Sociology Final

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social movements arise when people are motivated by value issues and social identity questions

"New social movements" emphasize

8. NJ Minimum Wage

$7.15 (as of 10-1-06)


Which group makes up the largest percentage of the Asians and Pacific Islanders group?


Which modern country best exemplifies the pluralistic state?

African Americans

Which population group represents the largest minority in the U.S.?

Urban amish

Which slang term is used to identify those who resist technological devices that have become part of our daily life?

Randall Collins

correctly predicted the collapse of the Soviet Union based on that country's twentieth-century expansionism and overextension of resources.

Which of the following is not one of those five basic properties of a minority group

cultural bias


(Genocide, Annihilation): the dominant group causes the death of minority groups member in large numbers


(India, Blacks in South -- see John Dollard, Caste and Class in a Southern Town)


(US, Western Europe, Japan)

In at least 22 nations around the world, the most affluent 10 percent receives at least what percentage of all income

40 percent Karuna Chanana Ahmed, an anthropologist from India who has studied developing nations, calls which group the most exploited of oppressed people: women

contact hypothesis.

A Colombian woman and an Italian man, working together as members of a construction crew, overcome their initial prejudices and come to appreciate each other's talents and strengths. This example is a prediction of the

Exploitation theory

A Marxist theory that views racial subordination in the United States as a manifestation of the class system inherent in capitalism.

Multinational corporation

A commercial organization that is headquartered in one country but does business throughout the world

Interactionist perspective

A farmer is called to help sandbag a levy that is about to flood his town. The farmer is stationed between two correctional center inmates who are required to assist in the flood- control efforts. As a result of this experience, the farmer has developed a newfound respect for inmates. This example would be consistent with which perspective?


A formal process of learning in which some people consciously teach, while others adopt the social role of learner


A former policy of the South African government, designed to maintain the separation of Blacks and other non-Whites from the dominant Whites.

Modernization theory

A functionalist approach that proposes that modernization and development will gradually improve the lives of people in developing nations

vested interest

A group of individuals form a protest movement to stop the destruction of the Brazilian rain forest, the spread of businesses into wildlife refuges in the United States, and other examples of environmental destruction through expansion and industrial pollution. This group would be an example of

Racial group

A group that is set apart from others because of physical differences that have taken on social significance.

Ethnic group

A group that is set apart from others primarily because of its national origin or distinctive cultural patterns.

majority group

A minority group is a group whose members have significantly less control over their own lives than the members of a


A negative attitude toward an entire category of people, often an ethnic or racial minority.

Genetically modified food

A new technique of using technology to increase food production and to make agriculture more economical is called

adaptive upgrading

A person needing to have his or her car repaired can go to a muffler store, a transmission shop, a tire retailer, or a gas station for a tune-up. Talcott Parsons refers to this type of specialization as

Black power

A political philosophy, promoted by many younger Blacks in the 1960s, that supported the creation of Black-controlled political and economic institutions.


A series of monogamous relationships as the result of divorces, and/or the death of one's spouse Men and women in the US have more marital partners during their lifetimes, on the average, than do adults in societies that permit polygamy

Racial formation

A sociohistorical process in which racial categories are created, inhabited, transformed, and destroyed.

exploitation theory

A sociologist argues that the capitalist ruling class is willing to tolerate high rates of illegal immigration because these immigrants serve as a cheap labor pool. This sociologist is most likely to draw upon

Minority group

A subordinate group whose members have significantly less control or power over their own lives than the members of a dominant or majority group have over theirs.

Model, or ideal, minority

A subordinate group whose members supposedly have succeeded economically, socially, and educationally despite past prejudice and discrimination, and without resorting to political and violent confrontations with Whites.

Trobriand Islanders

A woman raises her biological offspring with the assistance of her brother; her husband helps his sister raise her children.


A young Japanese man migrated to the U.S. in 1893 and was able to get a menial job. This man was an example of a(an)

New England

According to the 2010 census, which geographic area of the U.S. contains the highest percentage of minority groups by county?

find it difficult to use or suspect that it will complicate their lives.

According to your text, people will resist new technology because they

The largest racial minority group in the United States is

African Americans.


Allan Bakke was rejected by the University of California Medical School because they were reserving spaces in their incoming class for members of different minority groups who were accepted with lower quality credentials than Bakke and others; Bakke decision determined that reverse discrimination was illegal in most instances.

