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Firms should select only those candidates who already possess the skills that are necessary to be quickly and cheaply trained by the firm. T or F


Recruiting large numbers of applicants is always the best way to ensure quality hire. T or F


Reducing the turnover rate for high performers is an example of a staffing process goal. T or F


Strategic Staffing systems are not necessarily aligned with the firm's business strategy. T or F


Strategic staffing consist of fill-ing a job as quickly and cheaply as possible. T or F


Sourcing is locating qualified individuals, appropriate sources, and labor markets from which to recruit T or F


When labor markets are tight and good recruits are hard to find, organizations must pursue talent-oriented staffing. T or F


Talent management requires the development of improved processes from attracting, developing, retaining, and utilizing people with the required skills and aptitude to meet current and future business needs. T or F


The final hiring decision is usually made by the hiring manager T or F


Forecasting the skills an organization will need in the future is an example of employer branding T or F


Locating qualified individuals and labor markets from which to recruit is ___________. A. recruiting b. staffing C. Deployment D. Sourcing


Hiring people who are efficient, trainable, and willing to follow standardized procedures would support a(n) ________ competitive advantage. A) product leadership B) operational excellence C) customer intimacy D) training and development

operational excellence

Retaining Talent:

Keeping successful employees engaged and committed to the firm. It can be frustrating to locate and hire the right talent only to watch these people leave after a short time. Turnover is expensive, especially when it is the best performers who are leaving. Re- taining successful employees means that the organization spends less time and fewer resources filling job vacancies. Performance incentives are one tool that employers can use to retain talent.

Recruiting Talent:

Making decisions and engaging in practices that affect either the number or types of individuals willing to apply for and accept job offers. Often, paying top dollar to hire the highest quality candidates is not always the best strategy if the company doesn't really need top talent and average talent will do. In other words, sometimes the greater productivity of the most talented applicants is not enough to offset their higher salaries.

Strategic staffing means _______________. A. Filling a job as quickly and cheaply as possible in order to add manpower to an organization B. Staffing an organization in future-oriented and goal -oriented ways that support the organization's business strategy and enhance organization effectiveness. C. investing large amounts of money on staffing activities D. Recruiting from as many places as possible to generate the largest possible number of applicants

Staffing an organization in future-oriented and goal-directed ways that support the organization's business strategy and enhance organizational effectiveness

Acquiring, developing, and retaining the right talent helps businesses create the organization- al capability and intellectual capital driving their strategy execution. T or F


If a company has high turnover, it should focus on filling vacancies quickly and hiring people who can hit the ground running T or F


The Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 protects people ________. A) 30 years of age or older B) 40 years of age or older C) 50 years of age or older D) 60 years of age or older

40 years of age or older

Define "job description" and "person specification" and describe how they are used.

A job description is a written description of the duties and responsibilities of a job. A person specification summarizes the characteristics of someone able to perform the job well. Based on the job description, the person specification profiles the personal skills, qualifications, abilities, and experiences the organization needs to evaluate in job candidates during the recruit- ment and selection process

What is a job rewards analysis and how is it used in staffing?

A job rewards analysis is a job analysis technique that analyzes the intrinsic and extrin- sic rewards of a job. Intrinsic rewards can include the satisfaction of meeting personal goals, continuous learning, and doing meaningful work. Extrinsic rewards include base pay, bonuses, and benefits. Intrinsic and extrinsic rewards together comprise the total rewards offered by a firm. The rewards that are identified can be used in recruitment and candidate assessment to match worker motivations to the rewards offered by the job, and also to improve the recruitment process. Understanding the rewards a job offers can be a strategic recruiting tool. If a recruiter learns what motivates a job candidate, she or he can identify job rewards that make the job even more appealing to the candidate. For example, a job candidate motivated by money can be told extensively about the company's pay-for-performance system and a job candidate motivated by developing his or her skills can be told more about the company's training, development, and continuing education programs.

What is affirmative action? What is an affirmative action plan

Affirmative action is the proactive effort to eliminate discrimination and its effects, and to ensure nondiscriminatory results in employment practices in the future. Affirmative action be- gan as a supplement to the Civil Rights Act's promise to end race discrimination in employment. An affirmative action plan describes in detail the actions to be taken, procedures to be allowed, and standards to be adhered to, to establish an affirmative action program. Affirmative action plans can include, but are not limited to, provisions for nondiscriminatory recruitment, training, and promotion. Procedures for internal record keeping, auditing, and reporting are often included to ensure compliance and measure the program's success. Affirmative action plans must apply to everyone, regardless of their age, gender, race, creed, physical ability, or national origin. It assures that everyone has an equal opportunity to compete for all employment benefits and to participate in all employer-sponsored programs based on in- dividual merit, which must be determined by criteria which are applied equally to everyone, and which do not systematically favor one group over another.

How should firms identify key jobs on which to focus additional attention and resources dur- ing the staffing effort?

All jobs do not warrant equal investment in recruitment or staffing activities. A compa- ny's key jobs are those that in some way create value for the organization by contributing to the generation or retention of clients' business or generating new capabilities or products for the or- ganization. Whenever there is performance variability across people working in the same posi- tion, there is the potential to improve that position's contribution to the organization by raising the average performance level of those employees. For example, if some salespeople sell sub- stantially more of a company's product than do others, staffing (as well as training) improve- ments may be identified that result in the hiring of a greater number of higher performing sales- people and fewer lower performing salespeople. Firms must identify which capabilities are the most critical to establishing and maintaining a competitive advantage. An organization's capabilities include human resources, manufacturing, engineering, research and development, marketing, and management information systems. It must then identify which jobs and roles are critical to its competitive advantage. Focusing on strategic staffing and critical positions should help the company execute its business strategy and enhance its competitive advantage.

Which of the following is true for affirmative action plans? A) An affirmative action plan should not be remedial in nature. B) An affirmative action plan should exclude all non-minorities. C) An affirmative action plan should be temporary. D) An affirmative action plan does not need to be formalized.

An affirmative action plan should be temporary.

Which of the following is true for employment contracts? A) To be enforceable, an employment contract must be in writing. B) An oral contract is implicit, while a written contract is explicit. C) They give employees the upper hand in the employment relationship. D) An implicit contract is not specified in a written or verbal contract.

An implicit contract is not specified in a written or verbal contract.

Explain when an organization would use talent-oriented rather than job-oriented staffing.

An organization would use job-oriented staffing when it needs to fill a specific job opening. It would pursue talent-oriented staffing when labor markets are tight and good recruits are hard to find, or to address anticipated skill gaps in advance of actual needs. This alternative philosophy encourages people within the firm to identify where its future skill gaps are going to be well in advance of its actual needs. This way the firm can inject a continuous stream of talent into the staffing pipeline to ensure there are always qualified people in various stages of the hir- ing process.

