Soils Final

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"Topsoil" is generally equivalent to which soil horizon? A B C D E


In a given soil, the mineral horizon with the highest organic matter content is generally the ________ horizon (of the choices below). A B E


What is the bulk density of a soil with a wet weight of 55 g, a dry weight of 43 g and occupies 35 cm3 A. 1.22 g/cm3 B. 1.3 g/cm3 C. 2.65 g/cm3

A. 1.22 g/cm3

What is the bulk density of a soil with a wet weight of 57 g, a dry weight of 53 g and occupies 37 cm3 A. 1.43 g/cm3 B. 2.65 g/cm3 C. 1.31 g/cm3

A. 1.43 g/cm3

In a soil with a bulk density of 2.2 Mg/m3, what is the % pore space (Assume Dp = 2.65 Mg/m3) A. 17% B. 35% C. 50%

A. 17%

At what pH range does Al3+ start becoming availble to affect soil processes A. 5.2 - 5.5 B. 3 - 8 C. 7.0 -- 8.0

A. 5.2 - 5.5

Given the information in the table, calculate the Base Saturation of this soil 1 Kg of soil contains 5 cmolec as Ca2+ 1 cmolec as Mg2+ 1.5 cmolec as K+ 1 cmolec as Na+ 1 cmolec as Al3+ 1 cmolec as H+ A. 81% B. 30% C. 84%

A. 81%

3 mole of Al3+ contains how many moles of positive charge? A. 9 B. 27 C. 3

A. 9

Which of the following is true? A. A mature soil does not need to have all of the mater horizons to beconsidered a soil B. A mature soil profile must have all of the master horizons to beconsidered a soil C. The B horizon is a zone of eluviation

A. A mature soil does not need to have all of the mater horizons to beconsidered a soil

The presence of rocks such as shale and sandstone indicate the existence of ________. A. Ancient seas B. A high water table C. Old mountain ranges

A. Ancient seas

Secondary minerals are most prominent in the ________ fraction of soils. A. Clay B. Sand C. Organic D. Silt

A. Clay

Which of the following categories of Soil Taxonomy provides the greatest specificity of soil properties? A. Family B. Great group C. Order

A. Family

Muscovite mica is an example of a(n) ________. A. Igneous rock B. Sedimentary rock C. Secondary mineral

A. Igneous rock

Which of the following is not a secondary mineral? A. Plagioclase feldspar B. Vermiculite C. Montmorillinite

A. Plagioclase feldspar

A soil with a gritty feeling likely has a high percentage of which soil separate? A. Sand B. Clay C. Silt

A. Sand

As you move away from a river or stream, the soils tend to change from__________in texture A. Sandy to silty to clayey B. Silty to sandy to clayey C. Clayey to sandy to silty

A. Sandy to silty to clayey

The map units on a detailed soil map in a county soil survey report (same as Web Soil Survey) are most likely to be labeled with names from which category of Soil Taxonomy? A. Series B. Order C. Subgroup

A. Series

Which of the following disintegration (physical breakdown) processes has the largest effect on rocks A. Temperature B. Abrasion C. Plants and Animals

A. Temperature

Mechanical weathering processes result in: A. The disintegration of rocks due to differential expansion of minerals. B. The decomposition of primary minerals. C. The hydrolysis of minerals through frost action.

A. The disintegration of rocks due to differential expansion of minerals.

A soil profile consists of: A. The set of layers seen in a vertical cross section of a soil. B. The sum of chemical and physical data known about a soil. C. he spatial boundaries of a particular soil.

A. The set of layers seen in a vertical cross section of a soil.

Argillic horizons are characterized by ________. A. accumulation of silicate clays B. high levels of iron and aluminum oxides C. organic matter accumulation

A. accumulation of silicate clays

Soil structure describes the ________ of particles in a soil. A. arrangement B. sizes C. colors

A. arrangement

Secondary minerals are most prominent in the ________ fraction of soils. A. clay B. silt C. sand

A. clay

Decreasing the organic matter content of a soil is likely to ________. A. decrease the soil's structure. (disperse the soil aggregates) B. have no effect on the soil structure C. increase the soil's structure (strengthen the soil aggregates)

A. decrease the soil's structure. (disperse the soil aggregates)

Which of the following is not a characteristic of most soil colloids? A. electropositive charges B. very small size C. high water holding capacity

A. electropositive charges

Some cations are important in remediating soil crusting problems because they ________. A. help to flocculate the soil colloids B. are active in the formation of soils crusts C. stabilize macro aggregates

A. help to flocculate the soil colloids

Increasing the organic matter content of a soil is likely to: A. increase the soil's water holding capacity. B. decrease the soil's water holding capacity. C. have no effect on water holding capacity.

