Stars, Constellations, Planets, and Deep-sky Objects in the Night Sky

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Hercules, Lacerta, Delphinus, Leo Minor, Camelopardalis, Equuleus, Andromeda, Lynx, Ophiuchus, Serpens, and Aquila

11 prominent constellations in the summer Sky in the Northern Hemisphere between 30 degrees to 60 degrees above the horizon (excluding circumpolar)


A prominent celestial object with an apparent magnitude of 11.4

Puppis, Carina, and Vela

Argo Navis was spit into which three constellations?

Cassiopeia Ursa Major Ursa Minor Cepheus Draco

Circumpolar Sky in Northern Hemisphere

Carina Centaurus Crux

Circumpolar Sky in the Southern Hemisphere

Aquila, Cygnus, and Lyra

Constellations in Summer Triangle

Orion, Taurus, Auriga, Gemini, Canis Minor, and Canis Major

Constellations in Winter Oval

Orion, Canis Major, and Canis Minor

Constellations in the Winter Triangle

Alphecca, Mintaka, Mizar, Sadr, Schedar, Naos (Zeta Puppis), Caph, and R Scuti

Eight prominent celestial objects with an apparent magnitude of +2.23 to +2.29 (Ranked from brightest first to dimmest last)

Cor Caroli, Kaus Borealis (Lambda Sagittarii), Vindemiatrix (Epsilon Virginis), Beta Leporis (Nihal), Mu Geminorum (Tejat), Alcyone, Beta Aquarii (Sadalsuud), and Delta Cygni

Eight prominent celestial objects with an apparent magnitude of +2.80 to +2.87 (Ranked from brightest first to dimmest last)

Procyon, Achernar, Saturn, Hyades Star Cluster, and Betelgeuse

Five prominent celestial objects with an apparent magnitude of +0.38 to +0.50 (Ranked from brightest first to dimmest last)

Aldebaran, Large Magellanic Cloud, Antares, Spica, and Carina Nebula

Five prominent celestial objects with an apparent magnitude of +0.85 to +1.0 (Ranked from brightest first to dimmest last)

Pollux, Fomalhaut, Becrux, Deneb, and Regulus

Five prominent celestial objects with an apparent magnitude of +1.14 to +1.35 (Ranked from brightest first to dimmest last)

Alnilam, Gamma Velorum, Alioth, Alnitak, and Dubhe

Five prominent celestial objects with an apparent magnitude of +1.70 to +1.79 (Ranked from brightest first to dimmest last)

Mirfak, Wezen, Alkaid, Epsilon Sagittarii (Kaus Australis), and Epsilon Carinae

Five prominent celestial objects with an apparent magnitude of +1.81 to +1.86 (Ranked from brightest first to dimmest last)

M076 (Little Dumbbell Nebula), M084, M096, M100, and M061

Five prominent celestial objects with an apparent magnitude of +10.10 to +10.18 (Ranked from brightest first to dimmest last)

M059, M109, M102 (Spindle Galaxy), M108 (Surfboard Galaxy), and M089

Five prominent celestial objects with an apparent magnitude of +10.60 to +10.73 (Ranked from brightest first to dimmest last)

Menkar, Zosma, Zeta Ophiuchi, Alpha Leonis (Arneb), and Zeta Sagittarii (Ascella)

Five prominent celestial objects with an apparent magnitude of +2.53 to +2.59 (Ranked from brightest first to dimmest last)

Zubeneschamali (Beta Librae), Beta Corvi (Kraz), Phact (Alpha Columbae), Theta Aurigae (Mahasim), and Ruchbah (Delta Cassiopeiae)

Five prominent celestial objects with an apparent magnitude of +2.61 to +2.68 (Ranked from brightest first to dimmest last)

Small Magellanic Cloud, Delta Sagittarii (Kaus Media), Gamma Virginis (Porrima), Beta Ophiuchi (Cebalrai), and Yed Prior (Delta Ophiuchi)

Five prominent celestial objects with an apparent magnitude of +2.70 to +2.75 (Ranked from brightest first to dimmest last)

M44 (Beehive Cluster), Electra, Zeta Capricorni (Marakk), Epsilon Aquarii (Albali), and Eta Persei

Five prominent celestial objects with an apparent magnitude of +3.70 to +3.79 (Ranked from brightest first to dimmest last)

Iota Leonis, Trapezium, M042 (Orion Nebula), Phi Persei (Alsieph), and Delta Ceti

Five prominent celestial objects with an apparent magnitude of +4.00 to +4.06 (Ranked from brightest first to dimmest last)

Beta Lyrae (Sheliak), Taygete, Eta Corvi, Alpha Comae Berenices (Diadem), and Zeta Monocerotis

Five prominent celestial objects with an apparent magnitude of +4.30 to +4.33 (Ranked from brightest first to dimmest last)

M004, M005, Uranus, M033 (Triangulum Galaxy), and Asterope

Five prominent celestial objects with an apparent magnitude of +5.60 to +5.76 (Ranked from brightest first to dimmest last)

M062, M038 (Starfish Cluster), M103, M055 (Summer Rose Star), and M019

Five prominent celestial objects with an apparent magnitude of +7.39 to +7.47 (Ranked from brightest first to dimmest last)

M009, M030, Neptune, M101 (Pinwheel Galaxy), and M080

Five prominent celestial objects with an apparent magnitude of +7.70 to +7.87 (Ranked from brightest first to dimmest last)

M056, M078, M069, M053, and M054

Five prominent celestial objects with an apparent magnitude of +8.30 to +8.37 (Ranked from brightest first to dimmest last)

M001 (The Crab Nebula), M051 (Whirlpool Galaxy), M040 (Winnecke), M082 (Cigar Galaxy), and M079

Five prominent celestial objects with an apparent magnitude of +8.40 to +8.56 (Ranked from brightest first to dimmest last)

M043 (De Mairan's Nebula), M073, M070, M106, and M075

Five prominent celestial objects with an apparent magnitude of +9.00 to +9.18 (Ranked from brightest first to dimmest last)

Aries, Triangulum, Pegasus, Andromeda, and Lacerta

Five prominent constellations in the autumn sky in the Northern Hemisphere between 30 degrees to 60 degrees above the horizon (excluding circumpolar)

Canis Minor, Eridanus, Monoceros, Orion, and Taurus

Five prominent constellations in the winter sky in the Northern Hemisphere between 30 degrees to 60 degrees above the horizon (excluding circumpolar)

Located in Virgo 1.) In border between Virgo and Coma Berenices 2.) 60 percent the way from Denebola to Vindemiatrix 3.) 1 degree northwest of M58 4.) 1 degree east of M87

Four methods of finding/location of M089

M020 (Trifid Nebula), M011 (Wild Duck Cluster), M036 (Pinwheel Cluster), and M092

Four prominent celestial objects with an apparent magnitude +6.30

Beta Aurigae (Menkalinan), Peacock, Alhena, and Polaris

Four prominent celestial objects with an apparent magnitude of +1.90 to +1.97 (Ranked from brightest first to dimmest last)

Epsilon Scorpii (Laraway), Eltanin, Merak, and Ankaa

Four prominent celestial objects with an apparent magnitude of +2.31 to +2.38 (Ranked from brightest at the top to dimmest at the bottom)

