Sociology 10-13

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Both of the religious groups highlighted in the video are based on evangelicalism that generally includes all the following except -an emphasis on making sure Biblical and political beliefs are separated - an emphasis on emotional and individual belief. -a spiritual rebirth, or "born again." -a literal interpretation of the Bible.

an emphasis on making sure Biblical and political beliefs are separated.

How do sociologists define religion?

as an organized set of beliefs and rituals rooted in the sacred—the extraordinary, spiritually significant—that serve to unite members and provide them with a sense of meaning and purpose

______ predates Christianity.


In this video, we see that religion acts as a type of culture—as queer Muslims mourn for the death of LGBT individuals in Orlando, and Imam Daiyee looks forward to building more allies. Like Daiyee, Emile Durkheim points out that one of the functions of religion is to ______.

build group solidarity

Which of the following did not contribute to the development of universal education in the United States?


According to Lareau, the ______ approach to child-rearing is more likely to be employed by middle-class parents.

concerted cultivation

Described by Lareau, the ______ approach to child-rearing stresses the importance of discussion and negotiation in decision-making and encourages the development of interests and abilities through participation in organized activities.

concerted cultivation

A survey of public schools in Austin, Texas, found that districts that serve poor students offered few advanced placement classes and seldom suggested that students enroll in the ones that were available. By contract, more affluent districts offered many advanced placement and dual-credit courses and students were encouraged to enroll in these. Which theoretical orientation offers the best explanation for why this pattern was observed?


______ often spring up and grow in size during times when established belief systems no longer seem to apply and when certain segments of the population feel disenfranchised or alienated. They typically profess unconventional views and have ideas and practices that are outside of the mainstream.


These girls in their long sportswear and scarves playing basketball in interaction with other girls on the team is a good example of what sociologists Candice West and Don Zimmerman called

doing gender

Max Weber wrote that the tenets of Protestantism—thrift, hard work, sobriety, and an ability to defer gratification—were critical for the development and economic growth seen during ________.

early capitalism

Which of the following is positively correlated with women's health?


Because sociology can only study that which can be observed, religion is rarely a subject of sociological inquiry.


Durkheim was the first to study the growing group of Millennials who self-identify as "spiritual, but not religious."


Hindus recognize only one true god.


In female-typed occupations, such as nursing and early childhood education, women typically earn more than their male counterparts.


Secularization refers to a set of processes whereby religions compete for members.


Sociologists uniformly condemn religion as a "bad" thing because its net effect is socially destructive.


Sociologists use the terms sex and gender interchangeably because they both refer to the same biological phenomenon.


The belief that an object of worship is, in fact, a representation of the community was first introduced in the 20th century.


The majority of the Muslim population lives in the Middle East.


While family, education, and media encourage gender conformity, peers typically encourage nonconformity.


A ______ is two or more people who live together in a legally and/or socially recognized relationship based on birth, adoption, or marriage.


The ______ perspective challenges the notion that designating the world of work as the domain of men and home as the domain of women is beneficial.


In the U.S., median age at first marriage

has increased over the past 40 years for both men and women

Research suggests that when a student is labeled as "slow" or "disengaged," teachers are likely to

have low expectations for the student and act according to those expectations

Both ______ and ______ believe that souls are reincarnated, with the next incarnation dependent on how one conducted himself or herself in the past life.

hindus, buddhists

Knowledge of global financial markets, the ability to work with quantitative data, and a graduate degree in financing from an Ivy League university are ______ in the world of hedge fund management.

human capital

The abilities, education, and skill sets deemed desirable and valuable in a particular field or occupation are termed ______.

human capital

Which of the following has contributed to the decision of many young people to delay marriage?

All of these (economic concerns, high levels of student loan debt, marriage is no longer seen as the rite of passage)

Which best describes the relationship between education and employment?

As education level increases, so too does the likelihood that one will participate in the labor market.

Out of economic necessity, many women from the Philippines leave their own families and young children to work in the United States as caregivers for affluent families. Which term best describes this?

international families

Which of the following ideas about the relationship between biology and gender is true?

In most known societies, inequalities favor males over females.

Roughly three fourths of the world's population practices one of these three religions:

Islam, Hinduism, or Christianity

Taking a conflict approach, how might one analyze the growing phenomenon of unpaid internships?

Many students will be unfairly disadvantaged because while they might want to take an unpaid position and reap the benefits of knowledge and social connections attached to it, they are not in a position to do so.

According to the psychodynamic feminist perspective articulated by Nancy Chodorow, why do men not take an active "mothering" role?

Socialization experiences lead boys to distance themselves from nurturing roles and do not prepare them nurturing

Which best describes education in South Korea?

Students in South Korea report markedly lower levels of stress and anxiety and higher levels of overall happiness when compared to children in the U.S.

Why did industrialization lead to the expansion of systems of formal education?

The changing economy required workers to have new skills, particularly literacy, and knowledge.

What is a sociological explanation for why many poor females often do not marry the father of their child?

