Social construction of sexuality test 1

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--- is a very common STI and most of the time, the people who have it, don't even know that they do. By using latex condoms and dental dams, the risk of contracting or spreading the infection can be reduced. Since --- is spread through skin-to-skin contact, the most effective protection is to abstain from sexual activity or to be monogamous with one long-term partner who has been tested. This infection is common; about "1 in 8 people aged 14-49 in the U.S. with HSV-1, which is the typical cause of oral herpes. However, increasing numbers of genital herpes cases are caused by HSV-1". Symptoms of --- include blisters around the genitals or anus. The first outbreak of sores is usually the worst and a person with herpes may have additional outbreaks. If someone thinks they may have come in contact with the infection but isn't showing any symptoms, their health care provider will run a blood test. There is no cure for herpes, but there are antiviral medications that have the ability to shorten and prevent outbreaks of the sores.

Genital Wart

------ are generally diagnosed through a visual examination and are caused by a certain types of HPV (Human Papillomavirus). They are spread through skin-to-skin contact and in order to determine whether or not one has ----, the health care provider will apply a weak vinegar solution because the acidity will turn the warts white and become more visible. -can be treated in several different ways: 1. Patient can apply creams, gels, and solutions (prescribed by doctor) 2. Frozen off with liquid nitrogen by doctor 3. Burnt off with trichloroacetic acid or bichloroacetic acid by doctor 4. Cut off using a scalpel, scissors, curette, or electro-surgery by doctor


-The physical, behavioral, and personality traits that a group considers to be normal for its members -Reflects our notion about what is appropriately "masculine" or appropriately "masculine" or "feminine" -Learn to interpret and enact gender in ways that are culturally and historically specific

Mucopurulent Cervicitis (MPC)

-an STI found in females within their vulva. It can be caused through contact with many different STI germs, gonorrhea or chlamydia, etc. -symptoms can include, large amounts of unusual vaginal discharge, frequent painful urination, painful intercourse, bleeding between menstrual periods, and potential bleeding during intercourse. Although, --- is still not a reportable infection and clinical/diagnostic criteria has still not been standardized, which criteria must be finished first before infection rates can begin to be reported. --- is transmitted sexually through unprotected vaginal, anal, or oral sex. --- is also treated through antibiotics, similarly to other STIs

urethra (M/F)

Both males and females have this. It is an internal organ that helps discreet urine from an individual's body. Referring to female anatomy, the it is parallel and above the vagina. It is surrounded by spongy tissue and blood vessels containing glands that are similar to the make-up and fluids produced by the male prostate gland. Referring to male anatomy, "it passes in the body and through the prostate gland to the bladder."


according to many Native American tribal religions, this means a man or a woman who has both male and female energies


HIV (The Human Immunodeficiency Virus) causes AIDS and is transmitted by blood and body fluids. Most HIV infections don't show any symptoms and can remain dormant in a person for many years. If the HIV leads to AIDS, symptoms that eventually lead to death can occur. Symptoms include fevers, rashes & lesions, night sweats, and blurred vision. There is no cure to HIV, but there are treatment options that let HIV-positive individuals live longer and healthier lives. If HIV is contracted, it can take from three weeks to six months for any test to detect the infection. In 2018, it was reported that there were 1.1 million people living with HIV in the United States. Latex condoms and dental dams can help reduce the risk of contracting or spreading HIV, but in addition to sex, this infection can be spread through the process of delivering a baby, breastfeeding if the mother is infected, and sharing needles.

bladder (M/F)

In most vertebrates, it is the organ responsible for storing urine before excretion. The urethra connects the it to the genitals and allows urine to be expelled from the body.

seminal vesicles

Located in the male reproductive system, the two --- in the male body are small sac-like structures attached to the vas deferens to the side of the bladder. They are responsible for secreting a thick liquid that nourishes the sperm.


