Speech Midterm

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Internal preview

lay out what to expect in the speech


(modeled from radio or television process), 1949 by Shannon and Weaver for Bell Laboratories, 1st part - sender, the person who is speaking, 2nd part - channel, apparatus carrying the message (phone, tv), 3rd part - receiver, picking up the message

a famous Beach Boys song titled Surfin' USA is actually a note-for-note rendition of a ________ Chuck Berry song


Research indicates that ______ or more of the U.S. population has a high degree of communicative apprehension


Under no circumstances should the speaker be spending more than ______ of the speaking time looking at the notes.


Yet, tests of listening comprehension show the average person listening at only ___________ efficiency.


What is a thesis statement?

A one or two sentence encapsulation of the main points of a speech, also called the central idea

What is a specific purpose statement?

A sentence summarizing the main idea, or claim, which the speech will support. It should be stated clearly toward the beginning of the speech

Be able to define hearing.

A three-step process - receiving sound in the ear, perceiving sound in the brain, and processing the information offered by the sound to associate and distinguish it

What are emotional triggers?

A word, concept, or idea that causes the listener to react emotionally

Public speaking classes are valuable because

All of the above

What are style guides?

An established set of standards for formatting written documents and citing sources for information within the document

What is Cognitive Restructuring?

An internal process through which individuals can deliberately adjust how they perceive an action or experience; Sources of apprehension, impact of apprehension, learning confidence

What are the barriers to effective listening?

Anticipating (think we know), judging (jumping to conclusions), reacting emotionally (emotional trigger)


Any thing that interferes with the message transmission or the encoding and decoding process


Barnlund's, ongoing circular process - we are constantly affecting and are affected by those we communicate with

What are Library resources?

Books, periodicals, full text databases

Know the difference in the types of organizational styles.

Chronological, topical, spatial, comparative, problem-solution, casual

What ancient figure is credited with outlining the five "arts" of public speaking?


Know the elements of the communication process.

Encoding, decoding, communicator, message, channel, noise, worldview, context

Know the 3 types of testimony discussed in the textbook.

Expert, lay, personal

By identification, we mean the process of recognizing important audience members early on.


Cicero is discussed in your text as an excellent web resource for researching your speeches.


Ethnocentrism is an important quality to develop if you really want to reach out to diverse audiences.


In the transactional model of communication, communication is seen as a one-way process of transmitting a message from one person to another person.


Listeners come into the speaking situation with a blank slate.


Listening is something most everyone does without even trying.


Memorization of a speech, article, or essay decreases the likelihood of plagiarism.


Memory is not considered part of the five arts of public speaking.


Personal growth is the only major benefit a speaker can achieve while learning public speaking skills.


Plagiarism is considered a minor infraction of a student's code of conduct.


The physical setting is composed primarily of recent events surrounding the speech.


The second amendment guarantees all US citizens the right to freedom of speech.


The specific purpose statement of a speech may be to inform, to persuade, to inspire, celebrate, entertain or to mourn. Thus, it is common to frame a general purpose statement around one of these goals.


Aristotle is generally credited with establishing the five arts of public speaking

False, it was Cicero

_____ refers to the messages listeners send back to a speaker while he/she is speaking.


3 Types of plagiarism.

Global, incremental, patchwork

For _________ men, it was a way of life, a way of being, just like football and baseball are to us today.



Greek philosopher, primary source of all later rhetorical theory; said a speech has three points: the means of producing persuasion, the language, the proper arrangement of the various parts of the speech

Know Aristotle's belief on ethics.

He claimed that a person who had ethos, or credibility, was not only able to convey good sense and good will, but also good morals

_____ occurs when audience members experience a shared sense of purpose with a speaker.


Know the 3 types of speeches.

Informative, persuasive, commemorate (entertain)

Which is NOT a value of listening discussed in your textbook?

International Benefits

What are the strategies to enhance listening?

Keep an open mind, identify distractions, come prepared (advanced knowledge), take notes

The two models of communication.

Linear and transactional


Marcus Fabius Quintilianus, also referred to as Quintilian, was a celebrated orator, rhetorician, Latin teacher and writer who promoted rhetorical theory from ancient Greece and from the height of Roman rhetoric.

