Sociology Exam 3

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collective consciousness

the shared norms, values, and beliefs of a society - collective of the neighborhood -collevective of landlords


watched this documentary - look over summary


your assets at a particular point in time

why doesn't welfare work well

it is not enough money and cost of rent increases

weber - welfare

-wealfare promots lazyness - weber likes welfare

how do we know what we know?

- American community survey (national survey that uses continuous methods) - economic policy institute (liberal) - in a lifetime a women earns $530,000 less than a man

Patricia Hill Collins

- Black Feminist Thought: Knowledge, Consciousness, and the Politics of Empowerment -post modern theory - knowlege is produced with standpoints - most knowledge comes from a white heterosexual male

poverty and welfare

- anti-poverty programs - they were/are bad - bill clintion "shrank" the benefits -martin glines - book - why americans hate welfare - public is suspicious of true need of welfare and whites view black as not working hard enough -sharp divides correlate with racism though - stereotype that blacks are lazy

Where does racism come from?

- civil war - 1860s- south wanted to succeed (leave the U.S.) - wanted more state rights like slavery - oposition of slavery - war broke out - Abraham lincoln expanded slavery (won the war) - war ended in 1865

incarceration in america

- growth of people incarcerated - about 1.4 million people in the U.S. - why did it start? - 1970s - war on drugs, about racism, a way to target communities of color -slavery was an economic action -13th amendment states that if you are a criminal you dont have rights - so basically blacks are slaves again


- inadequecy of public housing and public housing assistance programs -women are more likely to be facing poverty - race plays a part too -insentives are built into the system -eviction is a cause and effect of poverty - people have exhausted their resources, not enough -criminal justice system is involved - police, court, jail (criminalization of poverty)

How do we remember reconstruction?

- it has been re-written - revisionist history - reconstruction was a failed history what caused the failure? - black people were inferior and didn't know how to do anything - black leaders (believed they shouldn't be in power) - they were unfit to govern themselves -reestablishing white supremacy was seen as the "right" thing to do - good to have reconstruction (through revisionist history)

random poverty stuff (from evicted??)

- poverty mindset - she will always remain poor, wants one luxourious meal -holds wealth in jewlrey -child pertective services - her kids were taken to foster care -gov hotlines dont work/they dont answer - landlords don't like people having children -why we have poverty - lack of stable housing

how can we measure poverty?

- poverty rate - every year - according to the 2017 census 12.3% were in poverty -the u.s. gov declares youre living in poverty if your income is below $12,490 per year -poverty measure - cost of basic food x3 -absolute poverty level

Debouis and reconstruction and blacks

- suggests/proves that the history books were wrong - blacks and whites didnt unite - life returned to the same as before the war - wealthy white people in power -black agency (the role black people play) - attempting and redifining what it was like to be an american after the war 1870- republicans (liberals) democrates (conservatives) -solid south - the electoral college from the south- white racists -1964- republicans (conservative), democrats (liberal) -uses racial politics - reconstruction affects politics today -Debouis wrote the book "black reconstruction" -race and racism in southern politics - "the southern strategy" (appeal to racist white voters) -racial politics are still with us - how do we see that? - in the wealth gap among people in the U.S. of different races

income inequality

- the unequal distribution of household or individual income across the various participants in an economy - how to get income - job, investments, selling stuff - how to measure income inequality? - from census, labor department, in quentailes -productivity gap - productivity increases and income stays the same or decreases -why do we have such stark income inequality? - the decline of labor unions (allows management to take more money for themselves), race of labor (competing with foreign countries), animation, skills, regressive policies, racial discrimination


- way our society is separated into layers

what causes this wealth gap?

- wealth gets passed down - wealthy = wealthy -poor = poor -# of years of owning a home -household income -college education -unemployment -financial support/inheritance

devah pager

-The correlation between racism and finding a job, especially with a criminal record. The white man, regardless of record, is more likely to be hired than the black man. - conducted a study 2 white men and 2 black men applied for similar jobs -results - white men - 50% less accepted when convicted - black men - black men without a conviction get accepted less than white men with convictions - the criminal justice system affects inequality


-black men are more likely to be incarcerated and black women more likely to be evicted -4% vacancy rate -a two bedroom is a two bedroom (no matter the price) -antipoverty tactics dont work -if you are behind on your rent, you have no legal control -one eviction affects the whole neighborhood - welfare state- providing for the public good - SSI money (for disabled), w2, housing vouchers, food stamps, unemployment insurrence, emergency assistance

How are we stratified?