Sexual attraction to the same sex


There are three different types of ---- that can be contracted, some being able to spread more easily than others.----- A, B, and C can all be transmitted sexually, although --- B is the type that is most likely to be sexually transmitted. All types are very serious and affect the liver; B and C are the leading cause of cancer in the liver and are the most common reason for transplants. A symptoms include fatigue, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, dark urine, jaundice, and liver enlargement and tenderness. There are no specific cures, but there a preventative vaccines available along with medications that help lessen the symptoms. Can be spread through fecal contamination and anal sex. B often doesn't cause any symptoms, but if they are present, they include joint pain, skin eruptions, hive-like rashes, loss of appetite, and liver enlargement and tenderness. There is no specific cure for HBV, but there are preventative vaccines available along with medications that help lessen the symptoms, similar to HAV. It is spread through blood and other bodily fluids like pus, semen, and vaginal secretions. Hepatitis C is the same as HBV when it comes to symptoms, yet it is in fact curable. HCV is typically spread through needle sharing or sex if bloody secretions are present.


a bacterial infection of the genitals. This disease can occur in both males and females and typically manifests as painful ulcers near and on the external genitalia. It is caused by the bacterium Haemophilus ducreyi and is treated with oral antibiotics, like penicillin. Like most STDs, chancroid is not dangerous but can be extremely uncomfortable for those affected. Thankfully, it has been all but eliminated in the industrialized world since the advent of antibiotics, with fewer than 100 cases reported every year in the United States since 2000. It is much more common in the global south, where access to healthcare and antibiotics can be considerably more scarce. Overall, it is easily and quickly treated but is much more common in populations with less access to healthcare, namely sex workers and people living in the global south.


a common STD, caused by bacterial infection. Many people who contract it are asymptomatic, but people who due experience symptoms typically experience a burning sensation during urination and abnormal genital discharge (for both males and females). Males generally don't experience long-term health problems due to untreated ---, but females can experience permanent reproductive system damage. This disease isn't harmful to pregnant women or their babies but can be passed from mother to child during childbirth. ---- is typically treated with a course of oral antibiotics, although repeat infections are relatively common.

Bacterial Vaginosis

a common infection of the vagina. This often occurs when the normal balance of vaginal flora is upset. It is asymptomatic for many people, but those who do experience symptoms typically experience: white or grey discharge, itching in the vagina, a strong fish-like odor, and a burning sensation during urination. This disease is by no means life-threatening, although pregnant women diagnosed with it typically give birth to lighter babies. it can be contracted randomly, but actions that upset the typical ph balance of the vagina are considered a risk factor. Sexual activity and the use of douches are both linked to increased rates of it. This disease typically goes away on its own, although doctors may prescribe oral antibiotics if the infection is severe enough or lasts longer than a week. Males who have sex with a female diagnosed with it are at no risk of infection but it can be spread between female sexual partners. It is incredibly common, being the single most common vaginal infection for women aged 15-44


a condition that's caused by a tiny burrowing mite called Sarcoptes scabiei. As a result of this tiny mite burrowing onto the skin, red bumps appear and very intense itching occurs. it is very contagious as it can spread quickly through any close physical contact, or sharing clothing or bedding with an infected person. Even though it is very contagious, it's very easily treated with medication that's applied to the skin that kills the mite and all the eggs.

urethral sponge

a dense spongy tissue surrounding the female urethra. It is made up of blood vessels and glands similar to the configuration of the male prostate gland. It has come to be called the 'G-spot' or female prostate. Some women enjoy stimulation in this area greatly while others experience an ejaculation of fluids through the urethra as result of penetration to it. It can be stimulated through the front wall of the vagina.


a gender identity defined by either non-binary gender identity or the lack of any gender identity


a gender identity defined by feelings of being both masculine and feminine at the same time. This identity typically only encapsulates masculine and feminine identities. For example, an individual might say 'I am both a boy and a girl.


