Sociology ch 11 Midterm

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change related to the creation of a worldwide movement toward the predominance of the nuclear family and the breakdown of extended-family systems and other types of kinship groups

1. Clans, or small family groups based on shared heredity, and other types of kin groups are declining in their influence. 2. General trend towards free choice of a spouse 3. Rights of women being more widely recognized 4. Kin marriages are becoming less common. 5. Higher levels of sexual freedom 6. Birth rates are declining 7. general trend towards extension of child's right's

feminist understanding of the family

1. domestic division of labor: 2. unequal power relationships: 3. caring activities:

same-sex-parent families

2015 supreme court decision right to marriage. according to the US Census there are currently more than 780,000 same sex families in the United States roughly 334,000 report themselves as married.

A 1985 study by Richard Gelles and Murray Straus found that ________ percent of married people reported at least one incident of intimate partner violence at some point in their marriage.

28% pg 341

In 2015, the average age for first marriage was ________ for men and ________ for women.

29 men 27 for women

According to estimates from the U.S. Census Bureau, there are currently more than ________ same-sex families in the United States.


About what percent of American adults in their mid-fifties are or have previously been married?


family of procreation

The family an individual initiates through marriage or by having children.

family of orientation

The family into which an individual is born or adopted

Betty Friedan, The Feminine Mystique, "the problem with no name"

In the 1960's one of the first dissenting voices was that of the American feminist Betty Friedan.She described the isolation and boredom that gripped many suburban American housewives, who felt relegated to an endless cycle of child care and housework.

the global trend toward later marriages in the last several decades

Increase in cohabitation among younger people; increase in Post-secondary school enrollment; increased participation by women in the workforce.

single-parent households

Increasingly common-due to divorce or non-marital childbearing.

relationship between income and post-divorce situations

men's incomes tend to increase, while women's incomes tend to decrease


most common type of child abuse

factors that decrease the likelihood that a person will get a divorce

as you get older, the likelihood of divorce will decrease. Higher education attainment. Live with one person while working or going to school.

nuclear family

A family group consisting of an adult or adult couple and their dependent children.

extended family

A family group consisting of more than two generations of relatives.


A family in which at least one partner has children from a previous marriage.

second-parent adoptions

A family in which one partner adopts a child and the other partner applies to be a second parent or co-parent.


A form of marriage in which a man may have two or more wives simultaneously


A form of marriage in which a person may have two or more spouses simultaneously


A form of marriage in which a woman may have two or more husbands simultaneously.


A form of marriage in which each married partner is allowed only one spouse at any given time


A group of individuals related to one another by blood ties, marriage, or adoption, who form an economic unit the adult members of which are often responsible for the upbringing of children.


A relation that links individuals through blood ties, marriage, or adoption

a marriage

A socially and legally approved sexual relationship between two individuals

personality stabilization

According to the theory of functionalism the role families pay in assisting adult members emotionally. Marriage between adults is the arrangement through which adult personalities are supported and kept healthy.

reasons why divorce rates increased so steeply in the 1960s and 1970s

First, changes in the law have made divorce easier. Second, except for a small proportion of wealthy people, marriage today no longer has much connection with the desire to perpetuate property and status from generation to generation. Third, as women become more economically independent, marriage is less of a necessary economic partnership. Fourth, the stigma of divorce has declined.Divorce rates increased steadily through the latter half of the twentieth century but have plateaued (leveled off) in recent years.

Andrew Cherlin Divorce and children

Almost all boys and girls experience an initial period of intense emotional upset after their parents separate. Most resume normal development without serious problems within about two years after the separation. A minority of children experiences some long-term problems as a result of the breakup that may persist into adulthood.

Judith Wallerstein

Almost all the children experienced intense emotional disturbance at the time of the divorce. At the end of the five-year period, two-thirds were coping reasonably well with their home lives and their commitments outside. After fifteen years, nearly all felt they had suffered in some way from their parents' mistakes.

during the 1970s and 1980s, feminist perspectives

As women became more economically independent, marriage was less of a necessary economic partnership. Marriage today has less to do with handing down property and status from generation to generation, except for the wealthy. The stigma of divorce declined. Adults began to place a great value on personal satisfaction in marriage; few were willing to remain in a relationship that provided few emotional rewards. High expectations No longer believe in staying together for the sake of children Valuing of freedom and individualism Families perform fewer functions Transition from extended to nuclear families Increasing geographic and occupational mobility Changes in the law made getting a divorce easier

differences between black and white family formations

Blacks have a higher rate of childbearing outside of marriage are less likely to ever marry and are less likely to marry after having a non-marital birth

1) trends related to cohabiting

Cohabitation is the term used to describe two people living together in a sexual relationship of some permanence, without being married to one another. Forty years ago cohabitation was considered immoral, living in sin, and highly improper Cohabitation was illegal in all 50 states prior to about 1970 Now, most young Americans will spend some time cohabiting In 2002, 61 percent of women between ages 35 and 39 had ever cohabited.