Dependency theory

An approach that contends that industrialized nations continue to exploit developing countries for their own gain

Karl Marx

An approach to racism which emphasizes that racism keeps minorities in low-paying jobs, thereby supplying the capitalist ruling class with a pool of cheap labor, is based on the work of which classical theorist?

Symbolic ethnicity

An ethnic identity that emphasizes concerns such as ethnic food or political issues rather than deeper ties to one's ethnic heritage.

Charter school

An experimental school that is developed and managed by individuals, groups of parents, or educational management organizations


An immigrant who sustains multiple social relationships that link his or her society of origin with the society of settlement.


An increase in the lowest level of education needed to enter a field

Contact hypothesis

An interactionist perspective which states that in cooperative circumstances, interracial contact between people of equal status will reduce prejudice.

a glass ceiling

An invisible barrier that blocks the promotion of a qualified individual in a work environment because of the individual's gender, race, or ethnicity is known as

Glass ceiling

An invisible barrier that blocks the promotion of a qualified individual in a work environment because of the individual's gender, race, or ethnicity.


An unreliable generalization about all members of a group that does not recognize individual differences within the group.


Anti-Jewish prejudice.

Racial profiling

Any arbitrary action initiated by an authority based on race, ethnicity, or national origin rather than on a person's behavior.


As of 2008, the Federal Poverty Line for an urban family of four people was $21,200 per year. Any family of four making less money was considered to be in poverty (37,000,000 people), and any family of four making more money was not living in poverty.

Institutional discrimination

At one time, many Puerto Ricans were effectively barred from serving in the Chicago Police Department because they failed to meet the height requirement. This was an example of

mythology to the scientific method.

Auguste Comte saw societies as moving forward in their thinking from


Children born in the U.S. to first-generation Japanese immigrants are known as

Functionalist perspective

Which sociological perspective argues that when changes occur in one part of a society, there must be adjustments in other parts, and if these adjustments do not occur, the society's equilibrium may be threatened?


By 2010, ____ percent of people were connected to the Internet.

Consanguine and conjugal relationships



Combination of WEALTH (money and property that you possess -- stocks, bonds, real estate, automobiles), and INCOME (money that you are earning)

pressure government to ease restrictive standards AND cut corner within their production plants

Conflict theorists suggest that capitalist firms would likely utilize


Continuing dependence of former colonies on foreign countries


Crucial public decisions are made by a cohesive elite of 200-300 people corporate elite military elite political eliteConflict approach because it sees power concentrated in the hands of a small number of people

Types of segregation



Disagrees with Mills; power is not held by a few, but rather it is distributed among competing interest groups who have veto power to prevent decisions entirely contrary to its interests


physical separation of two groups of people in terms of residence, workplace, and social events

strengthening a group's solidarity

Electronic communication can aid new social movements by

attitudes that do not reflect workers' objective positions

False consciousness is Marx's concept for

are useful for analyzing relations among racial and ethnic groups

Four major theoretical perspective

Based on false stereotypes of certain racial and ethnic groups

thepractice is not an effective way to fight crime.

Which of the following nations would Immanuel Wallerstein classify as a core country within the world economic system

Germany 4

nonmaterial culture

Ideas are an example of

vested interests

If the U.S. Congress passed strict anticigarette laws that banned their sale anywhere in the country, it would create serious problems for cigarette manufacturers, retailers, tobacco growers, tobacco farm workers, truckers, and many other employees in the cigarette industry. Each of these groups would probably oppose this legislation because they are examples of


Immigrants who sustain multiple social relationships that link their societies of origin with their societies of settlement are known as


In 1940, white non-Hispanics made up 87% of the United States. What percentage did they represent as of 2007?


In 2100, white non-Hispanics will make up what percentage of the population following the Census estimates?


In Australia, when Aborigines become part of the dominant society but then refuse to acknowledge their darker-skinned grandparents on the street, they are practicing the process of


In Talcott Parsons's equilibrium model, the incorporation of groups that were previously excluded because of their race, ethnicity, and social class is known as

Racial profiling

The practice of assuming that people who fit certain descriptions are likely to be engaged in illegal activities is referred to as


Institutions reserved spaces in their school or company for members of minorities that mirrored their representation in society. That is, if Blacks represent 14% of the population inCalifornia, 14% of the places in the University of California Medical School were reserved for Blacks -- regardless of qualifications. Bakke decision determined that quota systems were illegal and replaced them with INSTITUTIONAL GUIDELINES (an institutional plan that indicated how equality was going to be established in an institution within a specified period of time).