a gender in which a person does not identify with the sex they were assigned at birth. The term strictly refers to gender identification and "is not indicative gender expression, sexual orientation, hormonal makeup, physical anatomy, or how one is perceived in daily life


a highly contagious sexually transmitted bacterial infection, often referred to as "the clap". It is characterized by thick discharge from the penis or vagina. In addition to male reproductive organs and female genital tract, it may infect the rectum, throat, eyes, blood, skin, & joints. Men may have swelling in their testicles and women may bleed in between periods. If left untreated, ---- can cause infertility without ever showing symptoms. Gonorrhea spreads through semen or vaginal fluids during unprotected sexual contact, heterosexual or homosexual, with an infected partner. In order to test, the health care provider will make the patient take a urine test and treat with antibiotics, usually given in a single dose. It is encouraged to abstain from sex until your symptoms disappear to ensure you don't spread the infection.

vas deferens

a long tube that travels from the epididymis, a tube that lies on the back of each testicle, to the urethra. When a male is about to ejaculate, it transports mature sperm to the urethra where it leaves the body.

corpus spongiosum

a mass of erectile tissue alongside the corpora cavernosa of the penis and terminating in the glans. This spongy tissue surrounds the male urethra within the penis. Erectile tissue is any tissue that is capable of stiffening or engorging with blood. During sexual arousal, sexual erectile tissue experiences increased blood flow and becomes engorged with blood, enlarging and/or stiffening.


a sexual orientation that goes beyond the binary. People who are this feel no sexual attraction to a person unless they have previously formed a close and emotional bond. It's more commonly seen in, but by no means confined, to romantic relationships. The term comes from the orientation being "halfway between" sexual and asexual

Molluscum Contagiosum

a skin infection that produces painless, round, firm bumps on the skin. Usually kids from the ages of 3-5 and ages 19-40 obtain it. Symptoms of --- consist of raised, round bumps. There are no exact reported rates in either male or females with ---, but there has been a reported 2,000 cases in the US per year. It is contracted through skin-to-skin contact (including hugs and even handshakes) with someone infected with it. Also transmitted sexually through unprotected vaginal, anal, or oral sex. ---- does not have any treatment methods as the bumps usually go away with a certain amount of time, or the bumps can be treated like warts through icing off the warts or other procedures.


a the muscular canal that extends from the uterus to the outside of the female body. The canal consists of elastic, flexible tissue that provides lubrication and sensation. It is about 4 inches long. It receives the penis during sexual intercourse. It also serves as a tunnel for the discretion of menstruation. During childbirth, the baby passes through this to the outside world.


a very common STI spread through vaginal, anal, and oral sex. It causes sores called chancres. The sores are generally painless, but can easily spread the infection to other individuals. It can infect your vagina, scrotum, anus and penis. It can be cured with medication fairly easily if you treat it early. Without treatment, it can lead to very serious permanent health complications.


a very common STI. It is caused by infection with a protozoan parasite called Trichomonas vaginalis. The parasite is transferred to an individual through intercourse. Symptoms of --- vary, but most people who have the parasite cannot tell they are infected. Symptoms include mild to severe irritation/ inflammation in males and females, especially after urination. it can be treated by an oral medication.

prostate gland (M)

a walnut-sized organ located in between the bladder and the penis. Only found in the male body, it's main function is to secrete a liquid that nourishes and protects sperm. This is so when ejaculation occurs, the fluid is squeezed into the urethra and continues to travel with the sperm as semen.

rectum (M/F)

also known as the anus, is the last section of the large intestine. Both females and males have this, however, physically, a woman's anus is tighter, softer & more elastic than males. Females also have more sexual nerve endings also higher compared to males.

Pubic bone (M/F)

also known as the pubis, is one of the bones that make up the pelvis. It's located at the front of the hip bone, closest to the genitals. In between the them, there's a space where a joint connects the two sides. This space is called the pubic symphysis. The function differs depending on gender. In males, the pelvis is much taller and more narrow. In females, however, the pelvis is low, wide and ovular shaped. This makes pregnancy as well as delivering children easier in the sense that it doesn't strain the body.

Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)

an infection of the female reproductive organs. It's caused when sexually transmitted bacteria spreads from the vagina to the uterus, fallopian tubes or the ovaries. Symptoms usually take awhile to take place but once they do, they include chronic pain in the lower abdomen, heavy vaginal discharge, abnormal uterine bleeding, pain or bleeding during intercourse, fever, and/or painful urination. In terms of treating it, due to the fact that it's a bacterial infection, a combination of antibiotics are prescribed by the doctor depending on the severity.