What are the benefits of public speaking?

Personal, professional, public

Know the difference in preparation vs speaking outline.

Preparation - working, practice, or rough outline Speaking - use when delivering the speech, much more succinct

What are the techniques for building confidence?

Prepare well, visualize success, avoid gimmicks, breathe and release, minimize what you memorize, practice out loud, customize your practice

Public Speaking can benefit you in different aspects of your life. Which of the following isn't a way discussed in your textbook?



Responsible for the installation of a pure democracy to maintain popular support, a liberalized judicial system to include poor citizens so that they could serve on juries, and the establishment of a popular legislative assembly to review annually all laws. In addition, he established the right for any Athenian citizen to propose or oppose a law during assembly. Pericles' democracy established the need for training in public speaking.

______________, as defined by Aristotle, is the "faculty of discovering in the particular case all the available means of persuasion"


What are internet resources?

Search engines, defining search terms, websites, government documents

Which of the following is not one of the skills that public speaking courses can help you develop?

Sharpening your motor skills

Ethical listening.

Show respect to speakers, understand and respect other communicators before evaluating and responding to their message

What Is Communication Apprehension?

The anxiety resulting from fear of public speaking

Be able to define listening.

The conscious act of focusing on the words or sounds to make meaning of a message. Listening requires more intentional effort than the physiological act of hearing

What us a general purpose statement?

The overarching goal of a speech: for instance, to inform, to persuade, to inspire, to celebrate, to mourn, or to entertain

Be able to define ethics.

The process of determining what is good or bad, right or wrong in a moral dilemma

"Cutting and pasting" together a speech from multiple internet sources constitutes a serious form of academic dishonesty.


Acquiring responsible knowledge of your subject requires that a speaker works from up-to-date information.


Communication skills have consistently ranked as the most important factor in determining success in the American workplace.


Finding your voice as a public speaker refers to developing technical competence, learning more about yourself, and discovering your place in society.


Hearing is unintentional, whereas listening requires you to pay conscious attention.


Interference can create problems at any time during the communication process.


The Three A's of Active Listening discussed in the textbook are: Attention, Attitude, and Adjustment.


There are barriers to effective listening discussed in the textbook that includes anticipating, judging, and reacting emotionally.


There are three types of speeches: To inform, to persuade and special occasion.


There is only one type of organizational speech writing style discussed in the textbook.


Thoughtful feedback helps speakers assess the immediate effectiveness of their speeches.


When selecting a topic you should ask yourself several questions. You should select a topic that is appropriate to the audience and occasion.


What are the questions to ask when selecting a topic?

What important events are occurring locally, nationally, and internationally? What do I care about most? Is there someone or something I can advocate for? What makes me angry/happy? What beliefs/attitudes do I wwant to share? Is there some information the audience needs to know?

Plagiarism defined.

When one passes off another's work as his/her own or neglects to cite a source for his/her information

What is a stereotype?

a generalized picture of a race, gender, or nationality

ethical listener

a listener who actively interprets shared material and analyzes the speech content and speaker's effectiveness

Ethical speaking

a process everytime you plan a speech, remain honest while avoiding plagiarism and set responsible speech goals

St. Augustine

a teacher of rhetoric before converting to Christianity in 386, and is considered to be the only major thinker on rhetoric associated with the Middle Ages

Listeners are more likely to _________________ a sound when it is repeated.


Responsible knowledge includes all of the following except

abstract truths that always apply

Know the 3 values of listening

academic benefits, professional benefits, personal benefits

What is the best technique for avoiding plagiarism?

allow yourself enough time to prepare for your presentation

Personal testimony

an individual's story concerning their lived experience, which can be used to illustrate the existence of a particular event or phenomenon

Lay testimony

any testimony based on witnesses" opinions or perceptions in a given case

When we are tuning our attention to a song we like, or a poetry reading, or actors in a play, or sitcom antics on television, we are listening for pleasure, also known as _________________ listening.


Know the types of listening

appreciative listening (entertainment), rational listening (friend/family), empathetic or therapeutic listening, informational listening


arranges main points according to their physical and geographical relationships (location of things)

The key then is for the listener to quickly ______________ the speaker's central premise or controlling idea.