Enif, Eta Ophiuchi (Sabik), Phecda, and Markab

Four prominent celestial objects with an apparent magnitude of +2.40 to +2.48 (Ranked from brightest first to dimmest last)

M7 (Ptolemy Cluster), Megrez, Theta Leonis (Chertan), and Delta Virginis (Auva, Minelauva)

Four prominent celestial objects with an apparent magnitude of +3.30 to +3.38 (Ranked from brightest first to dimmest last)

Alpha Trianguli (Mothallah), M31 (Andromeda Galaxy), Gamma Sagittae, and Eta Herculis

Four prominent celestial objects with an apparent magnitude of +3.42 to +3.49 (Ranked from brightest first to dimmest last)

Omega Centauri, Acubens (Alpha Cancri), Alpha Monocerotis, and Alcor

Four prominent celestial objects with an apparent magnitude of +3.90 to +3.99 (Ranked from brightest at the top to dimmest at the bottom)

M063 (Sunflower Galaxy), M072, M064 (Black Eye Galaxy), and M049

Four prominent celestial objects with an apparent magnitude of +9.30 to +9.40 (Ranked from brightest first to dimmest last)

Arcturus, Vega, Capella, and Rigel

Four prominent celestial objects with an apparent magnitude of -0.04 to +0.12 (Ranked from brightest first to dimmest last)

Columba, Canis Major, Lepus, and Caelum

Four prominent constellations in the winter sky in the Northern Hemisphere less than 30 degrees above the horizon (excluding circumpolar)

Located in Pisces 1.) 1.5 degrees east-northeast of Alpherg (Eta Piscium)

Method of finding/location of (Phantom Galaxy)

Located in Taurus 1.) Near star on tip of left horn of Taurus

Method of finding/location of M001 (Crab Nebula)

Located in Canes Venatici 1.) Halfway between Arcturus and Cor Caroli

Method of finding/location of M003

Located in Scorpius 1.) 1.3 degrees west of Antares

Method of finding/location of M004

Located in Ophiuchus 1.) 3 degrees southeast of Eta Ophiuchi (Sabik)

Method of finding/location of M009

Located in Pegasus 1.) 3.5 degrees west and 2.25 degrees north of Enif (Epsilon Pegasi)

Method of finding/location of M015 (Great Pegasus Cluster)

Located in Sagittarius 1.) An imaginary line from Kaus Australis past just the left of Kaus Media to the north leads to it

Method of finding/location of M017 (Omega, Swan, Horseshoe or Lobster Nebula)

Located in Sagittarius 1.) 8.5 degrees north and slightly west of Lambda Sagittarii (Kaus Borealis)

Method of finding/location of M018

Located in Ophiuchus 1.) 4.5 degrees west-southwest of Theta Ophiuchi

Method of finding/location of M019

Located in Sagittarius 1.) 2.5 degrees northeast of Kaus Borealis

Method of finding/location of M022 (Sagittarius Cluster)

Located in Sagittarius 1.) Slightly north of M20 and M8

Method of finding/location of M023

Located in Sagittarius 1.) 7 degrees north and slightly west of Kaus Borealis

Method of finding/location of M024 (Sagittarius Star Cloud)

Located in Vulpecula 1.) A quarter of the way from Altair to Deneb

Method of finding/location of M027 (Dumbbell Nebula)

Located in Sagittarius 1.) Less than a degree northwest of Kaus Borealis

Method of finding/location of M028

Located in Andromeda 1.) Right next to the Andromeda Galaxy (M31)

Method of finding/location of M032 (Le Gentil)

Located in Perseus 1.) 5 degrees northwest of Algol

Method of finding/location of M034

Located in Auriga 1.) Lies 2.3 degrees northwest of M36

Method of finding/location of M038

Located in Ursa Major 1.) 1.5 degrees northeast of Megrez

Method of finding/location of M040 (Winnecke 4)

Located in Canis Major 1.) 4 degrees south of Sirius

Method of finding/location of M041

Located in Orion 1.) Located just below Orion's belt

Method of finding/location of M042 (Orion Nebula)

Located in Orion 1.) Lies to north of M42 and is fainter than M42

Method of finding/location of M043 (De Mairan's Nebula)

Located in Puppis 1.) 14 degrees east and two degrees north of Sirius

Method of finding/location of M046

Located in Sagittarius 1.) 0.5 degrees south and 1.5 degrees west of Ascella (Zeta Sagittarii)

Method of finding/location of M054

Located in Sagittarius 1.) Follow an imaginary line drawn from Kaus Media (Delta Sagittarii) to Ascella (Zeta Sagittarii)

Method of finding/location of M055 (Summer Rose Star)

Located in Lyra 1.) Halfway along line from Albireo (Beta Cygni) to Sulafat (Gamma Lyrae)

Method of finding/location of M056

Located in Virgo 1.) 25 arc minutes east from M59

Method of finding/location of M060

Located in Canes Venatici 1.) Two thirds the way from Alkaid to Cor Caroli

Method of finding/location of M063 (Sunflower Galaxy)

Located in Coma Berenices 1.) 4 to 5 degrees north-northeast of Diadem

Method of finding/location of M064 (Black Eye Galaxy)

Located in Hydra 1.) 3.5 degrees southeast from Kraz (Beta Corvi)

Method of finding/location of M068

Located in Sagittarius 1.) Halfway two stars in the lower base of Teapot Asterism: Kaus Australis, and Ascella

Method of finding/location of M070

Located in Sagittarius 1.) Western part of Sagittarius, next to border with Capricornus

Method of finding/location of M075

Located in Orion 1.) 2 degrees north and 1.5 degrees east of Alnitak

Method of finding/location of M078

Located in Coma Berenices 1.) The northern edge of Virgo Cluster

Method of finding/location of M085

Located in Virgo 1.) 17 arc minutes west from M84

Method of finding/location of M086

Located in Puppis 1.) Lies near Zeta Puppis (Naos)

Method of finding/location of M093

Located in Canes Venatici 1.) 3 degrees east and slightly south of Chara

Method of finding/location of M094 (Cat Eye's Galaxy)

Located in Leo 1.) A third of the way from Regulus to Denebola

Method of finding/location of M096

Located in Ursa Major 1.) 2.5 degrees southeast of Merak

Method of finding/location of M097 (Owl Nebula)

Located in Coma Berenices 1.) North of the line connecting Denebola to Vindemiatrix

Method of finding/location of M100

Located in Ursa Major 1.) 40 arc minutes southeast of Phecda

Method of finding/location of M109

Located in Scorpius 1.) Halfway between Antares (Alpha Scorpii) and Akrab/Graffias (Beta Scorpii) 2.) 4 degrees northwest of Antares

Methods of finding/location of M080

Auriga, Perseus, Triangulum, Aries, Pisces, Pegasus, Sagittarius, Libra, and Scorpius

Nine prominent constellations in the summer sky in the Northern Hemisphere less than 30 degrees above the horizon (excluding circumpolar)


One prominent constellation in the autumn sky in the Northern Hemisphere greater than 60 degrees above the horizon (excluding circumpolar)


