Sociology Ch. 2

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Which statement best describes the structural functionalist perspective?

The parts of society are interdependent and work together for the good of the whole.

Society determines what is "reasonable" because it is ______.

socially constructed

What is the range of values for all states?


A sociologist, whose research is guided by the framework of structural functionalism, decides to conduct research on global trade. What might be a potential topic of interest around this topic, according to a structural functionalist?

Answer may address an array of topics, but the subject matter should relate institutions to one another. For example, a topic of interest could include how global trade has increased the flow of (and need for) migration, impacting families.

How does conflict theory benefit society?

Answer should be along the lines of: Because conflict theory focuses on the oppression of certain groups in society, sociologists can use those findings to better improve the lives of those have-nots. For example, people with disabilities previously did not have the same access to buildings as able-bodied individuals. Realizing that discrepancy led the way to the addition of handicap ramps at all buildings.

Differentiate between manifest functions and latent functions and how they serve society.

Answer should be along the lines of: Manifest functions are the obvious, stated reasons that a social institution exists. They fulfill necessary tasks in society. Latent functions are good things a social institution does, but they are not the reason for its existence.

Explain how symbolic interactionism acts as a balance between structural functionalism and conflict theory.

Answer should be along the lines of: Symbolic interactionism provides the theoretical balance for sociology. Structural functionalism focuses on the macro-level functions of society, and conflict theory focuses on the oppressions of society. In the middle is symbolic interactionism, which focuses on the micro-level factors such as the discovery of self and how groups create culture. These factors help explain the larger societal issues.

What is the purpose of theories in sociology?

Answer should be along the lines of: Theories help sociologists see different aspects of society and explain various social patterns.

Choose the theoretical perspective you most connect with and give an example of how it has or can help society.

Answer should be along the lines of: Varies but should include an understanding of the functions of the chosen perspective. Structural functionalism focuses on the betterment of society as a whole, conflict theory focuses on social problems, and symbolic interactionism looks at the self and how culture is developed.

Imagine that Carol, a fictional employee of McDonald's, is participating in the movement to raise the minimum wage. Explain how a higher minimum wage might impact other opportunities throughout her life course.

Answers should discuss how, with a higher wage, Carol may have less need to spend extra time working to help make ends meet. With more economic security, Carol may be able to pursue additional educational opportunities, or activities that fulfill her beyond being a wage-laborer.

Using a symbolic interactionist framework, Erving Goffman analyzed social interactions like a play with a front stage and back stage. Thinking of education as a social institution, what labels and roles are being acted out and how do these roles guide social behavior?

Correct responses should include: Roles include student, teacher, professors, principal, and janitor to name a few. They provide cultural expectations for what is appropriate and inappropriate for each role. People will typically perform expectations on the front stage even if they have different personal feelings on the back stage.

A functionalist view of the education system focuses on the social benefits of schooling such as teaching students basic skills and social norms. A conflict perspective would instead focus on how inequality and conflict are central to education. Marx argued that it helped reproduce class inequality. In what ways might the institution of education reinforce class differences?

Correct responses should include: Schools in more wealthy neighborhoods are, on average, better funded and have more resources, giving their students a competitive edge. Wealthier school are more able to offer extracurricular activities. Norms of obedience and compliance socialize students to the future roles as obedient, compliant workers.

Why is Dramaturgical Theory, coined by Erving Goffman, classified as a micro-level theoretical perspective?

Dramaturgical theory examines how individual behavior shifts according to social setting.

A sociologist conducting a study on how low-income, minority teenagers fulfill their role as students is working at the macro level of analysis.


Marx theorized that all citizens would be equal and able to fulfill their species being under socialism.


Social constructionists believe that it is more important to study individual people, like the poor, than to study the idea of poverty.


Symbolic interaction is considered to be a micro-theoretical perspective because it allows sociologists to see the big picture.


Theories are beneficial because they help us to see all aspects of society more clearly.


According to Structural Functionalism, social institutions are interrelated. Explain the impact that inequality in the education system might have on one of the other primary social institutions.

Responses may address issues such as family strife as a result of difficulty achieving educational goals, or how the economy may suffer if the population isn't able to maintain economic security and spending habits.