A. increase the soil's water holding capacity.

The electronegative charge on 2:1 type silicate clays is due primarily to ________. A. isomorphic substitution of one metallic atom for another in the crystal structure of the clay B. extremely small size of the individual colloid particles C. the number of tetrahedral sheets compared to octahedral sheets

A. isomorphic substitution of one metallic atom for another in the crystal structure of the clay

Water storage in the soil is due to A. matric potential B. osmotic potential C. gravitational potential

A. matric potential

If you were seeking a soil colloid with a high capacity to adsorb cationic pollutants, but also with a consistent capacity to do so even as the pH varied form 4.0 to 7.5, which of the following would you choose? A. montmorillonite B. kaolinite C. chlorite

A. montmorillonite

Humus is an important soil colloid. It is like 2:1 type minerals in which one of the following characteristics A. of adsorbing cation B. structural framework of the particles C. influence of isomorphous substitution

A. of adsorbing cation

Of the various types of drain systems, open ditch systems are most practical and economical for use on ________. A. poorly drained soils with sandy profiles B. soils with a deep water table C. vertisols

A. poorly drained soils with sandy profiles

How does the amount of lime needed to neutralize the residual acidity in a clay loam soil compare to that needed to neutralize the active acidity in that soil? A. residual requires a lot more B. residual requires considerably less C. residual requires a little more

A. residual requires a lot more

In the Soil-Plant-Air continuum, once the water impacts the soil, it can either infiltrate into the profile or A. runoff B. be taken up by the plants C. puddle

A. runoff

Which of the following is not a textural class name? A. sandy silt B. loam C. clay

A. sandy silt

The expression, P - ET - DV estimates the ________ a watershed. A. soil water content of B. evaporation from C. discharge volume from

A. soil water content of

A soil with grey mottling occuring at >30" belongs to which drainage class A. well drained B. moderately well drain C. poorly drained

A. well drained

"Subsoil" is generally equivalent to which soil horizon? A B C


An alkaline soil contains 20% clay and 1.5% humus. If the pure clay has a CEC of 40 cmolc/kg and the humus 200 cmolc/kg, calculate the CEC/kg of the soil. A. 16 B. 11 C. 14

B. 11

2 mole of Al3+ contains how many Al3+ ions? A. 6.02x10^46 B. 12.04x10^23 C. 6.02x10^23

B. 12.04x10^23

Given the information in the table, calculate the CEC of this soil 1 Kg of soil contains 6 cmolec as Ca2+ 2 cmolec as Mg2+ 1.5 cmolec as K+ 1 cmolec as Na+ 1 cmolec as Al3+ 1 cmolec as H+ A. 20.5 B. 12.5 C. 30

B. 12.5

30 g of Mg2+ (M.W. =24) contains how many moles of positive charge? A. 1.5 B. 2.5 C. 17

B. 2.5

Given a H+ ion concentration of 0.000000063, what is the pH of the soil A. 6.5 B. 7.2 C. 4.7

B. 7.2

If you wanted to find a soil where physical weathering dominated over chemical breakdown you would be most apt to find it in: A. A humid region in Brazil. B. A desert region of Arizona. C. A coastal plain area of Delaware.

B. A desert region of Arizona.

Soil quality is a term used to describe the soils___________. A. Amount of nutrients a soil can provide B. Ability to carry out ecological functions C. The ability of the soil to purify water

B. Ability to carry out ecological functions

Colluvial parent material A. At the summit of a slope B. Along the sideslope and toeslope of a landscape C. Can usually be found at the bottom of a landscape

B. Along the sideslope and toeslope of a landscape

Aluvial fans are most likely found where A. Along the banks of running water (streams, rivers, etc.) B. At the edges of cliffs, mountains, or bluffs where channelized water slows C. At the edges of cliffs, mountains, or bluffs where gravity has caused landslides.