One prominent constellation in the spring Sky in the Northern Hemisphere greater than 60 degrees above the horizon (excluding circumpolar)

Alphard, Beta Scorpii (Akrab, Graffias), Hamal, Mirach, Nunki (Sigma Sagittarii), Alpheratz, and Rasalhague

Seven prominent celestial objects with an apparent magnitude of +2.00 to +2.07 (Ranked from brightest first to dimmest last)

Phi Sagittarii, Acamar, Pi Hydrae, Gamma Lyrae (Sulafat), Hecatebolus (Tau Sagittarii), Theta Ophiuchi, and Iota Draconis (Edasich)

Seven prominent celestial objects with an apparent magnitude of +3.17 to +3.29 (Ranked from brightest first to dimmest last)

Sculptor, Piscis Austrinus, Fornax, Capricornus, Cetus, Aquarius, and Pisces

Seven prominent constellations in the autumn sky in the Northern Hemisphere less than 30 degrees above the horizon (excluding circumpolar)

M45 (The Pleiades or Seven Sisters), Gacrux, Shaula, Bellatrix, Elnath, and Miaplacidus

Six prominent celestial objects with an apparent magnitude of +1.60 to +1.69 (Ranked from brightest first to dimmest last)

Algiaba, Kochab, Algol, Beta Ceti (Diphda), Saiph, and Denebola

Six prominent celestial objects with an apparent magnitude of +2.08 to +2.11 (Ranked from brightest first to dimmest last)

Gamma Persei, Sadalmelik (Alpha Aquarii), Gamma Sagittarii (Alnasl), Gamma Hydrae, Albireo, and Pherkad

Six prominent celestial objects with an apparent magnitude of +2.90 to +3.05 (Ranked from brightest first to dimmest last)

Iota Herculis, Delta Sagittae, Lambda Ophiuchi (Marfik), Mu Sagittarii (Polis), Maia, and Mu Virginis

Six prominent celestial objects with an apparent magnitude of +3.80 to +3.88 (Ranked from brightest first to dimmest last)

M006 (Butterfly Cluster), M041, M024 (Sagittarius Star Cloud), M025, Gamma Scuti, and Delta Scuti

Six prominent celestial objects with an apparent magnitude of +4.50 to +4.71 (Ranked from brightest first to dimmest last)

M035, Celaeno, M022 (Sagittarius Cluster), M034, M039, and M048

Six prominent celestial objects with an apparent magnitude of +5.30 to +5.5 (Ranked from brightest first to dimmest last)

M013 (Great Globular Cluster in Hercules), M050 (Heart-Shaped Cluster), M016 (Eagle Nebula), M008 (Lagoon Nebula), M017 (Omega, Swan, Horseshoe, or Lobster Nebula), and M093

Six prominent celestial objects with an apparent magnitude of +5.80 to +6.00 (Ranked from brightest first to dimmest last)

M067 (King Cobra Cluster), M046, M071, M003, M037, and M015 (Great Pegasus Cluster)

Six prominent celestial objects with an apparent magnitude of +6.10 to +6.20 (Ranked from brightest first to dimmest last)

M057 (Ring Nebula), M107, M066, M110 (Edward Young Star), M104 (Sombrero Galaxy), and M094 (Cat's Eye Galaxy)

Six prominent celestial objects with an apparent magnitude of +8.80 to +8.89 (Ranked from brightest first to dimmest last)

Hydra, Leo, Virgo, Sextans, Coma Berenices, and Canes Venatici

Six prominent constellations in the spring sky in the Northern Hemisphere between 30 degrees to 60 degrees above the horizon (excluding circumpolar)

Sirius, Rigel, Aldebaran, Capella, Castor, Pollux, & Procyon

Stars in Winter Oval (Hexagon)

The Summer Triangle consists of 3 stars: Vega, Deneb, and Altair

The Summer Triangle consists of

Betelgeuse, Sirius, and Procyon

The Winter Triangle consists of


The brightest object in the night sky, with an apparent magnitude of -12.74


The fifth brightest object in the night sky and the brightest star, with an apparent magnitude of -1.46


The second brightest object in the night sky, second only to the Moon, with an apparent magnitude of -4.14

Rigil Kentaurus (Alpha Centauri)

The seventh brightest object in the night sky and the third brightest star, with an apparent magnitude of -0.27


The sixth brightest object in the night sky and the second brightest star, with an apparent magnitude of -0.72

Mars and Jupiter

The third and fourth brightest objects in the night sky, with apparent magnitudes of -2.91 and -2.2 respectively


The twelfth brightest object in the night sky, and the fourth brightest star in the sky, with an apparent magnitude of 0.23

10 degrees

The width of a closed fist is equal to how many degrees?

1 degree

The width of one pinkie is equal to how many degrees?

5 degrees

The width of the three fingers (excluding the pinkie finger) is equal to how many degrees?

Located in Serpens 1.) About a fist-width north of Zubeneschamali 2.) Two-fist widths southeast of Arcturus 3.) Three-fist widths east of Spica

Three methods of finding/location of M005

Located in Ophiuchus 1.) 2 degrees north and 2 degrees west of M10 2.) 2 degrees north and 8.5 degrees east of Delta Ophiuchi 3.) 5.6 degrees from Lambda Ophiuchi

Three methods of finding/location of M012 (Gumball Globular)

Located in Ophiuchus 1.) 0.8 degrees north and 10 degrees east of M10 2.) 0.4 degrees north and 21 degrees east of Delta Ophiuchi 3.) 1/3 way from Beta to Eta Ophiuchi

Three methods of finding/location of M014

Located in Sagittarius 1.) 2.5 degrees northwest of M8 (Lagoon Nebula) 2.) 0.75 degrees northeast of M20 3.) Look for M8 and M20 in Teapot Asterism and then find it near them

Three methods of finding/location of M021

Located in Auriga 1.) Draw a line from Elnath in Taurus to Menkalinan in Auriga 2.) Its brightest stars form a Pentagon above Orion 3.) Southern part of Auriga

Three methods of finding/location of M036 (Pinwheel Cluster)

Located in Monoceros 1.) East of Orion 2.) Near border between Monoceros and Canis Major 3.) 9.5 degrees north-northeast of Sirius

Three methods of finding/location of M050 (Heart-Shaped Cluster)

Located in Leo 1.) Along line from Denebola to Regulus 2.) Between Iota Leonis and Chertan (Theta Leonis) 3.) 3 degrees from Chertan

Three methods of finding/location of M065 (part of Leo Triplet)

Located in Aquarius 1.) The southern part of Aquarius near the border of Capricornus 2.) 1.5 degrees east of M72 3.) Just below the line between Fomalhaut and Altair

Three methods of finding/location of M073

Located in Perseus 1.) Eastern part of Perseus near border with Andromeda 2.) Just south of Cassiopeia's W 3.) A degree north-northwest from Alseiph (Phi Persei)

Three methods of finding/location of M076 (Little Dumbbell Nebula)

Located in Lepus 1.) South of Orion and west of Canis Major 2.) 20 degrees southwest of Sirius 3.) A line drawn from Nihal to Arneb for about 1.5 times the distance between the two stars leads to HR 1771 and that star is 0.5 degrees southwest of M79