Intergroup relations

Interactionists would be concerned about the impact of racial profiling on

Supreme Court Cases that relate to segregation-integration, equality, and education

Plessy v. Ferguson (1896), Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas (1954, and The Regents of the State University of California at Davis Medical School v. Allan Bakke

Affirmative action

Positive efforts to recruit minority group members or women for jobs, promotions, and educational opportunities.

nonmaterial culture

Inventions are an example of


Joe grew up in an Italian household in an Italian community in New Jersey. He believes the traditional Italian celebration of Easter, which includes a large number of family members and mountains of food consumed during a long dinner, is the best way to celebrate this holiday. Joe's belief is an illustration of

Cultural lag

Large families are no longer economically necessary, nor are they commonly endorsed by social norms, but certain religious faiths continue to extol large families and disapprove of using contraception to limit family size. This example illustrates

the collapse of communism, terrorist attacks in various part of the world, dismantling of the welfare system in the U.S.

List three significant social events in recent decades, according to Maureen Hallinan:


Louis Wirth's definition Physically or culturally distinctive (physical distinction is more important -- gender and race -- because it persists from generation to generation; you can always change cultural characteristics -- language, clothes, food -- to blend in they are the object of prejudice and discriminationthey have low amounts of power, privilege and prestige they are collectively regarded and treated as inferior; a rationalization for their minority status


The physical separation of two groups of people in terms of residence, workplace, and social events; often imposed on a minority group by a dominant group.


The practice of colleges admitting more ethnic minorities and women would be:

William Graham Sumner

Minority group members have a strong sense of group solidarity. Which sociologist noted that individuals make distinctions between members of their own group, or the in-group, and everyone else, or the out-group?


Mutual respect for one another's cultures among the various groups in a society, which allows minorities to express their cultures without experiencing prejudice.

Auguste Comte and Émile Durkheim

Name two theorists who have taken an evolutionary position on social change, suggesting that all societies move in the same direction.

In which of the following racial or ethnic groups has one teenager in every six attempted suicide

Native Americans


Nearly two-thirds of all families are nuclear families with both mother and father working


Neo-Luddites have questioned the incessant expansion of


The practice of placing students in specific curriculum groups on the basis of their test scores and other criteria

New social movements

Organized collective activities that address values and social identities as well as improvements in the quality of life are called


Oscar Handlin -- recognizes the ranking system that exists between groups that may participate in a live and let live scenario

Institutional discrimination

Passage of the recent Aviation and Transportation Security Act, which stipulated that all airport screeners must be U.S. citizens, has been noted by many observers to be a form of

Max Weber

Power (party), Privilege (class), and Prestige (status)


Prejudice is to discrimination as attitude is to


The former policy of the South African government that was designed to maintain the separation of Blacks and other non-Whites from the dominant Whites was known as

World systems analysis

The global economy as an interdependent system of economically and politically unequal nations


Rebellious craft workers in nineteenth-century England who destroyed new factory machinery as part of their resistance to the new industrial revolution were known as

exploitation theory

Recent Chinese immigrants to the U.S. often find jobs working in sweatshops in New York City's Chinatown, where they work 16 or more hours a day in the garment industry, earning less than minimum wage. The big businesses that hire these illegal and often uninformed immigrants illustrate

White privilege

Rights or immunities granted to people as a particular benefit or favor simply because they are White.

Oscar Lewis


The correspondence principle was developed by

Samuel Bowles and Herbert Gintis

the correspondence principle

Samuel Bowles and Herbert Gintis have argued that capitalism requires a skilled, disciplined labor force and that the educational system of the United States is structured with that objective in mind Citing numerous studies, they offer support for what they call

Disagreement with text

Schaefer and Kassop

process of redentialism

Sixty years ago, a high school diploma was the minimum requirement for entry into the paid labor force of the United State Today, a college diploma is virtually the bare minimum

Teacher-expectancy effect

The impact that a teacher's expectations about a student's performance may have on the student's actual achievements


The laptop computer, wireless telephones, pagers, and laser eye surgery are all examples of

significant alteration over time in behavior patterns and culture.