While some may fear public speaking due to some personal trait or broader social anxiety, researchers have found that CA more often stems from the fear _______________ with scrutiny and negative evaluation.


3 A's of active listening

attention, attitude, adjustment

Summaries provide a recap of what has already been said, making it more likely that ___________ will remember the points that they hear again.


All of your main points are contained in the body, and normally this section is prepared well _______ you ever write the introduction or conclusion


Doing the best at this moment puts you in the _____ place for the next moment.~ Oprah Winfrey


Main ideas are preceded by Roman numerals (I, II,III, etc.). Sub-points are preceded by _____ ______ (A, B, C, etc.), then Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3, etc.), and finally lowercase letters (a, b, c, etc.).

capital letters

The general purpose statement of a speech may be to inform, to persuade, to inspire, to ___________, to mourn, or to entertain.


In every free society individuals are continuously attempting to ___________ the thoughts and/or actions of others.


Oliver said that the recipients of any persuasive discourse must feel free to make a __________.


In a _________________ speech, main points are delivered according to when they happened and could be traced on a calendar or clock.


incremental plagiarism, or when most of the speech is the speaker's original work, but quotes or other information have been used without being _________.


Expert testimony

comes from a recognized authority who has conducted extensive research on the issue

In a topical speech, main points are developed separately and are generally ____________ together within the introduction and conclusion.



considered to be the greatest of the Roman orators, and was, among other things, a lawyer, politician, and philosopher

Preparing the introduction

construct the introduction last, make it relevant, be succinct, write it out word for word

The problem-solution style is especially useful when the speaker wants to _________ the audience that they should take action in solving some problem.


In comparative speeches, speakers may choose to compare things a _______ different ways


Solon's _________ became the model for the Romans and centuries later for England and America.


The Key to public speaking is effective answering the question, How do I ___________ a message that will connect with my audience?


Ethics involves making ___________ about right and wrong within a dilemma


Rhetoric (persuasion), public speaking and ___________ are inextricable.


Anticipating, or thinking about what the listener is likely to say, can ________________ from listening in several ways.


"listening can well be the ______________________ between profit and loss, between success and failure, between a long career and a short one"


You will begin by examining the ______________ between hearing and listening.


Instead, the Greeks and Romans informed, praised, or persuaded people the old fashion way -- through ____________ -- otherwise known as the oral tradition.


What is the effect of quoting out of context?

distorting a source's intended meaning

In order to ethically listen, it's also imperative to listen with more than just your ______— your critical mind should also be at work.


the basic components of the causal speech are the cause and the ______.


Standing in front of an audience, slouched, hands in pockets, cap pulled low over your head, and mumbling, "my name is... and I am going to tell you about..." is an _________ method of NOT getting attention and interest.


What makes public speaking truly _____________ is when the audience hears and listens.


When people aren't listening, it becomes much more difficult to get things done __________________ and trust is broken while fostering resentments.


Cicero believed that the perfect orator should be able to speak wisely and ____________ on any subject with a dignified, restrained delivery.


When the speaker says an ________________________ trigger, it can be even more difficult to listen effectively.


A thesis statement __________ the main points of a speech in just a sentence or two, and it is designed to give audiences a quick preview of what the entire speech will be about.


Connecting with the audience through referencing things the speaker has in common with the listeners can function as an appeal to ______________.


Quotations indicate to the audience that you are using the original author's ________ words.


This chapter is meant to give you, the reader, an accurate and detailed history of how the art of public speaking came into ___________ beginning with the ancient Greeks and Romans.


Sandwiched between the memorized and impromptu delivery styles you find the ______________ speech style.


When students listen, they catch the instructions, pointers, __________________, and hints they can use to make the assignment better or get a better score on the test.


In all citations, enough information should be given so that the audience can easily _______ the source.


Introductions have ______ specific functions that need to be met in a very short period of time.


With the body of the speech complete, it is relatively simple to complete two of the four ________ of the introduction.


