SOCI 1101 test 4

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constitutional republic

majority rules, but rights of minority are protected.

social cohesion

shared symbols, values, and norms of religion bring people together

dating/domestic violence on campus

-1/5 of intimate relationships on campus (from "hookups" to dyads) involve violence. -Approximately 20% -30% of college women have reported a completed or attempted rape while on campus; 31% of college men say they "would likely attempt rape if they knew they would never be caught," (2015). -More than 80% of reported rapes or attempted sexual assaults involve intimates: stranger to stranger sexual assault is rare. -Should allegations of sexual assault on campus be handled by the colleges or universities? Or should they be investigated and handled by law enforcement, as any other claim of sexual assault would be handled? Are universities and their employees qualified to make a determination about what is essentially a criminal act? Are they there to protect the victim or the university?

child care

-2/3 of both husbands and wives with children work. -One-third of children remain at home (parents and other relatives); -one-third spend time in some other home; one -third go to an organized child care facility. -Somewhere between five and ten million "latchkey" kids (15% school-age children) come home to empty homes after school. -Stratification in child care: wealthier parents buy better outcomes, poorer parents receive inferior

domestic violence in the U.S.

-600,000 acts of domestic violence every year, 85% of which are men abusing women (20 million women aggregate). Economic inequality in reporting (middle class women less likely to report), patriarchy, and the cultural Battering Myths perpetuate the problem: 1. "she probably deserved it" 2. "if it's so bad, why not leave?" Much like the Rape Myths that exist: 1."based on how she looked or acted, she deserved it" 2."if no physical injury, not a real rape" 3."no means yes, with a little pressure" -This objectification of women has real and violent consequences in society.

alternative family forms (same sex and singles)

-Approximately 800,000 same sex couples live together in the U.S., raising approximately 270,000 children. Resistance to same-sex marriage has faded, though prevalent in some areas of country. -56% of Americans now support same-sex marriage (2018 Pew), and the Supreme Court's decision in Obergefell (2015) cleared the way for all states to now recognize same-sex marriage (and get divorced as well). -Singlehood: Starting in 2008, more Americans 15 and older were single than married for the first time in a century. In 1968, 28% of women 20-24 were single, in 2018 percentage was 78%. -However, with fertility declining in women after the age of 27 and men after 35, a growing segment of middle age people are finding themselves childless and without spouses (problematic also for couples who delay having children).


-Arranged marriages in pre-industrial societies took the guess work out of marriage. -Romantic love had little to do with it. Industrialization eroded the importance of extended families, so personal choice was enhanced when it came to selecting a mate. -Dating sharpens courtship skills and serves today as a period of sexual experimentation. -The basis for marriage rests ultimately on "romantic love," an emotion, feelings of affection and sexual passion towards another person. -"Falling in love" and marriage are strongly guided by social forces

alternative family forms (single parents)

-Nearly 27% of U.S. families with children under 18 have only one parent in the house (85% of which are single mothers). In 2019, more than 40% of live births in the U.S. were to unmarried women (1.7 million). -On average, children growing up in single parent families start out poorer, get less schooling, more likely to end up in the juvenile justice system, Foster care, social services, and end with lower incomes as adults. Are also more likely to end up single parents themselves. -At every step, kids from single parent families face obstacles that kids from two parent families don't.

alternative family forms (cohabitation)

-Step toward marriage or an alternative to marriage? It is the sharing of a household by an unmarried couple, has increased from 550,000 couples in 1970 to 7 million today (6% of all households). -Almost half of women 15-44 cohabit as a first union. -40% of cohabitations transition to marriage in 3 years, 30% remain intact, 30% dissolve. -70% of women with less than high school degree cohabit, compared with 47% of women with bachelors' degrees +. -However, 55% of women with bachelor's degrees who cohabit transition to marriage within three years v. 30% of those w/out high school. -20% of cohabiters will experience pregnancy in first year of cohabitation; this now constitutes almost 25% of all live-births annually in U.S. -Domestic violence is greater amongst cohabiters than married couples. -Despite its prevalence, most research suggests that living together actually discourages m

