is

Much scatter

Are scattergrams frequently presented in research reports?


Suppose you read that as the result of a chi-square test, p < .001. By conventional standards, what decision should be made about the null hypothesis?

Reject it

Suppose you read that as the result of a chi-square test, p < .01. By conventional standards, what decision should be made about the null hypothesis?

Reject it

Suppose you read the following: F = 4.641, df = 3, 29, p < .01. What conclusion would you normally draw about the null hypothesis?

Reject it

Scattergrams are presented in research reports

Scattergrams are presented in research reports

When a coefficient of determination equals .20, what percentage of the variance on one variable is not predicted by the other variable?

Some other percentage.

When a coefficient of determination equals .70, what percentage of the variance on one variable is not predicted by the other variable?

Some other percentage.

When there is a perfect, direct relationship, what is the value of r?

Some other value

In the social and behavioral sciences, it is common to find scattergrams with

Some scatter

For the typical consumer of research, which one of the following values in an ANOVA table is of greatest interest?

Sum of squares

"For an r of .80, the ability to predict is 64% better than zero." This statement is


If you read that t = 0.234, df = 60, p > .05, what should you conclude?

The difference is not statistically significant.

If you read that t = 0.452, df = 100, p > .05, what should you conclude?

The difference is not statistically significant.

If researcher rejects the null hypothesis, what else is true?

The difference is statistically significant.

If a researcher concludes that a difference is statistically significant, what else is true?

The null hypothesis should be rejected.

"ANOVA can be used to test for the difference(s) among two or more means." This statement is


For the typical consumer of research, which one of the following values in an ANOVA table is of greatest interest?

The value of p

"A direct relationship is sometimes called a positive relationship." This statement is


For the scores on Test D and Test E shown below, there is Student Test D Test E Bud 19 789 Francis 17 554 Cathleen 12 333 Jennifer 10 202

a direct relationship

For the scores on Test F and Test G shown below, there is Student Test F Test G Rafe 101 29 Lester 123 17 Marjorie 144 14 Leslie 198 10

an inverse relationship.

For the scores on Test X and Test Y shown below, there is Student Test X Test Y Janice 25 9 Brittany 30 7 Ramon 35 4 Wallace 40 1

an inverse relationship.

If the Pearson r equals .30, the coefficient of determination is calculated by

multiplying .30 by .30.

For a given value of the Pearson r, the coefficient of determination is computed by

squaring r.

The more scatter in a scattergram, the

weaker the relationship.

The symbol for chi-square is


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