What is a firm's talent philosophy and how is it important to staffing?

An organization's talent philosophy is a system of beliefs about how its employees should be acquired and developed. A talent philosophy reflects how an organization thinks about its employees, and is typically shaped by its founders. For example, some organizations view employees as partners and key stakeholders in the company, while others view employees as more expendable and easily replaceable. A company's business strategy and talent philosophy jointly influence how a company interacts with its employees, which then affects how it decides to manage the movement of people into, through, and out of the company. A firm's staffing strat- egy ultimately reflects both its business strategy and its talent philosophy. If not created inten- tionally, a firm's talent philosophy develops on its own as the personal values of high-level man- agers are expressed in their hiring and talent management decisions and actions. Over time, these values and perspectives become those of the organization.

How is at-will employment best used by employers?

At-will employment is an employment relationship in which either party can terminate the employment relationship at any time, for any legal reason, with no liability as long as there is no contract for a definite term of employment. Although at-will employment allows an employee to quit for no reason, firms call upon it most often when they want to fire an employee at any time for any legal reason or for no reason at all. In all states (except Montana), if a formal con- tract does not govern a company's employment relationships, these relationships are governed by the "employment-at-will" doctrine. Although the courts have generally upheld the right to terminate at will, this does not mean that employers should casually terminate employees without giving a reason or without following normal policies and procedures. Companies should follow their formal discipline and termination procedures whenever possible to help avoid discrimination and wrongful termination claims. The at-will clause is best thought of as a legal defense to keep the organization from being forced to follow its own policies inflexibly. For example, at-will employment allows an employer to quickly dismiss an employee who is behaving dangerously. Case law establishing when or if firms can rely on the at-will nature of the relationship varies from state to state.

Describe the resource-based view of the firm and how staffing can contribute to a company's sustainable competitive advantage.

Because it is an organization's people who are responsible for gaining and keeping a competitive advantage, hiring and retaining the right people are critical to business strategy exe- cution. The resource-based view of the firm proposes that a company's resources and competen- cies can produce a sustained competitive advantage by creating value for customers by lowering costs, providing something of unique value, or some combination of the two. To create value, the hiring programs, policies and practices of an organization must either lower the costs of the or- ganization's products or services; enhance the differentiation of the organization's products or services in the eyes of customers, or both. Staffing serves as a gatekeeper in influencing the level and composition of an organization's talent. This can add value to the organization through em- ployees' competency levels, experience, judgment, social relationships, etc. Human resources can be a source of competitive advantage because they meet the criteria for being a source of sustainable competitive advantage: they add value to the firm, are rare, cannot be imitated, and cannot easily be substituted with other things. The resource-based view of the firm focuses attention on the quality of the skills of a company's workforce at various levels, and on the quality of the motivational climate created by manage- ment.

____are the knowledge, skills and abilities along with personal characteristics that work together to produce outstanding performance in a given area of responsibility. A) Competencies B) Skills C) Specifications D) Tasks


A company that lets each of its business units staff in whatever way they choose and house their own staffing function, is an example of ________. A) delegation B) strategic staffing C) centralized staffing D) decentralized staffing

Decentralized staffing

Describe the organizational and product life-cycle and explain how it can influence a firm's choice of strategy.

During the growth stage, new companies or products must set themselves apart from competitors to gain customers and market share. Growth companies often pursue innovation or differentiation strategies to distinguish themselves from their competition. Because they are less established and thus higher-risk employers, they often need to invest more money and resources in staffing to attract the talent they need to grow. Because they lack a large and strong internal talent pool and they need to add new employees as they grow, they frequently need to hire from outside the organization and tend to have an external talent focus. During the maturity stage of a firm's life cycle, products and services have fully evolved, and the product's market share has become established. The focus now shifts to maintaining or obtaining further market share through cost leadership, often by streamlining operations and focusing on efficiency. Because mature companies have a larger pool of internal talent from which to draw, the talent focus becomes more internal. Companies in decline are facing shrinking markets and weaker business performance. A compa- ny in decline can pursue a cost-leadership strategy and allow the decline to continue until the business is no longer profitable or it can try to make changes to revive the product or service. If it chooses to try to change its product or service, the firm typically adopts a specialization or dif- ferentiation strategy.

A company using a low-cost strategy is least likely to embrace an asset-based philosophy. T or F


A job duty is an observable unit of work with a beginning and an end. T OR F


A reward's differential refers to the uniqueness of the reward. T OR F


Analyzing the requirements of a job as it exists today is a future-oriented job analysis. T OR F


Formal job descriptions are best for young organizations that need flexible employees. T or F


In an inductive job analysis, the main job duties and work tasks have been determined before- hand. T OR F


he same job analysis techniques can be used effectively for staffing, compensation, and train- ing purposes. T OR F


Affirmative action plans give preferential treatment to the qualified applicant on a permanent basis. T or F


Although Staffing practices can influence turnover rates, they cannot influence a firm's stocks market performance. T or F


Although a company can better match employees with jobs they like, staffing does not influence organizational performance. T or F


Anyone who submits a resume or an employment application through a website is considered an applicant T or F


Attracting sufficient numbers of appropriately qualified applicants is an example of a staffing outcome goal T or F


Contingent workers are part of a company's core workforce. T or F


Employers are not liable for the behavior of their employees during the time of their employment. T or F


External hiring reduces organizational diversity. T or F


It is legal to compare an applicant's scores only to members of his or her own racial subgroup and set separate passing or cutoff scores for each subgroup. T or F


Proactive staffing is done in response to situations or issues. T or F


Someone who provides their services to a firm as an independent contractor is considered an employee of that firm. T or F


Higher performers that are productive within a company can A) Generate a greater amount of business B) Create new products C. Recruit new employees D. Create a new strategy

Generate a greater amount of business

When viewing applicants and employees as investors, the goal is to ________. A) be as selective as possible in choosing whom to hire B) ensure that the revenue generated by a new hire exceeds the new hire's total compensation level C) give applicants and employees a return on their personal contributions in the organization D) terminate the bottom performing 10% of employees every year

Give applicants and employees a return on their personal contributions in the organization

Which of the following people determine whether an applicant with be extended a job offer? A. HR manager B. Staffing personnel C. Hiring manager D. Department supervisor

Hiring manager

If 33 percent of Hispanics are hired, 42 percent of whites are hired, and 50 percent of blacks are hired, disparate impact has occurred against ________. A) Hispanics B) whites C) Hispanics and whites D) None of the groups


If 33 percent of Hispanics are hired, 42 percent of whites are hired, and 50 percent of blacks are hired, disparate impact has occurred against ________. A) Hispanics B) whites C) Hispanics and whites D) None of the groups


Compare and contrast outsourcing to independent contracting from the perspective of a com- pany that needs to fulfill an order within a short duration. Which method is better if the company in question is using an innovation-based low-cost strategy?