Global economy

1. Global Division of Labor: two thirds of the world is agricultural (Developing Nations countries), and 25% is Industrialized (China, Mexico, etc.). The percentage of countries living as the U.S. (post -industrial) 10%-15%. Global Unemployment rate in unknown at this time (April 2020). 2. Product Passage: increasing numbers of products pass through several countries before ending up on one's market. (Rubber from Africa or South America, is turned into shoes in China, and sold in U.S.) 3. Multi-National Corporations: friend or foe? Do these companies hurt second and third world countries (Dependency Theory; multi-nationals rape the natural resources, employ by slave wages) or are they helping these countries (Modernization Theory: industrialize and post-industrialization makes life better for those in industrial and developing nation

family in later life

-The "Empty nest" syndrome, that parents will divorce once their children have left home, is a myth. -Statistics show the opposite: higher levels of marital satisfaction once kids have departed. -Class, race and gender :Rubin found differences in what wives expected from husbands to be class-based (lower class women: doesn't drink excessively, not violent, maintains a steady job; middle class women: ability to communicate and share feelings with, a "soul mate", successful profession). -Jesse Bernard: "His and Her Marriage". Rates of depression are higher among married women than single women; rates of depression are higher among single men than married men. Why? Socialization. Women are still socialized to believe their identities are inextricably tied to the partner they marry; men are socialized to avoid marriage at all costs. -Extended families are still more common amongst Latino families (as well as traditional male authority over women), while 70% of African-American children are born to single women. 45% of all African-American families are headed by single women, compared to 33% Latino families, 18% Asian, 18% White

interracial and inter-ethnic marriages

-are still the exception rather than the rule...15% of all marriages in 2019 (meaning 85% of marriages are endogamous when it comes to race or ethnicity; divorce rates also higher among interracial couples v. intra-racial). -Divorce: There are approximately 2 million marriages annually in the U.S., and 1 million divorces. While the divorce rate (3.4/1,000) is half the marriage rate (6.8/1,000), half of all marriages do not end in divorce. Around 20% end within five years, 35-40% longitudinally for first marriages. But its effect is widespread: of all adults over the age 18, 21% or men and 22% of women have been divorced at some point. Causes of divorce are numerous: divorce is more socially acceptable, and divorce is easier to legally obtain (No - Fault Divorce laws). Role Exit

abortion and reproductive technologies

-how we feel is often dependent on social factors and demographics. According to the GSS (2012): -While clinical abortions have fallen to record level lows in 2018 (7%, 860,000), self-managed abortions (via pharmaceuticals purchased online) appear to be on the rise. -As abortion becomes more difficult to obtain legally, underground or illegal methods have increased more than 40%. -males slightly favor pro -choice more than women (44% v. 41%); the less educated are more inclined to favor abortion restrictions (70% of those with less than high school education v. 50% with some college) -persons in their 40's tend to be the most pro -choice, those over 60 the most pro-life (younger persons more inclined to be pro-life 58% v. 42% pro-choice) -regionally the northeast tends to be more pro-choice, while the south, particularly thesoutheast or "deep south", tends to be more pro-life (over 80% in the deep south v. 20% pro-choice) those wealthier, less religious and more likely to vote Democratic are more pro-choice, while those less wealthy, more religious and more likely to vote Republican are more pro-life. COVID-19: many states now declaring abortion "elective" and banning it during social distancing; currently in front of SCOTUS (spring 2020).

child rearing

-in pre-industrial societies, families had an average of eight children; children were economic assets, needed to perform necessary labor and to take care of parents in old age (this is why childbirth rates are high in developing/agrarian societies today). -Child mortality: in 1900 one-third of children born in the U.S. died by age ten


-marriage in 1950 the mean age for first marriage for women was 20, for men 22. -In 2019 the mean for first marriage women is 27, for men 29 (first children, 26 & 28, respectively). -Only after marriage do couples get to know each other (infidelity: 25% men, 20% of women). -"Marriage changes things; suddenly you wake up in bed next to a relative.

