Sociology Chapter 10

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30. Prejudice is a. always positive. b. usually negative. c. neither positive nor negative. d. equally positive and negative.


39. Re-drawing the boundaries of school districts and election districts in order to maintain racial segregation is called . a. gerrymandering b. redlining c. outsourcing d. out-lining


48. Which of the following is the best example of institutional discrimination? a. Airport security procedures that specify people who appear to be Middle Eastern should be scrutinized more closely than others. b. A waiter refusing to serve a Black man who sits in his section. c. Dr. Jones, a professor, claiming she doesn't even notice the color of her students' skin. d. A landlord who will never rent to anyone who has dark skin.


51. According to a fairly old psychological theory of prejudice and racism, the tendency to rigidly categorize other people, to rigidly conform, and be intolerant of ambiguity is part of a(n) . a. authoritarian personality b. repressed personality c. subordinate personality d. stereotypic personality


88. In order to limit the number of immigrants, the U.S. government did all of the following, except: a. created ethnic quotas that limited the number of immigrants from places other than western and northern Europe. b. subjected potential immigrants to literacy tests. c. applied I.Q. tests in English to immigrants who were not English-speaking. d. literally closed doors to keep immigrants out of the U.S.


4. Which of these statements regarding race is true? a. Race is a socially constructed category. b. Racial categories in a society reflect differences in the biological makeup of individuals. c. Race is assigned based on scientific investigation. d. Racial categories are the same in countries throughout the world.


87. The National Origins Quota Act of 1924 limited the number of immigrants a. to the percentage equal to the numbers already in the U.S. b. from Mexico and Central America. c. who were Jewish. d. who could enter the U.S. on temporary working visas.


90. A problem with the assimilation model of analysis of group relationships is that it a. takes no account of the time that it takes certain groups to assimilate. b. places too much emphasis on the different histories of Black and White immigrants to this country. c. places too much emphasis on the salience of skin color as a factor affecting the assimilation process. d. focuses too much attention on the social class of the immigrants.


98. The Civil Rights Movement a. was influenced by the philosophy of Mahatma Mohandas Gandhi. b. was the first movement working for the rights of African Americans in the U.S. c. was originally motivated by the establishment of Affirmative Action legislation. d. was large but ineffective.


101. The generally held primary objection to Affirmative Action is a. that it has not been effective. b. the use of quotas. c. it doesn't go far enough to equalize education. d. the fact that it doesn't apply to the private sector.


102. Research indicates that Blacks who have been admitted to selective colleges and universities under affirmative action programs a. later dropped out in large numbers because they were unqualified. b. completed their degrees without any significant achievement. c. had high rates of social and economic success after graduation. d. were not told they were enrolled under affirmative action guidelines.


86. Anti-Semitism is the term for a. hatred of people of other races. b. fear and hatred of foreigners. c. hatred of Jewish people. d. hatred of Arab people.


95. William Julius Wilson believes the cause of the emergence of an urban underclass is a. the "culture of poverty." b. prejudice and racism. c. economic and social structural deficits in society. d. too much immigration from some areas.


1. A social category of people who share a common culture (i.e., language, national background or religion) is referred to as a(n) . a. minority group b. dominant group c. racial group d. ethnic group


21. Ryan is assumed to be like all Lebanese people by a teacher. He is experiencing . a. a in-group homogeneity effect b. racial formation c. ethnicization d. out-group homogeneity effect


16. Which of these is an illustration of the concept of out-group homogeneity? a. Members of some minority groups are perceived as being very similar to the dominant group in society. b. Members of a set of minority groups, such as Laotians, Chinese, Japanese, and Indonesians, are perceived as being similar enough to share a general category (Asian). c. Members of all groups considered minority groups in a society are perceived as having the same biological backgrounds. d. Members of some ethnic groups, such as Italian, German, and French, are considered similar enough to the dominant group so they are no longer considered minority groups.