Three methods of finding/location of M079

Located in Virgo 1.) Near the center of Virgo Cluster 2.) Halfway between Vindemiatrix and Denebola 3.) 1.5 degrees northeast of M87

Three methods of finding/location of M090

Located in Coma Berenices 1.) A degree north of border between Coma Berenices and Virgo 2.) North of the line connecting Denebola to Vindemiatrix 3.) 2 degrees north of M89

Three methods of finding/location of M091 (Faintest Messier object)

Located in Hercules 1.) North of the Keystone Asterism 2.) Between Eta Herculis and Iota Herculis 3.) Find Eltanin, move 6 degrees in direction of Keystone

Three methods of finding/location of M092

Located in Leo 1.) In the same vicinity as M95 and M96 2.) Along the line from Regulus to Denebola 3.) 50 arc minutes north of M96

Three methods of finding/location of M105

Hadar, Acrux, and Altair

Three prominent celestial objects with an apparent magnitude of +0.61 to +0.77 (Ranked from brightest first to dimmest last)

Adhara, Epsilon Canis Majoris, and Castor

Three prominent celestial objects with an apparent magnitude of +1.50 to +1.57 (Ranked from brightest first to dimmest last)

Flame Nebula, M074 (Phantom Galaxy), and M085

Three prominent celestial objects with an apparent magnitude of +10.00

M105, M065, and M090

Three prominent celestial objects with an apparent magnitude of +10.20 to +10.26 (Ranked from brightest first to dimmest last)

M099 (Coma Pinwheel), M088, and M058

Three prominent celestial objects with an apparent magnitude of +10.40 to +10.50 (Ranked from brightest first to dimmest last)

Beta Virginis (Zavijava), Eta Piscium (Alpherg), and Thuban

Three prominent celestial objects with an apparent magnitude of +3.60 to +3.65 (Ranked from brightest first to dimmest last)

Merope, M047, and Beta Canum Venaticorum (Chara)

Three prominent celestial objects with an apparent magnitude of +4.18 to +4.26 (Ranked from brightest at the top to dimmest at the bottom)

Rho Virginis, M052, and HR 1711

Three prominent celestial objects with an apparent magnitude of +4.88 to +5.06 (Ranked brightest first to dimmest last)

M002, M021, and Omicron Ceti (Mira)

Three prominent celestial objects with an apparent magnitude of +6.50 to +6.57 (Ranked from brightest first to dimmest last)

M010, M012, and the Horsehead Nebula

Three prominent celestial objects with an apparent magnitude of +6.60 to +6.80 (Ranked from brightest first to dimmest last)

M023, M081 (Bode's Galaxy), and M029

Three prominent celestial objects with an apparent magnitude of +6.90 to +7.10 (Ranked from brightest first to dimmest last)

M027 (Dumbbell Nebula), M018, and M083 (Southern Pinwheel Galaxy)

Three prominent celestial objects with an apparent magnitude of +7.50 to +7.54 (Ranked from brightest first to dimmest last)

Helix Nebula (Eye of God), M014, and M028

Three prominent celestial objects with an apparent magnitude of +7.60 to +7.66 (Ranked from brightest first to dimmest last)

M087 (Virgo A), M077 (Cetus A), and M068

Three prominent celestial objects with an apparent magnitude of +9.59 to +9.67 (Ranked from brightest first to dimmest last)

M060, M086, and M097 (Owl Nebula)

Three prominent celestial objects with an apparent magnitude of +9.80 to +9.90 (Ranked from brightest first to dimmest last)

Located in Aquarius 1.) 5 degrees north of Beta Aquarii 2.) 10 degrees southwest of Alpha Aquarii

Two methods of finding/location of M002

Located in Eastern Scorpius 1.) Five degrees northwest of M7 2.) 5 degrees north and 1.5 degrees east of Shaula (tail of Scorpius)

Two methods of finding/location of M006 (Butterfly Cluster)

Located in Scorpius 1.) Five degrees southeast of M6 2.) 4.75 degrees above Lambda Scorpii (Shaula)

Two methods of finding/location of M007 (Ptolemy Cluster)

Located in Sagittarius 1.) Just above and to the right of the Teapot Asterism 2.) 5 degrees west of Lambda Sagittarii

Two methods of finding/location of M008 (Lagoon Nebula)

Located in Ophiuchus 1.) Half of a fists-width west of Beta Ophiuchi 2.) Slightly south of M12

Two methods of finding/location of M010

Located in Scutum 1.) Close to the northern part of the Scutum Star Cloud 2.) 1 degree northwest of R Scuti

Two methods of finding/location of M011 (Wild Duck Cluster)

Located in Hercules 1.) Within keystone 2.) 1/3 way from Vega to Arcturus

Two methods of finding/location of M013 (Great Globular Cluster in Hercules)

Located in Serpens 1.) 2.5 degrees west of Gamma Scuti 2.) Few degrees north of M17

Two methods of finding/location of M016 (Eagle Nebula)

Located in Sagittarius 1.) 2 degrees northwest of M8 (Lagoon Nebula) 2.) Few degrees west of Lambda Sagittarii (In Teapot Asterism)

Two methods of finding/location of M020 (Trifid Nebula)

Located in Sagittarius 1.) 6.5 degrees north of and a little east of Lambda Sagittarii (Kaus Borealis) 2.) 3.5 degrees west of M24

Two methods of finding/location of M025

Located in Scutum 1.) A degree southeast of Delta Scuti 2.) Locate Altair, extend line of stars in Aquila the eagle's back in direction of the Teapot

Two methods of finding/location of M026

Located in Cygnus 1.) In the vicinity of Sadr (marking the intersection of the Northern Cross) 2.) 1.7 degrees south and a little east of Sadr

Two methods of finding/location of M029

Located in Capricornus 1.) Few degrees southeast of Marakk (Zeta Capricorni) 2.) Use finderscope to locate

Two methods of finding/location of M030

Located in Andromeda 1.) Lies in the vicinity of the Great Square of Pegasus and Cassiopeia's W 2.) One of the brightest Messier Objects

Two methods of finding/location of M031 (Andromeda Galaxy)

Located in Triangulum 1.) 3.5 degrees northwest of Mothallah (Alpha Trianguli) 2.) 7 degrees southwest of Mirach (Beta Andromedae)

Two methods of finding/location of M033 (Triangulum Galaxy)

Located in Gemini 1.) 3.5 degrees northwest of Mu Geminorum 2.) Border with Taurus, Auriga, and Orion

Two methods of finding/location of M035

Located in Auriga 1.) Lies east of the midpoint from a line drawn from Elnath in Taurus to Mahasim 2.) Easternmost Messier object in Auriga

Two methods of finding/location of M037

Located in Cygnus 1.) 9 degrees east and a bit to the north of Deneb (Alpha Cygni) 2.) Starhop from Deneb 9 degrees east and M39 lies 3 degrees north

Two methods of finding/location of M039

Located in Cancer 1.) South of Lynx, north of Procyon 2.) Midpoint of line segment between Pollux and Regulus

Two methods of finding/location of M044 (Beehive Cluster)

Located in Taurus 1.) Easiest Messier Object to view 2.) Near body of Taurus

Two methods of finding/location of M045 (Pleiades)

