Spleen Pathology - Chapter 15 Abd

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What are the symptoms for angiosarcoma?

70 percent of patients will present with anemia.

What is the most common cause for cysts in the Spleen?

Echinococcus is the most common in the world and Pseudocyst in the USA.

How does infection within the spleen appear on ultrasound?

Enlarged spleen but homogenous unless it has ruptured.

What is Splenomegaly?

Enlarged spleen. Long axis greater than 13 centimeters. This is the most common disease process.

What is the most common metabolic pathology that can result in Splenomegaly?

Gaucher Disease. In gaucher disease the patient cannot digest lipids.

What is the most common infiltrative pathology that can result in Splenomegaly?

Leukemia and Lymphoma - followed by primary neoplasm and metastasis.

What should you look for in ultrasound when trauma is suspected in the spleen?

Look for free fluid, irregular splenic border, Splenomegaly. Remember that a heterogenous spleen suggest ruptured.


Melanomas frequently metastasize to spleen. This pathology is asymptomatic and on ultrasound it usually appears hypo echoic but can also be hyper echoic mass.

What does angiosarcoma appear like on ultrasound?

Mets to the liver, appears solid.

What is the most common infection resulting in Splenomegaly?

Mono for high school aged kids, followed by H I V or Aids - Candidiasis.

What causes infection of the spleen?

Mononucleosis can cause the spleen to enlarge two to three times its normal size.

Do granulomas of the Spleen have clinical symptoms?

Most are incidental finding and therefore asymptomatic.

What are the symptoms for an abscess in the spleen?

Most patients will present with fever, abdominal pain, and leukocytosis. White Blood cell count will be elevated.

What are the complications of an infected spleen?

Risk of rupture is significant, sore throat, swollen lymph nodes, fatigue and fever.

What is Hypoplasia?

This congenital disorder indicates a small spleen.

What is Wandering Spleen?

This congenital disorder indicates an ectopic spleen in an abnormal place.

What causes sickle cell anemia and how does it affect the spleen?

This disorder is hereditary that occurs among blacks. Sickle cell is when the red blood cells are deformed and become susceptible to rupture, vascular obstruction is concentrated in the spleen and bones.

What is Aspenia?

This is a congenital disorder in which the spleen is missing. Patients most often have reversed Aorta and inferior vena cava and have cardiac defects alone with intestinal malrotation.

What are the symptoms for sickle cell anemia?

Abdominal pain and bone pain. Patients also present with swollen joints and fatigue, jaundice due to blood storage in the spleen.

How do early infarcts appear on ultrasound?

Early infarcts are hypo echoic. They also present in wedge-shaped areas at periphery and related to age. This would look like a pie cut.

What are other possible infections that can cause Splenomegaly?

Hepatitis, Echinococcus, Tuberculosis, Malaria and Syphilis.

How do granulomas appear on ultrasound?

Hyper echoic focal lesions.

How do spleen cysts appear on ultrasound?

Hypo echoic with enhancement.

How is the spleen measured?

In sagittal from hilum to border.

How does sickle cell anemia in the spleen appear?

In the early stages the spleen is enlarged, as the symptoms worsen the spleen becomes fibrotic and atrophies, sometimes to the point that it becomes unrecognizable.

What are the clinical signs for trauma in the spleen?

Left upper quadrant pain, shoulder pain, flank pain, dizziness, hypotension, or decreased hemoglobin.

What are the clinical signs for Splenomegaly?

Left upper quadrant pain.

Where is the accessory spleen located?

The extra spleen is usually at the hilum.

How do abscess of the spleen appear on ultrasound?

They can be cystic, solid, or complex.

What is Polysplenia?

This congenital pathology consist of multiple spleens, biliary atresia, no gall bladder, intestinal malrotation, azygous continuation of the inferior vena cava and cardiac defects.


This is a rare and malignant neoplasm arising from the vascular endothelium of the spleen.

What causes calcifications also known as granulomas of the spleen?

This pathology results from tuberculosis or infarction and also from previous infection.

What are the symptoms for cavernous hemangioma?


What does hamartoma appear like on ultrasound?


What are cysts in the Spleen?

Cysts can be congenital or acquired and can be caused by infection, parasites or trauma.

What is infarction of the Spleen?

Occlusion of the splenic artery, when small blood vessels ruptured. This pathology presents with sudden episodes that cause acute pain, and in old infarcts there's usually no symptoms.

What is the number one congestive cause for Splenomegaly?

Portal Hypertension, followed by Cirrhosis, heart failure, portal thrombosis and cystic fibrosis


This is a malignant pathology and most often the primary site for cancer, most patients are diagnosed with Hodgkins lymphoma. This pathology appears like a mass within the spleen on ultrasound.

What does cavernous hemangioma appear like on ultrasound?

This pathology can varied from hyper echoic to complex.

What causes an abscess in the spleen?

This pathology is caused by infection and 80 percent of it is due to bacterial infection . It can also be caused by endocarditis, dental infection or urosepsis.


This pathology is composed of lymphoid tissue and it's rare, however it is benign.

Carvernous hemangioma?

This pathology is the most common benign and neoplasm.

What is trauma of the spleen?

This pathology occurs when there's too much bleeding which causes hematoma, but it can also be sub capsular, or free fluid in the peritoneum.

What are the symptoms for hamartoma?


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