50. is the psychological theory that argues that members of the dominant group vent their frustrations and aggressions toward minority groups instead of the real source of their frustration. a. Contact theory b. Scapegoat theory c. Pluralist frustration theory d. Functionalist theory


52. The assimilation perspective argues that in order to be full members of society members of minority groups must adopt as many aspects of the dominant culture as possible. This perspective pertains to which type of sociological theory? a. conflict theory b. functionalist theory c. symbolic interactionism d. authoritarian personality


54. The process by which a minority becomes socially, economically, and culturally absorbed within the dominant society is called . a. cultural relativism b. assimilation c. amalgamation d. cultural affiliation


58. The view that race intersects with class to shape one's experience in the social structure is a perspective related to . a. functionalism b. conflict theory c. symbolic interaction theory d. social exchange theory


60. The perspective that argues that minority groups' life chances result from the opportunities formed by the interactions of class, race, and gender is called . a. functionalism b. the intersection perspective c. social interactionism d. social exchange theory


45. Holding the belief that one does not notice racial differences, and that discussing race only perpetuates racism, would be considered . a. old-fashioned racism b. traditional racism c. color-blind racism d. institutional racism


47. If an administrator engages in institutional racism he or she is is able to apply which of the following? a. party b. class c. power d. prestige


53. Contact theory argues that under certain conditions interactions between Whites and members of minority groups will reduce prejudice within both groups. This theory is a type of theory. a. functionalist b. conflict c. symbolic interactionist d. social exchange


84. More than of the world's Jewish population lives in the United States. a. 15 percent b. 25 percent c. 40 percent d. 50 percent


18. Which of the following is not a characteristic of a racial or ethnic minority group? a. They possess characteristics considered different from those of the dominant group. b. They suffer prejudice and discrimination within the society by the dominant group. c. Group members share a sense of solidarity and identity. d. Group members share common beliefs.


19. Which of these statements regarding the judgments people make about others is false? a. People make quick assessments and judgments about others in order to save time. b. The judgments people make enable them to process a great deal of information very quickly. c. Quickly categorizing the people one meets is a very common and widespread practice. d. Most of the time the quick judgments that people make are remarkably comprehensive and accurate.


44. Which of the following is not an element of laissez-faire racism? a. subtle and persistent negative stereotyping b. a tendency to blame blacks for the gap in economic standing c. resistance to policy efforts to alleviate racially oppressive practices d. an inability to understand non-racist viewpoints


70. Which of the following is not considered a Latino group? a. Puerto Ricans b. Cubans c. Mexicans d. Hawaiians


43. Consistently avoiding contact with people of different races than one's own would be considered an example of , a. old-fashioned racism b. aversive racism c. neo-racism d. traditional racism


49. Educational tracking and racial profiling are both examples of . a. color-blind racism b. institutional racism c. aversive racism d. Jim Crow racism


99. The landmark Supreme Court case that established that "separate but equal" was unconstitutional was . a. Plessy v. Ferguson b. Roe v. Wade c. Brown v. Board of Education d. none of these


37. Which of these statements about economic inequality is true? a. The gap between the income of Whites and the income of Blacks and Hispanics has remained unchanged since 1967. b. The median income of Blacks and Hispanics has remained very flat since the 1950s. c. Although still unequal, per capita income for Whites, Blacks, and Hispanics has been growing at the same rate since 1967. d. There is little data on the relative incomes of Whites and members of minority groups.


6. How does the concept of race differ between Brazil and the U.S.? a. In the U.S. a person with any amount of Black ancestry has historically been designated as Black; this has not been the case in Brazil. b. In Brazil a person with any amount of Black ancestry has historically been designated as Black; this has not been the case in the U.S. c. In the U.S. and in Brazil one's racial categorization is strongly influenced by one's social class status. d. In Brazil, race is determined by religious standards.


8. Sociologists refer to the process by which something or someone is perceived as having racial characteristics as . a. racialization b. racial formation c. ethnogeneration d. ethnicity identification


85. Which of these countries has the largest population of Jews? a. the U.S. b. Israel c. Poland d. Russia


20. Stereotypes are a. generally only applied to a few groups within any society. b. oversimplified statements of belief about members of a particular group. c. understood to apply only to a few members of any particular group. d. generalizations about minorities groups by the dominant group.


23. Which of the following is not a salient characteristic specified by the text? a. hair texture b. tone of voice c. skin color d. nose shape


26. The principle of holds that stereotypes, especially negative ones, are often applied interchangeable from one group to another. a. cultural relativism b. stereotype interchangeability c. selective identity d. universal applicability


27. Jokes that use humor to stereotype a group as stupid or inept are often repeated substituting different ethnic groups. This is an example of the concept of . a. cultural relativism b. stereotype interchangeability c. selective identity d. universal applicability


28. A traditional stereotype of African Americans is that they are inherently lazy. This stereotype has also been applied to Hispanics, Polish, and Irish groups. This is an example of . a. cultural relativism b. the principle of stereotype interchangeability c. ethnic inferiority d. retrospective determinism


40. As a result of gerrymandering, remains a problem in the U.S. a. economic inequality b. residential segregation c. racism d. the digital racial divide


42. According to the text, there are different forms of racism. Overt, obvious racism, such as physical violence or the use of racial slurs is termed . a. aversive racism b. old-fashioned racism c. covert racism d. neo-racism


62. believe that social change results from organized social movements and other forms of resistance to oppression. a. Functionalists b. Conflict theorists c. Symbolic interactionists d. Social exchange theorists


64. At the time of their "discovery," Native Americans had: a. a common language. b. heterogeneous cultures. c. suffered devastating diseases. d. shared values.


