Sociology Final

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The ________ phase of globalization brings us to the post-millennial era.


________ are affected adversely both by unequal access to and institutionalized sexism in the healthcare industry.


According to the U.S. Census, ________ of the total adult population,over the age of 18, consists of unmarried individuals.


Each change in a single social institution leads to changes in ________ social institutions.


The two types of stratification systems are ________, which do not allow change in social position and ________, which are based on achievement and allow movement between levels.

Closed systems, open systems

________ affects women at greater rates than men because women often take the passive role in relationships and may become emotionally dependent on their partners.

Intimate partner violence

A person who starts his career as a carpenter's assistant and works his way up over the years to owning his own construction company has experienced

Intragenerational mobility

Patterns of mobility can occur within the same generation, called ________, or it may happen across successive generations which is referred to as ________.

Intragenerational, intergenerational

________ is the systematic study of how humans manage issues of health, illness, disease, disorders, and health care for both the sick and the healthy.

Medical sociology

Since the term ________ refers to biological or physical distinctions, these characteristics will not vary significantly between different human societies


Although modernization theory suggests that undeveloped countries could change of their own accord,

it may not be the goal of all such countries to do so, further, it may be that there should be other priorities for some of these countries.

Functionalist theory is best defined as

social stratification is necessary to promote excellence, productivity, and efficiency, thus giving people something to strive for.

Physiological differences between males and females, including both primary sex characteristics (the reproductive system) and secondary characteristics such as height and muscularity for males and menstruation and lactation for women

will not vary significantly between different human societies.

The term ________ is based on evidence that women and men are paid differently for similar work in the labor force, counting all full-time workers.

Gender pay gap

The size, income, and wealth of the middle class

Have been declining since the 1970's

The protest soon began spreading throughout the nation, and its members started calling themselves "________" More than a thousand cities and towns had Occupy demonstrations.

The 99%

According to 2010 census data, only ________ of children under seventeen years old live in a household with two married parents.

Two thirds

The U.S. Census Bureau reports that the number of unmarried cohabiting couples has grown from fewer than one million in the 1970s to ________ in 2011 and account for 10 percent of all opposite-sex couples in the United States.

8.1 million

A concern to public health officials is fear among some parents that certain vaccines such as the measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine are linked to higher risk of


A ________ is based on both social factors and individual achievement while a ________ is based on one in which people are born into their social standing no vertical mobility is allowed

Class system, caste system

A ________ describes those living together before or in lieu of marriage, which is a growing option for many couples


________ is non-institutionalized activity in which several people voluntarily engage

Collective behavior

Our ________ , not our ________ , dictates which illnesses are stigmatized and which are not, which are considered disabilities and which are not, and which are deemed contestable as opposed to definitive by medical professionals

Culture, biology

When applying ________, there are no shades of gray: instead, there is the belief that what "they" do is wrong and this is how "we" will fix it. The anti-gay marriage movement is an example of diagnostic framing with its uncompromising insistence that marriage is only between a man and a woman.

Diagnostic frames

There has been ________ of violent crime in the US over the past couple of decades, including reports of intimate partner violence against women.

General decrease

The countries best able to take advantage of these power sources of ________, expanded the most, and came to exert control over the politics of the globe from the late fifteenth century to around the year1800.

Horsepower and windpower

Email and immediate information have simply increased the amount of time employees are expected to be responsive and available. While once businesses had to travel at the speed of the U.S. postal system, sending something off and waiting until it was received before the next stage, today the ________means there are no such breaks.

Immediacy of information transfer

Which theory focuses on everyday interactions to explain people's social standing in society?

Interactionist theory

There is concern about ________ as baby boomers retire, not to mention the knowledge gap as the most senior and accomplished leaders in different sectors start to leave.

Labor shortages

In the United States, both paternal and maternal ancestors are considered part of one's family; such kinship is based on our


When considering one's ________, most people in the United States look to ancestors on both their father's and mother's sides.


As of 2013, twenty-three states and the District of Columbia allow the use of medical cannabis (Borgelt 2013), and ________ reform appears to partly be the repackaging of this substance from a drug to a "medicine." Medical evidence has demonstrated positive responses in treatment of a variety of illnesses, from some cancers to glaucoma and epilepsy.


Historically, ________ are what create a ________ and the latter is the most basic social unit upon which society is built. Both marriage and family create status roles that are sanctioned by society.

Marriages, family

Television commercials and other forms of advertising reinforce inequality and gender-based stereotypes. In such forms of the ________, women are almost exclusively present in ads promoting cooking, cleaning, or childcare-related products, and are underrepresented in roles that involve leadership, intelligence, or a balanced psyche.

Mass media

________ considers the importance of medical practices and how the social construction of health explains how society both shapes and is shaped by medical ideas

Medical sociology

________ might span an entire country, perhaps led by a national organization

National level social movement

One way children learn gender roles is through


A ________ is one where all people are covered by one type of insurance.

Single payer

________ point to how doctors hold a disproportionate amount of power in the doctor/patient relationship, which provides them with extensive social and economic benefits.

Social conflict theorist

________ would suggest that It is not only the poor who suffer from the conflict between dominant and subordinate groups, but for many years, homosexual couples have been denied spousal benefits, either in the form of health insurance or in terms of medical responsibility.

Social conflict theorist

________ suggest that sexuality is another area in which power differentials are present and where dominant groups actively work to promote their worldview as well as their economic interests.

Social conflict theorists

Children acquire gender roles through ________a process in which people learn to behave in a particular way as dictated by societal values, beliefs, and attitudes.


An example of a ________ promotes the idea that Texas can and should secede from the United States to become an independent republic. The organization, which as of 2014 has over 6,000 "likes" on Facebook, references both Texas and national history in promoting secession. The movement encourages Texans to return to their rugged and individualistic roots, and to stand up to what proponents believe is the theft of their rights and property by the U.S. government (Texas Secede! 2009).

State level social movement

___________ can be defined as structured inequalities among different groups of people


Of industrialized nations, ________ is thought to be the most liberal when it comes to attitudes about sex, including sexual practices and sexual openness. The country has very few regulations on sexual images in the media, and sex education, which starts around age six, is a compulsory part of school curricula in that country.


Research also describes the infant mortality rate in the United States. This is the number of deaths of children under one year of age in a given time or place. The rate for blacks was nearly ________ that of whites.


The heart of the controversy is not about whether sex education should be taught in school in the United States, but it is about the ________ of sex education that should be taught.


________ means an increase in social class, like a "rags-to-riches" story while ________ refers to a decrease in social class when problems arise that reduce income or prestige

Upward mobility, downward mobility

Infants are often victims of physical abuse, particularly in the form of

Violent shaking

When changes occurred in the social and economic climate of the United States during World War II, changes in the family structure also occurred. Many women had to ________ in order to stabilize a rapidly changing society.

assume the role of breadwinner alongside their domestic role

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