sql slammer
stack before calling getprocaddr func with sendto string
first push eax stack space; loop loc_8b
8 -60 h; loop 18h times to push 24 1010101h onto stack
call ds:sprintf (buf overflow happens)
ssnetlib call sub_42CFB392
call to the func containing stack smashing vulnerability
jz loc_105
if match, directly call getprocaddr; if not, alternate IAT
order for worm to setup stack frame
kernel32, GetTickCount, ws2_32, socket,sendto
mov esi, 42AE1018h ; next lea
locate LLA from IAT of sqlsort; ws2_32
return of get tick count
seed of PRNG (stack at -40h)
xor ecx, 9B040103h; xor ecx, 1010101h
set ecx to 9A050002 -->port 1434/ AF_NET
what is sql slammer
worm exploits stack buffer overflow vuln in a pair of func ofered by sql resolution service; sqlserver performs unsafe str copy --> buf overflow