Know functions of the introduction

gain attention and interest, gain goodwill, clearly state the purpose, preview and structure the speech

When speaking publically you must orally cite all information that isn't __________ knowledge.


For informative speeches, main points might include _____________ details that advance a particular understanding of an event.


Draco established courts, complete with juries, to hear cases of __________, assault, and robbery.


Ethical citing includes crediting authors in the text of your written speech materials, acknowledging authors aloud during your speech, and citing _______ and sources on your visual aid.


It means that your entire speechwriting process will focus on something you find _____________ and that you can present this information to people who stand to benefit from your speech


Effective listening can also help you to make a better ___________________ on employers.


However, attentive eye contact can _________________ you are listening, and help you to stay focused too.


Main points do not stand alone; instead, speakers must substantiate their main points by offering up examples, statistics, facts, anecdotes, or other ____________ that contribute to the audience's understanding of the main points.



information that is used to support the main points of a speech

When we are focused on gaining information whether from a teacher in a classroom setting, or a pastor at church, we are engaging in _________________________ listening


The topical, spatial, causal, comparative and chronological methods of arrangement may be better suited to __________ speeches,


At about the age of fourteen, (only) boys were sent to the school of the rhetorician for theoretical _____________ in public speaking, which was an important part of the teaching of the sophists.


Paying attention to what a speaker is saying requires ________________ effort on your part.


Truly listening to the words of a speaker is sure to make a positive difference in your _______________________ whether they are academic, professional, or personal.


Because audience members cannot flip back and forth between pages, ________ _________ help keep them on track and aware of what to be listening for and what to remember.

internal previews

Communication effectiveness is determined by the level of shared ___________________ of the message reached through listener response and feedback.


Audiences are also more responsive when you find a means to tap their _____________________ motivation, by appealing to curiosity, challenging them, or providing contextualization.


While this may seem both counter-intuitive and somewhat strange, you really do want to leave the development of the ____________ for the last part of your speech preparation.


followers of Buddha believe that communication should be careful—good communication should exhibit restraint, responsibility, and ___________.


Listening is one of the first skills infants gain, using it to acquire _____________ and learn to communicate with their parents.


We recognize the need for ethical communication when ________ make deceitful statements.


An ethical ________ is one who actively interprets shared material and analyzes the content and speaker's effectiveness.


Hearing is unintentional, whereas ___________ (by contrast) requires you to pay conscious attention.


Ethics and ethical communication are not only an important part of our _____ and our decision-making but also are crucial to the public speaking process.



main point - sub points - supporting points (transition) repeat

The chapter then discusses ways to connect your main points and to draw links between your ____________ and the purpose you have chosen.

main points


main points are developed separately and connected in the introduction and conclusion

Know the Methods of delivery

manuscript(read-teleprompter, script), memorized, impromptu, extemporaneous

Good design is making something intelligible and memorable. Great design is making something _________ and meaningful.


Ethical communication is an exchange of responsible and trustworthy ____________ determined by our moral principles.


Perhaps you've been in the audience when a speaker makes a small mistake; maybe it's _________________________ a word or misstating the hometown of your favorite athlete.



n 621 B.C., the citizens of Athens commissioned Draco, an elder citizen considered to be the wisest of the Greeks, to codify the laws, which had remained an oral form of custom and tradition. He began the tradition of law, where cases were decided on clearly enunciated crimes and penalties determined by statute rather than by the whims of the nobility. His laws helped constitute a surge in Athenian democracy.

"How utterly amazing is the general assumption that the ability to listen well is a __________ gift for which no training is required"


Keeping an open mind is something you do internally, but you can also demonstrate openness to a speaker through your ____________________________________ communication.


The introduction and conclusion are _____ included since they will simply be inserted from the Preparation Outline.


Most public speaking courses and books describe extemporaneous speeches as carefully prepared and rehearsed, but delivered using _________ of key words and phrases to support the speaker.


The most common way that speakers discover topics is by simply ___________ what is happening around them—at their school, in their local government, or around the world.


By repeating the main points in summary fashion, the speaker gives audience members another ________ to consider his main ideas.


However, any information that isn't general knowledge must be orally cited during a speech. The same is true in the text of a speech __________: cite all non-general information.


