Strength Training

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Beginners Training Program Outline week 1-4

1-3 sets of the 10-12 diff. exercises with a 1 min rest moderate weight 60-65% 1RM should be good. form is priority. at least 1 exercise for every major muscle group should be performed

Circuit Training in Depth

Aerobic Based, muscle endurance, cardiovascular fitness. One set per exercise alternating between upper and lower body minimal rest 30 secs then repeat. To maximize incorporate as many multi-joint exercises as possible. assistance exercises needed. at the end of each circuit is a cardiovascular station where you perform 3-5 mins on a treadmill

Age and Skill appropriate Programming

Age is a major consideration for programming in youths. Consider a childs maturity status as well.

Skill Appropriate Programming (males 16+ and females 15+)

As growth slows highly structured programs intended to maximize through increased intensities and utilization of greater movement speeds can be considered.

unsaturated fats

Believed to be good because it improves blood lipid profiles.


Building up/ muscle proteins

Choice and Order of exercises

Depends on a persons experience level, training goals, available time, and ability to recover between sets and workouts. work largest muscle mass before smaller muscle mass areas.


Determined by sets X reps. volume can be used to describe a single exercise or a complete workout session


Dietary nutrients required by the body in large quantities. Carbs, Fats, and Proteins. Essential to muscular development

General Muscular Conditioning

Entire body is trained. training routines use different exercises each session to relieve monotony and provides different stimulus to the musculature. based on 3 days per week. Rest period 30-90 seconds 48 hours of rest should be allowed between each workout. intensity is 8-10RM

Skill Appropriate Programming (males 6-9 & females 6-8)

Focus on fundamental movement skills with unstructured programing.


Frequency is the number of training sessions per week for a muscle group

Suggested Intermediate Programs

General Muscular Conditioning, Circuit Training, Maximal Strength Training, Hypertrophy Training,

General adaptation syndrome

Han Seleye's general adaptation syndrome refers to the 3 stages of adaptation (Selye 1950, Selye 1976) 1)the alarm stage, caused by the onset of physiological stress 2)the resistance stage, in which the body begins to adapt to the demands 3) the exhaustion stage, which occurs with overtraining.


Increase in work being completed over time. usually represented by an increase in volume or intensity during a training program

Benefits of Strength Training for Youths

Increases muscle strength and power, local muscle endurance, bone mineral density, motor skill performance, resistance to sports related injuries. Improvements in blood lipid profile, body composition, athletic ability, body image and self-confidence. Lastly a more positive attitude toward lifetime physical activity.

Hypertrophy Training

Maximizing muscle growth. this a split routine, 4 days per week, assistance exercises must be incorporated. Rest period 30-90secs to induce fatigue. increase resistance when you have met training protocol, high volume and low intensity.

Specificity of training

Only those muscles that are trained will adapt and change in response to a resistance training program

Specific adaptations to imposed demands principle (SAID)

according to the specific adaptations to imposed demands principle, the adaptation will be specific to the characteristics of the workout used.

Periodization Training

allows for the use of many types of workouts, training programs, and modalities. it calls for varying the training stimulus (intensity or volume) over determined periods of time to allow for an optimal progression in the exercise stress and planned periods of rest.

Rest Interval

amount of time spent recovering between each set

Maximal Strength Training

based on 4 day a week program. requires 72 hours of rest. days 1&2 on consecutive days and 3&4 on consecutive days. 2 minutes of rest between each set. 3-4 sets of 6RM. focus on free weights

Descending Pyramid Training

begin with heavy load and gets lighter as the sets go on

Exercise Intensity

beginners require moderate training intensity 60-70% 1RM. With progression focus on specific training goals. Adjust intensity to meet goals. To maximize strength use high intensity at least 70% 1RM. To maximize muscle hypertrophy use lower intensity.

Triangular Pyramid Training

begins with a light load, heavy load in the middle, and then gets light again


breaking down/ muscle proteins

Non-Linear Periodization

calls for more frequent (weekly and sometimes daily) changes to maintain variation in the training stimulus.