child abuse

-more than 3 million reports of child abuse and neglect every year, of which 800,000 children are confirmed victims of abuse and neglect (80,000 physical abuse, 56,000 sexual abuse, 440,000 neglect, 31,000 psychological maltreatment, 7,000 medical neglect). -Economic inequality, patriarchy (girls more likely to be abused than boys), and cultural myths ("kids deserve a good, hard spanking") all contribute. -More than 80% of child abuse occurs between intimates. Stranger to stranger assault is rare.

reproductive technologies

-to facilitate pregnancy include artificial insemination, surrogate motherhood, and in vitro fertilization. These procedures raise several sociological issues, particularly discrimination: only the wealthy can take advantage of these methods ($100,000 for in vitro alone). -What it means to be a "parent" can also become confusing. It's possible, using a combination of methods, for a child to have five parents. -Could we see a class split eventually, where the wealthy buy sperm and eggs at genetic auctions on the internet in order to have "super" children? Is this an evolutionary instinct or something more sinister?

industrialization and family

-turns children into economic liabilities -The median number of children per U.S. family in 2019 was .96 (for whites .89, Af/Am's 1.15, Latinos 1.53). The ideal number of children remains between 2 and 3 (75% or respondents). 2016 Census: half of women 15-44 do not have kids. -Yet the average (mean) number of children is higher among families with children: 1.9 children per family with children; the average family is composed of 3.14 people.

who divorces

-young spouses who marry after brief courtships, few financial resources, and yet to mature emotionally -Within ten years of marriage, the divorce rate is 50% for couples 18-21, 35% for couples 21 -25, and 30% for couples 26 and over ("starter" or "trial" marriages are a myth). -Less religious people divorce at a greater rate, as do couples who both have successful careers. -Also, those who have divorced once are more likely to divorce again (50%+ remarry within five years). Child support is awarded in 51% of all divorces, yet there are more than 3.5 million "dead-beat dads" who fail to support their children ($4 billion in arrears). -During the Great Recession (2008 -2011) and COVID-19 pandemic (2020) divorce filings went down, but rates of domestic violence, due to financial stresses, unemployment, and social quarantines went up.

COVID recession 2020

8.5 million jobs were lost in a two year period during the Great Recession (2008-2009). By way of comparison the COVID-19 recession wiped out 10 million jobs in two weeks (March, 2020). As of April 2020, we are still counting the jobs temporarily lost. Unlike previous recessions, many of these jobs will be gained back once the pandemic subsides. But many smaller businesses (restaurants, bars, salons, gyms) won't. The unemployment rate as of March 2020 was 10%. While it will go higher, it will also decline more rapidly than the Great Recession since many of these jobs will return. In the Great Recession, 8.5 million jobs were lost and never came bac

sacred profane

Social institution involving beliefs and practices based upon a conception of the sacred. The ______ (awe-inspiring or reverential) and the ______ (everyday) help us understand society

industrial revolution

A series of improvements in industrial technology that transformed the process of manufacturing goods.

The iGEN

Almost 60% of voters 18 -24 say they're Democrats, 33% Republicans Yet partisan and political ideology is shaped by other demographics. E.G. 50% of whites 18-24 say they're Republican and supported Trump in 2016. Nearly 50% of registered voters 18-24 are non-white. More likely to view climate changes as a threat (62% v. 48% of Boomers), favor government solutions to social problems (70% v. 52% Gen X), use gender-neutral pronouns (35% v. 25% of Millennials), and view diversity as good for society (62% v. 48% Boomers). Impact will be huge politically in next several election cycles... first presidential election will be 2020


a form of marriage in which women have more than one husband


a formal organization that directs the political life of a society

2016 Voter Demographics: TRUMP

Baby Boomers 55 -74 (53%) over Clinton (44%) Silent Generation 75+ (54%) Men (53%) Whites (58%) Married women & men (53%) Some college (51%) High school diploma or less (52%) Protestants (58%) Catholics (52%) Evangelicals (81%) Rural (62%) Suburban (51%)

