SPCH 1010 Midterm

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Which Organizational pattern would be most effective for arranging the main points of a speech with the specific purpose "To inform my audience about the major steps in setting up a home aquarium"?


A speaking outline should be written on both sides of an index card or sheet of paper. T/F


Clear organization is usually less important in speaking than in writing. T/F


Delivery cues should be included on both the preparation and speaking outline. T/F


Informative speeches about concepts are usually arranged in casual order. T/F


Opening your speech with a lengthy quotation is an excellent way to gain the attention of your audience. T/F


A startling introduction is effective only if it is firmly related to the speech topic. T/F


Audiences find well-organized speakers to be more credible than poorly organized speakers. T/F


How well a speech is organized affects how listeners view the speaker's competence and trustworthiness. T/F


It is usually a good idea to restate your topic at some point in the introduction, even if the listeners already know it. T/F


Research suggests that using a clear, specific method of speech organization can enhance your ability to deliver a speech fluently. T/F


Using visual aids is an acceptable method of gaining attention in the introduction of a speech. T/F


When giving an informative speech that explains a process, you will most likely arrange your main points in chronological order. T/F


You should keep your speaking outline as brief as possible. T/F


When preparing a speaking outline, you should:

1) Follow the visual framework of the preparation outline. 2) Make sure the outline is plainly legible. 3) Keep the outline as brief as possible.

What are the four major objectives of a speech introduction?

A. Gain attention & interests B. Reveal the speech topic C. Establish credibility D. Preview the body of a speech

If you were giving an informative speech describing the different regions of Ireland, you would probably arrange the speech in _________ order.


When giving an informative speech, you should take special care to:

Translate technical information in to everyday language.

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