SSC102 Full

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The key elements in a social business message are: a. brevity and clarity. b. honesty and completeness. c. familiarity with the receiver and goodwill. d. sincerity and timeliness.


The letter format in which a subject line is standard rather than supplementary is the: a. full block format. b. modified block format. c. modified block format with indented paragraphs. d. simplified format.


The logical explanation of the indirect plan a. stresses receiver interests and benefits. b. uses emphasis techniques. c. relates to the opening buffer. d. includes both A and C..


The mailing address on an envelope should be a. double spaced. b. identical to the inside address of the letter. c. keyed in italic type to resemble handwriting. d. keyed in uppercase letters.


The negative information in a message should a. be given quickly. b. follow the opening. c. present convincing reasoning. d. introduce the explanation.


The negative information section of a negative message should a. be placed in a separate paragraph. b. avoid saying what can be done. c. come immediately after the logical explanation. d. offer an apology.


The overall strategy for most negative messages is the a. direct plan. b. persuasive plan. c. indirect plan. d. goodwill plan.


A request for a reply to an invitation is shown on the invitation as a. a direct request. b. a postscript. c. an enclosure. d. an RSVP.


A writer may use street abbreviations (e.g., St. for Street) within an inside address when: a. abbreviating the word will create a balanced display. b. correspondence from the receiver uses such abbreviations. c. the writer is confident the receiver will understand the abbreviation. d. the writer is in a hurry.


All but which of the following is a primary data source? a. A personal interview b. A website located through an Internet search c. An observation d. Company records


Andrea Swank is responding to a complaint from a customer who claimed he received poor service at her store. Which of the following statements represents the best close for her message? a. Again, let me apologize for not giving you the high-quality service you deserve. b. We look forward to showing you that your experience was a unique incident. c. Use the enclosed coupon on our next visit to Swanks, where customer satisfaction is our goal. d. We appreciate your business and hope you will visit us again soon.


The primary objective of an adjustment refusal letter in a retail business situation is to a. sell the customer more merchandise. b. be optimistic in the close. c. present convincing reasoning. d. retain the customer's business.


Buchan Molding manufactures plastic tubing used in various industries. Which of the following represents the best way for Buchan to gather customer satisfaction data about the service received during the lengthy, complicated transactions common in its business? a. Conduct a telephone survey. b. Send a comment card with the customer's order. c. Send a letter of inquiry. d. Visit each customer personally.


The solution to a research problem is presented in the report as a part of the a. Appendix. b. Conclusions. c. Findings. d. Recommendations.


The time schedule for a research study should include all but which one of the following elements? a. Boundaries b. Major tasks c. Project deadline d. Task completion data


The two standard letter parts omitted from the simplified letter format are the a. Attention Line and Subject Line b. Complimentary Close and Salutation c. Heading and Postscript d. Signature Block and Enclosure Notation e. Subject Line and Reference Initials


E-mail is said to resemble a memo because a. it is an internal communication method. b. it is informal. c. it uses the same headings. d. spelling, grammar, and punctuation are unimportant.


The unsolicited negative message is somewhat different than other negative messages because it is a. in response to a message. b. unexpected by the sender. c. sender initiated. d. dealing with ethics.


Experiments a. are used to identify a better way of doing things. b. have high personnel costs. c. represent a common business research method. d. require less control than other business research methods.


Party Palace has relocated and plans to hold an open house to showcase it's new facility. Which of the following openings best reflects appropriate use of the direct plan for the invitation to this event? a. Party Palace is open in its new location, and we're celebrating! b. Date: October 11 Time: 9 AM to 9 PM Dress: Casual--party hats provided on site c. Please join us as we celebrate the opening of Party Palace's new store! d. Please complete and return the enclosed card saying you'll attend our open house.


Peter Wently encouraged his friend Silas to contact ABC Promotions to inquire about the cost of a specialty calendar to send clients at the end of the year. In the opening to his message, Silas should: a. describe the nature of his business. b. explain why he wants to give his clients an end-of-year gift. c. mention Peter as the person from he learned about ABC Promotions. d. say he needs information about a specialty calendar.


Readability formulas a. check the actual words used in a message. b. determine the manner in which words are combined into sentences in messages. c. indicate the vocabulary level at which a message is written. d. measure the average length of sentences, the percentage of difficult words in a message, and the accuracy of the message.