65. Which of these statements regarding the position of Native Americans in this country is false? a. Native American populations were devastated by European diseases from which they had no immunity b. Only about one-fourth of Native Americans live on or near reservations today. c. Historical accounts have underrepresented the vast cultural and social heterogeneity of tribes prior to European conquest. d. Today Native Americans have the highest poverty rate of any group in the U.S.


75. When unemployment became very severe in Puerto Rico, during the early to mid-1970s the U.S. government responded by a. encouraging Puerto Ricans to migrate to the U.S. to find work. b. attempting to reduce the Puerto Rican population to the extent of promoting sterilization of women. c. providing more opportunities for millions of Puerto Ricans to obtain a college degree. d. banning further immigration from Puerto Rico.


79. The 1913 Alien Land Law of California limited ownership and prohibited land from being inherited. This law was aimed at preventing from establishing themselves in the U.S. a. Mexican b. Japanese c. Chinese d. Irish


81. Which of these countries was made a commonwealth of the U.S.? a. Mexico b. Philippines c. Korea d. Vietnam


82. Like other immigrant groups, Middle Eastern immigrants . a. spoke primarily English upon their arrival b. formed ethnic enclaves c. have very high poverty rates d. were of higher classes than most Americans


83. The group collectively referred to as White AngloSaxon Protestants (WASPS) who settled in the "New World" did not include the . a. English b. Irish c. Scotch d. Welsh


92. A Latino family lives in a neighborhood with only other Latino families. This is referred to as . a. Cultural amalgamation b. Hypersegregation c. Cultural accommodation d. Cultural co-optation


93. When an Amish family maintains its traditions in America it is an example of . a. assimilation b. cultural pluralism c. integration d. amalgamation


94. Which of these statements about segregation in the U.S. is true? a. De jure segregation still exists. b. De facto segregation still exists. c. There is very little segregation in the U.S. today. d. Segregation is more vital today than in the past.


96. William Julius Wilson rejects the explanation in favor of a social/economic explanation of racial differences. a. Moynihan b. culture of poverty c. cultural deficiencies d. inner city


97. The major force behind the most progressive social change in race relations in the U.S. was a. an upturn is the economy during the 1960s and 1970s. b. the Civil Rights Movement. c. the end of the "Cold War." d. the "Bakke decision" ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court.


36. Research on discrimination in housing has found that a. discrimination in housing is less important than other forms of discrimination. b. when two people of different races apply as tenants for the same housing both are equally likely to be accepted or turned down. c. members of minority groups are frequently turned down for housing in situations in which a White person is not. d. reverse discrimination, or discrimination toward a White person is equally as common as discrimination against minority group members.


56. Which theory argues that race and ethnicity are socially constructed categories? a. functionalist theory b. social conflict theory c. symbolic interaction theory d. social exchange theory


57. In the debate over whether class or race are more important as the source of inequality, sociologist William Julius Wilson argues that a. the disadvantaged status of minority groups is more a matter of race than class. b. ignoring skin color and cultural differences is the only way to solve the country's problems of racism. c. changes in the economic structure are more important than race in shaping the life chances of different groups. d. the social construction of race is a myth.


63. Understanding race and ethnicity as social constructions is a significant contribution of . a. functionalism b. conflict theory c. symbolic interaction theory d. social exchange theory


68. A problem with the terms "Latino" and "Latina" is that they a. only refer to Mexican Americans and are not inclusive. b. refer only to Latin Americans in the U.S. for several generations. c. do not reflect the diversity of groups who are included in the category. d. are not used by sociologists.


69. Which of these statements is true about the status of Puerto Rico relative to the U.S.? a. Puerto Rico is a state in the United States of America. b. Puerto Rico is a colony of the U.S. c. Puerto Rico is a commonwealth with its own constitution. d. Puerto Rico has no formal relationship with the U.S.