Independent contractors must make their own Social Security contributions, pay vari- ous employment taxes, and report their income to state and federal authorities. From a legal per- spective, whether a worker is an employee or an independent contractor with respect to the com- pany determines the obligations the company has to the worker. If an employee is incorrectly classified as an independent contractor instead of an employee, the company can be liable for employment taxes for that worker, plus a penalty. An alternative to contingent work is outsourcing the work to another firm. This typically in- volves contracting with an outside firm that has particular expertise to assume complete respon- sibility for a specific contracted service, not just to supply workers. Firms often outsource non- core functions, such as their payroll, landscaping, and food service activities. Offshore outsourcing by opening a location in another country or outsourcing work to an existing company abroad has become increasingly popular for many organizations seeking productivity gains. Companies can strategically use independent contractors to help control costs, temporarily increase capabilities, and bring in needed talents quickly. They can thus be particularly useful for companies competing through innovation or low-cost strategies. Independent contractors often receive a higher salary than do regular employees but do not receive benefits, which can make them cost-effective.

Which of the following is true about external hiring? A) It sends employees the message that good performance can be rewarded with a promotion. B) It can enhance organizational diversity. C) Jobs can be filled faster than through internal hiring. D) External hires reinforce the organization's culture more than do internal hires.

It can enhance organizational diversity.

A formal group or cluster of tasks is a ________. A) job analysis B) job family C) person specification D) job


A systematic process of identifying and describing the important aspects of a job and the characteristic a worker needs to perform the job well is a ________. A) legal audit B) job analysis C) bona fide occupational qualification D) job specification


________ helps a company tailor its recruiting message to appeal to the needs, values, and motivations of targeted potential applicants. A) A task inventory B) Competency analysis C) Job rewards analysis D) Job elements analysis

Job rewards analysis

Skylark Corporation produces apparel for women. The firm experienced a boom in the intro- duction phase of its life cycle due to the high-quality talent of its middle and top-level execu- tives. Which of the following would help Skylark retain its competitive advantage in the present economic downturn? A) Repeating the old strategies that enabled the company to rise. B) Changing its process-related advantages for new strategies. C) Opening its doors to a flood of new employees as labor is cheap. D) Keeping existing employees satisfied and recruiting top talent.

Keeping existing employees satisfied and recruiting top talent.

Define the three criteria for employee value propositions: magnitude, mix, and distinctive- ness.

Magnitude refers to a reward package that is neither too small nor too large in econom- ic terms. Investing too little in a reward package risks offending applicants, discouraging them from applying or accepting job offers, and being noncompetitive. Spending too much on rewards can negatively impact the firm's financial stability, and hurt investor's return on their investment in the firm. Mix refers to the composition of the reward package matching the needs and preferences of ap- plicants or employees. Offering stock options that vest in five years to a young, mobile work- force that tends to turn over every 3-4 years, or free daycare to an older workforce may not be consistent with workers' needs and preferences.

Which of the following is true of a "closed shop"? A) Employers encourage unions to form. B) Employees need not remain union members after they are hired. C) Only union workers are employed. D) Employees must give up union membership once employed.

Only union workers are employed.

Construct a scenario in which a fired employee can bring the mixed motive case against an employer without directly proving any discrimination.

Providing evidence that a black employee who had three unexcused absences was fired whereas a white employee with the same number of unexcused absences was not is enough to establish a mixed motives case. The Supreme Court has ruled that plaintiffs do not need a "smok- ing gun" or direct evidence in showing a protected characteristic to be a motivating factor but can rely on "circumstantial evidence" that does not have to be linked directly to the employment decision.

Acquiring Talent:

Putting together job offers that appeal to chosen candidates, and persuading job offer recipients to accept those job offers. The employment contract, or written offer to the candidate, formalizes the outcomes of the nego- tiations. This specifies the job's compensation, such as salary, bonus, long-term accounting, and stock-based compensation.

What are quota staffing systems and how are they used?

Quota staffing systems establish specific requirements that certain percentages of dis- advantaged groups be hired to equalize their proportional representation in the company's work- force with their proportions in the job and organization's relevant labor market. The size and location of an organization's relevant labor market depends on the nature of the job. As an illustra- tion, for faculty positions, the relevant labor market is usually defined as national. For manage- ment and professional positions, the relevant labor market is generally defined as regional. For staff and laborer positions, the relevant labor market is usually defined as local. The law does not require quotas or even preferential treatment. Employers are not required to have proportional representation in their workforce, but they are more open to lawsuits if they do not. Although affirmative action, preferential treatment, and quotas are not required by law, they are not prohibited either. Quotas have been found to be illegal in a number of courts cases so there are limitations on their features and usage. A quota is most often used as a court-imposed remedy for past discrimination or as part of a voluntary affirmative action plan.

Construct a scenario where a firm links core competencies, values, and experiences to job descriptions and staffing practices.

Student answers may vary. However, a good example of linking core competencies, values, and experiences to job descriptions and staffing practices is Dell Computer Corporation. Dell believes that although it can teach its new executives the nuances of the computer industry, it cannot teach them how to be effective in Dell's dynamic environment. After reviewing the per- formance ratings and compensation levels of Dell vice presidents and directors hired over a three-year period, Dell learned who had been successful, and why. Interviewing the superiors of those executives who had left the company or who had not advanced also provided insights into the competencies required for success at Dell.

Dylan worked for Sun Pharmaceuticals as a scientific research assistant. He quit the compa- ny and joined Kip Pharma Industries as a senior researcher. Sources at Sun discovered that Dylan had sold some trade secrets belonging to the company to Kip Pharma. In this situation, which of the following statements is true? A) Sun Pharmaceuticals can litigate against Dylan for trade secret violation. B) Kip Pharma can sue Sun Pharmaceuticals for allowing Dylan to quit. C) Dylan can sue Sun Pharmaceuticals for causing him financial loss. D) Kip Pharma can sue Dylan for trade secret violation.