George Karim's current department store credit card statement includes a charge for merchandise he returned, so he is writing to ask that the charge be removed. To give his claim credibility, George should a. enclose a copy of the receipt he was given when he returned the merchandise. b. explain that he is disappointed in the company. c. ask for $25 for pain and suffering. d. say he will quit shopping at the store unless his account is corrected within two weeks.


How many elements are encompassed in the indirect plan? a. Five b. Four c. Six d. Three


If a formal report contains a comprehensive letter of transmittal, the report will not contain a/an a. bibliography. b. executive summary c. introduction. d. table of contents.


If less than a full paragraph of letter text can be carried to a continuation page, the writer should: a. choose a larger font and use wider margins. b. revise the message to fit on one page. c. select a smaller font. d. use narrower margins.


If the opening buffer and logical explanation are effective, the receiver will a. be unsure about the meaning of the negative information. b. not expect the negative information. c. not need another statement that conveys the negative information. d. respond favorably to the words you chose for the logical explanation .


If the person who signs the letter is not the same person who keys or writes the letter, the writer's reference initials should be a. keyed on one line before the keyboarder's initials. b. keyed in place of the keyboarder's initials. c. noted only on the file copy of the document. d. omitted.


In the constructive follow-up section of a negative message, you should a. provide other solutions to the problem. b. tell the customer that it will never happen again. c. apologize for the error. d. stay off the negative subject.


In the explanation section of a claim adjustment message, the sender should: a. apologize for any inconvenience the receiver experienced. b. focus on what has been done to solve or correct the problem. c. prove the writer (sender) wasn't at fault. d. thoroughly describe why the problem occurred.


In the friendly close of a negative message, it is best to a. maintain neutrality b. provide convincing reasoning. c. say what can be done. d. be warm and optimistic.


In the logical explanation section of the indirect plan, it is important to a. keep the content as brief as possible. b. show how the negative information benefits your receiver. c. use mostly positive words. d. keep off the subject.


Marge Bourdeau is writing a business letter to James Wayne and wants to use mixed punctuation. Which of the following pairs should she select? a. Dear Mr. Wayne: Sincerely, b. Dear Mr. Wayne: Sincerely c. Dear Mr. Wayne, Sincerely d. Dear Mr. Wayne Sincerely e. Dear Mr. Wayne Sincerely,


Margo Clark keyed a letter written by Bill Ramkin and signed by D'Wayne Bullock. Which of the following sets of reference initials best represents this situation? a. BR:mc b. DB/mc c. DB/BR:mc d. mc


Of the following, which is the most effective phrasing for the negative information? a. I am sorry to refuse your request for a refund for the microwave oven. b. Our policy does not permit refunds in cases like this. c. Rather than a refund, we will be glad to provide instruction on operation of the oven. d. While we realize you are not completely satisfied with the microwave oven, we believe that with additional training you will be satisfied.


Under what circumstances should a writer include his or her courtesy title as part of the keyed signature in a business letter? a. Always b. Never c. When needed for balance d. When needed for clarity


Ruthann Rodgers is writing a personal business letter to her bank. Which of the following represents the correct format for the heading of her letter? a. August 6, 2011 1234 Avenue C Denver, CO 75926-3882 b. Ruthann Rodgers 1234 Avenue C Denver, CO 75926-3882 August 6, 2011 c. 1234 Avenue C Denver, CO 75926-3882 August 6, 2011 d. August 6, 2011 Ruthann Rodgers 1234 Avenue C Denver, CO 75926-3882


Sara Garrett is requesting information about Hugh Rolle, a candidate for a sales position at Better Beverages. Sara will improve her chances of getting a thorough reply if she a. asks relevant questions and assures the reader responses will be kept confidential. b. encloses a copy of her company's hiring policy. c. formats her questions as a vertical list. d. praises the receivers judgment.


The best opening for an adjustment refusal is a. I am sorry . . . b. Your complaint has been received, and. . . c. We must deny you. . . . . d. Your letter requesting an adjustment has been received, and . . . .


The best way to implement the requirement that de-emphasis techniques be used in the negative information is to a. start with points that are the most unfavorable to your receiver. b. address the negative information in the middle of a paragraph. c. give the negative information in explicit terms. d. avoid the negative points.


The best way to survey individuals to assure that their responses will be in the greatest depth is by a. e-mail questionnaire. b. face-to-face interview. c. mail survey. d. telephone survey.


The boxes into which variables are entered when using e-mail software are called a. formats. b. headings. c. message composition templates. d. options.