B. At the edges of cliffs, mountains, or bluffs where channelized water slows

In which of the following horizons has the process of illuviation most likely occurred? A. A horizon B. B horizon C. E horizon

B. B horizon

In soils of which great group would you most likely find wide surface cracks during periods of dry weather? A. Kandiaquults B. Calciusterts C. Argiaquolls

B. Calciusterts

If you start with 40 g of soil, and the first hydrometer reading is 27 g/L while the second is 17 g/l, what is the soil texture? A. Silty loam B. Clay C. Silty clay loam

B. Clay

If you start with 40 g of soil, and the first hydrometer reading is 22 g/L while the second is 14 g/l, what is the soil texture? A. Loam B. Clay loam C. Sandy loam

B. Clay loam

Organic matter additions to a soil can decrease: A. Dp B. Db C. porosity

B. Db

Compared to silt, clay-sized soil particles are characterized by: A. Greater proportion of primary minerals. B. Greater attraction for water. C. Less tendency to form hard clods when dry.

B. Greater attraction for water.

The layers of contrasting material found when one digs a hole in the ground are called ________. A. Pedons B. Horizons C. Pseudoliths

B. Horizons

Which of the following statements is correct? A. Soils on hillsides tend to be deeper than those on level lands. B. Lacustrine parent materials have been subject to weathering for shorter periods of time than residual parent materials nearby. C. Limestone parent materials enhance the process of acidification.

B. Lacustrine parent materials have been subject to weathering for shorter periods of time than residual parent materials nearby.

Additions to the soil primarily affect the soil profile through A. Water movement B. Organic matter C. Wind blown sand

B. Organic matter

Two problems associated with this partcular issue are poor seedling emergence rates and high runoff rates. What is the problem? A. Cation bridging B. Soil crusting C. Aggregate flocculation

B. Soil crusting

The process of soil formation is a complex interaction of A. The five soil forming processes and four soil forming factors B. The four soil forming processes and five soil forming factors C. The illuviation of organic matter, clay, and iron and aluminum oxides

B. The four soil forming processes and five soil forming factors

You are consulting with a farmer about their plans for the next few years. You have Web Soil Survey open and notice that one of the fields has a Bg horizon 12" depth with a prodominently grey background . From this information, you conclude which of the following A. The soil is somewhat poorly drained but the crops to be grown are hardy and can take the water B. The soil is poorly drained the the crops to be grown should be chosen carefully C. There are no limitiations to crop growth.

B. The soil is poorly drained the the crops to be grown should be chosen carefully

The four soil formation process are A. Weathering, oxidation, exfoliation, and acidification B. Translocation, transformation, additions, and losses C. Montmorillinosis, oxidation, illuviation, and mineralization

B. Translocation, transformation, additions, and losses

Igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic are three ________. A. Basic classes of soils B. Types of rocks C. Master horizon names

B. Types of rocks

Soil occupies the ________ part of the regolith. A. Younger B. Upper C. Lower

B. Upper

What drives the Soil-Plant-Air Continuum A. Solar radiation B. Water potential C. Root suction

B. Water potential

A subsoil that has both a "g" and a "t" subordinate distinction (Btg) can be expected to have A. a good soil structure and tillage B. a clay accumulation and grey colors C. a glazed appearance and transformations

B. a clay accumulation and grey colors

Surface ditches are an effective way to remove large volumes of water A. after the soil as reached saturation B. before it enters the soil C. after it enters the soil and filled the micropores

B. before it enters the soil

Soil crusting is due to aggregate: A. flocculation B. dispersion C. formation

B. dispersion

Which of the following irrigation systems produces the most biomass per unit of water applied? A. flood irrigation B. drip irrigation C. furrow irrigation

B. drip irrigation

A watermelon grower has asked you for your recommendation on an irrigation method. Based on your experience which of the following methods would you recommend. (Watermelons don't like wet soils and are a high value crop) A. Drip irrigation B. flood C. center pivot

B. flood

The matric potential of soil water ________. A. is lower in a sandy soil with 20 percent soil water than in a clay soil with same percentage of moisture B. is not influenced appreciably by the force of gravity C. is little affected by soil solids

B. is not influenced appreciably by the force of gravity

The negative charges associated with vermiculite clay crystals are due mostly to ________. A. isomorphous substitution of Si for Al in the tetrahedral sheet B. isomorphous substitution of Al for Si in the tetrahedral sheet C. isomorphous substitution of Mg for Al in the octahedral sheet