2016 presidential election

Donald Trump won 46% of the total popular vote and 304 electoral votes; Hillary Clinton won 48% of the total popular vote and 227 electoral votes. Most expensive election in history: $5 billion raised and spent by all the parties and their candidates from the primary to the election. Add in congressional races, total almost $10 billion in 2016

By gender: COVID-19

Great Recession hit men hardest, 2/3 of 8.5 million jobs lost. Unemployment rate for men peaked at 11.4%, women's rate peaked at 8.8%. Why would men lose jobs faster than women? Pay disparity. Laying off men, who earn more than women, saves more money

COVID-19 economy systems

Hundreds of corporations were propped up and saved by the government during the Great Recession ($800 billion stimulus). The $2 trillion stimulus in 2020 was the largest bailout of small and big business in history .. so far (April, 2020) it's larger than any socialist country has spent to stimulate their economies

adam smith

In "Wealth of Nations" (1776), argued the "barter system" should be replaced by money (Capitalism). Money was an agent of social change

Max Weber, bureaucratic inertia

In 1950 more than a third of workers were in Unions, in 2018 less than 12% (varies by sector: 37% of government workers v. 7% private sector). Public sector unions (Police, Firefighters & Teachers) face challenges in the wake of the 2008 recession, while private sector unions struggle to make inroads in the service sector economy (hospitality; Vegas).

power beyond the rules: synagogue

In the U.S., definitions of terrorism, in the wake of September 11th, 2001, are also highly variable. Do "lone wolf" events not fit the definition of terrorism? Was the congressional baseball shooting (2017) an act of terrorism? Massacre in Vegas (2017)? Was the synagogue shooting in Pittsburgh (2018) terrorism? What about Charlottesville?

By industry: COVID-19

Leisure, hospitality, food service and the retail industries are being gutted by COVID closures (dubbed "non -essential" by government bureaucrats). When 70% of the economy is driven by consumer spending, and consumers are forbidden from spending (shelter -in-place), economic catastrophe ensues. While many businesses will re -open once the pandemic subsides, many will not

2016 voter demographics: CLINTON

Millennials 18-34 (55%) over Trump (37%) Gen X (35-54) 51%, Women (54%), African-Americans (88%) Hispanics (65%) Asian voters (65%), Unmarried men & women (55%), LGBTQ voters (78%), Jews (71%) Unaffiliated religion (68%) College grads (51%) and post-grads (58%) Urban residents (60%

Second labor market jobs

Most service-oriented work provides little income or benefits and often fewer rewards than factory work. Includes self-employment (approximately 7% of the workforce today). Women now own 30% of all businesses, 40% of small businesses, over 50% of startups. The "underground" or gig economy involves income not reported to the government as required by law. From babysitting and garage sales to gambling, loan sharking and drug dealing, billions exchange hands off the books. Estimates suggest $450 billion is not paid annually in federal taxes. The current recession caused by the pandemic is wiping out the Gig and service sector economy at unprecedented levels

conflict power elite model

SIGs, PACs and Super -PACs are not political democracy; they keep the people at the top in power without any real opposition. The two-party system is corrupt, as the candidates the people vote on have already been hand -picked by the power -elite in society to favor their interests, no matter what the outcome. Supreme Court: Citizens United v. FEC (2010): restricting what corporations and organizations spend in the political process "chills political speech." Campaign finance reform was unconstitutional. Corporations are considered to be "natural persons" under the 1st amendment, and may now spend unlimited amounts of money in the political process. McCutcheon v. FEC (2014): struck down individual limits to candidates and parties. As a result, Super-Pacs are now growing. Citizens United and McCutcheon will further entrench the corporate and individual power -elite in society, making the "average citizen's" concerns and vote less relevant. See also billions spent by Super-PACs

