Story of Jesus Unit 7

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In the Rich Fool, What warning does he offer the man?

Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; life does not consist in an abundance of possessions.

In the Two Debtors, How much money do each of the men owe in the story? How much money is this (see footnote)?

5 hundred denarii, the usual daily wage of a day laborer

In the Rich Fool, Count how many times the man in the parable uses the first person (I/my)


What are the 3 stories that we have gone over?

The Two Debtors, Good Samaritan, and The Rich Fool

In the parable of the Good Samaritan, What type of parable is this?


In the parable of the Good Samaritan, How does Jesus answer the second question?

Do this and you will live

In the parable of the Good Samaritan, What is the answer to the man's second question, "Who is my neighbor"

He tells the story of the Good Samaritan

In the parable of the Good Samaritan, Give an example of a time where you treated someone - who you normally don't care for - like you wanted to be treated (i.e., when is a time where you loved someone like you love yourself)

I treated this girl who I don't really care for nice but in return she treated me badly.

In the parables of the lost sheep, what does Jesus say will happen in heaven when the lost item is found?

Jesus says there will be more rejoicing

In the parable of the Good Samaritan, What is the two-part answer to this question?

Love the Lord our God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and will your mind and Love your neighbor as yourself

In the Rich Fool, How does Jesus respond to the man's request?

Man, who appointed me a judge or an arbiter between you?

In the parables of the lost son, is the younger son successful?

No, he spent everything, fed the pigs, and was tempted to eat with the pigs

example of an example

Once there was a man...Go and do likewise...

In the Two Debtors, What type of parable do you think this is?


In the Two Debtors, whose house does Jesus go to?


In the parables of the lost sheep, who objects to this and why?

Pharisees and teachers of the law, they object because he is Jesus and they are sinners.

In the Rich Fool, What do you think the rich man should have done with his extra crops? Don't give me the answer you think I want to hear...what do you really think?

Shared them with other people.

In the Rich Fool, What type of parable is this?


example of a similitude

The kingdom of heaven is like...

example of an allegory

There once was a shepherd with sheep grazing in a pasture...

example of a parable

There was a ruler who held a banquet

In the Rich Fool, What does it mean to be rich towards God?

To put God first and make him your best riches.

In the parable of the Good Samaritan, What is the first question the man asks Jesus? What do you think he means by this question?

What must I do to inherit eternal life?

In the Two Debtors, Is it possible for a "sinner" - that is, someone who is not intentionally religious - as the woman was in this story - to love God more than a devout religious person? Why or why not?

Yes, because sinners have more guilt and they could love God more because they want forgiveness

In the Two Debtors, Do you think the two "debtors" in this parable represent anyone who might be in the room with Jesus while he tells this story? If so, who?

Yes, the woman and the Pharisee

In the Rich Fool, What does the man say to himself in verse 19? Do you think Jesus has a problem with this kind of attitude? Why or why not?

You have plenty of grain laid up for many years. Take life easy; eat, drink and be merry. Yes, because he calls him a fool

In the parables of the lost coin, what is lost?

a coin

In the parables of the lost son, where does the younger son go?

a distant country


a positive or negative character who serves as an example to be imitated


a series of related metaphors

In the parables of the lost sheep, what is lost?

a sheep

In the Two Debtors, who else shows up at the house and how is the person described?

a woman in the town who is a sinner and a prostitute


an extended metaphor


an extended simile that uses like or as

In the parables of the lost coin, who does she call after the lost item is found?

friends and neighbors

In the parables of the lost sheep, who does the person call and what do they do after the lost item is found?

he calls his friends and neighbors together to rejoice that the sheep is found

In the parables of the lost son, what happens when the younger son comes to his senses? what does he hope to be in his father's household?

he decides to go back to his father and hopes to be one of his hired men

In the parables of the lost son, what does the son say to his father?

he has sinned against him and heaven, and shouldn't be called his son

In the Two Debtors, What does Jesus do since he seems to know what the host is thinking?

he tells a parable

In the parables of the lost son, what does the younger son want from his father?

he wanted his share of the estate

In the parables of the lost son, what does the story say the father's reaction to seeing his son in verse 20?

he was filled with compassion, and threw his arms around him and kissed him

In the Two Debtors, How do you think Jesus knows that Simon does not approve of this scene?

he was judging

In the parables of the lost son, who does he say is no longer worthy to be called?

his son

In the parables of the lost son, who, according to verse 24, is the lost item in this story?

his son

In the parables of the lost son, where does he go after coming to his senses?

home to his father

In the parables of the lost coin, what does she do to find it?

light a lamp, sweep the house, and search carefully

In the parable of the Good Samaritan, What are the events surrounding the story here in Jesus' life (as opposed to the story he will tell later)? Who are the main characters?

loving a neighbor, Jesus, a priest, Levite

In the parable of the Good Samaritan, Provide a basic outline to the Parable (e.g., main characters, places, major events)

main character are Jesus, a Levite, a priest, a Samaritan/places are Jerusalem and Jericho/major event was the story of the good Samaritan

In the Rich Fool, Provide a basic outline to the Parable (e.g., main characters, and major events)

main characters are Jesus, the man in the crowd the major event was when Jesus was telling his story

In the Two Debtors, Which one of them was able to pay the moneylender back?

neither of them

In the Two Debtors, what does this person do to Jesus?

she wet his feet with her tears and wiped them with her hair,kissed his feet, perfumed his feet,showed love

In the Two Debtors, If "debt" is a metaphor, what do you think it represents (read the story again if needed)?


In the Rich Fool, What is the "episode" here in Jesus' life?

someone in a crowd is asking Jesus to do something for him

In the parables of the lost son, what does he do upon arriving there?

squandered his wealth in wild living

In the Two Debtors, Which one of them loved the moneylender more?

the one that had the bigger dept

In the parables of the lost sheep, where does the person go/return upon finding it?

the open country

In the parables of the lost sheep, who were gathered around Jesus at the beginning of these three parables?

the tax collectors and sinners

In the parables of the lost coin, what does Jesus say will happen in heaven when the lost item is found?

there will be rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God

In the parables of the lost son, what does the father do for the son in verse 22?

throws a party for him

In the Two Debtors, why was Jesus invited to the house?

to have dinner

In the parables of the lost coin, how long does she look for the lost item?

until it is found

In the parables of the lost sheep, how long does the person look for the lost item?

until it is found

In the parables of the lost coin, who in real life, does this lost item represent?


In the parables of the lost sheep, who in real life, does the lost sheep represent?


In the parables of the lost son, what is the younger son's father doing during his return?

waiting for his son to return

In the parable of the Good Samaritan, What is the second question?

what is the written law

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