Social change is defined as

Minority Groups

Sociologists have identified five basic properties—unequal treatment, physical or cultural traits, ascribed status, solidarity, and in-group marriage—to describe

vested interest

Some people have a _____________ in resisting social change.


The process of denying opportunities and equal rights to individuals and groups because of prejudice or for other arbitrary reasons is known as


The process through which a majority group and a minority group combine to form a new group.

Hidden curriculum

Standards of behavior that are deemed proper by society and are taught subtly in schools

institutional discrimination

Suppose that a workplace requires that only English be spoken,even when it is not a business necessity to restrict the use of other languages This requirement would be an example of


Talcott Parsons contends that societies experience value ____________, the development of new values that tolerate and legitimate a greater range of activities.

adaptive upgrading

Talcott Parsons uses the term ________________ to characterize a feature of social change that social institutions become more specialized in their purposes.


Talcott Parsons viewed society as naturally being in a state of

the equilibrium model

Talcott Parsons' functionalist view of society as tending toward a state of stability or balance is known as

Corporate welfare

Tax breaks, bailouts, direct payments, and grants that the government gives to corporations

nonmaterial culture

Technology is an example of

permits people to seize control of the historical process and gain their freedom from injustice

The Marxist view of social change is appealing to some because it


The Mexican people of today are the result of a gradual merging of generations of Spaniards and Indians. This is an example of

Poverty Index/Poverty line

The Social Security Administration takes the cost of a low-level food budget that meets "all" (yeah, right!!!) nutritional requirements, which they get from the Department of Agriculture and they multiply by three, since, they believe, food should represent 1/3 of a family's expenses. (2008 data follows): Single person: $10,400 Family of two: $14,000 Family of four: $21,200


The maintenance of political, social, economic, and cultural domination over a people by a foreign power for an extended period


The monies that immigrants return to their families of origin. Also called migradollars.

Social movements

The most all-encompassing type of collective behavior is/are


The process through which a person forsakes his or her cultural tradition to become part of a different culture.

not in my back yard

The abbreviation NIMBY, which is often used when people protest landfills, prisons, and nuclear power facilities, stands for


The belief that one race is supreme and all others are innately inferior.


The belief that the U.S. was a "melting pot," which became very compelling in the first part of the twentieth century, suggested that the nation had an almost divine mission to produce

institutionalized discrimination

The civil rights movement of the 1960s had little impact on


The deliberate, systematic killing of an entire people or nation.


The denial of opportunities and equal rights to individuals and groups because of prejudice or other arbitrary reasons.

Institutional discrimination

The denial of opportunities and equal rights to individuals and groups that results from the normal operations of a society.


The far-reaching process through which periphery nations move from traditional or less developed institutions to those characteristic of more developed societies

Equilibrium model of social change

The role of women in the family has changed dramatically within the U.S. during the last 50 years. Women have furthered their education and developed careers. This change in the family has necessitated adaptive changes in school systems, corporations, churches, and other facets of society to provide childcare services. This situation reflects which view of social change?

language, Islam, and Country of orgin

The single most unifying force among Arabs is

Correspondence principle

The tendency of schools to promote the values expected of individuals in each social class and to perpetuate social class divisions from one generation to the next


The tendency to assume that one's own culture and way of life represent the norm or are superior to all others.

color blind racism

The use of the principle of race neutrality to defend a racially unequal status quo is referred to as

Color-blind racism

The use of the principle of race neutrality to defend a racially unequal status quo.


The worldwide integration of government policies, cultures, social movements, and financial markets through trade and the exchange of ideas


The writings of Auguste Comte and Émile Durkheim are examples of

vested interests

Those people or groups who will suffer in the event of social change and who have a stake in maintaining the status quo are called

Ralph Ellison

Which Black author wrote: "I am a man of substance, of flesh and bone, fiber and liquids— and I might even be said to possess a mind. I am invisible, understand, simply because people refuse to see me?"

Discrimination against racial and ethnic minorities

Which aspect of discrimination is the focus of feminist scholar Peggy McIntosh's research?


Which concept does Talcott Parsons use to indicate the increasing complexity of social organization?