Possible Midterm question

Cohabiting couples are increasing in the United States. Which of the following cohabiting unions is most likely to marry? an African American couple in which the man completed high school, but the woman dropped out of school in the ninth grade Answer:(a childless couple who are both physicians) a low-income couple who have two children a white man and woman who dropped out of high school a first-generation Hispanic man and woman who rely on their parents for financial support

American families in the colonial era

Colonial families suffered from the same dis-integrative forces as their counterparts in Europe. Especially high death rates meant that the average length of marriages was less than twelve years. and more than half of all children saw the death of at least one parent by the time they were twenty-one. Discipline of colonial family was rooted in the strict authority of parents over their children. Discipline would be exceedingly harsh by today's standards.

Cuban Americans

Cuban American families are the most prosperous of all the Hispanic groups but less prosperous than whites. Most settle in the Miami area. Forming enclaves in which they rely on other Cubans for their business and social needs. ex banking school and shopping. The relative wealth is driven largely by family business ownership. They have lower levels of fertility than non Hispanic whites and equally low levels of non-marital fertility. suggesting that economic factors are equally if not more important than cultural factors in shaping family lives in the US


Feminism has had a great impact on sociology by challenging the vision of the family as a harmonious and egalitarian realm.

Eric Klinenberg's research

Find that living alone can promote freedom, personal control and self realization all prized aspects of contemporary life. After interviewing more than 300 people who live alone he found that they had more rather than less social interaction than their married counterparts and much of their social interactions were those they sought out by choice. encounters with friends volunteering arts events classes an other meetings that rounded out their lives.these patterns hold among older adults and younger adults alike.

Which group has the highest rate of intermarriage?

Native Americans

recent research on online dating

New studies show that apps provide evidence of Hypergamy or preference for women typically to partner with a man with richer social economic resources than her own. tend to seek same ethnic group

2) trends related to cohabiting

Only about 35 percent of cohabitors married their partners within three years of starting to live together. About half of all nonmarital births are to cohabiting couples (Taylor et al. 2007) About two-fifths of all children spend some time living with their mother and a cohabiting partner (Bumpass and Lu 2000) Approximately one-third of the time children spend with unmarried mothers is actually spent in cohabitation (Bumpass and Lu 2000)

being single

People who have never married and those who have married but are now single due to divorce, separation or widowhood. The number of people classified as single has increased dramatically in recent decades.

functionalism (Talcott Parsons)

Primary socialization is the process by which young children learn the cultural norms of the society into which they are born. Personality stabilization refers to the role that families play in assisting adult family members emotionally. The husband in the "conventional family" is the breadwinner and plays the instrumental role The wife cares for the home and children and plays the affective role

Puerto Rican Americans

Puerto Rico is a us common wealth so it is easy for even the poorest Puerto Ricans to migrate to the US Thus they are the most economically disadvantaged of all the major Hispanic groups. Puerto Rican families have a higher percentage of children born to unmarried mothers than any other Hispanic group 64% However Consensual unions cohabiting relationships in which couples consider themselves married but are not legally married are often the context for births to unmarried mothers.

primary socialization

The process by which children learn the cultural norms of the society into which they are born. Primary socialization occurs largely in one's family.

changes that are occurring in the family globally

The spread of western culture has an impact on changes, also, development of centralized government, population controls, and large-scale migration from rural to urban areas.


Two people living together in a sexual relationship of some permanence without being married to each other.

common couple violence

Which generally relates to a specific incident and is not rooted in power or control

patriarchal terrorism

Which is perpetuated by feelings of power and control.


White young adults of lower and working class backgrounds are much more likely than their wealthier peers to get pregnant prior to marriage to marry young and subsequently to divorce.They do not go to college. they marry and have children before they are emotionally and financially ready therefore marriage ends in divorce. Middle class people often cohabitate while in school and at jobs having children later.Have more successful marriages.

Possible Midterm question

Who is more likely to get a divorce at some point in the life cycle? people whose parents never divorced Answer:(people who cohabit more than once before marriage) people who marry at an older age people with children people with children under the age of twelve


With the advent of industrialization, families became less important as a unit of economic production and more focused on reproduction, child rearing, and socialization

half of all marriages end in divorce

false. only about 40%

births to women over thirty

over 30%

difficulty calculating the rate of childlessness

researchers historically have classified a women as having no children if she has had zero children by age forty four. using this metric the proportion of women ages forty to forty four with no children climbed from 10% in 1986 to 15% in 1986 to 20% in 2006 rates dropped to 15% by 2014

child abuse

serious physical or mental harm by parent.

changes in household size throughout the history of the United States

used to be 4.75 persons, now 2.6 persons This low # is partly due to the high proportion of Americans who live alone today, especially older widowed women and young professionals who maintain their own homes. Since the earlier figure includes domestic servants the difference in family size is small. Hasn't changed much because of deaths

when parents don't get along children are better off if their parent divorce than if they stay together

yes and no If they stay together there is a good chance the relationship will get better.

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