The claim letter differs from other positive and neutral messages using the direct plan because it may a. contain negative information. b. include a sales appeal. c. place blame on the receiver. d. stress writer benefits.


The correct order for the parts of a direct plan message is a. explanation, solution, sales appeal, and friendly close. b. explanation, sales appeal, persuasion, and friendly close. c. opening, explanation, sales appeal, and friendly close. d. opening, sales appeal, explanation, and friendly close.


The correct order of the three stages of collection messages is a. appeal, warning, reminder. b. reminder, appeal, warning. c. reminder, warning, appeal. d. warning, reminder, appeal.


The direct plan is used for positive and neutral business messages because a. a direct plan message can be adapted to letters, memos, and e-mail. b. direct plan messages are brief. c. placing the main idea early in the message attracts the reader's attention. d. this plan is best for building goodwill with the receiver.


The final step in conducting research is a. analyzing the data. b. determining solutions. c. gathering information. d. writing the report.


The formality of a report is a. based on the culture of the writer's organization. b. based on the content. c. determined by the preference of the writer. d. determined by the receiver.


The informal report used to communicate with individuals outside an organization is a a. letter. b. memo. c. periodic. d. structural.


The inside address of a letter is keyed a. at least 2 inches beneath the date b. at the center of the page in the modified block letter style. c. at the left margin. d. two inches form the top edge of the paper.


What is a Gantt chart? a. A budget spreadsheet b. A cluster diagram c. A statistical analysis tool d. A time schedule


To achieve the goals and purposes of your message when a message is written for multiple receivers, the messages must be understandable to the receiver in the group with a. the least amount of subject knowledge, the lowest vocabulary level, and the least emotional opposition to the message. b. the least amount of subject knowledge, the lowest vocabulary level, and the most emotional opposition to the message. c. the most amount of subject knowledge, the highest vocabulary level, and the least emotional opposition to the message. d. the most amount of subject knowledge, the highest vocabulary level, and the most emotional opposition to the message.


Todd Pritchert is writing a letter to thank those who volunteered at this year's Downtown Youth Center fundraising event. Which of the following represents the best opening paragraph for his message? a. Volunteers are the key piece in DYC's fundraising puzzle, and no one appreciates them more than we do! b. Time is a precious commodity. By donating your time to this year's DYC fundraiser, you demonstrated your commitment to the youth of Pueblo. We and they are grateful for your efforts. c. Thank you!. The youth of Pueblo and the staff at DYC are pleased to announce that this year's fundraising event was the most successful in our 12-year history. d. The smile on your face told us you enjoyed volunteering at this year's DYC fundraising event. So, mark your calendar now and sign up to help again next year!


What is one of the most important aspects of the indirect plan? a. It keeps the receiver from getting the negative news. b. The close stays off the negative subject. c. The reasoning to justify the negative information is presented before the negative information. d. The negative information is presented before the reasoning to justify it.


What is one way that a sales message differs from other business letters? a. A sales message may contain inaccurate information. b. A sales message may emphasize your competitors' strengths. c. Sentence fragments may be used in a sales message. d. The you-viewpoint is not important in a sales message.


What should the writer of an adjustment approval message do with the friendly close? a. Apologize for the damages. b. Combine it with the explanation. c. Keep it short. a. Assure the customer that it will not happen again.


What type of social business message is most likely to use an RSVP? a. Appreciation b. Holiday greeting c. Invitation d. Welcome


When a contemporary-style footnote is used, where will readers find complete citation information for the source? a. At the bottom of the page on which the quote appears b. In the appendix c. In the bibliography d. In the glossary


When a message extends to two or more pages, a. key the receiver's name, the page number, and the date starting one inch from the top edge of the paper. b. place the heading items two inches from the top of the sheet. c. the text begins on line 7. d. repeat the inside address and the date as shown on the first page of the document. e. use letterhead, and place the date two inches form the top edge of the paper.


When setting the date by which you want your receiver to reply to your request or claim, you should a. be flexible; use general time reference such as within the next two weeks. b. express the date in standard month, day, year format. c. show urgency by saying as soon as possible. d. tell the receiver why meeting your timeline is important.


Which of the following best expresses the negative information in a request refusal letter? a. While the time you wanted is not available, feel free to use the 10 a.m. Saturday time period for your meeting. b. Therefore, I am sorry that I cannot be of assistance at this time. c. The facility scheduling calendar permits your use of the 10 a.m. Saturday time period for your meeting. d. The best I can do, however, is to offer you the 10 a.m. Saturday time slot.