Robert Merton

Typology of Discrimination (ideal types)


US is an Open Class System, because education gives everyone an opportunity to get ahead


US was more open 100 years ago when we needed unskilled labor as opposed to the credentialled work-world of today; easier to go from rags to riches in 1900 than in 1990s

cultural lag

Various religious groups and their followers are very upset about scientific advances in reproductive technology, such as birth control pills, abortion pills, in-vitro fertilization, and genetic engineering. This conflict between religious values and new scientific concepts illustrates


Vladimir, a Russian immigrant to the U.S., insists that everyone call him "Joe," and he refuses to speak Russian, even in casual conversation with Russian-speaking neighbors. This is an example of

Asian American men

What group (ethnicity and gender) has the highest income level?

Hispanic Women

What group (ethnicity and gender) has the lowest income level?


What percentage of the United States is projected to be Hispanic according to Census estimates by the year 2100?

Racial Group

What term is used by sociologists to describe a group that is set apart from others because of physical differences that have taken on social significance?


What term refers to first-generation Japanese immigrants?

Conflict perspective

Which sociological perspective criticizes the functionalist approach to social change for disregarding the crucial significance of change that is needed to correct social injustices and inequalities?

Conflict perspective

Which sociological perspective suggests that censorship is an ever-present danger that society's most powerful groups will use to invade the privacy of the less powerful?

Conflict perspective

Which sociological perspective views race from the macrolevel and purports the economic structure as a central factor in the exploitation of minority groups?

Conflict perspective

Which sociological perspective views transnational migration as having increased the economic gulf between developed and developing nations?

Functionalist perspective

Which sociological perspective views transnationals as a way for economies to maximize their use of human labor?

Interactionalist perspective

Which sociological perspective would likely be interested in the labels attached to activists associated with a social movements such as a feminist student referred to as a "bra burner"?

Conflict perspective

Which sociological perspective would likely stress that social movements should require leaders to sharpen the awareness of the oppressed, who may suffer from false consciousness?

Conflict perspectives

Which sociological perspective would likely suggest that members of new social movements tend to mobilize as they reject statements made by established authority figures, including scientists and technical authorities?

Interactionalist perspective

Which sociological perspective would most likely study the new social roles assumed by activists within a social movement?

Conflict perspective

Which sociological perspective would suggest that individuals, institutions, and societies will face unprecedented adaptive challenges in adjusting to the technological advances soon to come?

Functionalist perspective

Which sociological perspective would suggest that the Internet serves the manifest function of facilitating communication?

Manning Nash

Which sociologist has identified three functions that racially prejudiced beliefs have for the dominant group—one being that they provide a moral justification for maintaining an unequal society that routinely deprives a minority group of its rights and privileges

Oliver Cox, Robert Blauner, and Herbert M. Hunter

Which sociologist has used the exploitation theory to explain the basis of racial subordination in the U.S.?

W. E. B. DuBois

Which sociologist noted over 90 years ago that enslaved Blacks were in an even more oppressive situation than other subordinate groups because, by law, they could not own property and they could not pass on the benefits of their labor to their children?

William I. Thomas

Which sociologist observed that people respond not only to the objective features of a situation or person but also to the meaning that situation or person has for them?

Karl Marx

Which sociologist suggested that interracial coalitions would most likely reduce racial and ethnic stereotyping and prejudice?

Socialist revolution

Which term does Karl Marx use to describe the change that human society will move toward in the development of social change?

Social movements

Which term is used by sociologists to refer to organized collective activities aimed at bringing about fundamental changes in existing society?

nonviolent civil disobedience.Black power

Which term refers to a political philosophy, promoted by many younger Blacks in the 1960s, which supported the creation of Black-controlled political and economic institutions?

Evolution theory

Which theory of social change holds that society is moving in a definite direction?

Masked craft workers in England that took extreme measures by mounting nighttime raids on factories and destroyed machinery

Who were the Luddites?

Interactionist perspective

William I. Thomas observed that people respond not only to the objective features of a situation or person, but also to the meaning that situation or person has for them. This observation reflects which sociological perspective?

Gender roles

Women's education tends to suffer in those cultures with traditional

Exploitation theory

a Marxist theory that views racial subordination in the united states as a manifestation of the class system inherent in capitalism


a belief that one race is superior and that all others are innately inferior.


a change of status for a specific individual during their own lifetime

ethnic group

a group that is set apart from others because of its national orgin or distinctive cultural patterns.