The fathers often have characteristics that make them poor prospects for marriage: low levels of education, low earning potential, a criminal record, and problems with drugs and alcohol.

A cosmetology license, nursing degree, and high school diploma are examples of credentials.


All known cultures exert pressure on members to conform to gender expectations.


Gender roles may both facilitate and limit abilities and behaviors.


In the preindustrial period, the mother as "bread baker"—who stayed at home and cared for the children—and father as "breadwinner"—who supported the family by working outside the home—was more common for middle-class families than working-class families.


One risk of taking a strict conflict orientation to family is that one may fail to see the beneficial functions that families serve for both individual members and society as a whole.


The ways that we speak about and address violence within families is different than the ways we speak about and address violence between persons who are unrelated or are nonfamily.


U.S. schools are becoming more racially and ethnically segregated.


When studying education, conflict and functionalist theorists typically take a macrolevel approach while symbolic interactionists take a microlevel approach.


Word poverty has been correlated with low levels of literacy and education attainment.


An established religious organization that maintains a relatively frictionless relationship with the larger society in which it exists is ______.

a church

The rise of evangelicalism can be attributed to all the following except -a decrease in secularism in the United States. -a particular interest in eschatology. - religious diversity. -a decline of core Protestant values in the United States.

a decrease in secularism in the United States

According to Durkheim, a totem is

a mundane item that has taken on special properties and so may connect humans with the divine

De jure segregation in schools is

a product of patterns in housing

According to Lareau, ______ is more likely to be employed by working-class and poor parents.

accomplishment of natural growth

In what ways do parents in the United States teach their children about what is "appropriate" and "inappropriate" with respect to gender?

all of these

Thinking sociologically, how might unpaid internships perpetuate inequality?

all of these

The manifest function of a college or postcollege unpaid internship is to

allow the intern to gain valuable experience

______ do not actively seek to convert others.


The ability to comprehend written text and express oneself in writing is known as ______.


According to a functionalist perspective, a ______ function of the public education system is to promote social cohesion by ensuring that shared cultural ideals are passed from one generation to the next while a ______ function is to reduce delinquency by keeping young people off the streets and supervised during the hours when their parents are working and unable to monitor their activities.

manifest; latent

Feminist theorist Patricia Hill Collins has had termed the convergence of disadvantages based on one's gender (transgender), race, sexuality, social class, and so forth as (the) ______.

matrix of domination

For functionalists, religion

may unify a community

The main tenet of feminism is

men and women should be treated as social equals

Though believing in a Holy Trinity—comprising the Heavenly Father, His Son, and the Holy Spirit—Christianity is considered a ______ religion.


Empirical research indicates that females have more economic and political advantages than males females do not participate in the construction of gender expectations none of these females do not participate in gender socialization

none of these

Which of the following is a credential?

none of these

In the United States, most children live in ______ families.


In the United States, the majority of computer programmers, construction workers, and theoretical physicists are men, and the majority of school teachers, social workers, and nursing assistants are women. This phenomenon is known as ______.

occupational segregation

After parents, one of the most influential agents of gender socialization is


If Karl Marx was here today studying the Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration and their ritual of perpetual prayer, he might conclude all the following except -perpetual prayer forces them to focus on the suffering of others instead of their own exploitation. -perpetual prayer helps them forget about their own status in the capitalist hierarchy and their continued exploitation. -perpetual prayer is like a drug that helps them forget about their misery and exploitation by the ruling class. -perpetual prayer helps them understand true oppression in the world.

perpetual prayer helps them understand true oppression in the world.

The ______ refers to the ordinary, everyday, routine world of human existence.


Antimiscegenation laws mandated ______ in marriage.

racial endogamy

Feminist theorists study violence against women from a variety of perspectives. The type of feminist perspective that best argues for the challenging (and changing) of patriarchal norms and values is referred to as

radical feminism

Sociologists analyze the relationship between society and religion and the role that religion plays in people's lives. Sociologists have pointed out that religion as an institution has all these following elements except -religion has practices or rituals centered on things considered sacred. -religion has a set of abstractions to help its members understand everyday life. -religion has beliefs that some things are sacred. -religion has a moral community that results from a group's beliefs and practices.

religion has a set of abstractions to help its members understand everyday life.

______ asserts that religions should be understood as competing organizations, with each group vying for adherents.

religious economy

The video describes a need to "come together" and "build more allies" as sexual identities for these queer Muslims begin to compromise some of Islam's revered traditional beliefs about sexuality. This is an example of ______, or the link between a religion's revered belief system and what it says about a nation or ethnic groups' social destiny.

religious nationalism

Sociologists think that all religions have a behavioral component to them. In this video, we see parishioner Donna Benden pray for others from 7:00-8:00 a.m. before she goes to work. Emile Durkheim called this type of repetitive behavior (prayer) a ______ because it creates and reinforces social cohesion.