Beginners Training Program Outline week 5-8

change up the routine to prevent boredom and training Plateaus. think of physical and psychosocial benefits of strength training. increase training volume 3-4 sets of 10 exercises, intensity 75% of 1RM rest 1-2 min. major goal confidence in abilities to overcome progressive demands of strength building

Split Routine

complete different exercises on different days of the week. allows you to train consecutive days but still gives muscles a rest. example: leg day, arm day

Saturated Fats

derived mainly from animal products. (butter, cheese, ice cream, red meat)


during low intensity training, The body can metabolize fat to generate energy. which is called?


essential for maintaining an adequate hormonal environment for muscle. (9 cal per gram)

1 RM Protocol Step 4)

estimate load increase 10-20lbs that allows you to perform only 1 rep if you are able to complete go to next step, if not skip to step 6.


examples: sunflower, corn and soybean oils


examples:canola, peanut, olive oils

Isometric Training

exercises where the muscle or limb does not move. (contraction of the involved muscle occurs with no apparent movement of the joint)

Trans Fat

found most often in commercially packaged snack foods, are usually considered to be bad fats because they elevate blood cholesterol levels

1 RM Protocol Step 6)

if you are unable to lift the weight, rest for 2-4 min, decrease the weight 5-10 lbs and repeat. continue increasing or decreasing the weight as needed until you determine your actual 1RM. try to complete within 5 sets after the warmup sets

Beginners Training Program Outline weeks 9-12

improvements in muscular fitness will occur slower. the workout that was effective at first may not be effective anymore. change to higher intensities and more challenging programs. 3-4 sets 8 exercises at a training intensity of 75-80% 1RM 6-8 reps rest 2-3 mins. perform more large muscle group exercises than small group exercises. dont do more than 4 sets


in strength training, intensity refers to the load being lifted compared with the max load or 1 RM the closer the load is to the max the higher the intensity

Isotonic Training

involves an exercise movement using a constant load that is the weight being lifted remains the same regardless of the movement performed or the speed used during the exercise

Ascending Pyramid Training

light load first and gets heavier as the sets go on

1 RM

maximum amount of weight a person can lift for 1 complete rep while maintaining correct form

Linear Periodization training zones

mesocycle 1: 3-5 sets 10-12 reps mesocycle 2: 4-5 sets 8-10 reps mesocycle 3: 3-4 sets 4-6 reps mesocycle 4: 3-5 sets 1-3 reps

super sets

multiple sets of exercises in which you use the agonist muscle group immediately followed by the exercise that makes you use the antagonist muscle group. example: bicep curls followed by tricep pushdowns

Old People Training Intensity

older adults begin with 10-15 reps per set of 8-10 exercises using all major muscle groups 40-50% 1RM. As they progress move to higher resistance and fewer reps. 8-12 reps 60-85% 1RM.

Periodization Training Fromat

prep phase: reps 8-10, sets 4-5, Intensity Low, volume high first transition: reps 4-6, sets 3-4, Intensity mod. volume mod. competition phase: reps 1-3, sets 3-5, Intensity very high, volume low second transition: reps 12-15, sets 3-5, Intensity low, volume low


primary energy source that fuels training, and the presence of carbs in the body stimulates muscle growth. (4 cal per gram)


provides amino acids, which are the chief structural material of protein that in turn helps protein synthesis (4 cal per gram)

Pyramid Training

refers to change in intensity of an exercise from set to set. they can be ascending, descending, or triangular.

1 RM Protocol Step 3)

rest 2 to 4 min

1 RM Protocol Step 5)

rest 2-4 mins then estimate another moderate increase in weight 10-20 lbs. repeat trial


simply the exercise and individual choses for a program or single workout

Isokinetic Training

speed of the movement is held constant throughout the entire exercise. very rare, uses big bulky machines, typically only seen in health care or rehab places


A training year broken down into periodized training programs developed by sports scientists to avoid performance or physiological detriment.