Public speaking was an Olympic event where the winner received an olive wreath and was ______ through his town like a hero.



paragraph that gets the attention of the audience, establishes goodwill with the audience, states the purpose of the speech, and previews the speech and its structure

Finally, __________________________ what has been said in your interactions with the speaker can be another useful tool for a good listener.


The problem-solution speech is especially appropriate when the speaker desires to promote a _________ solution as this offers audience members a way to become involved.


You must pay attention to whether or not you are only hearing, _______________________ listening, or actively engaging.


The speaker is credible to the audience because he is like them. Or, it can work as an appeal to _________________.


You have to be ready and willing to pay attention to the speaker's point of view and changes in direction, _______________ waiting to see where she is leading you.


Copying without __________ is stealing!


Each person is different, and so each case of CA is ______________ and unique.


Know the nonverbal aspects of delivery

personal appearance, movement and gestures, facial expressions, eye contact

Know the types of visual aids

personal appearance, objects and props, demonstration, posters and flip charts, audio and video, slideware (Powerpoint)

Which of the following is NOT an element of the Communication Process?

personal testimony

You begin formulating a heated response to the speaker's ______________________, or searing questions you might ask to show the holes in the speaker's argument.


CA is an isolating _____________________; something that makes one feel alone in the struggle.


Hearing is a ______________________ response to sound waves moving through the air at up to 760 miles per hour.


Inflections are variations, turns and slides in _________ to achieve the meaning.


Passing off another's work as your own or neglecting to cite the source for your information is considered ___________.


A listener who knows too much, or thinks they do, listens ______________________.


Corresponding nonverbals

posture, gestures, facial expression and eye contact

The first outline you will write is called the ____________ outline.


Know the functions of the conclusion

prepare the audience for the end of the speech, present any final appeals, summarize and close, end with a clincher, appeals and challenges

As public speakers, we make ethical choices when _______ and delivering a speech.


Ethical public speaking is a _________.


The manner in which you take the notes is up to you; what is important is the fact that you are listening and working to __________________ what is being said.


it is important to understand the ________ for paraphrasing and directly quoting sources in order to support your speech claims.


However, the body of any speech is where the speaker must make effective arguments, provide helpful information, entertain, and the like, so it makes sense that speakers should devote a __________ amount of time to these areas as well.


Introductions must gain the audience's attention and their goodwill, they must state the ________ of the speech and they must preview the main points.


So, when you want to get an audience's attention, it is imperative to establish a ________________ for your listeners to care about what you are saying.


It can be off-putting to feel the speaker is simply _________________ facts and figures and rushing to get through to the end of their speech, whereas listeners respond to someone talking to them calmly and confidently.


When we are listening to a friend or family member, building our relationship with another through offering support and showing empathy for her feelings in the situation she is discussing, we are engaged in ___________________ listening.


A causal speech can be particularly effective when the speaker wants to share the ________ between two things,


If you tell the truth, you don't have to ___________ anything.


the main points are what your audience should ___________ from your talk.


Communication experts agree that ethical communication is an important _____________ of the speaker.


The teachers of ____________ were Greek, and they taught in both Greek and Latin.


Put simply, the ________ _______ is the combination of factors that make speeches and other discourse meaningful and a useful way to change the way something is.

rhetorical situation

As ethics is an important part of our daily lives, it also plays a significant ____ in any public speaking situation.


Adapted to the audience

show how information is important to audience members

Know about connecting your main points

signpost - transitional statements, internal preview and summaries

__________ are words and gestures that allow you to move smoothly from one idea to the next throughout your speech, showing relationships between ideas and emphasizing important points.


_______________, "words and gestures that allow you to move smoothly from one idea to the next throughout your speech, showing relationships between ideas and emphasizing important points"



similar to problem-solution, can be a cause and effect relationship

Know the things to be mindful of when using prezi/power point etc.

slide layout, background and effects, colors, fonts, text, images, graphs and charts

Among the most significant thinkers of the fifth century B.C. were the traveling lecturers known as ____________.


Incremental plagiarism can occur if, for example, you provide a statistic to support your claim, but do not provide the _________ for that statistic


Patchwork plagiarism is plagiarism that occurs when one "patches" together bits and pieces from one or more __________ and represents the end result as his or her own.