Sun Pharmaceuticals can litigate against Dylan for trade secret violation

6) Valuing the ideas and contributions of people with diverse ideas and perspectives is a possible component of a company's talent philosophy. T or F


A job family description provides a quick overview of the job family that contains similar jobs. T OR F


A job task is an observable unit of work with a beginning and an end. T OR F


An independent contractor performs services and the employer controls or directs only the result of the work. T or F


Competency modeling is a job analysis method that identifies the worker competencies necessary for high performance. T OR F


Desirable criteria are those that may enhance the new hire's job performance, but are not essential to adequate job performance. T OR F


Disparate impact occurs when an action has a negative employment effect on a protected group, regardless of intent. T or F


Diverse employees help organizations to succeed through global ideas, diverse customers, and better strategic decisions. T or F


Execute Order 11246 prohibits discriminating of protected groups and establish affirmative action to promote diversity. T or F


Executive Order 11246 prohibits discrimination of protected groups and establishes affirmative action to promote diversity. T or F


Facially neutral means that all employees and applicants are treated consistently, regardless of their protected characteristics, such as their sex and race. T or F


In a deductive job analysis, the job duties and sometimes even the work tasks have already been determined. T OR F


Jobs performed in a consistent, predictable manner are easiest to analyze. T OR F


Pay is an example of an extrinsic reward. T OR F


Seasonal employees are employees hired to work only during a particular part of the year. T or F


Seniority-based promotions make leadership competencies important hiring criteria even for lower level positions T or F


The ADA has been expanded to include broad coverage of the definition of a disability T or F


The critical incidents technique of job analysis is a method that identifies extremely effective and ineffective behaviors by documenting critical incidents that have occurred on the job. T OR F


Under the Americans with Disabilities Act, if a disabled applicant can perform the essential functions of a job with reasonable accommodation, they must be considered for the position. T OR F


When business slows down, flexible workers are dismissed before core workers. T or F


Compare and contrast three different job analysis methods on the basis of their advantages and disadvantages.

The critical incidents job analysis method uses subject matter experts to provide exam- ples of good and poor performance incidents on the target job. This process helps to identify par- ticularly effective or ineffective behaviors, but misses the day-to-day job requirements, requires a lot of time and resources, and can be difficult to use. The job elements job analytic technique asks a panel of job experts to identify and rate the work- er characteristics that influence success in the job. Although the process can be difficult to ex- plain, it is efficient, relatively fast, and results in organized documentation of the job and the worker. The structured interview job analytic technique requires interviewing job experts about the job and required worker characteristics. Although the interviews can be fast, analyzing the informa- tion generated can require a professional to minimize bias.

What is the best conclusion given the following information about research technicians em- ployed in the scientific wing of a pharmaceutical organization? Females comprise 60 percent of the current workforce and 50 percent of the relevant population (research technicians) and malescomprise 40 percent of the current workforce and 50 percent of the relevant population. A) There is a disparate impact on males as research technicians. B) There is a disparate impact on females as research technicians. C) There is no evidence of disparate impact among research technicians. D) There is evidence of disparate impact against both males and females as research technicians.

There is a disparate impact on males as research technicians.

A hotel chain that is recruiting front desk receptionists receives 200 applications from males and 100 applications from females. 100 out of 200 men are hired and 25 out of 100 women are hired. Which of the following statements is true of the hotel chain's hiring policy? A) There is evidence of a disparate impact of the hiring process on males as a group. B) There is evidence of a disparate impact of the hiring process on females as a group. C) There is no evidence of any disparate impact. D) There is evidence of disparate impact against both males and females.

There is evidence of a disparate impact of the hiring process on females as a group.

Which of the following is a characteristic of independent contractors? A) They have a continuous relationship with the employer. B) They do not receive benefits from the employer. C) They control the processes and results of their work. D) They do not pay their employment taxes, the employer does.

They do not receive benefits from the employer

Which of the following is a characteristic of independent contractors? A) They have a continuous relationship with the employer. B) They do not receive benefits from the employer. C) They control the processes and results of their work. D) They do not pay their employment taxes, the employer does.

They do not receive benefits from the employer.

Department store BigTen refused to hire Max because of his religion. The store is in violation of ________. A) the WARN Act B) the USERRA of 1994 C) Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 D) the VEVRAA Act of 1974

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964

Any employee of a temporary staffing agency working at another company's place of business is not entitled to receive benefits from the company. T or F


Complying with staffing laws enhances an organization's ability to appeal to a broader customer base. T or F


Socialization is the process of assimilating or integrating newly hired or recently promoted employees with their jobs, workgroup, and organization T or F


Viewing employees as an asset to be managed generally leads to a low-cost approach to staffing. T or F


An organization's competitive advantage is _______________. A. Not something that can be influenced by staffing B. The number of employees it hires in a year C. The annual employee turnover rate D. What it can do differently from its competitors

What it can do differently from its competitors

Which of the following is the first seven components of strategic staffing? A. Planning B. Selecting C. Workforce planning D. Retaining

Workforce planning

Taking the time to explain the hiring process and making every effort to follow up with can- didates and minimize delays is an example of ________. A) viewing applicants as assets B) a commitment to ethical behavior C) a commitment to diversity D) hiring for long-term careers

a commitment to ethical behavior

Which of the following is compromised when retaining workers? A) creating a more loyal and committed workforce B) creating a workforce that has a better understanding of the company's processes C) decreasing staffing costs D) a regular infusion of new ideas and perspectives

a regular infusion of new ideas and perspectives

Employment-at-will is an employment relationship which ________. A) allows either the employee or employer to terminate the employment at any time B) offers blanket protection to employers for all employee discharges C) allows an employer to terminate employment only for a just cause D) offers employees a contract for a definite term of employment

allows either the employee or employer to terminate the employment at any time

Succession management ensures that ________. A) a company attracts sufficient numbers of appropriately qualified applicants B) new employees will be motivated by the firm's compensation package C) high-potential new hires do not leave because they are overqualified and under challenged D) an organization has people ready to assume leadership positions when they become available

an organization has people ready to assume leadership positions when they become available

A job analysis that produces a valid selection system identifies characteristics in candidates that ________. A) can be easily replaced B) are not easily learned on the job C) are easily manipulated D) can ensure efficiency and low cost at the same time

are not easily learned on the job

A job analysis that produces a valid selection system identifies characteristics in candidates that ________. A) can be easily replaced B) are not easily learned on the job C) are easily manipulated D) can ensure efficiency and low cost at the same time

are not easily learned on the job

Deployment involves ________. A. assigning talent to appropriate jobs and roles in the organization B. Negotiating an employment contract C. Getting new hires up to speed and productive on their job D. getting job requisition approved

assigning talent to appropriate jobs and roles in the organization

Which of the following is a hiring process goal? A. Meeting stakeholder needs B. Enhancing organizational flexibility C. Improving business strategy execution D. Attracting diverse applicants

attracting diverse applicants

Dana works as a financial consultant at a start-up company called MoneyCare. While some of her friends earn more than she does working for similar positions in other companies, Dana finds her work far more interesting and challenging than what her friends do. As MoneyCare is a small organization, Dana has a lot of responsibilities and believes that she is actually learning far more on the job than she thought she would. Which of the following statements is true about Dana? A) She thinks total rewards from her job are low. B) She finds the intrinsic rewards from this job very satisfying. C) She thinks the extrinsic rewards from this job are very high. D) The extrinsic rewards account for the bulk of the total rewards she gets from this job.