Human Papillomavirus

an infection that produces warts/bumps on various parts of the body depending on strain/where you were infected. ---- is one of the most common STIs, with over 3 million US cases per year. --- is a type of virus that can cause health problems such as warts and/or cervical cancer. Common symptoms include warts, more commonly genital warts, and itching. Around 25% of men and 20% of women had high-risk genital --- infection, female rates lowering greatly just in years between 2006 and 2014. While male rates have actually increased for HPV rates from 2006 to 2014.---, like most STIs, are transmitted through skin-to-skin contact or during unprotected vaginal, anal, or oral sex. There is still no cure for --- but the main methods of treatment come in preparation through the --- vaccine for boys and girls, preventing some of the more deadly -- strains. Treatment for --- is for genital warts (getting rid of them).

Lymphogranuloma venereum (LGV)

an infection that. is rare and more aggressive strain of the same bacteria that cause chlamydia. -- is more common among gay and bisexual people, as it's commonly spread through male and male sex. Early symptoms begin only 3-12 days after exposure, with soft red sores that form near the genitals or anus; although sores heal quickly after just a few days. Later symptoms begin 2-6 weeks after sores, swollen lymph glands on either one or both sides of the groin(right around the pubic area), pain during urination or when passing stools, constipation, rectal bleeding, pain in lower abdomen or back, pus-filled or bloody diarrhea, and/or fever, chills, joint pain, decreased appetite, and tiredness. --- does not have current infection rates in the US, but in France, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom, there have been over 1,000 cases of ---. --- is transmitted sexually through unprotected vaginal, anal, or oral sex. can be cured with medication given by medical provider, usually involves an antibiotic regimen of 21 days.

anus (M/F)

an orifice found at the end of the digestive tract of most vertebrates used for the expulsion of feces. In humans, it contains thousands of nerve endings and is also used for some forms of sexual activity


an umbrella term for anyone who doesn't identify with the binary gender roles of male or female. Gender can be a blend of different elements (a blend of female and male or neither for example). Common examples of non-binary identities being agender, bigender, genderqueer, etc.


an umbrella term for individuals whose gender doesn't fit into other gender defining models. Given that a number of the current gender defining terms overlap, it is also useful as a term to simplify the language if needed for individuals who fit within those overlaps, or who haven't, or don't, define themselves with one of the more specific gender terms.


an umbrella term used to describe all non-heterosexual, non-cisgender identities. For those who don't feel comfortable identifying themselves as a certain type of sexuality, the term serves as a separate identity in itself. It can also serve as an identity for those who are unsure of their specific identity.


attraction to and sexual relations between individuals of the opposite sex


defined as a sexual attraction to men and/or masculinity. Typically refers to an attraction to masculine looks and gender expression, but not necessarily male partners.


defined by a lack of sexual desire. These individuals experience romantic feelings and engage in typical romantic relationships, but derive no enjoyment from sex. Many of these engage in sexual activity with their romantic partners due to pressures from both society and from within the relationship

corpus cavernosum

either of two masses of erectile tissue forming the bulk of the penis and the clitoris


everything related to sexual behavior; sexual acts, desire, arousal, any experience that can be deemed sexual.


gender identity of those who identify with the gender that corresponds with the sex they were assigned at birth


he medical term for 'womb'. It is about pear-shaped in size, located in the lower abdomen; behind the bladder and in front of the rectum. It is held in place by tissues, muscle, and ligaments. It is connected to the vagina through the cervix. If a woman was to become pregnant, the it would 'nurture' the fertilized ovum that would later develop into a fetus. The fetus will develop in the uterus until the mother is ready to give birth.


individuals have physical traits associated with both men and women. Typically defined in terms of physical appearance, rather than gender identity.

gender fluid

individuals who are non-binary; they don't fit solely in one of the binary genders of male or female - but whose gender can change, over time. Their gender may flow from any point within the gender spectrum, and isn't limited to switching between the binary genders. Where their gender flows between in the spectrum depends on the individual.