After working all day to earn money, many women return to their homes only to start another type of work—doing laundry, bathing children, preparing meals, washing dishes, and paying bills. The unpaid domestic labor required to keep a household functioning, which is done primarily by women, is known as ______.

second shift

Arlie Hochschild coined the term ______ to refer to the unpaid domestic labor women do after working outside of the home for pay.

second shift

A(n) ______ is a religious group that has split away from an established religious organization, usually over disagreements about what is "true" and how the religion should be both understood and embodied by adherents. These offshoots may eventually find wider acceptance and gain greater legitimacy.


Evangelical religious groups such as the CollectiveMKE are often referred to as ______, or a religious organization that has splintered off from an established church.


Durkheim believed that, as societies advanced,

secular forms of religion would emerge

When a social identity such as sexuality intersects with a religious identity, sociologists refer to this as the ______ of religion, or the blending of public life with religious beliefs.


______ refers to processes of social change, where religions lose their influence on a society's ways of thinking and believing; beliefs are increasingly grounded in logic and reason and supported by what can be verified through empirical observation.


______ encompasses differences in genitalia, body hair, height, and fat distribution while ______ addresses identity, preferences, and dispositions.

sex, gender

Both racism and ________ are rooted in ideas about inherent superiority and inferiority and are often used to justify systematic inequalities.


For sociologists, religion is viewed and treated as a(n) ______.

social institution

Some researchers have found that negative stereotypes can affect an individual's performance. For example, a teenage girl may perform poorly on a task that requires her to read a map because she has internalized cultural beliefs about females having inferior spatial skills. The idea that expectations may have negative consequences is known as ______.

stereotype threat

Wearing the hijab and other body coverings goes against Western ideals of gender. The best perspective to view the wearing of long sportswear, including the hijab, as a symbol of these girls' identity is

symbolic interactionist perspective

For Durkheim, profane meant

that which is mundane and routine

Sociologists use ______ to describe the disparity between the annual earnings of males fully employed and their female counterparts.

the gender wage gap

Men employed in conventionally "female" occupations, such as nursing or education, have an advantage over their female counterparts by virtue of their gender. This is known as ______.

the glass escalator

An individual who identifies with a gender other than that which he or she was assigned at birth or whose genitals are inconsistent with his or her gender identity is referred to as a ______ person.


Buddhism is a nontheistic religion.


Studies show that children from poor families hear far fewer words than children from middle-class homes. Parents are also less likely to read to them, and there are seldom children's books in the house, the opposite of what is typically found in the homes of their more affluent peers. This level of deprivation, known as ______, has negative consequences that are difficult to correct.

word poverty

According to Karl Marx, religion

-keeps people from objectively seeing and evaluating their real conditions and position within the system of stratification -serves the interests of those in power and disadvantages others -is manipulated against the weak to the advantage of the strong

Changes with regard to the role and significance of religion in social life and the enactment of religious rituals

-may change as society changes -may change over time -may be more closely related to political events than spiritual matters

Which of the following statements about sex and gender is not true?

Expectations for masculinity and femininity are rooted exclusively in biology.

Analyses of lending patterns and student debt indicate that rates of borrowing and amount of debt upon leaving school—through graduation or dropping out—show that all racial and ethnic groups are equally likely to borrow funds for higher education and have similar debt levels after leaving school.


For college graduates, race and ethnicity are unrelated to the likelihood one will be employed or unemployed.


In the United States, marriage patterns have remained unchanged for the past century.


No variable—education level, household income, nationality, race, ethnicity, income, sexual orientation, or marital status—has been shown to affect the division of domestic labor.


On most standardized tests, females score higher than males.


The U.S. divorce rate has steadily increased over the past 40 years and is now at an all-time high.


Those credited with establishing sociology as an area of inquiry—Comte, Durkheim, and Parsons—were not only aware of but also focused on correcting gender inequalities.


Unlike more traditional cultures, in the U.S., families do not pass along their social statuses to their children.


While women in the workplace are disadvantaged by the glass ceiling, they receive an advantage from the glass escalator.


______ address(es) the cultural assumption that females not only will be but should be agreeable, nurturing, and cooperative.

Gender roles

______ proceeds from the belief that gender inequalities are the product of flawed social institutions and practices and can be remedied by effecting changes to social institutions.

Liberal feminism

Which of the following is a sociological explanation for the disparities between the earnings of males and females?

Males and females are concentrated in different jobs, and "female-typed" jobs often pay less.

What is a sociological explanation for why foreign-born domestic labor is in high demand in the United States?

Many middle- and high-income women no longer perform the domestic labor that women once did and thus there is a "care deficit" in the U.S.

What is a sociological explanation for Melvin Kohn's observation that middle-class and working-class families differed with regard to the traits they valued in their children?

Parents in both groups attempted to instill in their children the values and behaviors they believed would help them to succeed in life, specifically in the workplace.

______ encompasses norms and values that both reflect and perpetuate the domination of females by males.


How does the United States compare with other economically affluent countries with respect to religiosity?

People in the United States are more likely to be involved with a religious organization, such as a church, mosque, or temple.

Which of the following is a question a sociologist might ask about a particular religion?

What effect does it have on the community

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