B. isomorphous substitution of Al for Si in the tetrahedral sheet

Subsurface land drainage is beneficial because ________. A. it increases the availability of iron and manganese in acid soils B. it increases the depth of root penetration in the soil C. it slows down the rate of soil warming in the spring

B. it increases the depth of root penetration in the soil

You find that the CEC of a sandy loam soil at pH 5.0 is 8 cmolc/kg and at pH 8.2 it is 14 cmolc/kg. What is the most likely reason for this difference? A. removal of Al3+ ions from the exchange complex at higher pH B. loss of H+ from the carboxyl and phenolic groups in the Oxides and Organic Matter C. increase in the pH-dependent charges on 2:1 type silicate clays

B. loss of H+ from the carboxyl and phenolic groups in the Oxides and Organic Matter

An ultisol can look like a mollisol or alfisol but it is different in that it has a A. high base saturation B. low base saturation C. a lot of iron and aluminum oxides

B. low base saturation

You are working with a soil colloid known to have a cation exchange capacity of about 100 cmolc/kg of clay and a high tendency to swell when wetted. Which of the following is it most apt to be the dominant clay mineral in this soil? A. fine-grained mica B. monmorillinite C. kaolinite

B. monmorillinite

What happens to permanent charge as the pH of the soil increases A. it increases B. nothing C. it decreases

B. nothing

An A horizon with a sharp, distinct boundary at about 6 inches due cultivation would most likely have which subordinate distinction A. e B. p C. sb

B. p

Septic systems are designed to ______ household waste A. back up B. remove and treat C. remove

B. remove and treat

Soils rich in which type of clay would not provide the best site on which to build a home? A. Fe, Al oxides B. smectite C. kaolinite

B. smectite

Some soil colloids exhibit negative charges under any pH conditions. To what are these charges likely due? A. protonation of some hydroxy groups by excess H+ ions B. substitution of lower valent atoms for higher valent atoms in the octahedral sheet C. the release of some OH- ions leaving an unsatisfied positive charge on the colloid

B. substitution of lower valent atoms for higher valent atoms in the octahedral sheet

Which of the following best characterizes the field capacity of a soil? A. maximum capacity of a soil to hold water B. water content of a soil with water potential of about -0.1 to about -0.3 bar C. soil with water potential of -15 bar

B. water content of a soil with water potential of about -0.1 to about -0.3 bar

In a soil with a bulk density of 1.7 Mg/m3, what is the % pore space (Assume Dp = 2.65 Mg/m3) A. 55"% B. 64% C. 35%

C. 35%

In what range of soil pH is phosphorus generally most available to plants? A. 5.5-7.0 B. 3.5-4.5 C. 4.5-5.5

C. 4.5-5.5

Given that you have 80 g of Ca2+, how many cmolec are present (M.W. of Ca2+ = 40g, 100 cmolc = 1mole) A. 40 B. 4 C. 400

C. 400

In a typical mineral soil in optimal condition for plant growth, approximately what percentage of the pore space would be filled with water and what percentage filled with air? A. 10% water and 90% air B. 25% water and 25% air C. 50% water and 50% air

C. 50% water and 50% air

Two soil samples, A and B, at different soil moisture levels are placed in contact with each other. Water will more likely move from soil A to soil B if their water potentials, expressed in kPa, are ________. A. A=-100; B=-50 B. A=-5; B=-5 C. A=+5; B=-5

C. A=+5; B=-5

Silicate clay accumulation is most common in the ________. A. C horizon B. A horizon C. B horizon

C. B horizon

Erosion processes consist of three steps: Detachment, Transport, and Deposition. To control water erosion, we must devise methods to stop what? A. Deposition of the sand particles at the delta B. Transport of the silt fraction through the water C. Detachment of the silt fraction from the soil aggregates

C. Detachment of the silt fraction from the soil aggregates

Mississippi has glacial parent materials in the form of: A. Glacial outwash B. Glacial till C. Eolian loess

C. Eolian loess

Soil A has a profile with a lot of yellow and red colors while soil B has a prodominately gray profile. Of the two soils, Soil A is more apt to be characterized by an abundance of ________. A. Mn4+ ions B. S2- ions C. Fe3+ ions

