Sociology Review

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A man chains himself to a 400-year-old tree in his neighborhood that is going to be cut down. He is participating in __________.

A king descended from a long line of monarchs

A nation's source of political authority depends on its economy. The country of Martania is largely agricultural. Most of its citizens farm or tend livestock for a living, and it has few means of large-scale production. Which one of the following leaders is Martania most likely to have?

cultural lag

A new vaccine has been developed that could prevent thousands of young women from developing a fatal form of cervical cancer every year. Certain conservative groups fear the vaccine will encourage teenage promiscuity. This situation is an example of __________.

the hidden curriculum

A young lower-class boy who begins to adopt the expectations of the teacher toward his abilities in school is learning from what conflict theorists call __________.

Lucia's husband wants her to have many children.

According to conflict theorists, why would Celia, a woman in Colima, Mexico, have fourteen children, even though she, her husband, and children have only one bed to share in their one-room house?


According to recent trends, the number of interracial marriages between African Americans and Whites is __________.

Community colleges

According to the conflict perspective, formal education in the United States both reflects and perpetuates social inequality. Which of the following types of educational institutions could best be used to refute that argument?

Stage 2 countries have falling death rates along with high birth rates. Stage 4 countries have dropping birth rates and steady death rates.

According to the demographic transition model, how do Stage 2 countries and Stage 4 countries differ?

Providing emotional comfort

According to the functionalist perspective, which of the following is a function of religion?

leaves a heritage of a sound environment for the next generation

According to your textbook, the definition of a sustainable environment is a world system that takes into account the limits of the environment, produces enough material goods for everyone's needs, and __________.

it is difficult to distinguish a conservative Democrat from a liberal Republican

Although the Democrats and the Republicans represent somewhat different philosophical principles, __________.

religious experience

Amy went on a women's retreat weekend and returned with a much different outlook on her life, especially in terms of God's place in her life. It could be said that she underwent a __________.


An essential feature of __________ is selling products for more than they are worth.

A college professor and a custodial worker

Assuming careers represent groups, which couple is in an exogamous marriage?

a power elite

C. Wright Mills maintained that decisions with the greatest impact on U.S. lives are made by __________.

family of orientation

Carrie is a twelve-year-old girl who lives with her grandparents, her mother, and her sister. This is her __________.

They didn't want to hire a mother with children because mothers took too much time off from the job.

During her first round of job searching, which reason did employers give to Kiki for why they wouldn't hire her?


From 2006 to 2010, which state had the lowest percentage of widows?


From the 1600s through the 1900s, England occupied portions of India and controlled much of India's resources in order to increase its own wealth and power. This policy is known as __________.

role confusion

Functionalists note that the incest taboo helps families avoid __________.

In Kenya, the students are required to pay the school for their education.

How are school fees handled in Kenya?

The rate of increase accelerated so much that the population actually quadrupled, whereas it had not even doubled in any preceding century.

How did the population increase of the 20th century differ from the population increases of preceding centuries?

In 1800, most U.S. workers were farmers; today, only about 1 percent of workers are farmers.

How is farming today different from what it was like in 1800?

Gentrification is generally the movement of white people into minority-dominated areas, while white flight occurred as minorities moved into white-dominated areas.

How is gentrification related to white flight?


In their experiment, what did Donald Dutton and Arthur Aron discover can cause romantic love?

Functionalists say that gatekeeping is based on merit, while the conflict perspective says it is based on class dominance

In what area of educational analysis do the functionalist and conflict perspectives disagree the most?

Social Movement

Large numbers of people who come together to either promote or resist a social change are called a/an __________.

are paid to influence legislation on behalf of their clients

Lobbyists in the United States __________.

with physical disabilities who can keep up academically with the rest of the class.

Mainstreaming has proven to be most effective for students __________.


Marriage is a group's approved mating arrangement, usually marked by a ritual of some sort (the wedding) to indicate the couple's new __________ status.

age structure

Mexico's __________ gives it greater population momentum than the United States.

Poor blacks

Of the following groups of people, which would be most likely to suffer from the effects of pollution?

Wealthy whites

Of the following groups of people, which would suffer the LEAST from the effects of pollution?


One issue that may occur in blended families is that new relationships are __________.

a marriage in which a woman has more than one husband

Polyandry is __________.

educational organizations such as the National Education Association

Principal Margolis is considering introducing corporate sponsorship to her school. Where might she best seek information on instituting this practice responsibly?

Stage 2

The Least Industrialized Nations are in what stage of the demographic transition?

family of orientation

The __________ is the family in which a person is raised.

births; deaths; net migration

The basic demographic equation is __________ minus __________ plus __________ equals the growth rate.

unite believers into a community that shares values and perspectives.

The chief aim and function of "social solidarity" in religion is to __________.

With all the religions to choose from, it is not possible to tell which one-if any-is true.

The general religious tolerance in the United States is illustrated by which of the following attitudes?

exponential growth curve

The growth pattern most closely associated with the New Malthusians is the __________.

helps to forge a national identity so as to stabilize the political system

The integrative function of education in the United States __________.


The movement of masses of people to cities, which then have a growing influence on society, is known as __________.