Located in Puppis 1.) 12 degrees east and two degrees north of Sirius 2.) 5 degrees south of Alpha Monocerotis

Two methods of finding/location of M047

Located in Hydra 1.) 14 degrees southeast of Procyon 2.) 3 degrees southeast of Zeta Monocerotis

Two methods of finding/location of M048

Located in Virgo 1.) 4.1 degrees west southwest to Vindemiatrix 2.) Area between Vindemiatrix and Denebola

Two methods of finding/location of M049

Located in Canes Venatici 1.) 3.5 degrees southwest of Alkaid 2.) Draw line from Alkaid to Cor Caroli which leads to it

Two methods of finding/location of M051 (Whirlpool Galaxy)

Located in Cassiopeia 1.) Near Cassiopeia's W 2.) Extend a line from Schedar, Alpha Cassiopeiae to Caph, Beta Cassiopeiae to the northeast about the same distance between the two stars

Two methods of finding/location of M052

Located in Coma Berenices 1.) 15 degrees west of Arcturus 2.) 1 degree northwest of Diadem (Alpha Comae Berenices)

Two methods of finding/location of M053

Located in Lyra 1.) Lies to the south of Vega 2.) 40 percent the distance from Sheliak (Beta Lyrae) to Sulafat (Gamma Lyrae)

Two methods of finding/location of M057 (Ring Nebula)

Located in Virgo 1.) Slightly south of the line from Vindemiatrix (Epsilon Virginis) to Denebola (Beta Leonis) 2.) 2 degrees away from Rho Virginis

Two methods of finding/location of M058

Located in Virgo 1.) 4.5 degrees west and a bit north of Vindemiatrix 2.) Slightly west of M60

Two methods of finding/location of M059

Located in Virgo 1.) Above the line between Auva/Minelauva (Delta Virginis) to Zavijava (Beta Virginis) 2.) 8 degrees northwest of Porrima (Gamma Virginis)

Two methods of finding/location of M061

Located in Ophiuchus 1.) 7.5 degrees southeast of Antares 2.) 4.5 degrees northeast of Wei, Epsilon Scorpii

Two methods of finding/location of M062

Located in Leo 1.) Lies only 0.33 degrees southeast of M65 2.) 3 degrees south-southeast of Theta Leonis

Two methods of finding/location of M066 (part of Leo Triplet)

Located in Cancer 1.) Halfway and slightly above line connecting Regulus and Procyon 2.) 1.75 degrees west of Acubens (Alpha Cancri)

Two methods of finding/location of M067 (King Cobra Cluster)

Located in Sagittarius 1.) In teapot asterism 2.) 1-2 degrees north of line connecting Ascella (Zeta Sagittarii) and Kaus Australis (Epsilon Sagittarii)

Two methods of finding/location of M069

Located in Sagitta 1.) Halfway between Delta Sagittae and Gamma Sagittae 2.) 2 degrees southwest of Gamma Sagittae

Two methods of finding/location of M071

Located in Aquarius 1.) Few degrees below line between Sadalmelik and Sadalsuud 2.) 3 degrees south and 1.5 degrees east of Albali (Epsilon Aquarii)

Two methods of finding/location of M072

Located in Cetus 1.) 1 degree southeast of Delta Ceti 2.) Few degrees from Mira (Omicron Ceti)

Two methods of finding/location of M077 (Cetus A)

Located in Ursa Major 1.) 10 degrees northwest of Dubhe 2.) A line drawn from Phecda to Dubhe extended by the same distance between the two leads to M81

Two methods of finding/location of M081 (Bode's Galaxy)

Located in Ursa Major 1.) 10 degrees northwest of Dubhe 2.) 38 arc minutes north of M81

Two methods of finding/location of M082 (Cigar Galaxy)

Located in Hydra 1.) 6.5 degrees south and 3.15 degrees east of Gamma Hydrae 2.) 3.15 degrees south and 6.2 degrees west of Pi Hydrae

Two methods of finding/location of M083 (Southern Pinwheel Galaxy)

Located in Virgo 1.) Halfway along line from Denebola to Vindemiatrix 2.) In border with Coma Berenices

Two methods of finding/location of M084

Located in Virgo 1.) 1.5 degrees southeast of M84 and M86 2.) Halfway between Vindemiatrix and Denebola

Two methods of finding/location of M087 (Virgo A)

Located in Coma Berenices 1.) A bit north of the line between Vindemiatrix and Denebola 2.) Slightly northeast of M84/M86 pair

Two methods of finding/location of M088

Located in Leo 1.) A third of the way from Regulus to Denebola 2.) 40 arc minutes west of M96

Two methods of finding/location of M095

Located in Coma Berenices 1.) 6 degrees east of Denebola 2.) One of the faintest Messier objects

Two methods of finding/location of M098

Located in Coma Berenices 1.) 7 degrees east of Denebola 2.) 0.5 degrees east of M98

Two methods of finding/location of M099 (Coma Pinwheel)

Located in Ursa Major 1.) Just above handle of Big Dipper 2.) 5.5 degrees northeast of Alkaid

Two methods of finding/location of M101 (Pinwheel Galaxy)

Located in Draco 1.) 4 degrees southwest of Iota Draconis 2.) East of Big Dipper

Two methods of finding/location of M102 (Spindle Galaxy)

Located in Cassiopeia 1.) Lies within Cassiopeia's W 2.) 1 degree east of Ruchbah, Delta Cassiopeiae

Two methods of finding/location of M103

Located in Virgo 1.) 11.5 degrees west of Spica 2.) 5.5 degrees east of Eta Corvi

Two methods of finding/location of M104 (Sombrero Galaxy)

Located in Canes Venatici 1.) Lies along the line from Phecda to Cor Caroli 2.) Extending line from Dubhe to Phecda

Two methods of finding/location of M106

Located in Ophiuchus 1.)2.75 degrees southwest of Zeta Ophiuchi 2.)16 degrees north of Antares

Two methods of finding/location of M107

Located in Ursa Major 1.) 1.5 degrees southeast of Merak 2.) 48 arc minutes southeast from Owl Nebula

Two methods of finding/location of M108 (Surfboard Galaxy)

Located in Andromeda 1.) Lies next to the Andromeda Galaxy 2.) 8 degrees northwest of Mirach

Two methods of finding/location of M110 (Edward Young Star)

M026 and M032 (Le Gentil)

Two prominent celestial objects with an apparent magnitude of +8.00 to +8.08 (Ranked from brightest first to dimmest last)

M091 and M098

Two prominent celestial objects with an apparent magnitude of 11.00

Corvus and Crater

Two prominent constellations in the spring sky in the Northern Hemisphere less than 30 degrees above the horizon (excluding circumpolar)

Cygnus and Lyra

Two prominent constellations in the summer sky in the Northern Hemisphere greater than 60 degrees above the horizon (excluding circumpolar)

Auriga and Gemini

Two prominent constellations in the winter sky in the Northern Hemisphere greater than 60 degrees above the horizon (excluding circumpolar)

Big Dipper

What asterism is this?

Great Square of Pegasus

What asterism is this?

Summer Triangle

What asterism is this?

The Keystone

What asterism is this?

The teapot

What asterism is this?