Interactionists pose the contact hypothesis as

a means of reducing prejudice and discrimination.


a nuclear family that is missing one of the adult members

Four patterns describe typical intergroup relations in North America and elsewhere

amalgamation, assimilation, segregation, and pluralism.

Intermarriage over several generations, resulting in various groups combining to form a new group, would be an example of



an employer who may have no personal hostility toward members of another group, but may not hire them for fear of offending customers


an exaggerated belief associated with a particular category


any symbol that indicates your status (e.g., a Mercedes Benz signifies great wealth, a person pushing a grocery cart which holds their life's possessions -- the grocery cart symbolizes poverty and homelessness) Thorsten Veblen:

Global factories

are factories found throughout the developing world that are run by multinational

Anthony Oberschall

argued that in order to sustain social protest or resistance, there must be an "organizational base and continuity of leadership" (resource mobilization theory)?

Alphonso D'Abruzzo changed his name to Alan Alda. His action is an example of



being poor in relation to the standards of living of one's society


biological/genetic relationships

Conservative theory

blames the victim (they are the cause of their own poverty)

A racial group is set apart from others by physical difference an ethnic group is set apart primarily

by national origin or cultural patterns.


byproduct of welfare system


byproduct of welfare system

lack of achievement motivation helplessness

byproduct of welfare system


byproduct of welfare system inferiority: looking glass self-


combining a majority group and a minority group through intermarriage to form a new group

In viewing the global economic system as divided between nations that control wealth and those that are controlled and exploited, sociologist Immanuel Wallerstein draws on the

conflict perspective

Tax breaks, bailouts, direct payments, and grants are all forms of

corporate welfare


change of social position, and change of social rank AND, horizontal mobility


change of social position, but no change of rank (college professor-middle class, becoming a therapist-middle class)


changes of status between different generations, which is caused by: structural mobility differences between parents and children in ability, ambition, etc. population change: birth rates, death rates, age structure -- relate to the downward mobility of the baby boomers and/or generation X

Max Weber identified three analytically distinct components of stratification

class, status group, and power

The maintenance of political, social, economic, and cultural domination over a people by a foreign power for an extended period is referred to as



deliberately and systematically killing an entire people or the members of a nation

Institutional discrimination

denial of opportunities and equal rights to individuals or groups that results from the normal operations of society is called

Wallerstein's world systems analysis is the most widely used version of

dependency theory.

True division of income in Brazil

difference between the races in the top income bracket and difference between the races in the bottom income brackets

Prejudice often but not always leads


Suppose that a White employer refuses to hire a qualified Vietnamese American but hires an inferior White applicant This decision is an act of


Sociologist Max Weber noted five basic characteristics of bureaucracy,all of which are evident in the vast majority of schools, whether at the elementary, secondary, or even college level

division of labor written rules and regulations impersonality Not level of five basic characteristics of bureaucracy: shared decision making

Most recent research on ability grouping raises questions about its

effectiveness, especially for lower-achieving students

Advocates of Marxist class theory argue that the basis for racial subordination in the United States lies within the capitalist economic system. Another representation of this point of view is reflected in which of the following theories


Conflict theorists explain racial subordination through

exploitation theory.

There are three basic sources of power within any political system

force, influence, and authority


forcing people to leave their homes and the dominant society: Native-Americans

Functionalists point out that discrimination is both

functional and dysfunctional for society.

Four major theoretical perspectives

functionalism, conflict theory, labeling theory, and interactionism

Modernization theory reflects the perspective



groups are permitted to maintain their identities; they permit others to maintain their identities; they treat each other as equals; this is an ideal types that doesn't exist -- groups always have a ranking system (they don't view each other as equals and they view some groups as being better than others)


groups of people who share a common point of view about a particular social issue Social issues are any matters of public concern that interest groups have differing views about


groups with distinctive physical characteristics


groups with distinctive social and cultural characteristics

Which of the following goals of the Millennium Project has already been reached

halve extreme poverty worldwide Which of the following approaches to the delivery of aid to developing countries has been successful in Uganda: direct selling Which sociological perspective argues that multinational corporations can actually help the developing nations of the world: the functionalist perspective Which of the following terms is used by contemporary social scientists to describe the far-reaching process by which peripheral nations move from traditional or less developed institutions to those characteristic of more developed societies: modernization Which of the following statements about the division of income in Brazil is not true: Income is distributed more evenly across the population in Brazil than in the United States

4. Homeschooling

has become a viable alternative to traditional public and private schools. In some countries homeschooling is illegal.

