Sociology Final

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Pablo studies clothing choices in subcultural groups. He is investigating:

Material culture

Theorists who believe in the social construction of gender:

argue that both gender and sex are socially constructed.

According to Georg Simmel, an important aspect of groups is:

as group size increases, their intensity decreases, but their stability and exclusivity increase.

At the University of California, the Alpha Gamma Gamma fraternity always made fun of its rival fraternity, Alpha Sigma Sigma, during rush week when the brothers were recruiting new members. This increased the bonding and sense of loyalty among the members of Alpha Gamma Gamma, and therefore we could consider these members of:

an in-group

Which of the following statements best explains the role of biology in describing the behavior patterns of men and women?

Biological differences are almost always exacerbated or fostered by social contexts and norms.

Hector is doing research on a tribe called the Malagasians, which organizes itself in highly participatory ways, moves around frequently, and is highly egalitarian. This society could be described as:


A testable statement about the relationship between two or more variables is called a(n):


What is NOT true of systems of social stratification?

If a person no longer identifies with the other members of his or her category, he or she is no longer classified at that level.

How does our current age of Internet communication complicate Goffman's concept of impression management?

In online interactions, people generally have more control over how they are perceived than people engaging in face-to-face interactions.

According to sociologists, which of the following best describes the relationship between identity and socialization?

Through socialization, each person develops an identity and capacity for individual thought and action.

Sangeeta argues that African Americans often see themselves through the eyes of white society. Her ideas most closely match with those of which theorist?

W. E. B. Du Bois

Child-care work is considered women's work, and construction work is considered men's work. Child-care workers generally make less than construction workers. This situation exemplifies:

gender typing

Scholars believe that __________ has encouraged a shift to class-based systems in countries such as India that have been traditionally caste-based systems.


Individuals living in rural communities cut off from resources and opportunities and individuals living in inner cities with high crime rates are both likely to experience what sociologists call:

social exclusion

The process whereby societies have structured cultural continuity over time is known as:

social reproduction

Following C. Wright Mills, sociologists refer to breaking free from the immediacy of personal circumstances and putting things in a wider social context as the:

sociological imagination

Max Weber believed that __________ are equally as important as class distinctions in understanding social stratification.

status distinctions

Thinking in terms of fixed and inflexible categories, such as believing that all Muslims are religious fundamentalists, is best described as:


Which of the following is an example of a primary group?

three best friends in high school

Socialization is a process that takes place:

throughout our entire lives

Dr. Jun is a sociologist studying first responders in major disasters. Why would Dr. Jun want to ask a factual question?

to identify how many first responders are present at certain kinds of disasters

French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu emphasizes the importance of cultural capital; in determining a child's later social class. Identify the example of cultural capital.

having parents who help with homework

According to George Herbert Mead, children develop socially by:

imitating other people

For an individual who identifies as a feminine female, wearing a new dress on a first date is an example of:

impression management

Young Hee does not identify as male or female. Young Hee would most likely identify as:


In the United States, men generally have more status, power, and prestige than women. This is an example of:


The study of social interaction shows:

-how behavior is shaped and guided by social roles and norms -how individuals shape their social reality given social roles and norms -how individual behavior is neither fixed nor unstructured

Identify which of the following is an example of random sampling method.

A health insurer uses a computer-generated list of plan members from which she selects individuals to conduct a quality-control review.

Laura attends a prestigious university on a full scholarship. Most of her classmates come from upper-class backgrounds. Her own family has trouble making ends meet, and they encourage her to do well in school. They believe that if she works hard, she will be able to escape poverty and achieve the same economic stability as that of her fellow classmates. This belief in the merit of individual achievement is an example of:

A value

Which theory best explains why a neighborhood that had only minor problems, such as abandoned cars and graffiti, began to see an increase in other more serious types of property crime?

Broken Windows theory

Medina is looking at the historical period in which smaller groupings of humans developed into much larger societies, often ruled by kings, queens, and emperors with the creation of cities and increasing inequality. She is studying the birth of what most sociologists call:


Which theory views crime as the outcome of an imbalance between impulses toward criminal activity and the social or physical controls that deter it?

Control theory

What does NOT represent the sociological perspective on deviance?

Crime is a personal choice that is not shaped by social context.

Adherents to __________ acknowledge not only that certain central cultural values are shared by most people in a society, but also that certain important differences deserve to be preserved.

Cultural relativism

________ is when the research study ends, and the investigator discusses with the subjects their concerns and acknowledges whether strategies such as deception were used.