Which of the following best expresses the reason for using the indirect plan for a negative message? a. It hides the negative information and takes the receiver's mind off the problem. b. It enables your receiver to accept the negative information you must give them. c. It clearly presents the negative information in the opening paragraph. d. It is a friendlier way of communicating than the direct plan.


Which of the following closings would be best in a letter to a friend and co-worker whose fiance died in an auto accident? a. Be patient. Time heals, and you'll be back to normal soon. b. Again, please accept my sympathy for your loss. c. Terry was a good friend; I don't know how I'll fill the gap. d. Let's get together for dinner later this month and talk about the good times you, Terry, and I shared.


Which of the following comments best describes a collection message in the appeal stage? a. It is a reminder for a customer who forgot to pay. b. It is not concerned with customer goodwill. c. It is written from the writer's points of view. d. It uses the indirect persuasive outline.


Which of the following date displays is correct for a business letter? a. 03/06/2011 b. 12 Oct. 2011 c. 2011 January 07 d. May 16, 2011


Which of the following has a variation that allows paragraphs to be indented? a. E-mail b. Full Block c. Memo d. Modified Block e. Simplified


Which of the following headings is NOT grammatically parallel to the others? a. Buying Power has Increased b. Reaching for the Stars c. Remodeling with Style d. Gaining Speed through Design


Which of the following headings is NOT grammatically parallel to the others? a. Fringe Benefits b. Income Generated from Patents c. Quarterly Dividends d. Unanticipated Losses


Which of the following is NOT a good opening for a persuasive request? a. Are you interested in hiring competent, motivated individuals? b. I would like you to apply for the financial analyst position that is open in our department. c. Meeting you at the grand opening of the Ronald McDonald House last week was a pleasure. d. Your work on the Thompson project was excellent.


Which of the following is NOT a persuasive message? a. Collection b. Employment c. Invitation d. Recommendation


Which of the following is NOT a proper way to communicate a credit refusal? a. Personalized letter b. Form memo c. Telephone call d. Face-to-face conversation


Which of the following is NOT an advantage of using high-quality stationery? a. Excellent texture. b. Long life. c. Personalized watermark. d. Purchase price. e. Superior appearance.


Which of the following is NOT an advantage of written messages? a. Written messages accommodate lengthy and complex content. b. Written messages can be reread, studied, edited, and revised. c. Written messages provide a permanent record. d. Written messages allow an accurate response in a shorter time frame because there are no nonverbal cues to be interpreted.


Which of the following is a guide to be used in constructing the action section of persuasive messages? a. Avoid giving deadlines; it puts undue pressure on the receiver of the message. b. Be optimistic that the receiver has read the entire message. c. Be positive and make taking action easy. d. Present all the benefits again for the receiver.


Which of the following is a guide to be used when constructing the desire section of persuasive message? a. Be honest and mention any negatives so the receiver can make an informed decision. b. Convince the receiver to continue reading the message. c. Present the benefits to the receiver. d. Provide proof of benefits.


Which of the following is the best closing for a persuasive request? a. If you are unable to chair this committee, let me know so I can contact someone else about the job. b. If you are willing to lead this group, please let me know at your earliest convenience. c. Please call me at 555.394.8704 if you are willing to lead this task force. d. Please e-mail me your response at [email protected] by April 24.


Which of the following is the proper sequence for a persuasive message using the indirect plan? a. Action, Interest, Attention, Desire b. Attention, Desire, Interest, Action c. Attention, Interest, Desire, Action d. Interest, Attention, Desire, Action


Which of the following items is not considered to be a standard letter part? a. Complimentary close b. Enclosure notation c. Heading d. Reference initials


Which of the following items is typically omitted from an invitation? a. Date and time of function b. Signature c. Suggested dress d. Whether the receiver may bring a guest


Which of the following message should NOT be written using the direct plan? a. An announcement about a new product b. A letter approving a $45 adjustment on a utility bill. c. An e-mail asking whether a colleague could represent you at a meeting. d. A memo announcing that the company day care center will be closed for five weeks during remodeling.