Service sector

Sector jobs include everything from secretarial, food service, and clerical jobs, to white collar jobs such as sales, law, accounting, banking, advertising and teaching. If you are providing customer or client a service (and not producing a tangible product) you are in the tertiary se


Social institution that unites individuals into cooperative groups that oversee the bearing and raising of children. Traditionally family was persons related by blood, marriage or adoption (kinship)


Society continues to arrange many marriages; majority are Endogamous. Laws prescribe: ______ marriage joining of 2 partners is the norm

sociology and religion

Sociology does not seek to pass judgment on any religion as right or wrong. Rather, sociology seeks to explore the role of religion in society and how religious beliefs and practices guide human behavi

charles handy

The corporation or organization of tomorrow will be nothing more than a box of contract


The denial of the existence of God

absolute monarchy

es existed during pre -Industrial times (hereditary rule) whereas Constitutional Monarchies today are more symbolic. However, absolute monarchies such as Saudi Arabia continue to e

agricultural revolution

The time when human beings first domesticated plants and animals and no longer relied entirely on hunting and gathering

patrilineal matrilineal

in agrarian societies, ____ descent (tracing kinship through the male's family) was the nor , in horticultural society there was some evidence of ____ descent (kinship traced through female's side).

tertiary labor market

Volunteerism More than 1.5 million registered non-profit agencies in 2018. More than 25% of Americans (62 million) volunteered in 2018, the value of which, in donated hours, close to$175 billion. Age: 35-50 highest volunteer rates; early 20's the lowest. Contingent Work: (part-time, temporaries, contract, on-call workers). Nearly 33% of the U.S. labor force participates in Contingent work (27 million part-time <35 hours/wk. workers March 2019). Temping and on-call work can be low wage, dead end work, but some part-time and contract work is quite lucrative. Still, contingent work is secondary labor market work. Underemployment: workers with low salaries, fewer benefits, disappearing retirement. Rate of underemployment is 14% (2019 averag

By educationL COVID-19

While those without high school degree hit unemployment rates of 15% during the Great Recession, for college grads it was never above 5%

labor unions

Worker organizations that seek to improve wages and working conditions through strategies like collective bargaining and strikes

religion and social world

World have a dialectical relationship (Hegel): how is faith influenced by society, and how does faith shape our social world?


a legally sanctioned relationship designed for economic cooperation and childbearing


a residential pattern in which a married couple lives with or near the husband's family


a residential pattern in which a married couple lives with or near the wife's family

neolocality bilateral

couples reporting highest levels of marital satisfaction are those who live in ____ settings (away from both sets of parents) Most practice ___ descent (importance of both blood lines)

social exchange

dating and marriage are forms of negotiation. Individuals shop in the marriage market, and dating sharpens the skills needed to make the best deal possible. Terms of the exchange are in fact converging: men have to concentrate more on how they look; women have to concentrate on careers and what they can bring to the table financially


economic system in which natural resources and the means of producing goods and services are collectively (governmentally) owned. Tenets: 1. Collective Ownership of Property 2. Pursuit of Collective Goals 3. Government Control of Markets


economic system in which natural resources and the means of producing goods and services are privately owned. Tenets of Capitalism: 1. Private Ownership of Property 2. Pursuit of Personal Profit 3. Free Competition and Consumer Choice (Laissez-Faire or Market Economy)

Welfare capitalism

economic system that combines mostly market-based economics with government programs to provide for people's basic needs (Social Security, welfare, unemployment)

state capitalism

economic system that combines private ownership of corporations and business, but they work closely with the government in doing business (trades & tariffs, foreign markets, global economy).