The _____ style is an especially useful organization style when the main point's importance is derived from its location or directional focus.


Recalling your sources is important because it enables ________ honesty.


a specific purpose statement "expresses both the topic and the general ________ _________ in action form and in terms of the specific objectives you hope to achieve"

speech purpose

These decisions will influence and guide the entire _______ ________ process, so it is wise to think carefully and critically during these beginning stages.

speech writing

There are specific distinctions between "___________ _____________" - a term reserved for the common, virtually universal nervousness felt by everyone - and CA - which is essentially "stage fright" with a corresponding emotional trauma attached.

stage fright

Another time when the chronological style makes sense is when you tell the __________ of someone's life or career.


When we stand in front of an audience, we have very little time to set the stage for a __________ speech.


The speaking outline is much more ______ than the preparation outline and includes brief phrases or words that remind the speakers of the points they need to make, plus supporting material and signposts


In all speeches, there should be that one sentence, that one statement that __________ and accurately lets the audience know what the speech will be about and what the speaker plans to accomplish in the speech.


Have a general grasp of the attention-getting strategies

tell a story, refer to the occasion, refer to recent or historical events, refer to previous speeches, refer to personal interests, use startling statistics, use an analogy, use a quotation, ask a question, use humor


the art of public speaking, defined by Aristotle as the "faculty of discovering in the particular case all the available means of persuasion"


the communication rules that govern different physical settings and/or different types of relationships

Main points:

the key pieces of information or arguments contained within a talk or presentation


the means through which the message travels


the overall framework through which an individual sees, thinks about, and interprets the world and interacts with it


the people in the interaction or speech setting who encode and decode messages simultaneously

Define listening

the process of interpreting, or making sense of, sounds


the process of listening to words and interpreting the words so they are associated with a mental image


the process of taking a mental image, associating the image with words, and then speaking those words


the words, nonverbal behavior, or other signals transmitted from one person to another

Listeners play a vital role in ethical public speaking because

their critical and constructive judgment is crucial.

Honesty includes telling your audience why you're speaking (________ statement) and what you'll address throughout your speech (preview).


Once the topic and purpose have been decided on, a __________ can be prepared

thesis statement

Writing an outline is also important to the speechwriting process since doing so forces the speakers to _______ about the main points and sub-points, the examples they wish to include, and the ways in which these elements correspond to one another


Rhetoric played a role in education in the Middle Ages as one of the ______ great liberal arts.


Additionally, you should write out the _________ statements that you will use to alert audiences that you are moving from one point to another.


___________ statements are phrases or sentences that lead from one distinct-but-connected idea to another.


___________are phrases or sentences that lead from one distinct-but-connected idea to another.

transitional statements

Unlike the sophists, Socrates taught that _________ was absolute and knowable


Ethical communication also yields positive outcomes, such as ___________, respect, and accuracy of information.



use in long speeches or when you have complex ideas or material

Know about the speaking competencies

useful topic, engaging introduction, clear organization, well-supported ideas, closure in conclusion, clear and vivid language, suitable vocal expression, corresponding nonverbals, adapted to the audience, adept use of visual aids, convincing persuasion

Suitable vocal expression

vocal expression and paralanguage to engage the audience - vocal variation, intensity, and pacing

pauses that are filled with "uh's, "um's," etc., are called ___________ pauses, or fillers, and should be avoided.


A broader awareness of the importance of effective listening is another_____________________ in your arsenal as a public speaker.


Athens became the crossroads of the world - the center of ____________ civilization - and with it came the need for public speaking.


Global plagiarism

when a speaker uses an entire work that is not theirs

Incremental plagiarism

when most of the speech is the speaker's original work, but quotes or other information have been used without being cited

Patchwork plagiarism

when one patches together bits and pieces from one or more sources and represents the end result as their own

many students struggle with plagiarism because they've reviewed multiple texts and changed _________ so that ideas eventually feel like their own



words and gestures that allow you to move smoothly through main points

Perhaps the simplest way to find a topic is to ask ____________ a few questions.


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