General Stores Inc., a chain of retail stores short-listed four candidates for the two vacant po- sitions of store manager. They were particularly keen on Mark Evans, who had an excellent background and impressive interpersonal skills. To lure Mark in, they offered him an extremely lucrative package that he was unlikely to get anywhere else. They also hired Doug Pyers for the other vacancy, although Mark got a better deal than Doug. In spite of this, General Stores was unable to retain Mark for more than a few months. Which of the following, if true, could explain this apparent discrepancy? A) Mark is more concerned with the extrinsic aspects of a job than anything else. B) The company did not accurately gauge Mark's need for intrinsic rewards. C) Average salaries in the industry matched the remuneration Doug received. D) Doug was unhappy about the inequity in pay that existed between him and his colleague, Mark.


A BFOQ is a(n) ________. A) requirement for establishing a case of discrimination B) exception to employment-at-will relationship C) characteristic that is essential to the performance of a specific job D) analysis of a firm's competitive advantage

characteristic that is essential to the performance of a specific job

Which of the following was declared illegal by the Taft-Hartley Labor Act? A) open shop B) union shop C) agency shop D) closed shop

closed shop

Comparing the percentages of men, women, or minorities in various job categories to see if men, women, or minorities are disproportionately represented in certain workforce categories is an example of a ________. A) hiring yield statistic B) concentration statistic C) flow statistic D) stock statistic

concentration statistic

Axis Auto tries to keep its operational spending as low as possible so that it can pass its sav- ings on to customers in the form of lower prices. This is known as a ________ strategy. A) cost-leadership B) differentiation C) specialization D) growth


If a company's employees have talents that would be useful to the organization and the company is not taking advantage of these talents, it is not being efficient in the activity of A. Acquiring B. Deploying C. Sourcing D. Recruiting


A job analysis ________. A) establishes hiring quotas for different protected groups B) ensures that equal numbers of all protected groups are in a firm's workforce C) determines a job's entry requirements D) is generated by an affirmative action plan

determines a job's entry requirements

A manager only hires Hispanic women as secretaries. This is an example of ________. A) disparate treatment B) disparate impact C) negligent hiring D) sexual harassment

disparate treatment

Cybernetic Incorporated is well known for the ________ of the rewards it presents to its em- ployees. For example: employees are allowed to dress casually on all days of the workweek, have the option of flexible work schedules, and can bring their dogs to work with them. A) magnitude B) mix C) differential D) distinctiveness


he balance between the intrinsic and extrinsic rewards an employee receives by working for a particular employer in return for their job performance is the ________. A) employee value proposition B) job's total rewards C) job's total compensation package D) work-life balanc

employee value proposition

According to the resource-based view of the firm, in order to create value, staffing practices must ________. A) imitate the practices followed by competitors B) enhance the differentiation of the firm's products C) rapidly create new products or services D) maximize the number of applicants who are hired

enhance the differentiation of the firm's products

The Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act ________. A) ensures that members of the uniformed services can return to their civilian employment after their military service ends B) ensures that veterans are equally represented in the workforce C) provides job training to members of the uniformed services to assist them in transitioning to civilian jobs D) requires that a job board be maintained for the sole use of veterans transitioning to civilian jobs after their service end

ensures that members of the uniformed services can return to their civilian employment after their military service ends

load packages onto a truck is a(n) ________. A) job description B) desirable criteria C) job grade D) essential function

essential function

load packages onto a truck is a(n) ________. A) job description B) desirable criteria C) job grade D) essential function

essential function

Comparing the percentage of applicants hired from different subgroups to determine if they are significantly different from each other is an example of a ________. A) BFOQ B) concentration statistic C) flow statistic D) stock statistic

flow statistic

39) If a company makes promises to a recruit that it does not intend to keep, it could be found guilty of ________. A) negligent hiring B) negligent referral C) fraudulent recruitment D) violating the WARN Act

fraudulent recruitment

Promotions are likely to be fastest in organizations in the ________ stage of their life cycle. A) introduction B) growth C) maturity D) decline


Staffing professional promote the goals of society by ___________. A. Helping to match people with jobs and organizations B. Planning for labor market changes C. Termination underperforming employees D. Minimizing the costs associated with recruitment

helping to match people with jobs and organizations

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission imposed compensatory damages on Czar Microsystems Pvt. Ltd. for discriminating against an employee on the basis of their age. Czar defended itself by claiming to be unaware of any such law. This is a(n) ________ defense. A) erroneous B) stereotyping C) prejudice D) ignorance


A systematic process of identifying and describing the important aspects of a job and the characteristic a worker needs to perform the job well is a ________. A) legal audit B) job analysis C) bona fide occupational qualification D) job specification

job analysis

The WARN Act relates to which of the following? A) recruiting B) selecting C) negotiating D) layoffs


Which of the following are employees of a company who take on the operation of certain functions, or staff an entire office or factory on a contractual basis for a client or company? A) contingent workers B) at-will employees C) leased workers D) independent contractors

leased workers

When Mary hires someone because they share the same interests, which of the following has occurred? A) stereotyping B) like-me bias C) prejudice D) hiring manager bias

like-me bias

The degree to which the composition of a reward package matches the needs and preferences of applicants or employees is the package's ________. A) amount B) differential C) stability D) mix