Ralf Dahrendorf

has noted that the functionalist perspective's emphasis on stability and the conflict perspective's focus on change reflect the contradictory nature of society.


having relatively dissimilar amount of power, privilege, and prestige most people are status consistent: Bill Gates has a lot of power, privilege, and prestige. A homeless person has very little of each component. A priest has a lot of prestige, some power, and (theoretically) not much privilege.


having relatively similar amounts of power, privilege, and prestige


ideal type that does not really exist in reality

Academic subculture

identifies with the intellectual concerns of the faculty and values knowledge for its own sake

Gender differences

in mobility exist in both developed and developing societies.

Charles Darwin

pioneering work in biological evolution contributed to nineteenth-century theories of social change. According to his approach, there has been a continuing progression of successive life forms.


is "cultural information about how to use the material resources of the environment to satisfy human needs and desires."

A charter school

is an experimental school that is developed and managed outside the public school system


is the practice of placing students in specific curriculum groups on the basis of their test scores and other criteria

Bakke decision also ruled that

it is not necessary to hire less qualified people, if you can prove that you have a set of guidelines, and job requirements are really necessary for the job, and job requirements are not discriminatory against an entire category of individuals (e.g., Hispanics), and that you have made a concerted effort to find qualified minority group candidates: AFFIRMATIVE ACTION

The human ecology perspective suggests that the environment serves three basic functions

it provides essential resources, serves as a waste repository, and houses our species


judging people, things or situations on the basis of preconceived stereotypes or generalizations; may be positive or negative; an attitude


keeping groups apart socially and culturally; enforced by attitudes and informal mechanisms of social control


kinship that is determined by marriage


laws that segregate (e.g., Jim Crow Laws); really partitioning.

The Industrial revolution

led to the emergence of Luddites.


looking glass self-see Charles Horton Cooley


marriage of one person to one other person

There are four basic types of government

monarchy, oligarchy, dictatorship, and democracy


more than two marital partners at the same time

Colonial domination established patterns of economic exploitation leading to former colonies remaining dependent on more industrialized nations. Such continuing dependence and foreign domination are referred to as


The student subculture that is hostile to the college environment and seeks out ideas that may or may not relate to studies is called the

nonconformist subculture


not having enough money for the basic necessities of life.


nuclear family plus one or more other relatives living in the same household


one man, two or more women. What is the function of polygyny?


one or more groups who actively discriminate against minority groups


one woman, two or more men

Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas (1954)

overturned Plessy v. Ferguson and opened Pandora's box (how do you give everyone the same opportunity to use the same facilities, when there is a limited number of spaces?).


pointed out that one cannot devise methods for controlling and utilizing new technology before the introduction of a technique, and that nonmaterial culture typically must respond to changes in material culture.

Sociologist Robin Williams

points out that better-educated people tend to have greater access to information, to hold more diverse opinions, and to possess the ability to make subtle distinctions in analysis

In large developing nations, the most significant form of social mobility is the movement out of


Racism is a form of which of the following


Sometimes, through color-blind racism

prejudiced people try to use the principle of racial neutrality to defend a racially unequal status quo.

When sociologists define a minority group, they are concerned

primarily with the economic and political power, or powerlessness, of the group.


process of expelling a group of people from a territory

The meaning people attach to the physical differences between races gives social significance to race

producing stereotypes.

Racial profiling is any arbitrary action initiated by an authority based on

race, ethnicity, or national origin rather than on a person's behavior.

Types of minorities

racial national (ethnic) age religious sex (male/female) sexual orientation (heterosexual/homosexual) language (BILINGUALISM)


refers to a negative attitude toward an entire category of people

hidden curriculum

refers to standards of behavior that are deemed proper by society and are taught subtly in schools For example, children must not speak until the teacher calls on them and must regulate their activities according to the clock or the bell

Relative deprivation

refers to the conscious feeling of a negative discrepancy between legitimate expectations and present actualities?

Cultural lag

refers to the period of maladjustment when the nonmaterial culture is still adapting to new material conditions.