is part of the female reproductive system, separating the vagina and uterus. The uterus is a cylindrical organ made of smooth muscle which dilates during childbirth the allow the passage of the baby. Sperm must pass through this to reach the uterus and fertilize an egg.


is the small, sensitive, erectile part of the female genitals at the anterior end of the vulva. It is the most nerve-rich part of the vulva, containing 8,000 nerve-endings. Uniquely, it is the only organ designed purely for pleasure.


is when someone is sexually/romantically attracted to all genders/sexes regardless of biological sex, etc. It is often undermined by people, confused with bisexuality as bisexuality means you are sexually/romantically attracted to both males and females. This means you are sexually/romantically attracted to more than just males and females, including non-binary, etc. as well

PC muscle (M/F)

muscle our pelvis. This muscle stretches from the pubic bone to the tailbone. It supports the bladder and bowel for men, and the uterus, too, for women. It is an important part to your sexual response/pleasure during sex


one who likes both female and male partners

Pubic Lice

parasitic insects that survive by attaching to the skin and feeding on human blood. Unlike the common head lice, --- aren't found on the head, they're found in pubic hair- hence their name. A person can get them through sex, because they live in pubic hair. During sex, --- move easily from one person's hairs to another person's hairs when their genitals touch or are very close to each other. Although most of the time, --- are spread during sex, sometimes they're spread through other kinds of close, personal contact such as; eyelashes, eyebrows, chest hair, armpits, beards, and mustaches. To get rid of --- is very simple because a prescription or an over the counter shampoo can be used to wash them away. Also, by washing clothing and bedding can prevent from further spreading.

Gender non-conforming

refers to individuals whose gender expression does not match with their identity. Denoting or relating to a person whose behavior or appearance does not conform to prevailing cultural and social expectations about what is appropriate to their gender. Goes against masculine or feminine gender norms.

urethral opening (M/F)

refers to the opening of the urethra, the tube that discreets urine from the bladder out of the body. Regarding female anatomy, the it is more visible in some women than others. It looks similar to an "acorn-shaped" protrusion hidden beneath the labias. This protrusion is filled with many nerve-endings and is considered an erogenous zone for many women. Other women find stimulation of this area unpleasant or irritating. Regarding male anatomy, it is located on the head of the penis. Some men find stimulation of the it arousing while others find it irritating or unpleasant.


sexually attracted to men


sexually attracted to women


the lack of feelings of or a desire for romance. these individuals can still desire and enjoy sex, but do not desire romantic relationships. It describes one's romantic, rather than sexual, orientation, so aromantic individuals can be attracted to people of any sex or gender identity.

Testicles (testes)

the male anatomy glands responsible for producing testosterone and sperm. Males are typically born with two that develop in size ranging from grapes to eggs. It is common to have one hanging lower than the other. they are extremely sensitive to pain and gentle treatment.


the biological differences that distinguish males from females

perineum (M/F)

the muscle between the anus and the male/female genitalia, referring to the outlet of the pelvis. It holds great importance with females as it's a key muscle/area used for childbirth.

vaginal opening

the opening into the vagina. It appears as folds of skin. It is located between the urethra and the anus. Menstrual blood leaves the vagina through this. It is also where the penis enters the vagina during sexual intercourse, and used to birth a baby.

labia majora

two larger folds of skin extending from the mons pubis (where pubic hair grows) to the perineum (between anus and vulva). The exterior is pigmented and can grow hair like the mons pubis. The interior is smooth and produces oil similar to on our fingers.

labia minora

two smaller folds of skin inside the labia majora, extending from the clitoris to the end of the labia majora. Just like the labia majora, it has sebaceous (finger oil). Also can not grow hair.

glans penis

usually described as the rounded head (or tip) of the penis. In the middle of it, the opening to the urethra can be found; the tube through which semen and urine exits the body.

sexual orientation

whom you are physically, spiritually, and emotionally attracted to, based on their sex/gender in relation to your own.

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