Mrs. Peters filed a complaint against her employers for firing her. She admitted to being late to work five days in a month but she claimed that she was fired on the grounds of being a female employee. This is an example of ________. A) fraudulent recruitment B) mixed motive case C) adverse impact D) negligent hiring

mixed motive case

A company fails to do a background check that would have revealed that a person it has hired has the potential to harm others. The employee then physically harms a customer during a dis- agreement. The company could be found guilty of ________. A) negligent hiring B) negligent referral C) fraudulent recruitment D) violating the WARN Act

negligent hiring

When a competing hospital calls for an employee recommendation, a hospital manager fails to disclose negative information about a previous employee who was discharged for improper and reckless behavior toward a patient. This could be an example of ________. A) negligent hiring B) negligent referral C) fraudulent recruitment D) violating the WARN Act

negligent referral

A summary of the characteristics of someone able to perform the job well is a ________. A) job requisition B) job analysis C) job description D)Person Specification

person Specification

A summary of the characteristics of someone able to perform the job well is a ________. A) job requisition B) job analysis C) job description

person specification

The WARN Act of 1988 applies to ________. A) employers with up to 100 employees, not including part-time workers B) regular local, federal, and state government entities that provide public services C) private, public, and quasi-public entities which operate in a commercial context D) employers with employees who work less than 20 hours per week

private, public, and quasi-public entities which operate in a commercial context

Affirmative action means ________. A) proactive plans to ensure nondiscriminatory results in employment practices B) employment practices are designed and used in a "facially neutral" manner C) employers must meet quotas to ensure employee diversity D) protection for employees against retaliatory discharge

proactive plans to ensure nondiscriminatory results in employment practices

Which of the following does an employer have to do if hiring from the traditional labor pool? A) automate the job B) increase training C) reduce required qualifications D) provide competitive pay

provide competitive pay

Interviewing job candidates to asses their fit with the job and organization is part of __________. A. Attracting B. Selecting C. Deploying D. Employee profiling


"All men are strong" is an example of which type of bias? A) like-me bias B) stereotyping C) prejudice D) ignorance


Comparing the percentage of men, women, or minorities employed in a job category with their availability in the relevant population of qualified people interested in the position is an ex- ample of a ________. A) bona fide occupational qualification B) concentration statistic C) flow statistic D) stock statistic

stock statistic

A company is successful at recruiting engineers by handing out flyers during community events near a university which is highly rated for its engineering program. The company's com- petitor effectively reaches the same audience by hanging banners at a similar event. This is an example of ________. A) substitutability B) value addition C) refutability D) inimitability


Under which of the following circumstances does a company prefer to "churn" rather than keep existing employees? A) when technology is developing very rapidly B) when the existing employees are overqualified C) when the training period provided is short D) when competition in the market has increased

when technology is developing very rapidly

Which of the following types of workers would most value the reward of having different tasks to do every day? A) workers who desire career advancement B) workers who value being rewarded for individual contribution C) workers who value making individual contributions D) workers who are seeking skill development

workers who are seeking skill development

Putting together an attractive job offer and negotiating with the candidate the company wants to hire is part of ____________. A. Onboarding B. Attracting C. Recruiting D. Acquiring


Selecting Talent:

Assessing job candidates and deciding who to hire. When the labor supply is tight, the firm might need to increase its salaries just to be able to hire candidates with minimum skill levels and qualifications. If higher pay is not an option, recruiting from nontraditional sources might allow the organization to overcome its compensation challenges. If hiring from nontraditional labor pools is unsuccessful, automating the job, increasing the training the organization provides its employees, or reducing the required qualifications of new hires may be the only alternatives.

Deploying Talent:

Assigning people to appropriate jobs and roles in the organization to best utilize their talents. Ensuring that new hires have the potential to succeed is one of the primary goals of staffing. Per- formance incentives will be ineffective unless workers are given jobs suited to their skills. An organization that wishes to motivate its employees to be more productive by using a pay-for-per- formance or merit pay system will not be able to fully leverage its programs if the skills of the workforce are lacking. Performance incentives are only effective if the individuals have the po- tential to perform well in the first place.

Idiosyncratic jobs are ________. A) created around a current or new employee's unique skills B) created to fill an immediate hiring need C) jobs that have been in an organization for over 20 years D) jobs that are at the entry-level only

Ceated around a current or new employee's unique skills

Independent bookstore Signature Books has been struggling to survive as sales declined sharply in the past year. Its main competitors are the large chain stores that have a much wider range of books and can afford to sell books at a discount, but online retailers are also eating into Signature's market. Signature Books focuses on a specialization strategy, focusing on foreign- language books and learning materials. Which of the following, if true, will support Signature's decision? A) Chain stores invest heavily in developing a customer-friendly style and atmosphere. B) Chain stores are the cost leaders in the category, as bulk buying and publisher discounts keep prices down. C) Online retailers have negligible operational costs as well as the price advantages of large chain stores. D) Chain stores stock mainly books of general interest, such as books by popular authors and self-help books.

Chain stores stock mainly books of general interest, such as books by popular authors and self-help books.

Staffing can be considered a cornerstone of human resource management because it ___________________. A. takes the largest part of the human resource budget B. Determine the workforce representing the company C. takes the most time of any human resource function D. Is the only function performed by HR

Determine the workforce representing the company

In which of the following cases would a company opt for a short-term staffing strategy? A) Employee turnover is high. B) Employee skill sets need to be developed through intensive training. C) Higher-level managers need a substantial amount of knowledge about how the company works. D) competitive advantage

Employee turnover is high

Creating a favorable image in desired applicants' minds about the organization being a good place for them to work is ______. A. Creating a talent profile B. Deployment C. Employer branding D. Socialization

Employer Branding

An organization evaluating its staffing practices in as a result of a hiring discrimination law- suit, is an example of proactive staffing. T or F


Companies that use the same recruiting strategies are likely to experience similar results. T or F


Most companies can replicate a competitor's capabilities by imitating the competitor's staffing practices. T or F


RST is a small software firm that operates using the very latest technology. As a result, the employee skill sets required change rapidly. The skill sets of employees who have been with the company for several years are found to be inferior to those of new hires, and the company has realized that fresh graduates are often better qualified to handle the projects. The firm's resources are limited and it needs to spend as little as possible on the staffing function, reserving most of its capital for project-specific investments. Which of the following staffing goals would be most suited to the company's needs? A) Recruiting semi-skilled workers from nontraditional sources and training them. B) Reducing the employee turnover rate. C) Hiring employees every two years on a contract basis. D) Hiring employees whose skills can be developed over the long term.

Hiring employees every two years on a contract basis.

When a firm has a superior level of cooperation and innovation among its research team that allows it to design a new product two days faster than its competitors it has created a ________. A) human capital advantage B) talent maximization strategy C) human resource strategy D) human process advantage

Human process advantage

Which of the following, if true, would uphold a company's sustainable competitive advan- tage in front of rival firms? A) Workforce attributes encouraged by staffing practices are commonplace. B) Strategic staffing practices are difficult to imitate. C) Staffing practices have maximum substitutability. D) The firm should take care not to exploit staffing practices.

Strategic staffing practices are difficult to imitate.