Which of the following methods of getting the receiver to take action would NOT be taken seriously by a receiver of a persuasive message? a. A coupon for a free lunch at Lyla Rae's for completing a customer survey b. An offer for one month's free cleaning if you sign a one-year contract with the office cleaning service c. A testimonial claiming you could earn in excess of $50,000 a month with no investment d. Entry into a drawing for a five-night trip to Las Vegas with all expenses paid


Which of the following methods should NOT be used to capture attention in the opening paragraph of a persuasive message? a. Use of a hyperlink b. Use of a rhetorical question c. Use of an interjection d. Use of color


Which of the following negative messages is an example of one that should use the direct plan? a. Response to a death or tragedy b. Request refusal c. Adjustment refusal d. Credit refusal


Which of the following normally is NOT included in the introduction of a formal report? a. Procedures b. Related literature c. Scope d. Statement of the problem


Which of the following openings would be best for a letter in which you are refusing an adjustment? a. I am sorry that I cannot honor your claim ... b. Your claim cannot be honored at this time because ... c. This is to let you know that ... d. Your recent purchase of a ...


Which of the following report types is also known as a status report? a. Periodic b. Progress c. Technical d. Unsolicited


Which of the following salutations works best in a letter addressed to the attention of Barb Colby, the Marketing Manager at Jeckyl Manufacturing Company? a. Dear Barb: b. Dear Ms. Colby: c. Ladies and Gentlemen: d. To Whom it May Concern:


Which of the following should be considered when determining the formality of a goodwill message? a. Cost b. Timeliness in sending the message c. Length of message d. Familiarity with the receiver


Which of the following situations requires a special claims message? a. A shipment of 20 glass vases to be used at the company holiday party arrived two weeks prior to the party. Upon unpacking the shipment, you found that six of the vases were broken. b. A two-year subscription was ordered in April for both Inc. and Money magazine. It is August and your office has not received a copy of either magazine. c. Your company paid $3,000 to send three employees to a training session on the new version of PeachPit accounting software. The vendor cancelled the training session and rescheduled it at a time and date when your employees cannot attend. d. Your company recently purchased 15 laptop computers for executives who travel frequently. After two weeks of use, four of the executives indicated that the batteries do not hold a charge for more than an hour.


Which of the following statements about business studies is LEAST true? a. They are a common business activity. b. They are conducted to provide solutions. c. They are limited in scope. d. Their results are reported most frequently in formal reports.


Which of the following statements about collection messages is INCORRECT? a. Messages in the reminder stage are not considered persuasive. b. Messages in the warning stage are not concerned with maintaining a customer's goodwill. c. The number of steps in each stage may vary. d. The writer of a collection message in the appeal stage should not mention a customer's reputation or credit rating.


Which of the following statements about letterhead stationery is incorrect? a. It should not extend beyond the top two inches of the page. b. It may be professionally printed or created with computer software and a printer. c. Only contact information should be included in a letterhead. d. Some letterhead information can be printed at the bottom of the sheet.


Which of the following statements about the company name in the signature block is correct? a. It is not used when the message is keyed on letterhead stationery. b. It may be used with any letter format. c. It should be keyed beneath the writer's name. d. It should be keyed in a mixture of upper- and lower-case letters.


Which of the following statements about the cover of a report is NOT true? a. It contains the completion date. b. It may contain the corporate logo. c. It names the writer(s). d. It protects the contents.


Which of the following statements is NOT an advantage of the indirect plan? a. It permits reason to prevail. b. It emphasizes the negative information. c. It maintains a calm approach. d. It can change a negative situation to a positive one.


Which of the following would require a persuasive message? a. A letter accepting an invitation to speak at a local high school career day b. A proposal asking management to launch a wellness program and exercise facility at your place of work c. A request for an adjustment to a claim filed for an unauthorized substitution of a product on a recent online order d. A request for information about someone with whom you work


Which two parts may be combined in some reports? a. Bibliography and glossary b. Conclusions and recommendations c. Letter of authorization and letter of transmittal d. Procedures and findings


While reading the October issue of her college alumni newsletter, Elise Black learned that Elliot Mumbor, one of her classmates, had received an award the previous March. Elise should: a. ignore the event because it occurred so long ago. b. phone Elliot to convey congratulations. c. send her classmate a greeting card on which she writes a personal message. d. write her alumni office and complain that news items are not current.


Why are short subject lines desirable in e-mail? a. A long subject line could be truncated by the receiver's e-mail system. b. Long subject lines duplicate too much of the message. c. Subject lines waste the writer's time because readers don't use them. d. They are easier to write than long subject lines.


You start planning a research study by a. determining the factors. b. determining the solutions. c. scheduling the study. d. stating the problem.

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