According to structural functionalism, which of the following scenarios is most likely to help decrease educational inequality?

Slow, steady overhaul of the education system based on governmental policy.

Which of the following is a micro-level theory used to interpret, explain, and understand social life?

Symbolic Interactionism

SELECT ALL THAT APPLY. Which statement(s) best reflects the view of a conflict theorist?

The "haves" oppress the "have nots" in order to maintain their elevated status. Resources and rewards are unevenly distributed among the various groups in society.

SELECT ALL THAT APPLY. Which situation(s) represent(s) the structural functionalist concept of a manifest function?

The education system teaches and socializes children. Governments create laws and public policy. The health-care industry addresses medical needs.

According to the conflict perspective, the fact that McDonald's workers are protesting their worker rights demonstrates that _______.

The proletariat is developing true consciousness.

______ are groups of theories that have much in common.

Theoretical perspectives

SELECT ALL THAT APPLY. According to Marx, why did the working proletariat choose not to fight against capitalism?

They labored in alienation separated from their creations. They lived in a state of false consciousness.

According to structural functionalists, what should happen when people violate the moral order of the community, such as a bank robber?

They should be punished.

A media firm produced a new program called "The Debaters" for the purpose of informing viewers of different points of view. The program led to fierce division among viewers, with some viewers launching hateful attacks and threats at those they disagreed with. This unintended negative consequence can be considered a dysfunction.


According to Charles Horton Cooley, a child's first step in developing a sense of self is to imagine how she appears to relevant others.


According to Goffman, we use presentation of self skills to shape how others see us.


As a feminist, Maxwell recognizes that men have more access to resources and social power than women do, so he often speaks out against unjust situations. Maxwell's views align with the conflict perspective.


Carina, a 12-year-old student, is developing a better idea of her identity. She envisions how she appears to others, reacts to feedback others give to her, and integrates these components to develop a sense of self. This exemplifies the looking glass self theory.


Conflict theorists study how power differentials arise between the haves and have-nots in society.


The norms created within a small group can help construct sets of roles and key aspects of how society operates.


Which region had the highest average percentage of eighth graders spending 30 or more minutes on math homework?


SELECT ALL THAT APPLY. Which of these concepts are main theoretical perspectives in sociology?

conflict theory structural functionalism symbolic interaction

In this video, President Obama discusses the impact that unequal opportunities in education—specifically, a lack of preschool education—has on some students. According to structural functionalist theory, this demonstrates which of the following?


Toni was a developer who built homes at the top of a hill so owners would have a good view, but the runoff from the properties flooded the homes below. This negative consequence of Toni's decision is called a ______.


Antione Hearon, a worker interviewed in the video, argues that McDonald's corporation is the party responsible for their low wages. According to the conflict perspective, McDonald's represents the ______.


SELECT ALL THAT APPLY. Which idea(s) would a symbolic interactionist be interested in studying?

how people present themselves to others how meaning is constructed and shared within a group how individuals develop a sense of self

According to Émile Durkheim, smaller, preindustrial societies operated with ______ solidarity, because most people did similar types of labor and had similar beliefs.


Structural functionalists see two reasons for punishment: rehabilitation and resocialization, and ______.

preventing future deviant acts

In Karl Marx's advanced capitalism stage, a person who works in a textile factory would be considered a member of the ______.


In conflict theory, which group includes the factory workers?


Conflict theorists believe that social change should happen ______.


Symbolic interactionists see society as being continually reconstructed by individuals through their use of ______.

shared symbols

Samuel is a sociologist who believes every society creates norms and values it finds meaningful, but also that different groups of people have access to different rewards. To which perspective do Samuel's beliefs best align?

social constructionism

If capitalism is the eighth stage of social development, what is the ninth stage?


Which term best describes how socially constructed culture becomes learned and internalized?


Factory jobs were repetitious and boring, and workers often didn't see the finished product, let alone afford to buy it. This is called a ______.

state of alienation

The president of the United States should, in theory, work for the good of the United States and not for himself or herself. This view of working for the good of the whole is called ______.

structural functionalism

According to Marx, capitalism is based on ______.

the pursuit of profit

Sociologists' explanations for various social patterns within society are ______.


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