Exercise Volume

(sets x reps x weight)


2-3 sets of 15-25 reps at 65% of 1RM rest 30 seconds


2-5 sets of 2-6 reps at 85% of 1 RM rest 2-3 min

Muscle Power

3-6 sets of 3-6 reps at 30-60% of 1 RM rest 2-5 min


3-6 sets of 6-12 reps at 67-85% of 1 RM rest 30-90 seconds

Youth Training Intensity

6-12 reps, no more than 60% 1RM which should allow them to do 10-15 reps but keep it at 6-12 reps. After gaining technical competence in a particular exercise adolescents may utilize greater intensities 80% 1RM. No speed lifting, use controlled speeds with consistent application of force.

Program Design Considerations

Choice and Order of exercises, Exercise Intensity, Exercise Sets and Interset Rest Periods, and Exercise Frequency

7 training variables

Choice, Order, Frequency, Intensity, Volume, Rest Interval, Progression

Risks and Concerns for Youth Strength Training

Potential for injury to epiphyses/growth plates of the long bones, the growth cartilage is not as strong as bone. Risk of repetitive or overuse injuries to the soft tissue of the muscles, tendons, and ligaments.

Benefits of Strength Training for Older Adults

Preserves muscle mass, reduces body fat, increases metabolic rate, decreases in blood pressure, lowers cholesterol, improves glucose tolerance and insulin resistance, improves sleep quality, reduces lower back pain, reduces risk of developing osteoporosis, and colon cancer. long term independence, and self confidence, decreases the effects of sarcopenia.

Skill Appropriate Programming (males 9-12 & females 8-11)

Progressing to learn the strength training exercise movement patterns. light weight, no more than 60% of 1RM. body weight should be utilized in order to ensure safety and allow for technical development


Progressive loss of bone mass. leads to a state of low bone strength and density causing fractures in the hip, back, and forearm.

Skill Appropriate Programming (males 12-16 & females 11-15)

Reinforcement of technical proficiency should be paramount in order to cultivate lifting habits and combat awkwardness. performance can become an aim of training 80% of 1RM


Short training cycles used by advanced lifters that last between several days and 2 weeks to transition from mesocycle to mesocycle.


The 4 training phases found in the macrocycle are referred to as this. the duration of each cycle is approximately 2-3 months depending on the individual and their training goals.


The age-related progressive loss of muscle mass and strength in older adults. Results in weakness, reduced physical activity, and a increased risk of fall and injury. muscle declines by about 15% per decade.


Transition period between the eccentric and concentric phases. during plyometric training.

Strength and Power Training

Whole body workout every session. The difference between each workout is intensity, volume, and rest period. 1st workout focuses on strength and power. 2&3 emphasize muscle strength and hypertrophy. Rest 2-3mins on first two training sessions and 30-90secs during muscle hypertrophy workout. 48 hours of rest between sessions.

compound sets

the first set of the second exercise uses the same muscle group as the first exercise and is immediately followed by a third set of the first exercise. example: triceps push downs, tricep extensions, and then another set of triceps push downs


the order of the exercises chosen for a program or workout (doing the most taxing exercises first and prioritizing multi joint movements over single joint movements) can be more important than the exercises themselves.

Assistance Exercises

train predominantly one muscle group that aids in the movement produced by the prime movers. examples: cable tricep extension, and bicep curls

Primary Exercises

trains muscles called the prime movers (major muscle groups responsible for the majority of the movement made in the exercise) examples: Leg press, barbell bench, hang power clean.

Circuit Training

unique resistance training method in which single sets of several different exercises are completed in succession with little to no rest between exercises

Plyometric Training

used to get your muscles to create the greatest amount of force in as little time as possible. Improves agility, speed, and power.

Linear Periodization

uses progressive overload, calls for gradual and linear increases in intensity and a reduction in volume as the cycle progresses


vitamins and minerals required in small amounts . essential for facilitating various body functions and biochemical reactions, including muscular contraction

1 RM Protocol step 1)

warmup set 5-10reps. rest 1 min. another set of 3-5 increase by 5-10%. rest for 2 min

1 RM Protocol step 2)

warmup set that allows for 2-3 reps

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