Which theory proposes that we become deviant when exposed to a higher level of deviant persons and influences, compared with conventional influences?

Differential Association Theory

Kevon believes that society should be looked at like a body, with constituent parts necessary to the functioning of the whole. His ideas probably most closely mirror those of which theorist?

Emile Durkheim

Shannon notes that women in some cultures voluntarily alter their bodies with sometimes painful piercings that look weird from the point of view of her culture. She takes from this that woman in those cultures must be horribly oppressed compared to women in her own culture. Shannon's position might be best interpreted as:


Michelle has spent the past year among a subculture of twenty-somethings who all listen to the same kind of music. She spends time with them, participates in their events, and observes their interactions and behaviors. All the while, she records what she witnesses in her field notebook. What kind of sociological research best describes what Michelle is doing?


__________ refers to the psychological, social, and cultural differences between women and men.


What is the basic concern behind a developmental question?

Has this happened over time?

Sarah has been collecting intensive interviews with women who organize in grassroots movements for wages for housework. Now she is looking over the interviews and trying to find common themes within them. What part of the research process is she in?

Interpreting the results

Anita puts forward the idea that under capitalism, working people and the owners of the means of production will struggle, and from this struggle, a new kind of society will emerge. Her thoughts most closely mirror those of which theorist?

Karl Marx

Maria believes that contemporary societies are primarily defined by the rise and maintenance of hierarchical bureaucratic forms of organizing large parts of social life. Her ideas most closely match with those of which theorist?

Karl Marx

Why is a larger random sample more desirable in survey research?

Larger samples are more likely to be representative of the population.

______ refers to the application of biological principles to explain the social activities of animals, including human beings.


Sociologists argue that social and geographic mobility has affected our self-identities in which way?

Mobility has created space for other sources of meaning, causing our self-identities to be less stable.

______ are widely agreed-upon principles or rules people are expected to observe; they represent the dos and don'ts of social life.


According to the textbook, what is one conclusion we can draw about how social class is defined in the United States?

One's educational attainment is one of the strongest predictors of one's occupation, income, and wealth later in life.

Which statement is an accurate characterization of the concept of race?

Race plays an important role in the reproduction of patterns of power and inequality.

__________ refers to physical differences of the body between men and women.


Why might sociologists criticize the idea that the world is contemporarily made up of many different, isolated cultures?

Sociologists might note the rise of the Internet and globalization as features of different cultures being connected.

__________ refers to how human societies are reconstructed at every moment by the very building blocks that compose them-human beings.


If sociologists wanted to study how young people got involved in the Black Lives Matter movement, what method would they likely use?

Surveys, because they could link this information with social network analysis.

Why might Afro-Caribbeans, such as Haitians and Jamaicans, resent being unilaterally categorized as African American?

The Afro-Caribbean diaspora is held together by a shared history and common ethnic identity that is different from African Americans.

How do microanalysis and macroanalysis intersect when male construction workers direct catcalls at female pedestrians passing a job site?

The conversation is a micro-level event, but the gender dynamic is a macro-level phenomenon.

Most advertisements today try to associate a product with a specific reference group. For this marketing strategy to be effective, which of the following must be true?

The person viewing the advertisement must identify with the person or people in the advertisement.

What is NOT true concerning the Uniform Crime Reports?

The reports accurately reflect crime rates.

What is a characteristic of white privilege?

Whites may often benefit from it without even realizing it.

Which of the following positions do all schools of feminist thought share?

Women have an unequal position in society.

The caste system of stratification can be best classified as:

a closed system in which all individuals stay within the social position they are born into.

When a person does not have adequate resources to maintain his or her health, such as enough food to eat, the person is said to be in:

absolute poverty

Civil inattention is defined as:

acknowledging the presence of others but avoiding interaction.

With email it is difficult to capture dimensions of emotional expressions that are only present in facial expressions and with body language. For example, Jane sent her boss an email suggesting that she begin a performance review to see if she was ready for a raise. Her boss replied angrily in an email that Jane was out of line and that she would give her a performance review at the same time as other employees. Face-to-face communication may have helped Jane avoid upsetting her boss by:

allowing her to evaluate her boss's body language before suggesting she was ready for a raise.