structural functionalists (family)

family is the "backbone of society" and provides several key functions: Socialization: most important agent Regulation of Sexual Activity: The Incest Taboo Social Placement: Ascribed Status Material and Emotional Security


form of marriage uniting three or more people, as more common, usually 1 male and 2 females

three major transformations due to information revolution

from tangible products to ideas (manipulating symbols); from mechanical to literacy skills (reading and writing); decentralization of work (computers, internet, etc. make where you are physically less important). computers/automation are deskilling labor, making work more abstract, limiting workplace interaction, increasing employer's control over workers, and allowing companies to relocate and outsource job

primary sector economy

generates raw materials directly from the natural environment. Two-thirds of most countries today function on Agricultural economy ("developing nations"). In 1900 40% of U.S. workers were farmers, in 2018 less than 2% of the U.S. workforce works in agriculture (varies by region). Today, farming and agriculture is profitable because of corporate agribusiness

tertiary sectors economy

generates services rather than goods; productive system based on service work and extensive use of information. Nearly 90% of the U.S. workforce today is in the tertiary sector


hypothetical economic system where all members of society are socially equal (from each according to their ability, to each according to their need), and government is largely absent.

symbolic interactionist (family)

individuals construct family life. Families are not a rigid conception, but an ongoing process. Social Exchange


industrial and post industrial societies: focusing on one god

nuclear family

industrial societies: (family unit composed of one or two parents and their children) becomes the norm. Also known as family of procreation (or conjugal family), people left their extended families to seek work in Industrial urban centers


is a social institution that organizes the production, distribution, and consumption of goods (food, clothing, autos, houses, etc.) and services (doctors, lawyers, software engineers, etc.) Marx: how and what we produce, and how much and what we consume defines us as a society

racial profiling

is it terrorism only if the participants are young, Arabic-descent males who practice Islam? Most Americans say we haven't had an "act of terrorism" since 9/11, but just in the last two years (since 2018) we have been attacked by terrorists multiple times, mainly white, middle-aged men


is power that people perceive as legitimate rather than coercive. How people in society cede power and authority to government is what sociologists are concerned about


is the social institutions which distributes power, sets a society's goals, and makes decisions

social control

many cultural norms and values have religious justification. Also, religion is used to legitimize the political cal system


marriage to two people at the same time -is illegal

voter apathy

n): only 56% of the electorate voted in 2016 (down in comparison from 63% in 2008). Mid-term (or "off year") elections are worse. In 2014 just 36% showed up...the lowest since World War II. 2018 however jumped to 47%, highest since 1966. Republicans generally win in off-year elections because voter motivation is higher among demographics in their wheelhouse (older, wealthier, whites). Apathy, alienation, and non-participation remain a huge problem in Democratic demographics (young, poor, minorities). 2018 was a better year for Democrats, but not nearly as good as Republicans do in off-years.

Politics in the U.S. 2018

nerally, people in the U.S. (2018) describe themselves as either Conservative (35%), Moderate (35%), or Liberal (26%). Moderates are plentiful because most people are conservative on some issues and liberal on others. Economic and Social issue conservatives tend to vote Republican while, while economic and social issue liberals tend to vote Democratic. Yet, despite "more polarized than ever" memes, party identification is weak in the U.S. In 2018, 42% identified themselves as Independents (up almost 10% since 2016), 30% as Democrats and 26% as Republicans , 42% said they "lean Republican" while 50% said they "lean Democrat." Yet just 12% claim themselves to be "strong Democrats" 13% "strong Republicans". Independents are up from 12% in 1992. Gender: 56% of women lean or affiliate Democratic (44%of men) while48% of men lean or affiliate Republican (37% of women

5 major transformations took place in society as a result of industrialism

new forms of energy (steam, electricity) centralization of work (factories, urbanism) manufacturing and mass production specialization of labor wage labor

SCOTUS: Janus v. AFSCME (2018)

no public sector employee can be forced to pay union dues, another blow to organized labor. Still, support for unions (55-70%) far surpasses support for politicians or judges who bash unions or push "right to work" laws (5%-20%). And right to work states tend to vote red, union states tend to vote blue

special interest group

organizations of people interested in some economic or social issue. SIGs include groups like the AARP, the NRA, the ACLU, the Sierra Club, NOW, etc. SIGs employ lobbyists as their professional advocates

political action committees

organizations whose aim is to raise and spend money on the election or defeat of certain political candidates. Campaign Finance Reform was aimed specifically at PACs and Super-PACs (beyond reporting). Individuals and corporations were to be limited in what they could give particular candidates (hard money) and PACs (soft money