Winter Oval (Hexagon)

What asterism is this?

Winter Triangle

What asterism is this?

Lacerta - Lizard

What constellation is east of Andromeda, south of Cepheus, northeast of Pegasus, and west of Cygnus?

Phoenix the Phoenix

What constellation is east of Eridanus, south of Sculptor, and north of Hydrus?

Lupus the Wolf

What constellation is located west of Centaurus, east of Scorpius, and south of Libra?

Musca The Fly

What constellation is north of Chamaeleon, south of Crux, west of Carina, and east of Circinus?

Ara the Altar

What constellation is south of Scorpius and east of Telescopium?

Grus The Crane

What constellation is southeast of Sculptor, northwest of Indus, north of Tucana, and south of Piscis Austranis?

Lynx the Lynx

What constellation is southeast of Ursa Major, west of Auriga, northwest of Gemini, and northeast of Leo?

Andromeda, The Chained Princess

What constellation is this?

Antlia The Air Pump

What constellation is this?

Apus The Bird of Paradise

What constellation is this?

Aquarius, The Water Bearer

What constellation is this?

Aquila, The Eagle

What constellation is this?

Aries, the Ram

What constellation is this?

Auriga, The Charioteer

What constellation is this?

Boötes (The Herdsman)

What constellation is this?

Caelum The Engraving Tool

What constellation is this?

Camelopardalis The Giraffe

What constellation is this?

Cancer, the Crab

What constellation is this?

Canes Venatici The Hunting Dogs

What constellation is this?

Canis Major (The Great Dog)

What constellation is this?

Canis Minor (The Little Dog)

What constellation is this?

Capricornus, Sea Goat

What constellation is this?

Carina, the Keel of Argo

What constellation is this?

Cassiopeia, The Queen

What constellation is this?

Centaurus The Centaur

What constellation is this?

Cepheus, The King

What constellation is this?

Cetus The Sea Monster

What constellation is this?

Chamaeleon The Chameleon

What constellation is this?

Circinus The Compass

What constellation is this?

Columba The Dove

What constellation is this?

Coma Berenices - Berenice's Hair

What constellation is this?

Corona Australis, The Southern Crown

What constellation is this?

Corona Borealis, The Northern Crown

What constellation is this?

Corvus the Crow

What constellation is this?

Crater The Cup

What constellation is this?

Crux (Southern Cross)

What constellation is this?

Cygnus, The Swan

What constellation is this?

Delphinus, Dolphin

What constellation is this?

Dorado The Swordfish

What constellation is this?

Draco, the Dragon

What constellation is this?

Equuleus The Little Horse

What constellation is this?

Eridanus, River

What constellation is this?

Fornax The Furnace

What constellation is this?

Gemini, the Twins

What constellation is this?

Hercules, the Warrior

What constellation is this?

Horologium The Clock

What constellation is this?

Hydra, sea serpent

What constellation is this?

Hydrus the Water Snake

What constellation is this?

Indus The Indian

What constellation is this?

Leo Minor, Little Lion

What constellation is this?

Leo, the Lion

What constellation is this?

Lepus the Hare

What constellation is this?

Libra (Balance)

What constellation is this?

Lyra, The Lyre (Harp)

What constellation is this?

Mensa The Table Mountain

What constellation is this?

Microscopium The Microscope

What constellation is this?

Monoceros The Unicorn

What constellation is this?

Norma, Carpenter's Level

What constellation is this?

Octans The Octant

What constellation is this?

Ophiuchus, The Serpent Bearer

What constellation is this?

Orion, The Hunter

What constellation is this?

Pavo The Peacock

What constellation is this?

Pegasus, the Winged Horse

What constellation is this?

Perseus, The Hero/Warrior

What constellation is this?

Pictor the Easel

What constellation is this?

Pisces, the fish

What constellation is this?

Piscis Austrinus The Southern Fish

What constellation is this?

Puppis, Poop Deck, or the Stern of Argo

What constellation is this?

Reticulum the Net

What constellation is this?

Sagitta, Arrow

What constellation is this?

Sagittarius, the Archer

What constellation is this?

Scorpius, the Scorpion

What constellation is this?

Sculptor the Sculptor

What constellation is this?

Scutum The Shield

What constellation is this?

Serpens, Serpent

What constellation is this?

Sextans The Sextant

What constellation is this?

Taurus, The Bull

What constellation is this?

Telescopium The Telescope

What constellation is this?

Triangulum Australe, The Southern Triangle

What constellation is this?

Triangulum, Triangle

What constellation is this?

Tucana The Toucan

What constellation is this?

Ursa Major (the great bear)

What constellation is this?

Ursa Minor, Little Dipper (Little Bear)

What constellation is this?

Vela, Sail of Argo

What constellation is this?

Virgo, the Virgin

What constellation is this?

Volans the Flying Fish

What constellation is this?

Vulpecula The Fox

What constellation is this?

Pyxis, Compass of Argo

What constellation is west of Puppis, southeast of Hydra, and northeast of Vela?

Argo Navis

What former constellation was a combination of Puppis, Carina, and Vela?

Pi, Eta, Epsilon, and Zeta Hercules

What stars are in the Keystone asterism?

The brightest star in Lepus, the center of the constellation connecting the front legs to the body

Where Arneb (Alpha Leporis) located?

Near the southern-most point of Eridanus

Where is Acamar located?

The brightest star of Eridanus located at the southern-most point

Where is Achernar located?

The south star of Crux

Where is Acrux located?

The star at the tip of the left leg of Cancer

Where is Acubens (Alpha Cancri) located?

The star that connects the two hind legs to the body

Where is Adhara located?

The head of the Aquarius constellation

Where is Albali (Epsilon Aquarii) located?

The end of Cygnus the Swan's tail

Where is Albireo located?

The middle star of the handle of Big Dipper in a binary star system with Mizar

Where is Alcor located?

Pleiades Star Cluster

Where is Alcyone located?

The left-most star in the head, and brightest star of Taurus

Where is Aldebaran located?

Located on the tip of the left pincer of Scorpio

Where is Alerab or Graffias (Beta Scorpii) located?

The vertex in Perseus not connecting to additional stellar structures

Where is Algol located?

On the right foot of Pollux

Where is Alhena located?

The star in the handle of Big Dipper closest to the bowl or Megrez

Where is Alioth located?

The star at the end of the handle of the Big Dipper

Where is Alkaid located?

The star to the tip of the farthest right and upper-most star in the Teapot asterism in the right-most triangle

Where is Alnasl (Gamma Sagittarii) located?

The center of Orion's belt

Where is Alnilam located?

The left-most star of Orion's belt

Where is Alnitak located?

The star located next to the center of Centaurus above Hadar

Where is Alpha Centauri located?

The southern-most star of Coma Berenices

Where is Alpha Comae Berenices (Diadem) located?

The star at the foot of Monoceros the Unicorn's hind leg

Where is Alpha Monocerotis located?

Southern region of Triangulum

Where is Alpha Trianguli located?

The brightest star in Hydra, located in its body toward the head

Where is Alphard located?

The upper star in the center of Corona Borealis

Where is Alphecca located?

The brightest star in Andromeda located in the intersection between the Great Square of Pegasus and Andromeda

Where is Alpheratz located?