A staffing function is centralized when an organization that has multiple business units has one staffing unit that is responsible for meeting the critical needs of all of the company's business units. T or F


Explain the seven components of strategic staffing. How will compensation affect each com- ponent?

There are seven staffing activities that, if done well strategically, create a staffing sys- tem that supports business strategy and organizational performance. The level of pay an organi- zation is willing and able to invest in salaries can both determine and be determined by its ability to hire people with the necessary qualifications.

When viewing employees as assets, the staffing focus is on managing ________. A) performance B) costs C) hiring strategies D) existing employees


Hiring people who are learning-oriented, and who have good networking skills would sup- port a ________ competitive advantage. A) product leadership B) operational excellence C) customer intimacy D) training and development

customer intimacy

Assigning a high performing sales associate to work with the company's most important client is an example of: A. Deployment B. Selection C. Strategic Staffing D. Matchmaking


When a firm pursues a differentiation strategy, it is attempting to ________. A) achieve the efficient production and delivery of products B) be the lowest-cost producer for a particular level of product quality C) expand the company to increase the firm's sales D) develop products that have unique characteristics

develop products that have unique characteristics

Organic growth takes place when an organization ________. A) expands from within by opening new factories or stores B) acquires those companies with which it used to compete C) focuses on just one specific line of production D) branches into producing numerous other unrelated goods

expands from within by opening new factories or stores

Bella Vista Inc. needs to hire a new marketing manager after the former manager retired. The company recruited James Anderson, who was employed in Webster & Co., and offered him the job of manager. This is an example of ________. A) internal talent focus B) growth focus C) external talent focus D) competitive advantage

external talent focus

A software company has a high turnover rate. What staffing strategy would be most appropriate? A) hiring people with the potential to be promoted over a period of years B) hiring people quickly even if their skills are not as high as required C) slowing down the hiring process to try to find better recruits D) filling vacancies quickly with people who are able to perform with minimal job training

filling vacancies quickly with people who are able to perform with minimal job training

Greg's Bakery chain is planning to diversify into producing and selling candy. It has opened a new factory to support this plan, and the factory is ready to be staffed. The top management at Greg's has decided to offer the best salaries in the industry to its latest employee additions. In this situation, which of the following staffing goals should Greg's follow? A) hiring a large number of employees B) hiring the best qualified employees C) hiring high-salaried employees D) providing an extensive training period

hiring the best qualified employees

Ed Waters is a former CEO who was responsible for the dramatic turnaround of a food com- pany. When Ed retired, Phil, the CEO of a travel agency, invited him to be a business consultant for the travel company, hoping that Ed's unusual strategies could work the same magic twice. Phil created a new designation and position in the company especially for Ed. This is an example of ________. A) talent-oriented staffing B) reactive staffing C) idiosyncratic staffing D) job-oriented staffing

idiosyncratic staffing

Leo Ink is a company that produces stationery items. In order to remedy the current low- profit situation, the company plans to hire personnel and form a brand new marketing team. The labor market proves to have a shortage of qualified marketing personnel. In this situation, which of the following strategies could Leo Ink follow to make profits? A) increase offered salary to hire marketing personnel B) increase its scale of production instead of hiring people C) branch into production of other items D) continue in the present state

increase offered salary to hire marketing personnel

Organizations relying on excellent organization performance would have what type of talent philosophy? A) viewing employees as assets B) viewing employees as investors C) keeping salaries as low as possible to control costs D) hiring as many people as possible

keeping salaries as low as possible to control costs

Sourcing Talent:

locating qualified individuals and labor markets from which to recruit If an organization is willing to pay premium wages, its staffing effort can focus on identifying and attracting the most qualified candidates. If an organization would like to pay lower wages, but is unable to hire the candidates it would like at its preferred salary levels, then it may be forced to raise its salaries to be competitive in the labor market or to make investments in train- ing and development.

Samuel joined an accounting firm as a clerk. Each Monday, he is assigned a new project which is due by Friday. It has been over 5 months since he joined the firm but Samuel is yet to receive any feedback about his work performance from his supervisor. This is an example of poor ________. A) career development B) succession management C) performance management D) work training

performance management

Jen is the Human Resources manager for Bailey's, a large department store. A competitor, ShopWell, is scheduled to open nearby in a few months and Jen is afraid that some of her staff may quit and join ShopWell. To prevent this, Jen introduces a performance incentive program that will reward Bailey's highest-performing employees at the end of the year. This is an example of ________. A) replacement charting B) idiosyncratic staffing C) proactive staffing D) reactive staffing

proactive staffing

With which of the following competitive advantages is cost less of a barrier in attracting top talent for companies? A) product innovation B) cost leadership C) growth D) maturity

product innovation

27) Hiring people who are entrepreneurial, creative, and have a high tolerance for ambiguity would support a ________ competitive advantage. A) product leadership B) operational excellence C) customer intimacy D) training and development

product leadership

To hire technical skills a company expects to need in six months, it would engage in ________. A) talent-oriented staffing B) reactive staffing C) idiosyncratic staffing D) job-oriented staffing

talent-oriented staffing

An internal talent focus requires a firm to invest in employee training and development. T or F


Compstar Limited establishes a mutually beneficial relationship in which employees are rec- ognized as investing their resources, such as time or energy, in exchange for pay and benefits and an opportunity to develop their skills. This is an example of ________. A) viewing employees as assets B) a competitive disadvantage C) viewing employees as investors D) an innovation strategy

viewing employees as investors

When a firm determines that it will need to hire 50 customer service representatives within the next three months, it has engaged in ________ A. Attracting B. Placement C. Workforce planning D. Competency modeling

workforce planning

What is the difference between process goals and outcome goals in staffing? Explain how level of compensation offered affects process and outcome goals.

Creating hiring goals that are clearly linked to organizational strategies and objectives guides the strategic staffing process. Process goals relate to the hiring process itself, including how many of what quality applicants apply, attracting appropriate numbers of diverse applicants, and meeting hiring timeline goals, such as completing interviews within two weeks and making job offers within one week of the final interview. Outcome goals apply to the product of the hiring effort and include the number and quality of people hired, the financial return on the staffing investment, and whether the staffing effort im- proved organizational effectiveness. The level of pay an organization is willing and able to invest in salaries can both determine and be determined by its ability to hire people with the necessary qualifications. Compensation af- fects process goals, determining the kind of candidate the organization targets. If an organization is willing to pay premium wages, its staffing effort can focus on identifying and attracting the most qualified candidates. If an organization would like to pay lower wages, but is unable to hire the candidates it would like at its preferred salary levels, then it may have to recruit under-quali- fied candidates and make investments in training and development. If higher pay is not an op- tion, recruiting from nontraditional sources might allow the organization to overcome its com- pensation challenges. An organization that wishes to motivate its employees to be more productive by using a pay-for- performance or merit pay system will not be able to fully leverage its programs if the skills of the workforce are lacking. Performance incentives are only effective if the individuals have the po- tential to perform well in the first place. Ensuring that new hires have the potential to succeed is one of the primary goals of staffing.