7. Which of these statements regarding the racial system in Brazil is false? a. In Brazil a person is considered Black only if they have no discernible White ancestry. b. A person who might be considered Black in the U.S. would be considered white in Brazil if they had high socioeconomic status. c. Brazil has successfully created a nation in which there is no social inequality based on race. d. The racial system in Brazil is different from that of the U.S.


76. The 125,000 Cubans who entered the U.S. in 1980 during the "Mariel boat lift," were largely . a. professionals b. skilled workers c. persons considered by the Cuban government as "undesirable" d. middle class and college educated


67. Which of these statements regarding the slavery system and the position of African Americans in the U.S. is true? a. Enslaved Africans passively accepted their positions as slaves. b. The Emancipation Proclamation marked the end of the economic exploitation of enslaved Blacks in southern agriculture. c. The northern migration of Blacks from the South to the North in the U.S. only served to worsen conditions due to the creation of urban ghettos. d. Pieces of the slavery system remain in the U.S. today.


77. Chinese immigrants began migrating to the U.S. in the mid-19th century because: a. they desired the "American Dream." b. the Chinese government pushed them out. c. they were seeking religious freedom. d. the U.S. needed workers.


9. John has a mixed-race background. He is most likely to experience which of the following? a. He fits well into categories of race. b. He is able to define his own social category of race c. He is someone who determines how he is categorized. d. He defies biological categories typically used to define race.


91. Which of these is not a criticism of the assimilation model? a. It does not consider the amount of time that it may take some groups to assimilate. b. It fails to recognize that the histories of Blacks and Whites in this country have been very different and have long-lasting effect. c. It ignores the fact that immigrants entering the U.S. at different times have faced very different economic conditions and demands for labor. d. It does not account for language barriers between groups.


71. The original entry of Mexican Americans into the U.S. was the result of a. military conquest. b. treaty terms negotiated at the end of the Spanish American War. c. flight from a repressive political regime. d. illegal migrations across the border into California and Texas.


74. Operation Bootstrap was launched after WWII to attract U.S. corporations to Puerto Rico. What was the overall outcome of Operation Bootstrap? a. rapid overall growth in the Puerto Rican economy b. reduced unemployment in Puerto Rico c. significantly higher wages for workers d. decreased wages for both Puerto Ricans and U.S. workers


11. Which of the following statements about race is true? a. Official recognition of race by the government matters. b. Racial formation occurs in youth. c. Biological characteristics are the major determinants of race. d. Individuals may have a single race but multiple ethnicities.


12. What is the most important factor for determining the racial categories within any society? a. The beliefs and interests of the most powerful group(s) in society. b. The amount of difference in ancestry or "blood" that different groups have. c. The degree to which members of different groups differ from each other biologically. d. The language that each group speaks.


14. The historical process in any society by which a group comes to be defined as a race is called . a. racial formation b. immigration contact theory c. the principle of physical salience d. engendered racism


41. Sociologists find that racism a. is the perception and treatment of members of a racial group as inferior. b. is limited to individual behavior. c. involves actions, not attitudes. d. has practically disappeared in the U.S. since Barack Obama was elected president.


59. The situation for women in society should be studied separately within each social class because differences between men and women are not the same in every racial or class group. This is an argument of the perspective. a. intersection b. functionalist c. symbolic interactionist d. social exchange


61. According to , social change is a slow and gradual process. a. functionalism b. conflict theory c. symbolic interaction theory d. social exchange theory


89. Persons with the perspective believe that to overcome adversity and oppression, the minority person needs to imitate the dominant White culture as much as possible. a. assimilation b. acculturalist c. cultural pluralism d. blending


17. Which of the following does not apply to all minority groups? a. possessing characteristics generally considered different from the dominant group b. being smaller in number than the dominant group c. sharing a sense of group identity d. experiencing prejudice and discrimination in society


22. The principle states that we categorize people on the basis of what appears initially prominent and obvious about them. a. stereotypic b. salience c. prejudice d. perception


3. Which of these statements regarding the variability of a group's ethnic identity is true? a. A group's ethnic identity is constant; it does not change over time. b. Ethnic identity may form or is strengthened when a group is excluded from participation by more powerful social groups. c. Ethnic identity can only change when one changes their place of residence or marries someone of another ethnicity. d. Ethnic identity is always imposed involuntarily.