The number of children that women are capable of bearing is called __________.

falls between that of whites and Native Americans

The proportion of Latino families headed by married couples __________.

an enterprise zone

The use of economic incentives in a designated area with the intention of encouraging investment there creates __________.


There is a county in __________ with one of the highest percentages of Islamic populations in the United States.

Least Industrialized Nations

These types of nations are anxious to enter the race for economic growth. Because they start from farther behind, they have to strive for even faster growth.

higher rates of divorce

Though cohabitation is on the rise, studies reveal that the practice still leads to __________.


Today, most sociologists have __________ evolutionary theories

Peking, China

Two hundred years ago, the only city in the world that had a population of more than 1 million people was __________.

are promoted as a group

Unlike students in the United States, students in Japan __________.

Walter believes someone else will step in and help the woman

Walter is walking down a crowded block in New York City when he sees a couple fighting across the street from him. He does not pay a lot of attention to the situation until the man in the couple punches the woman in the face. Walter is concerned about the woman, but he decides not to get involved. According to John Darley and Bibb Latané, why did Walter make this decision?

Most U.S. voters consider a vote for a third party a waste.

What can be said about third-party candidates in the United States?

Postindustrial societies are global villages.

What is a major distinction between an industrial society and a postindustrial society?

Ownership of production

What is a primary difference between capitalism and socialism?

Rainforest destruction for timber and farms

What is causing the disappearance of many Indian tribes living in rainforests throughout the world?

They need access to abundant, cheap oil.

What is the biggest stake the G8 holds in the affairs of the Middle East?

Giving higher grades for the same work without a corresponding increase in learning.

What is the definition of grade inflation?

The wealthiest 20% receives 50% of the nation's total income versus 3% by the poorest 20%.

What is the proportion of income received by the wealthiest 20 percent and the poorest 20 percent in the United States?

Social change

What is the shift in characteristics of culture and society called?

Coercion is considered illegitimate power.

What one factor makes coercion different from authority?

About 65 percent

What percentage of Americans belong to a church, synagogue, or mosque?

They funnel money to specific candidates.

What purpose do political action committees (PACs) serve?

It should have a more pronounced pyramid shape.

What should the population pyramid for Niger look like?


What term describes the conquering of other nations and the taking of their resources?


What type of city has been created by suburbanization?


What type of consumption describes the change from thriftiness to spending to display wealth?

Agricultural societies

What type of society is based on reciprocal obligations essential to kinship, social status, and friendship?

children must attend school through 8th grade or until they turned 16 years old

What was a stipulation of the "mandatory education laws"?


What was the average hourly rate of pay in 1970?


When a man marries, he is obligated to build his in-laws a house, provide financial care for his unmarried sister-in-law, and pay homage to his wife's deceased relatives. What type of society is he most likely a part of?

A young girl practices violin for hours so that she may bring honor to her family during her recital.

Which action shows a distinctive characteristic ascribed to typical Asian American families?


Which country has advanced its technology to the point that its unmanned aerial vehicles have begun to rival those of the United States?

Supply and demand

Which factors are crucial for market forces to work in capitalism?

Social solidarity

Which function of religion unites believers in a community through values and perspectives?

Non-Hispanic whites

Which group is most likely to vote in a presidential election?


Which group of sociologists would agree that the incest taboo helps families avoid role confusion?


Which of the following countries has the strongest green party?

The invention of the microchip

Which of the following four social revolutions are we currently living through?

"Hands off" capitalism

Which of the following is a definition for laissez-faire capitalism as it is explained in your text?

Governments create environmental problems by encouraging the accumulation of capital.

Which of the following is a key idea upon which environmental sociology is based?

Direct democracy

Which of the following is the best term for a government that has its eligible voters meet and make decisions collectively?

Driving his elderly parent to a doctor's appointment

Which of the following situations best represents how an adult son typically provides care giving support?

The domestication of plants and animals

Which of the following social revolutions came first?

Gender differences are based on social factors

Which of the following statements best describes how most sociologists believe behavioral gender differences develop between men and women?

They reject proposals to share suburbia's revenues with the city.

Which of the following statements is true about suburbanites?

credential society

Which of the following terms refers to an employer using diplomas and degrees to weed out job applicants?

Ruling class

Which of the following would be a good synonym for the power elite?


Which racial-ethnic group has a family structure most similar to that of Native Americans?

Adolf Hitler

Who is a good historical example of charismatic leadership gone wrong?

A young woman who dropped out of high school to have a baby with her boyfriend, who she has since married; they have a combined income of $20,000

Who is at greatest risk of divorce?

A white American woman

Who is the most likely to never give birth?

After the Civil Rights Movement, many white people fled the cities for the suburbs.

Why do many cities today have large black and Hispanic populations?

Many females in China are being aborted or killed shortly after birth.

Why is China's one-child policy controversial?

The students did not attain high enough scores.

Why is the school unable to hand out the certificates?

The invention of the plow

__________ about 5,000 years ago created widespread agricultural surpluses, stimulating the development of towns and cities.


__________ always refers to artificial means of extending human abilities.


__________ studies the size and composition of a population.

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