While at church, you run into your sociology professor. This creates an awkward interaction since you are not used to seeing him outside of class. The interaction is awkward because it violated your:

audience segregation

A renewed emphasis on crime prevention rather than law enforcement to reintegrate policing within the community is called:

community policing

Even though the amount of money involved in white-collar crime in the United States is forty times greater than the amount involved in crimes against property, efforts to detect white-collar crime are ordinarily limited and most do not appear in official statistics at all. Which theoretical perspective would most likely examine this and draw a connection between criminal punishment and class?

conflict theory

Janice thinks that sociology should emphasize the role of resource inequality, oppression, and power as contributing to the existing social order. Her position most closely aligns with which theoretical perspective?

conflict theory

In the midst of a pandemic, when closures of businesses have become a common feature in the country as a response, Sasha and her family lose their family restaurant because they cannot afford to pay the rent for the restuarant. Sasha would be using a sociological imagination to think about this if she were to:

consider the set of social relationships that allows people to lose their small businesses.

According to the textbook, a key difference between subcultures and countercultures is that:

countercultures reject the values and norms of dominant society.

Although Scott, an African American, was more qualified than Bernardo, a Hispanic American, Bernardo was hired instead of Scott because the owner believed that Hispanic Americans are harder workers than African Americans. The best term used to describe the action of denying Scott the job is:


______ refers to a type of social identity related to ancestry (perceived or real) and cultural differences which become effective or active in certain contexts.


Although there are many agents of socialization, four of the primary ones are:

family, schools, peers and media

The money a person gets from a wage or salary or from investments is __________; the assets an individual owns are __________.

income; wealth

Max Weber believed the more an organization approaches the ideal type of bureaucracy, the more effective it will be in pursuing the objectives for which it was established. However, he also recognized that bureaucracies can create some negatives such as:

inefficiency because of the strict adherence to rules and regulations that make it difficult to respond to new issues.

In Robert Merton's typology, drug dealers would be:


When speeding charges are made, African Americans fare much worse when citations are issued on the basis of the officer's visual assessment rather than radar or laser. This is an example of:

institutional racism

Shelley spends most of her time at school and work, which leaves her with little time to socialize with her family and friends. Lately, Shelley is feeling socially isolated because she:

is interacting mostly with people in secondary groups, which tend to produce impersonal relationships.

One possible criticism of functionalism might be that it:

it tends to ignore the inequalities that produce division and conflict.

The sociological significance of roles is that they:

lay out what is expected of people

According to George Herbert Mead, the socialization process occurs in three stages: the "I" stage, the __________ stage, and the generalized other stage.


The study of everyday behavior in situations of face-to-face interaction is usually called


A veteran police officer's criticism of a rookie police officer for not acting aggressively enough during an altercation with a suspect is an example of a:

negative informal sanction

Joe hangs out with men who discuss women as if they were sexual objects. This makes him insensitive to the difference between consensual and nonconsensual sex. Which concept best explains this situation?

rape culture

The ways in which we alternate our presentation based on time and space is what sociologists call:


Sally has come up with an interesting research question about the behaviors of people who have just achieved what they see as major success in their lives. She finds and investigates as much existing literature on the question as she can find. What part of the research process is Sally in?

reviewing the evidence

Blaming immigrants for high unemployment rates is an example of:


James and Shannon both graduated from college with a high GPA and a good resume in the field of accounting. A year after graduation, James was working as a waiter, and Shannon was working at an accounting firm that her father's best friend headed. Shannon most likely got this job because:

she had an advantage due to her father's social networks.

Mead would probably argue that if your four-year-old daughter picks her nose and keeps pulling up her dress while you are out at a fancy restaurant, it is because:

she has not developed a self-consciousness

Our __________ identity marks ways in which individuals are the same as others


People milling around in crowds, waiting for a bus, or strolling on a beach make up a:

social aggregate

When a group of people share common characteristics such as gender or ethnicity, the group is labeled a:

social category

In American Apartheid (1993), Douglas Massey and Nancy A. Denton argue that _______ is/are responsible for the perpetuation of African American poverty and the continued polarization of African American and Caucasian people.

the history of racial segregation

The McDonaldization of society refers to:

the increased uniformity and rationality of society due to automation.

From the 15th century onward, as Europeans came into increased contact with people from different regions of the world, they attempted to categorize these people based on their physical attributes. These categories became the basis of systems that shaped and constrained the people's daily lives. This is an example of:

the theory of racial formation

An example of interactional vandalism in an online setting can be:

users who intentionally post inappropriate comments on celebrity pages to provoke an emotional response.

Which type of crime is LEAST typical of crimes committed by women?

violent crime

Downward intergenerational mobility is when:

when a person's income, wealth, or status is lower than that of his or her parents.

According to the dramaturgical model, your back region would include:

where we are our private selves, revealing our uninhibited thoughts and feelings

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