C. Fe3+ ions

Soils derived from eolian parent materials tend to be A. Water transported B. Very fertile C. Highly erodable

C. Highly erodable

The reaction "mica + H2O → K+ + OH- + 6 HAlSi3O8 (acid clay)" is an example of ________. A. Hydration B. Oxidation C. Hydrolysis

C. Hydrolysis

Why is Al3+ considered to be an acid cation? A. pH is a measure of the Al3+ concentration B. It hydrolyzes water and releases OH- into the soil solution C. It hydrolyzes water and releases H+ into the soil solution

C. It hydrolyzes water and releases H+ into the soil solution

Organic matter accumulation is most pronounced in the ________. A. B horizon B. C horizon C. O horizon D. E horizon

C. O horizon

Igneous rocks can best be characterized as: A. Rocks containing a mixture of primary and secondary minerals. B. Rocks formed from the recrystallization of sedimentary material. C. Rocks formed when molten magma solidifies.

C. Rocks formed when molten magma solidifies.

Using the Feel Method, a soil creates a medium ribbon when pinched between the thumb and forefinger. The ribbon is particularly smooth. What is the most likely soil texture? A. Clay B. Silt loam C. Silty clay loam

C. Silty clay loam

The hydrologic cycle is the cycling of water from the atmosphere to the ________, and then from the soil to either surface water or groundwater, and then to the oceans and back to the atmosphere A. Air B. Water C. Soil

C. Soil

Based on the figure, which legal land description is correct? A. T19N, R11W, sec 12, NW1/4 B. T19N, R15E, sec 15, NW ¼, E1/2 C. T19N, R 15E, sec 28, SW1/4,

C. T19N, R 15E, sec 28, SW1/4,

The amount of different sizes of mineral particles in a soil defines the soil ________. A. Structure B. Pore space C. Texture

C. Texture

We must use our soils wisely and protect them because__________. A. They are easily formed and thus, a renewable resource B. They are a never ending source of clean water and plant nutrients C. They are a reusable, but not renewable, resource

C. They are a reusable, but not renewable, resource

A soil has a thick black A horizon, a distinct B horizon, has reasonably stable soil structure, and was formed under grassland natural vegetation. In which suborder is it most likely classed? A. Udults B. Ustalfs C. Udolls

C. Udolls

When we measure pH with a pH meter, which pool of soil acidity are we measuring? A. reserve B. salt-replaceable C. active

C. active

Practices that decrease organic matter and increase tillage can be expected to most significantly increase the ________ in a soil. A. fineness of texture B. macropores C. bulk density

C. bulk density

In a soil at pH 5.0, most of the inorganic P is likely to be in the form of ________. A. tricalcium phosphates B. phospholipids C. hydrous iron and aluminum phosphates

C. hydrous iron and aluminum phosphates

Capillarity in soils ________. A. is enhanced by the symmetrical nature of the water molecule B. is independent of the matric potential in soils C. involves both adhesion and cohesion

C. involves both adhesion and cohesion

As the clay content and/or the organic matter content increases in a soil. What happens to the buffering ability of the soil A. it decreases B. it is not affected C. it increases

C. it increases

Given the family: fine-sandy, smectitic, mesic Aquic Haplaudalf, what do you know about this soil A. it has a deep A horizon B. it is dominated by kaolinitic clays C. it likely formed under a forest

C. it likely formed under a forest

Dull gray colors are characterized by ________. A. mixed hues B. high color values C. low chromas

C. low chromas

A septic system needs soil to allow the waste water to move_______ enough to filter impurities A. fast B. the waste water should not move at all. C. slowly

C. slowly

The swelling/shrinking tendency of some silicate clay minerals is due primarily to ________. A. the presence of cations attracted by the negative charges on the internal surfaces B. expansion in the width of the interlayers due to movement of larger ions such as K+ C. the movement of water molecules in and out of the interlayers of the crystal

C. the movement of water molecules in and out of the interlayers of the crystal

If you dug a deep hole in your back yard and water started to seep into the hole it would fill the hole up to ________. A. field capacity B. the infiltration rate C. the water table

C. the water table

In which of the following situations would you expect downward movement of soil water through the profile to be most rapid? A. sandy loam in upper layers with a clay band underneath B. sandy loam in upper layers with a layer of coarse gravel underneath C. uniformly textured sandy loam profile