31. is the evaluation of a social group based on misconceptions about the group. a. Racism b. Prejudice c. Discrimination d. Bias


32. A prejudiced person is likely to have: a. positive attitudes towards members of an in-group and positive attitudes toward members of an out- group. b. positive attitudes towards members of an in-group and negative attitudes toward members of an out- group. c. negative attitudes towards members of an in-group and positive attitudes toward members of an out- group. d. negative attitudes towards members of an in-group and negative attitudes toward members of an out- group.


34. Research on socialization into prejudiced attitudes indicates that a. children tend to be free of prejudice until around the ages of 9 or 10 years old. b. there is a close correlation between the racial and ethnic attitudes of parents and those of their children. c. children and young adults who believe they can think for themselves are able to avoid taking on their parents racial or other prejudices. d. most people today are unaffected by parental prejudices since the media has become so important.


35. While prejudice is an attitude, discrimination is . a. internal b. overt behavior c. hidden d. disposition


66. Central to the operation of slavery was the belief that: a. People can change castes. b. Human beings could be property. c. Domination of slavery did not involve the relationship between men and women. d. Individuals are less efficient than a whole society.


72. created a class system within the Chicano community. a. Capitalism b. Wealth being concentrated in the hands of a few ranchers c. Slavery d. A social structure of exclusion


73. The Jones Act of 1917 a. banned further immigration from Puerto Rico. b. extended U.S. citizenship to Puerto Ricans. c. closed the border with Mexico. d. permitted Cubans to enter following the Cuban Revolution.


80. The largest concentration of Koreans in the U.S. today is located in a. San Francisco. b. Los Angeles. c. Washington, D.C. d. New York.


10. What is the current practice of the U.S. Census for reporting one's race? a. A person may select a single race as their identity. b. A person may select what they consider their primary, and also their secondary, racial identity. c. A person may select as many racial categories as they feel applies to them. d. A person may select a single race or a single ethnicity.


2. In order for a group to be considered an ethnic group they must a. look different than the members of other ethnic groups. b. speak the same language as other members of the group. c. share an identity they see as different from that of others in society. d. have a shared system of norms and values.


24. Which of the following statement is true about salient characteristics? a. Salient characteristics are not culturally specific. b. Salient characteristics change over time. c. Salient characteristics differ in various countries. d. Salient characteristics are constant over time.


25. When it comes to gender stereotypes, a. men are generally stereotyped more negatively than women. b. the same stereotypes are most often applied to both men and women. c. stereotypes about women are more negative than those about men. d. men are not subject to stereotyping.


29. In general, are likely to attribute poverty and lower class status to individual disposition or personality, while are more likely to attribute the cause of poverty to discrimination and lack of opportunity. a. lower-income people; middle-class people b. women; men c. middle-class people; lower-income people d. middle-class people; member of the upper class


33. How do strongly prejudiced people end up that way? a. Some people seem to just naturally have negative feelings about others who are not like them. b. Children are rarely prejudiced until they enter school and are influenced into prejudice by their peers. c. Socialization into prejudiced attitudes occurs in the family, as well as through the media and peers. d. Deviant individuals are more likely to be prejudiced than conforming individuals.


38. Measurements of economic inequality indicate that a. the income gap between Blacks and Whites has closed in recent years. b. net worth among all groups is now relatively equal. c. the poverty rate is higher for Blacks and Hispanics than it is for Whites and Asians. d. poverty among members of racial minority groups has been increasing since the 1960s.


100. The Black power movement of the late 1960s a. rejected assimilation. b. recognized the institutional power that Whites had over Blacks. c. advocated separatism, under the leadership of Malcolm X. d. all of the above


13. In the 1890 U.S. Census, which of the following was not a racial classification? a. Chinese b. Quadroon c. Black d. Hispanic


15. The process of racial formation is supported by: a. family members. b. the government. c. religious organizations. d. social institutions.


46. Blaming Blacks for economic inequality and resistance to policies that might alleviate racial oppression is considered . a. traditional racism b. aversive racism c. color-blind racism d. symbolic or laissez-faire racism


5. Racial groups are defined by: a. Religious beliefs. b. The cultural and social norms within a society. c. Biological characteristics. d. How the groups have been treated historically.


55. Contact theory argues that interaction between Whites and minorities will reduce prejudice on the part of both groups if all of the following conditions are met, except: a. the parties interact on equal ground. b. the contact is sustained. c. social norms favoring equality are agreed upon by the participants. d. all parties agree to work to reduce the prejudice.


78. The most recent Asian Americans to migrate to the U.S. have come from . a. China b. Japan c. the Philippines d. Laos and Cambodia


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