The star in the center of the tail of Pisces pointing north

Where is Alpherg (Eta Piscium) located?

The star located at the connection between the wings and the neck of Aquila

Where is Altair located?

The north-most point and brightest star of Phoenix

Where is Ankaa located?

The brightest star in Scorpius located in the center

Where is Antares located?

The brightest star in Bootes in the center of the constellation Draw line from three stars in Big Dipper's handle, it's the first star that appears on that line

Where is Arcturus located?

Pleiades Star Cluster

Where is Asterope located?

The west star of Crux

Where is Becrux (Mimosa) located?

The uppermost east star of Orion's body

Where is Bellatrix located?

The brightest star in Aquarius, the second star to the tip of Aquarius

Where is Beta Aquarii (Sadalsuud) located?

The west star of Auriga connecting the triangle to the bottom

Where is Beta Aurigae (Menkalinan) located?

The dimmer star in Canes Venatici located northeast of Cor Caroli

Where is Beta Canum Venaticorum (Chara) located?

Located in the southern-most point of the Cetus triangle, and it's the brightest star of the constellation

Where is Beta Ceti (Diphda) located?

The star in the bottom right of the quadrilateral in Lyra next to Gamma Lyrae

Where is Beta Lyrae (Sheliak) located?

A star in the body of Ophiuchus connecting the body to the external strand

Where is Beta Ophiuchus (Cebalrai) located?

The tip of the right arm of Virgo

Where is Beta Virginis (Zavijava) located?

The northwest star of Orion's body

Where is Betelgeuse located?

The star located at the extended tip of Carina

Where is Canopus located?

The brightest star in Auriga located at the middle right star

Where is Capella located?

The top of Cassiopeia's W, near the right of it

Where is Caph located?

The head of the right twin of Gemini

Where is Castor located?

Pleiades Star Cluster

Where is Celaeno located?

The southern star of Canes Venatici

Where is Cor Caroli located?

The star west of Mira in the constellation Cetus

Where is Delta Ceti located?

The bottom-right corner of the body of Ophiuchus

Where is Delta Ophiuchi (Yed Prior) located?

The intersection between the two ends of the arrow and the spear

Where is Delta Sagittae located?

The left star in the pair of stars in the quadrilateral Scutum that are closer together

Where is Delta Scuti located?

The north-most star in the quadrilateral body of Virgo next to Vindemiatrix

Where is Delta Virginis (Auva, Minelauva) located?

The star between both wings and the neck of Cygnus

Where is Deneb located?

The brightest star in Ursa Major located in the top right corner of the bowl of the Little Dipper

Where is Dubhe located?

Near the center of Draco

Where is Edasich (Iota Draconis) located?

Pleiades Star Cluster

Where is Electra located?

The tip of the right horn of Taurus

Where is Elnath located?

The brightest star in Draco, near the head of Draco

Where is Eltanin located?

The brightest star of Pegasus at the end of the longest extension

Where is Enif located?

The second-brightest, and middle of the hind leg of Canis Majoris

Where is Epsilon Canis Majoris located?

Located near the east of Carina

Where is Epsilon Carinae located?

The star directly in the middle of Scorpius near the southern region of the constellation

Where is Epsilon Scorpii (Laraway) located?

The star at the tip of the extension from Corvus

Where is Eta Corvi located?

The top-right star in the body of Hercules connecting the right arm

Where is Eta Herculis located?

The southern-most star of the body of Ophiuchus, the second brightest star in the constellation

Where is Eta Ophiuchi (Sabik) located?

The brightest star of Piscis Austrinus located farthest east

Where is Fomalhaut located?

The star at the top of the Crux

Where is Gacrux located?

The second star to the tail end of Hydra

Where is Gamma Hydrae located?

The star in the quadrilateral in Lyra farthest from Vega

Where is Gamma Lyrae (Sulafat) located?

The brightest star in Sagitta, between the tip of the arrow and the intersection point

Where is Gamma Sagittae located?

The southern-most star of Scutum

Where is Gamma Scuti located?

The brightest, and eastern-most point of Vela

Where is Gamma Velorum located?

The intersection between the right arm of Virgo and the body

Where is Gamma Virginis (Porrima) located?

Located near Beta Leporis but away from Lepus

Where is HR 1771 located?

The star located next to the center of Centaurus below Alpha Centauri

Where is Hadar located?

The brightest star in Aries located near the center

Where is Hamal located?

The bottom-left star of the western quadrilateral of the Teapot asterism

Where is Hecatebolus (Tau Sagittarii) located?

The tip of Hercules's left arm

Where is Iota Herculis located?

Located on the middle of the hind leg of Leo

Where is Iota Leonis located?

The brightest star in Sagittarius, the second to the southern-most star in the right of Sagittarius

Where is Kaus Australis (Epsilon Sagittarii) located?

The right of the Sagittarius constellation, the north star of the three bright stars to the right

Where is Kaus Borealis (Lambda Sagittarii) located?

The middle of the Kaus star region to the eastern region of Sagittarius

Where is Kaus Media (Delta Sagittarii) located?

The star in Ursa Minor's bowl south of Pherkad

Where is Kochab located?

The brightest star in Cancer, located at the tip of the right leg of Cancer

Where is Kraz (Beta Cancri) located?

The star located between Delta Ophiuchi and the star in the top right of the body of Ophiuchi

Where is Lambda Ophiuchi (Marfik) located?

Pleiades Star Cluster

Where is Maia located?

Within the Great Square of Pegasus, the star that connects to the longest extension

Where is Markab located?

The star that connects the handle to the bowl of Big Dipper

Where is Megrez located?

Located in the western region of Cetus

Where is Menkar located?

The bottom-right star of the Big Dipper's bowl

Where is Merak located?

Pleiades Star Cluster

Where is Merope located?

The second-brightest star and it's in the southern region of Carina

Where is Miaplacidus located?

The right-most star of Orion's belt

Where is Mintaka located?

The star near the center of the Sea Monster, Cetus's neck

Where is Mira (Omicron Ceti) located?

The second star to the west of the upper chain of Andromeda

Where is Mirach located?

The middle star of the handle of Big Dipper in a binary star system with Alcor

Where is Mizar located?

The star below the pelvis of Castor in Gemini on the right leg

Where is Mu Geminorum (Tejat) located?

The star that is east and slightly north of Kaus Borealis in Sagittarius

Where is Mu Sagittarii (Polis) located?

Located in the bottom of Virgo's right leg

Where is Mu Virginis located?

The top-left star of the quadrilateral in the Teapot asterism

Where is Nanto (Phi Sagittarii) located?

The brightest star in Puppis, located in the southwest of the middle region of Puppis

Where is Naos (Zeta Puppis) located?

The star near the hind leg of Lepus

Where is Nihal (Beta Leporis) located?

The top-left star of the western quadrilateral of the Teapot asterism

Where is Nunki (Sigma Sagittarii) located?


Where is Omega Centauri located?

The north-most, and brightest star in Pavo

Where is Peacock (Alpha Pavonis) located?

The north-most, and brightest star of Columba

Where is Phact (Alpha Columbae) located?

