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35 The ganglionic cells have axons that become the ______ nerve. A) optic B) auditory C) olfactory D) proprioceptor E) odiferous


The iris __________. A) regulates light entrance through the pupil B) refracts light rays C) absorbs stray light rays D) contains receptors for sight


The sense of knowing the position of the limbs is called ______. A) proprioception B) adaptation C) reflex D) isolation E) stasis


he ear contains ______. A) mechanoreceptors B) photoreceptors C) chemoreceptors D) proprioceptors E) no receptors


The anterior cavity between the cornea and the lens is filled with an alkaline, watery solution called the ______ humor. A) aqueous B) vitreous C) optic D) sensa 31 When a person has ______, drainage ducts are blocked, and aqueous humor builds up. A) cataracts B) astigmatism C) glaucoma D) fovea centralis


77 One form of motion sickness results because of continuous movement of __________ in the ear. A) fluid in the semicircular canals B) otoliths in the utricle and saccule C) gelatinous material in the ampullae D) air in the eustachian tube 79 The process of hearing begins when sound waves enter the ___________. A) auditory canal B) middle ear C) inner ear D) cochlea E) eustachian tube


69 The canals contained in the spiral-shaped tubular cochlea include _____________. A) the vestibular, cochlear, and tympanic canals B) the utricle and saccule C) all branches of the organ of Corti D) the eustachian canal and the eerie canal 70 In the ear, the ___________ membrane forms the lower wall of the cochlear canal. A) semicircular B) tectorial C) tympanic D) basilar 71 In the ear, the hair cells of the cochlear canal plus the tectorial membrane are called the __________. A) eustachian tube B) semicircular canal C) spiral organ (organ of Corti) D) vestibule 72 The function of the organ of Corti in the ear is to ___________. A) protect the eardrum B) send nerve impulses to the cerebrum C) direct sound waves to the tympanic membrane D) balance air pressure on both sides of the tympanum


6 The choroid __________. A) refracts light rays B) absorbs stray light rays C) transmits impulses to the brain D) makes color vision possible


Human receptors are classified into the types: A) sensory and motor receptors B) photoreceptors, mechanoreceptors, chemoreceptors, and thermoreceptors C) Pacinian, Meissner, and Ruffini receptors D) central, peripheral and sympathetic receptors E) mechanical, electrical and gravitational


Pain receptors ______________. A) are highly specialized nerve endings B) are free nerve endings C) have unique neurotransmitters and neuron paths D) are perceived independently from the brain E) all of the above are true


Taste buds are located primarily on the ______. A) upper palate B) tongue C) gums D) turbinates of the nose E) uvula


The eye contains ______. A) mechanoreceptors B) photoreceptors C) chemoreceptors D) proprioceptors


The posterior cavity of the eye behind the lens is filled with a viscous material called the _________ humor. A) aqueous B) vitreous C) optic D) sensa


The sense of fine touch is due to ___________. A) Pacinian corpuscles B) Meissner corpuscles and Merkel disks C) end-bulbs of Krause D) Ruffini end organs E) all of the above


taste buds are embedded in tongue epithelium and open at ______. A) papillae B) taste pores C) bitter, sweet, sour or salty receptors D) microvilli E) pseudopodia


33 The sense receptor(s) for vision are the _____________. A) retinocytes B) rods and cones C) optic nerves D) optometric fovea 34 The retina contains the ___________. A) bipolar cells B) ganglionic cells C) rods and cones D) all of the above 35 The ganglionic cells have axons that become the ______ nerve. A) optic B) auditory C) olfactory D) proprioceptor E) odiferous


47 Close work may result in eyestrain because of constant ______ of the ciliary muscle. A) transmission B) contraction C) astigmatism D) focusing 48 With aging, the lens loses some of its elasticity and is unable to _____________. A) accommodate B) relay nerve impulses C) correct D) remain transparent


51 Rods ___________. A) detect color B) are more numerous but many share the same ganglionic cell, making the image blurred C) do not contain rhodopsin found only in cones D) are equal in density with cones E) build a receptive field evenly so the more rods stimulated, the stronger the visual image 52 Rhodopsin contains _________. A) opsin and retinal B) vitamin A and ATP C) red, blue and green pigments D) lightwaves 53 Cones ____________. A) are located primarily in the fovea centralis B) contain variations on the retinal and opsin molecules C) detect fine detail and color D) all of the above


65 The inner ear is divided into _____________. A) two areas, the semicircular and fully circular canals B) three areas: the semicircular canals, the vestibule and the cochlea C) four areas: ampulla, utricle, saccule, and organ of Corti D) five areas: three semicircular canals and the utricle and saccule 66 The base of each of the three semicircular canals in the ear is called the ______. A) eustachian B) ampulla C) spiral organ (organ of Corti) D) otolith 67 In the ear, the utricle and the saccule are located in the ______. A) eustachian tube B) semicircular canal C) spiral organ (organ of Corti) D) vestibule


41 The retina contains an oval, yellowish area with a depression in which there are only cones called the __________. A) optic nerve B) fovea centralis C) pupil D) choroid 42 The fovea centralis is responsible for ___________. A) glaucoma B) accommodation C) blindness D) acute vision 43 Only the __________ contains receptors for vision. A) fovea centralis B) blind spot C) retina D) ganglionic cell layer