Religion Structural Functionalism

people engage in religious life to celebrate the awesome power of society. Belief is stronger amongst the less educated and poor, yet higher education and more income spurs increased participation in religious organization

representative democracy

places authority in the hands of the office and the elected leaders who are accountable to the people (U.S.). In a pure democracy, the majority rules, regardless of the rights of the minority


political system to support traditional authority

functionalists' pluralist model

power as dispersed among many different competing interest groups

rational-legal authority

power legitimized by legally enacted rules and regulations. Democracy, power is exercised by the people as a whole, supports rational-legal authority, but can be manipulated by authoritarian or totalitarian leaders

charismatic authority

power legitimized through extraordinary personality that inspires devotion and obedience. Authoritarian political systems (denies popular participation in government) or Totalitarianism (seeks to extensively regulate all aspects of people's lives). Hitler and Nazi Germany,

Traditional authority

power legitimized through respect for long -established cultural patterns

extended family

pre-industrial societies: family unit including parents, children, and other kind were the norm. Also known as family of orientation (central to socialization), extended families emphasized arranged marriages that were either: Endogamous (between persons of the same social categories) or Exogamous (persons of different social categories)


pre-indutrial societies: (elements of the natural world are conscious life forms; today's Native American beliefs)


random acts of violence or threat of such violence employed by an individual or a group as a political strategy. Four distinguishing characteristics: Terrorists try to paint violence as a legitimate political tactic. Terror is therefore a weak organization's strategy to harm a stronger foe. Terrorism is employed not just by groups (Al -Qaeda) but by governments (State Terrorism). State terror is lawful in some authoritarian and totalitarian regimes. Democratic societies reject terrorism, but are especially vulnerable to terrorists because of extensive civil liberties and freedoms. Terrorism is always a matter of definition. One person's "terrorist" is another's "freedom fighter" (or "extremist group" or "militia"). Part of what makes the "war on terror" practically un-winnable is the fact that very few countries can agree on a definition

durkheim (structural functionalist)

religion provides 3 main functions to society social cohesion social control provide meaning and purpose

provide meaning and purpose

religious beliefs offer a comforting sense. Major life -course transitions (birth, marriage, death) are usually marked by religious observances.


skepticism whether the existence of a God or gods can be proved or disproved) are creations of the Enlightenment

primary labor market jobs

skilled, better paying, secure and unionized -white collar, high benefit work


the average person will change their career ____ times, one of which hasn't even been invented yet

social conflict (family)

the family unit perpetuates inequality from one generation to the next by stressing the following things: Property and Inheritance: reproduces class structure in each succeeding generation Patriarchy: families transform women into sexual and economic property of men Race and Ethnicity: emphasis on endogamy shores up the racial and ethnic hier


the overthrow of one political system in order to establish another they share a number of traits: 1. Rising Expectations 2. Unresponsive Governments 3. Radical Leadership 4. Establishing Legitimacy From the "Arab Spring" in 2011 all the way back to the Russian, French and American revolutions, those traits are common leading up revolution


the primary labor market has not suffered to the extent of the secondary labor market has. Most primary sector workers (white-collar) transitioned to telework and working from home. Service sector jobs, blue-collar jobs, and those that couldn't work remotely were jobs that were eliminated. Unemployment remains high among the less educated, more blue-collar occupations. It is still relatively low among those with a college degree. And while a college degree may not guarantee you a job, it is certainly an insurance policy against long-term recession and unemployment

Information revolution

the recent social revolution made possible by the development of the microchip in the 1970s, which brought about vast improvements in the ability to manage information

secondary sector economy

transforms raw materials into manufactured goods. In 1950, 25% of the workforce was in manufacturing; in 2018 8% of the U.S. workforce is in the Secondary Sector today.


various forms of poly-theism (multiple gods) and ethicalism (adhering to certain principles).

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