The star located in the southwest corner of the bowl of the Big Dipper

Where is Phecda located?

The star in the bowl farthest from Polaris

Where is Pherkad located?

A star in Perseus located southeast of Algol

Where is Phi Persei (Alsieph) located?

The tail of Hydra

Where is Pi Hydrae located?

The brightest star in Ursa Minor located at the tip of the handle

Where is Polaris located?

The head of the left twin of Gemini

Where is Pollux located?

The brightest star in Canis Minor located at its tail

Where is Procyon located?

Located slightly southwest of Beta Scuti

Where is R Scuti located?

The brightest star, and top of Ophiuchus

Where is Rasalhague located?

The brightest star in Leo located south of the vertex connecting the tail to the body

Where is Regulus located?

East and slightly south of Vindemiatrix in the Virgo Constellation

Where is Rho Virginis located?

The brightest star in Orion, the bottom most right star of its body

Where is Rigel located?

The left-bottom vertex of Cassiopeia's W

Where is Ruchbah (Delta Cassiopeiae) located?

The brightest star in Aquarius, located in the northern region toward the center

Where is Sadalmelik (Alpha Aquarii) located?

Located at the intersection of the wings and body of Cygnus

Where is Sadr located?

The star located in the bottom-left of Orion

Where is Saiph located?

Located in Cassiopeia's W near the bottom right side

Where is Schedar (Shedir) located?

The star at the tip of Scorpius' tail

Where is Shaula located?

The brightest star in Canis Major and the sky, located in its collar

Where is Sirius located?

The brightest star in Virgo, located in the bottom-right corner of the body of Virgo

Where is Spica located?

Pleiades Star Cluster

Where is Taygete located?

The star just below Menkalinan in Gemini

Where is Theta Aurigae (Mahasim) located?

The intersection between the hind leg of Leo and the body

Where is Theta Leonis (Chertan) located?

The southern-most star of Ophiuchus

Where is Theta Ophiuchi located?

The third star away from the tail of Draco

Where is Thuban located?

The brightest star of Lyra and the upper right star of its triangle

Where is Vega located?

The star located near the back of Virgo, most northwestern star of the constellation

Where is Vindemiatrix (Epsilon Virginis) located?

The intersection between the body and hind legs of Canis Major

Where is Wezen located?

The star between the southern-most star of Capricornus and Deneb, the brightest star in Capricornus

Where is Zeta Capricorni (Marakk) located?

The star that connects Alpha Monocerotis to the body of Monoceros

Where is Zeta Monocerotis located?

The star at the middle of the bottom segment of Ophiuchus

Where is Zeta Ophiuchi located?

The north-western star of the quadrilateral in the center of Sagittarius

Where is Zeta Sagittarii (Ascella) located?

The brightest star in Libra, located on the triangle of Libra near an intersection with an end of Libra

Where is Zubeneschamali (Beta Librae) located?

It's next to the star extended from Mirach

Where is the Andromeda Galaxy located?

The middle of the densely populated region in Carina

Where is the Carina Nebula located?


Where is the Flame Nebula located?


Where is the Helix Nebula located?


Where is the Horsehead Nebula located?

The center of Taurus

Where is the Hyades Star Cluster located?

The body of Hercules

Where is the Keystone located?

Between Dorado and Mensa

Where is the Large Magellanic Cloud located?

Outside and slightly east of the Scutum constellation

Where is the Scutum Star Cloud located?

It's located at the edge of Hydrus near Tucana

Where is the Small Magellanic Cloud located?

Center of the Orion Nebula

Where is the Trapezium Cluster located?


Which Messier object is a diffuse nebulae?

M040 (Winnecke 4)

Which Messier object is a double star?

M024 (Sagittarius Star Cloud)

Which Messier object is a star cloud?

M082 (Cigar Galaxy)

Which Messier object is a starburst galaxy?

M001 (Crab Nebula)

Which Messier object is a supernova remnant?


Which Messier objects is an asterism?

M031 (Andromeda Galaxy), M033 (Triangulum Galaxy), M051 (Whirlpool Galaxy), M061, and M063 (Sunflower Galaxy)

Which five Messier objects (M001-M063) are (non-barred) spiral galaxies?

M025, M026, M029, M034, and M035

Which five Messier objects (M026-M036) are open clusters?

M028, M030, M053, M054, and M055 (Summer Rose Star)

Which five Messier objects (M026-M055) are globular clusters?

M036 (Pinwheel Cluster), M037, M038, M039, and M041

Which five Messier objects (M036-M042) are open clusters?

M044 (Beehive Cluster), M045 (Pleiades), M046, M047, and M048

Which five Messier objects (M043-M049) are open clusters?

M050 (Heart-Shaped Cluster), M052, M067 (King Cobra Cluster), M093, and M103

Which five Messier objects (M050-M110) are open clusters?

M064 (Black Eye Galaxy), M074 (Phantom Galaxy), M077 (Cetus A), M081 (Bode's Galaxy), and M088

Which five Messier objects (M064-M089) are (non-barred) spiral galaxies?

M090, M094 (Cat Eye's Galaxy), M096, M098, and M099 (Coma Pinwheel)

Which five Messier objects (M090-M099) are (non-barred) spiral galaxies?

M058, M065, M066, M083 (Southern Pinwheel Galaxy)

Which four Messier objects (M001-M089) are barred spiral galaxies?

M091, M095, M108 (Surfboard Galaxy), and M109

Which four Messier objects (M090-M110) are barred spiral galaxies?

M100, M101 (Pinwheel Galaxy), M104 (Sombrero Galaxy), and M106

Which four Messier objects (M100-M106) are (non-barred) spiral galaxies?

M027 (Dumbbell Nebula), M057 (Ring Nebula), M076 (Little Dumbbell Nebula), and M097 (Owl Nebula)

Which four Messier objects are planetary nebulae?

M006 (Butterfly Cluster), M007 (Ptolemy Cluster), M011 (Wild Duck Cluster), M018, M021, and M023

Which six Messier objects (M001 - M024) are open clusters?

M002, M003, M004, M005, M009, and M010

Which six Messier objects (M001-M010) are globular clusters?

M012 (Gumball Globular), M013 (Great Globular Cluster in Hercules), M014, M015 (Great Pegasus Cluster), M019, and M022 (Sagittarius Cluster)

Which six Messier objects (M011-M025) are globular clusters?

M056, M062, M068, M069, M070, and M071

Which six Messier objects (M056-M071) are globular clusters?

M072, M075, M079, M080, M092, and M107

Which six Messier objects (M072-M110) are globular clusters?

M008 (Lagoon Nebula), M016 (Eagle Nebula), M017 (Omega, Swan, Horseshoe, or Lobster Nebula), M020 (Trifid Nebula), M042 (Orion Nebula), M043 (De Mairan's Nebula)

Which six Messier objects are H II Nebulae?

M049, M059, M060, M087 (Virgo A), M089, and M105

Which six Messier objects are elliptical galaxies?

Pherkad and Kochab

Which stars are the Guardians of Ursa Minor?

M084, M085, and M086

Which three Messier objects are lenticular galaxies?

M032 (Le Gentil) and M110 (Edward Young Star)

Which two Messier objects are dwarf elliptical galaxies?

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