37 In sight, a nerve impulse travels from the ____________. A) ganglionic cells to bipolar cells to rods and cones B) rods and cones to bipolar cells to ganglionic cells C) bipolar cells to rods and cones to ganglionic cells D) rods and cones to ganglionic cells to bipolar cells 38 When the optic nerve exits the back of the eye, the ______ is/are formed. A) bipolar cells B) fovea centralis C) optic nerve D) blind spot


Taste and smell are called the ______ senses. A) physical B) variable C) chemical D) gradient E) least critical


Taste buds are pockets of cells that ____________. A) lie flat on the surface of the tongue epithelium B) extend through tongue epithelium and open at a taste pore C) lie along the walls of papillae D) lack microvilli E) all of the above


The nose and taste buds contain _____. A) mechanoreceptors B) photoreceptors C) chemoreceptors D) proprioceptors


The sense of smell is dependent on ______ cells. A) optic B) auditory C) olfactory D) proprioceptor E) odiferous


The types of tastes are ____________. A) hot, bland, sweet and sour B) gradations between sweet and bitter C) bitter, sour, sweet and salty D) all actually types of smell


_____ occurs when a receptor becomes so accustomed to the stimulation that it stops generating impulses. A) Olfaction B) Sensory accommodation C) Sensory adaptation D) Sensory amplification E) Sensory exhaustion


57 The ear functions for ___________. A) balance (equilibrium) B) hearing C) both balance (equilibrium) and hearing 58 The receptors for hearing and equilibrium are located in the _________ ear. A) inner B) outer C) middle 59 The ear has _______________. A) four divisions: outer, medial, maximal and auditory B) four divisions: males, incus, stapes and cochlear C) three divisions: outer, middle and inner D) two divisions: outer and inner 60 The auditory canal in the ear is lined with fine hairs and sweat glands that secrete _________. A) aqueous humor B) earwax C) cochlear fluid D) eustachian fluid


73 The difference in a low pitch and a high pitch sound is in the _______. A) intensity of the stimulus B) amplitude of sound waves C) region of the basilar membrane that is vibrated D) person's learning experience 74 The sense of balance includes ___________ equilibrium. A) horizontal and vertical B) auditory C) dynamic and static D) amplitude and pitch 75 ___________ equilibrium is required when the body is moving. A) Horizontal B) Vertical C) Dynamic D) Static


81 Each part of the organ of Corti is sensitive to different wave frequencies, or ______. A) intensity B) tone C) pitch D) quality 82 Loud noises cause the fluid of the cochlea to vibrate ___________. A) to a lesser degree B) to a greater degree C) there is no effect on degree of vibration


61 The bony wall found at the end of the middle ear has ____________. A) the three ossicles: malleus, incus and stapes B) tympanic membrane C) an oval window and a round window D) no openings but is solid 62 The small bones located in the middle ear, known collectively as the ossicles, include: A) tympanum, oval and round windows. B) pinna, vestibule and eustachian. C) malleus, incus, and stapes. D) ossicles I, II and III. 63 Chewing gum, yawning, and swallowing in elevators and airplanes help to move air through the ______ tubes, which equalizes air pressure upon ascent and descent. A) optic B) tympanic C) cochlear D) auditory (eustachian)


Golgi tendon organs play a role in ______. A) sight B) taste C) stretch detection D) adaptation


The layers of the eyeball are ________. A) the sclera B) the choroid C) the retina D) all of the above


The sclera __________. A) refracts light rays B) regulates light entrance C) makes color vision possible D) protects the eyeball as a fibrous border E) detects black and white


Skin contains receptors for ____________. A) touch B) pressure C) pain D) temperature E) all of the above


The _________ bear receptor proteins for certain molecules; when molecules bind to these receptor proteins, nerve impulses are generated in associated sensory nerve fibers that are interpreted in the brain as tastes. A) Pacinian corpuscles B) thermoreceptors C) taste pores D) papillae E) microvilli


the special sense organs include ________ . A) taste buds B) nose C) eye and ear D) semicircular canals E) all of the above


54 Color vision has been shown to depend on the three kinds of cones that contain pigments sensitive to _____________ light. A) red, white and blue B) yellow, green and red C) violet, orange and pink D) black, white and colored E) blue, green, and red 55 Persons who can see close objects, but cannot see distant objects clearly, are said to _____________. A) be nearsighted B) be farsighted C) have astigmatism D) have cataracts 56 When the cornea or lens is uneven, and light rays cannot be evenly focused on the retina, causing a fuzzy image to form, the person is said to ______________. A) be nearsighted B) be farsighted C) have astigmatism D) have cataracts


44 When we look at an object, an image of the object is focused on the ______. A) optic nerve B) fovea centralis C) pupil D) choroid E) retina 45 To view distant objects, the lens ____________. A) flattens B) rounds up C) enlarges D) constricts 46 The shape of the lens is controlled by the ______ muscle. A) optic B) fovea centralis C) pupillary D) ciliary E) musculolensmatic


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