C. uniformly textured sandy loam profile

You are preparing to buy a lot for a house. While looking over some land you take a few minutes to dig a hole and check for the presence of slickensides. The slickensides indicate the presensce of a/an ______ which would not be a good place to build. A. ultisol B. alfisol C. vertisol

C. vertisol

An important part of the definition of soil is that it is A. Able to support plant growth B. On the surface of the earth C. Unconsolidated material D. All of the above

D. All of the above

The B horizon can be high in A. Iron oxides B. Clay C. Aluminum oxides D. All of the above

D. All of the above

The water in the soil typically differs from pure water because the soil water: A. Contains organic compounds. B. Contains mineral nutrients. C. Is restrained in its flow by attraction to particle surfaces. D. All of these E. None of these

D. All of these

Which of the following is not considered one of the five major factors influencing soil formation? A. Climate B. Living organisms C. Topography D. Valence state E. Native parent materials

D. Valence state

Which of the following will decrease the evaporation (E) from the soil surface? A. adding straw mulch to the soil surface B. plastic mulch C. the use of no-till culture D. all of the above

D. all of the above

Living organisms can affect the soil profile through A. Structural stability B. Organic matter accumulation C. Profile mixing D. Nutrient cycling E. All of the above

E. All of the above

Which of the following practices is(are) useful in stabilizing surface soil structure? A. Minimizing tillage B. Use of organic mulches C. Use of green manure crops D. Growing grass sod E. All of the answers

E. All of the answers

A tetrahedral sheet is characterized by a plane of aluminum atoms surrounded by oxygen and hydroxyl groups. True False


A, B, C, and E horizons can be found in any true soil. True False


Although subsoil is more difficult to obtain, it is generally equally as good as topsoil for landscaping purposes. True False


Epipedons are diagnostic subsurface horizons that are one of the primary means of classifying soils in the United States. True False


Except for some kinds of foods, modern industry has made human dependence on soils a thing of the past. True False


Isomorphous substitution involves the substitution of a tetrahedral sheet for an octahedral sheet. True False


Polysaccharides produced by soil microbes and similar synthetic polymers applied to soils are largely responsible for the crusts that form when rain follows tillage. True False


Sandstones are good examples of metamorphic rocks. True False


Soil, like concrete and steel, is a standard construction material. Its properties are well characterized and predictable so that standard building foundation designs can be used uniformly at all building sites of a given topography. True False


Soils classified as Inceptisols have the least well developed profiles of those in any order in the Soil Taxonomy system. True False


Subsoil is typically equivalent to the O horizon. True False


The categories of Soil Taxonomy can be listed from the broadest (first) and most specific (last) as: order, suborder, great group, subgroup, series, family. True False


While 2:1 type clays have significant internal surfaces, their external surfaces are generally much more extensive. True False


The element most often involved in oxidation reactions as minerals weather is ________. A. Iron B. Aluminum C. Magnesium


A polypedon, or individual soil, is a group of closely related pedons that conceptually approximates what in the United States is called a soil series. True False


All of our lime sources use the same basic mechanism to neutralize soil acidity (CO3- or OH- to consume H+) True False


Evaporation from the soil surface (E) is determined to a large degree by soil surface wetness. True False


Hydrolysis involves the splitting of water into its H+ and OH- components while hydration attaches intact water molecules to a compound. True False


Igneous rocks are formed when molten magma cools and solidifies. True False


Isomorphous substitution involves the substitution of one ion for another based on size. True False


Mollisols are found mostly near areas of natural pasture or rangeland. True False


Organic matter distribution in the profile is a significant criterion for differentiating epipedons. True False


Respiration is a major cause of soil acidification True False


Soil air usually has a higher carbon dioxide content than the air in the atmosphere. True False


Soil and crop management generally has a greater influence on evaporation from the soil surface (E) than on transpiration (T) from leaf surfaces. True False


Soils tend to acidify naturally True False


The broadest category of classification in Soil Taxonomy specifies 12 soil orders, 11 of which are for mineral soils. True False


The cation exchange capacity of humus increases if pH increases. True False


The mineral particles in soil consist of sand, silt, and clay. True False


The two most significant characteristics of the classification system used in the United States are a unique system of terminology and focus on measurable soil properties as a primary basis for the classification. True False


Tillage when the soil is too wet is likely to increase the soil bulk density. True False


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