Resource mobilization

refers to the ways in which a social movement utilizes such resources as money, political influence, access to the media, and personnel?


remains more of an ideal than a reality.

Ogburn outlined six basic functions of the family

reproduction, protection, socialization, regulation of sexual behavior, companionship, and the provision of social status

Thorstein Veblen

responsible for coining the term vested interest.


rules that dictate that one must get married outside of certain specified groups (e.g., getting married outside of one's sexual group and one's family); enforced by social custo and, frequently, law.


rules that dictate that one must get married within certain specified groups (e.g., getting married within one's race, religion, ethnic background, socioeconomic status-SES, neighborhood, etc); enforced by family and friends; not by law.

lack of achievement motivation

see Erik Erikson


segregation that is based on residential segregation; if a community is segregated than institutions, such as schools, that only serve that community will also be segregated.


segregation that is enforced by law; JIM CROW LAWS; Native-American reservations; 110,000 Japanese-Americans lived in concentration camps during World War II in the United States

Which one of the following was introduced into school systems to promote social change

sex education classes affirmative action programs Project Head Start


social and emotional and financial ties without geographic proximity William Goode


social position is assigned -- usually at birth (however, an ascribed status is assigned to people who are old -- therefore, focus on "assigned" and not "birth")


social position is earned ascribed status at birth


status groups are people who share a similar social identity based on similar lifestyle patterns of consumption (denotes the possession of attributes that are regarded as admirable and perhaps enviable by people in a specific social setting.

The value-added model outlines six determinants of collective behavior

structural conduciveness, structural strain, generalized belief, a precipitating factor, mobilization of participants for action, and the operation of social control

Schools perform a variety of latent functions

such as transmitting culture, promoting social and political integration, and maintaining social control

Charter schools / experimental schools

that are developed and managed by individuals, groups of parents, or an educational management organization—are one of several recent attempts to reform the public school system in the United States. Although charter schools are popular with parents, research shows that about a third of them do worse than the public schools they replaced.

Plessy v. Ferguson (1896)

the "separate but equal" decision; permitted de jure segregation; if a community provided schools for both White and Black students those schools could be separate and segregated; that was considered "equal treatment under the law".

Social Power

the ability to make decisions that effect other people's lives

Personal Power

the ability to make decisions that effect the course of one's life


the blending together of groups

Viewed from functionalist

the combination of skilled technology and management provided by multinationals and the relatively cheap labor available in developing nations is ideal for a global enterprise.

Working together as computer programmers for an electronics firm, a Hispanic woman an a Jewish man overcome their initial prejudices and come to appreciate each other's strengths and talents. This scenario is an example of

the contact hypothesis.

Which sociological perspective emphasizes that the common identity and social integration fostered by education contribute to overall societal stability and consensus

the functionalist perspective

With the Industrial Revolution, a new form of social structure emerged

the industrial society

The teacher-expectancy effect is most closely associated with

the interactionist perspective


the process of acquiring status symbols; not because you need them, but because you want to prove to others that you can acquire them. A sign of upward mobility -- to prove that you have made it!


the process of keeping groups apart from one another


the social, cultural, and biological merging of groups to create a new race ("Americans")


the tendency to assume that one's own culture and way of life represent the norm or is superior to all others is called


to blend fully the culture and social organization of the incoming group and the dominant society; give and take process (both groups change)


to blend fully the culture and social organization of the incoming group and the dominant society; one-sided; minority group must give up their way of life and accept the majority group's way of life

Sometimes, through color-blind racism, prejudiced people try to use the principle of racial neutrality

to defend a racially unequal status quo.

Elliot Liebow solution

to the poverty problem is not to change the values of the poor, but the conditions of neglect, exploitation, and racism that create poverty.

Max Weber identified three ideal types of authority

traditional, rational-legal, and charismatic

The most basic manifest function of education is

transmitting knowledge


two adults and their children (heterosexual or homosexual) 7% of all nuclear families have the mother home and the father working


two or more men who are married to two or more women at the same time. Usually occurs on communes. The Oneida Community was an example from 1840-1880.

Sociologists have identified five basic properties of a minority group

unequal treatment and physical traits ascribed status


unfair or unequal treatment that is accorded to people or groups; an action


unreliable generalizations about all members of a group that do not recognize individual differences within the group

simple to more complex forms of social organization.

Émile Durkheim contended that societies progressed from

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