-educational attainment - less than 1/3 goes to college, more males get BA then it switched and more women are now going to college - majority is white women - gender-based difference (wage gap) - women make up to 80% of what men do - nearly 1/2 of men believe that the wage gap is made up - knowledge is produced from a standpoint (white, male, heterosexual) - inherent domination - a subordinet group may experience stuff diferently - collins is advocating for a black feminist perspective - can coexist with other perspectives

exam stuff

-matthew desmond - race and class -race class and gender - how we know what we know - methods etc. - apply marx and weber to these concepts - what would they say?

historical materialism

-money comes before everything - needs money and evicted doesnt have money

motherhood study (motherhood penalty, fatherhood premium)

-mothers earn about 5% less than any other workers -conducted a audit study and experiement - created fake resumes - one said they were a parent (not directly, but through the use of questions and reponses such as being part of the PTA) - got undergrads to evaluate the resumes - results - motherhood had a disadvantage while fatherhood is an advantage - twice as many non-mothers were recommended than mothers validity of this experiment - not people who were actually hiring, not real jobs, -audit study - fake resumes but real employees, did they get requested for an interview? - mothrs still had a hard time -explaining these results - used status characteristics - "mother" and "good worker" do not equate, whereas "father" and "good worker" do -women and men perpetuate and benefit from it

what can be done about this wealth gap?

-oliver and shapiro's recommendations - baby bonds - bonds will be available when one turns 18 - universal basic income, reducing student debt & federal job guarantee

desmond's proccess

-questioned housing proccess, personal experience (parents were evicted) -read a lot of books -wanted to find a space where the rich and the poor interact - eviction - did ethnography - people wanted their stories to be told, he is a friend, has resources (car, phone, etc.) -why people talked to him -his race helped - landlords would rent to him, police left him alone, residents told people to stop bothering him -always had a notepad, audio recorder, took a lot of photographs -interviews with people -consequences - if you involve yourself too much it could change the outcomes, he was depressed for many years, felt guilty

how to measure wealth (random)

-survey of income and program participation (SIPP) - longitudinal (over a long period of time) - track the same households every month for 2.5 - 4 -use measures of central tendency to describe this data - use to define the "typical" family in such a group (median wealth) - white households have made up from the great depression blacks have not


-the period after the Civil War in the United States when the southern states were reorganized and reintegrated into the Union - emotional, cultural, and physical -issues and questions we have today are set up by reconstruction (set the foundation of race relations) - historians changed the way we remember reconstruction (propaganda) -the truth of reconstruction - began as radical/congressional reconstruction (1866) - the republicans (crazy liberals) run congress -reposed amendments to the constitution - 14th admendment (defines citizenship as anyone born in the u.s. and anyone in the u.s. has equal protection under the law and right to due process) - 15th admendment (have to allow everyone in the u.s. to vote) -enslaved people now become "citizens" based off of the amendments -preposed reporations for slavery (in the form of land - 40 acres, and a mule) - wanted to jump start economy and society - the proposal was not passed - 1868 - black leaders -1870 - democrats (the new conservatives) start taking over, start seeing paramilitary/terrorist groups (redeemers - dismantals reconstruction) - 1877- reconstruction is over - ends with the creation of jim crow (legal segregation) - troops were withdrawn - 14th, and 15th - amendments were violently opposed by white terrorist groups, still having issue to this day (reporations)

evicted part 2

-weak ties - not as connected to the person - use people for their benefit - ex: crystal says arleen can stay with her, but landlord doesnt like it -police get called - bad for everyone - each time police is called they mark it down - house/neighborhood becomes unwanted - police can own the house if it happens 3 times in 30 days -fire - doesnt have to deal with eviction - gets insurance payout - landlords are in the top 1% and renters are in the bottom 10% - landlords are forced to dehumanize the renters


A process by which banks draw lines on a map and refuse to lend money to purchase or improve property within the boundaries.

The Philadelphia Negro

W.E.B. Du Bois - detailed the effects of discrimination and history of racism in philly -designed a survey for the 7th ward -conclusion- there is a class structure within the black community -sestemic oppression from jobs, had to pay high rents

Michelle Alexander

Wrote The New Jim Crow - 6th specific recomendations she makes - look them up

what causes the wage gap?

discrimination, cultural differences, birth, married/with kids - still segragated into low-paying jobs

Matthew Desmond

discusses his research on another negative trend hitting low-income families hard: eviction. -wrote eviction

public housing

housing provided to low-income households, who pay 30% of their income as rent for the housing -not well maintained, landlords dont make a lot of money


how much money one makes (wages)

are we changing the culture of gender?

not exactly - wage gap is still in existance, me too movement - but still masageny - this cultural bias is old but we can still have change

political sociology

politics - to want something, the system by which power is distributed - development of the nation-state system state - country that has a government nation - that organization that has a monopoly on the legitamite use of violence in a given territory - group of people based on common culture, origin, and geography (socially constructed) nation-state system - is now global and has its own types of systems - constitutional monarchys, democratic and republics bureaurcracy - weber pointed out bureacracy is really in charge - leadership C wright mills - we have a class of power elites - divided into power, military and economic spheres


review readings!!!


the method by which researchers attempt to understand a group or culture by observing it from the inside, without imposing any preconceived notions they might have -participant vs nonparticipant -participant is more valid -objectivity vs subjectivity

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