The increased financial return on staffing investment is an example of process goal. T or F


Staffing influences organizational performance because ________. A. It is an expensive part of HR B. It is how people learn about the organization C. Its outcome determine who will work for and represent the firm D. It has no direct relation to profitability and profit growth

Its outcome determine who will work for and represent the firm

If a staffing specialist evaluates the organization's current employees and the external labor market to determine the availability of desired talent, which of the following is being done? A. planning B. acquiring C. Sourcing D. perfomance management


All organizational practices and decisions that affect either the number or types of individuals willing to apply for and accept job offers is _____________. A. Negotiating B. Recruiting C. Performance Management D. Human Resource Management


The primary goal of _____________ is to get the right people interested in working for an organization of in a specific job, then persuades them to apply and ultimately accept the job offer if they are extended. A. Sourcing B. Recruiting C. Employers Branding D. Selecting


How does staffing influence an organization's performance management activities, and how is staffing influenced by an organization's performance management activities?

Staffing influences the effectiveness of a performance management system by provid- ing the raw talent that the system will manage. Even the best performance management system cannot replace important capabilities that employees must have to do their jobs well. Additionally, performance management systems affect a staffing system's effectiveness. For ex- ample, even if highly talented employees are hired, they won't perform at their best if they get no or inaccurate performance feedback. If employees perceive performance feedback to be unfair, talented employees may not be motivated to contribute as much as they could. Without perfor- mance goals, employees will not know what aspects of their jobs to focus on and will not know what level of performance is expected of them.

What staffing practices must a firm adopt to ensure that it has able leadership while also pro- viding career development to its employees?

Staffing practices can influence and be influenced by an organization's career develop- ment activities and the career advancement opportunities that exist in the company. An organiza- tion unable to offer employees opportunities for challenging work and career advancement is likely to have a low job offer acceptance rate. In addition, high-potential new hires that do actu- ally go to work for the organization are likely to quit sooner as a result of their being overquali- fied and under-challenged. This might prompt staffing personnel to recruit less qualified individ- uals who are less likely to quit but who may also be lower performers. Obviously, this is an even larger problem if the people being hired for current jobs are intended to be the employees upon whom the firm focuses its succession efforts. So, if the firm's current hiring efforts fail to pro- duce employees with the potential for promotion, the organization's future leadership capabilities are likely to be compromised. Thus, organizations that rely on internal recruiting and promoting as part of their succession plans need to consider the long-term potential of candidates they hire from outside the firm as well as their ability to perform the jobs they're currently applying for.

How does strategic staffing differ from traditional staffing?

Strategic staffing is the process of staffing an organization in future-oriented and goal- directed ways that support the organization's business strategy and enhance organizational effec- tiveness. The focus of strategic staffing is the integration of staffing practices with business strat- egy and with the other areas of human resource management to enhance organizational perfor- mance. Traditional staffing tends to focus on quickly and conveniently filling an opening rather than on aligning the staffing effort with the long-term strategic needs of the organization. By contrast, strategic staffing entails both short- and long-term planning. The process involves ac- quiring, deploying, and retaining the right number of employees with the appropriate talents to effectively execute this strategy. When done strategically, staffing can enable a company to ac- quire a sustainable competitive advantage that allows it to successfully fulfill its mission and reach its goals.

Workforce Planning:

Strategically evaluating the company's current lines of business, new businesses it will be getting into, businesses it will be leaving, and the gaps between the current skills in the organization and the skills it will need to execute its business strategy. Organizations need to assess the availability of their sought-after competencies in the labor mar- ket and use recruitment and effective selection practices to ensure that new hires have the requi- site skills, background, and motivation so the firm's compensation system works as it's intended

Which of the following, if true, would require a company to respectfully and honestly ex- plain the hiring process to all applicants? A) The company is committed to practicing ethical behavior. B) The company views employees as investors. C) The company is solely interested in profit-making. D) The company views employees as assets.

The company is committed to practicing ethical behavior.

Organizations prefer to hire internally to enhance employee motivation and retention levels. T or F


A service-based organization has adopted an expansionist strategy. It has taken on a number of big contracts from clients and is on a tight schedule to supply services by the deadlines promised. Which of the following statements, if true, will result in the staffing goals being best aligned to the organizational strategy? A) Time taken to fill a position should be tracked for each recruiting source and the fastest possi- ble source should be utilized. B) Staffing should be done keeping in mind the costly training necessary for the job and only the best qualified applicants should be hand-picked. C) Aggressive staffing should be done indiscriminately as a long training period guarantees that the applicants know how to do the job. D) Compensation offered should be kept higher than the average market rate so that the maxi- mum number of applicants is attracted.

Time taken to fill a position should be tracked for each recruiting source and the fastest possi- ble source should be utilized.

How does staffing influence an organization's training activities, and how is staffing influ- enced by an organization's training activities?

Training is often expensive, so one of the first considerations in developing a staffing strategy is to decide whether new hires should have certain competencies at the time they are hired or whether the firm will train new hires in those competencies. If the staffing function fails to hire candidates with appropriate qualifications, training may be an organization's only option to secure these qualifications in its workforce. Strategic staffing ensures that new hires are ready and able to benefit from the organization's training and development programs. Competencies that can be quickly and cheaply trained are often not as useful for screening job candidates as competencies, values, styles, and experiences that cannot be trained as easily. Even if the choice is to train, it is critical that the recruiting and hiring effort secures new hires who possess at least the minimum qualifications required for training success. If employees do not have the proper background and motivation, then training is likely to be futile. It is also impor- tant to identify how long employees tend to stay with the company. Training may not be the right choice if employees tend to leave the organization before the firm recovers the cost of their train- ing through their job performance. In this case, strategic staffing efforts will focus on identifying and hiring employees who are likely to remain with the organization so that it may recoup its training investments.

Deployment involves assigning talent to appropriate jobs and roles in the organization T or F


Strategically evaluating the company's current lines of business, new businesses it will be getting into, businesses it will be leaving, and the gaps between the current skills in the organization and the skills it will need to execute its business strategy is ________. A. Workforce planning B. Sourcing C. Recruiting D. Succession Planning

workforce planning

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