Stage 10 Model Sentences
"nōs Graecī sumus pictōrēs. nōs pictūrās pingimus."
"We Greeks are painters. We paint pictures."
"nōs Rōmānī sumus agricolae. nōs fundōs optimōs habēmus."
"We Romans are farmers. We have the best farms."
Graecus dīcit, "nōs Graecī sumus sculptōrēs. nōs statuās pulchrās facimus."
The Greek said, "We Greeks are sculptors. We make beautiful statues."
Graecus dīcit, "nōs sumus callidiōrēs quam vōs. nōs Graecī Rōmānōs docēmus."
The Greek said, "We are more clever than you. We Greeks teach Romans."
Graecus dīcit, "vōs Rōmānī estis barbarī. vōs semper pugnātis."
The Greek said, "You Roman are barbarians. You always fight."
Rōmānus dīcit, "nōs Rōmānī sumus architectī. nōs viās et pontēs aedificāmus."
The Roman said, "We Romans are architects. We build streets and bridges."
Rōmānus dīcit, "nōs sumus callidī. nōs rēs ūtilēs facimus."
The Roman said, "We are clever. We make useful things."
Rōmānus dīcit, "vōs Graecī estis ignāvī. vōs āctōrēs semper spectātis."
The Roman said, "You Greeks are lazy. You always watch actores.