Sociology Test 2

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In 2016, what percent of families headed by Latina women lived in poverty?

41 percent

Joe is a straight A-student and wants to go to a four-year college after high school. When his friends encourage him to skip class and hang out with them, he refuses to do so because he doesn't want to jeopardize his GPA. This is an example of

control theory

Which of the following statements best represents variation in racial and ethnic groups identification across countries?

countries base racial and ethnic categorization on different traits, including skin color, cultural group membership, regional origin, and religion

Which theory proposes that we became deviant when exposed to a higher level of deviant people and influences, compared with conventional influences?

differential association theory

Identify which of the following is one of the main causes of the rising economic inequality of the United States over the past few decades

economic globalization

Caste systems like the one in India require that individuals marry within their social group. This is referred to as


A sociological perspective that emphasizes the centrality of gender in analyzing the social world and particularly the uniqueness of women is known as

feminist theory

In the United States, men generally have more status, power, and prestige than women. This is an example of

gender inequality

Dr. Ramirez is a sociology professor, and while he makes less money than doctors and lawyers, he is viewed as having relatively high prestige because of

his education

The New Jim Crow argues that a caste system that disproportionately disadvantages African Americans has been created by

housing discrimination

Working-class children are most likely to do which of the following after graduating high school?

immediately start working

Which of the following statements best describes the daily lives of !Kung of the Kalahari Desert?

!Kung men engage in child care

Who would MOST likely believe that strengthening the Black Family is the solution to racial inequality?

Daniel Patrick Moynihan

What do contemporary sociologist theories about crime emphasize in their definition of conformity and deviance?

Definitions of deviance vary based on social context

What can we conclude about the effectiveness of programs like the Green Dot Bystander Intervention program at the University of Kentucky in reducing gender-based violence on campus?

Intervention programs can decrease gender-based violence, but only in substance-free dorms

Which of the following is an example of downward mobility?

Jane, who was raised in a middle-class professional household and now works as a clerk in a grocery store full time

For most of the period of European expansion, Europeans believed themselves to be superior to the people they colonized and conquered. This fits most closely with which of the following statements about racism?

Racists views distinguishing the descendants of Europeans from those of Africans became central to European racists attitudes

Which of the following is a true statement about social class?

Social class is a problematic concept because members of even a single social class do not share distinctly similar, life-demanding experiences

Of the following individuals, who most likely does the most housework?

Tanya, a married woman with four kids

Wealth and income are both determinants of social class. Which of the following best characterizes the relationships between wealth and income in the United States?

The same factors that limit people's incomes also limit their ability to accumulate wealth

Which of the following countries has the highest incarceration rate?

United States

One of the main differences between Marx's and Weber's understandings of social class is that

Weber recognized that social classes also differ with respect to their powers and status

In Robert Merton's typology, the majority of people in society are


What is meant by the phrase feminization of poverty?

an increase in the proportion of the poor who are female

Theories of natural differences are often grounded in

anthropological evidence

According to the textbook, in Navajo culture, the nadleehi, male-bodied people with feminine natures

are considered especially honorable

Which theory best explains why a neighborhood that had only minor problems, such as abandoned cars and graffiti, began to see an increase in other more serious types of property crimes?

broken windows theory

Family poverty, lack of education, and traditional indifference among people often leads to

child labor

The process whereby Western nations established their rule in other parts of the world is called


How does patriarchy, or male dominance in society, take shape across the world?

men are favored in most societies, but the degree of patriarchy varies

What is a characteristic of the gender gap on college campuses today?

men slightly outnumber women

A veteran police officer's criticism of a rookie police officer for not acting aggressively enough during an altercation with a subject is an example of

negative informal sanction

Lloyd has been studying Uganda for decades. Based on his research, he believes that barriers to trade, minimum wage laws, and environmental regulations are getting in the way of economic development and should be minimized or eliminated. His view is best described as


Which of the following is an example of what Pierre Bourdieu refers to as a cultural capital?

parents reading to their children and encouraging them to do well in school

Mexicans in cities like Los Angeles and San Antonio end up living segregated, high poverty communities in which institutions, such as schools, have inferior resources and foster low expectations for their students; this situation may facilitate the categorization of Mexicans as a race. This process of categorization is known as


Those who view the Mexican American population as stagnating argue that Mexicans are going through a process called


Joe hangs out with men who discuss women as if they were sexual objects. This makes him insensitive to the difference between consensual and nonconsensual sex. Which concept best explains this situation?

rape culture

James has been working at a restaurant for a couple years. During this time, he has received numerous positive reviews from the customers and his coworkers know they can depend on him during busy periods. However, despite his hard work, he is still earning the same hourly wage he was when he was first hired.

relative poverty

A white applicant who was rejected by a prestigious university argues that she was not admitted because racial minorities were given special advantages in the application process. What term would be used to characterize her argument?


Which of the following individuals is most likely to identify as a member of the lower middle class?

school teacher

Karen made an unwanted sexual advance in her date Sarah, persisting even though it was clear that Sarah was resistant. How would sociologist characterize this interaction?

sexual harassment

The outcome of multiple deprivations that prevent individuals or groups from participating fully in the economic, social, and political life of the society in which they live is called

social exclusion

According to the textbook, the combination of drought and internal warfare are the primary explanations for

the average per-person income differences between low-income and middle-income countries

Which of the following statements concerning minority groups is true?

the idea of a minority group was more confusing in the past than today

Your textbook defines globalization as

the increased economic, political, and social interconnections of the world

Domination, the devaluation of women, homophobia, and wanton violence best characterize

toxic masculinity

Those who believe that poverty results from structural factors beyond the control of individuals would see which of the following as a source of poverty?

unequal distribution of educational resources

Which type of crime is LEAST typical of crimes committed by women?

violent crime

The Food and Agriculture Organization's estimates of the number of people suffering from chronic hunger worldwide ______ in 2017

went up

People in blue-collar occupations, such as plumbers and hotel workers, make up the:

working class

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