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sympathetic or parasympathetic

2 types of nervous system responses

1- nervous system(autonomic nervous system) 2-endocrine system

2 types of physical response

1- cognitive 2-behavioral 3-emotional

3 symptoms of stress

1- ID source 2-use cognitive techniques 3-relaxation 4-long term management

4 steps to treating stress

problem solve, stay positive, focus on important stuff

Cognitive techniques

bad stress


releases hormones to help body deal with stressors

How does the endocrine system work

S- prepares you for fight or flight(EXCITES) P- relaxes you back down after(relaxes)

How does the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems work

post traumatic stress disorder

Stress experiences after a dangerous or life-threatening event. Requires professional help is otherwise known as?


The third stage of dealing with stress is

1- alarm 2-resistance 3-exhaustion

What are the three stages of GAS?

a predictable response to any type of stressor

What does GAS help with?

the risk you are at for developing heart disease, stroke diabetes, obesity

What does the allostatic load calculate?

alarm stage

What stage: physical reaction to problem, fight or flight


What type of symptom: crying, fatigue, depression, irritability


What type of symptom: crying, hostility, social isolation


What type of symptom: headaches, insomnia, loss of memory


a non specific response of the body to any demand for change

denial mechanism

a person believes that smoking cigarettes won't harm her because she's young and healthy this is an example of what mechanism?

passive-aggressive mechanism

a person tells a coworker, with whom she competes for assignments, that she'll help wth a project but the never follows through this is an example of what mechanism?

rationalization mechanism

a shy young man decides not to attend a dorm party, telling himself he'd be bored this is an example of what mechanism?

reaction formation mechanism

a student struggling with homosexual impulses engages in gay-bashing

projection mechanism

a student who dislikes his roommate feels that the roommate dislikes him this is an example of what mechanism?

displacement mechanism

a student who is angry with one of his professors returns home and yells at one of his housemates this is an example of what mechanism?

humor mechanism

a student whose bicycle has been stolen thinks how surprised the thief will be when he or she starts downhill and discovers the brakes don't work this is an example of what mechanism?

dissociation mechanism

a woman who was raped experiences frightening images and confusion when something reminds her of the event this is an example of what mechanism?


are both positive and negative stress taxing on the body?

decrease immunity decreased blood flow(tension, migraines) atherosclerosis autoimmune diseases(cancer, arthritis, diabetes, digestive disorders)

at stage three what are some negative effects of stress?

anger, eating depression

bad responses to stress


can our response to stress be changed?

refusing to acknowledge to yourself what you really know to be true

denial mechanism

shifting your feelings about a person to another person

displacement mechanism

fallinginto a state of altered consciousness to avoid emotional distress

dissociation mechanism

good stress

eustress aka

dilate pupils, undulate increase HR, decrease HR dilates bronchi, constricts bronchi

example of antagonistic autonomic nervous system responses...

episodic actue stress

experiencing stress constsantly

therapy, meditation, exercise

good responses to stress

chronic stress

having long term stress the health reactions are observed

communicate with the patient

how do we identify the source of the stress?

its restores balance and rejuvenates cells

how does sleep help stress?

you don't know what causes it

how is stress non-specific

exercise and nutrition

how to increase energy?

finding something funny in unpleasant situations

humor mechanism

substitution mechanism

in love with an unavailable partner, a man throw himself into training for a marathon this is an example of what mechanism?


is the allostatic load linked with physical wellness?

social support exercise nutrition communication sleep

long term stress treatments

behavioral responses

long-term changes usually are classified as...

relaxation techniques

mediation, tai chi, breathing, yoga are examples of...

"fight of flight"

noradrenaline/norepinephrine also acts on the body to prepare for what?

expressing hostility towards someone by being covertly uncooperative or passive

passive-aggressive behavior mechanism


persistent stress that is not resolved through coping mechanisms or adaptions

immediate responses

physical changes are usually....

reacting to unacceptable inner impulses as if they were from outside the self

projection mechanism

giving a false, acceptable reason when the real reason is unacceptable

rationalization mechanism

concealing emotions or impulses by exaggerating the opposite ones

reaction formation mechanism

expelling from awareness an unpleasant feeling, idea, or memory

repression mechanism


stress evolved as a way of preparing the body to respond to a challenge (t/f)

acute stress

stress that is short lived, and easy to manage

fight or flight

stress ultimately responds in....

a situation that causes stress


replacing an unacceptable or unobtainable goal with an acceptable one

substitution mechanism


the 2nd stage to dealing with stress is

repression mechanism

the child of an alcoholic, neglectful father remembers only when his father showed consideration and love this is an example of what mechanism?


the first stage of dealing with stress is


the term to describe the universal and predictable response to any stressor


watching a scary movie, running a race are examples of...

medication service animals (anxiety, PTSD, Autism, Psychiatric illness, disabilities) behavioral therapies

what are 3 ways to manage stress?

self esteem and demoralization cognitive distortion negative self-talk realistic self-talk

what are controlling patterns of thinking?

major life changes daily stressors college stressors job related stressors social stressors environmental, internal stressors, discrimination, health conditions

what are some common sources of stress?

ineffective reactions effective reactions

what are some of the ways that we respond to street?

disorganized anxious irritable in-denial

what are symptoms of episodic acute stress?

allostatic load

what calculates the risk you are at for developing heart disease stroke etc, without taking in physical wellness

anxiety, withdrawal and depressive symptoms

what can distress lead to?

expecting perfection

what cognitive distortion is this? negative self-talk: I cannot believe I flubbed that solo. They probably won't even let me audition for the orchestra next year realistic self-talk: it's a good thing I didn't stop playing when I hit that sour note. it didn't seem like anyone noticed it as much as I did

magnifying events

what cognitive distortion is this? negative self-talk: I stuttered when I was giving my speech today in class. I must have sounded like a complete idiot. I'm sure everyone is talking about it realistic self-talk: my speech went really well, except for that one stutter. I bet people didn't even notice it though

thinking in black and white

what cognitive distortion is this? negative self-talk: I thought that mike was really cool, but after what he said today, I realized we have nothing in common realistic self-talk: I was really surprised that mike disagreed with me today. I guess there are still things I don't know about him

blaming others

what cognitive distortion is this? negative self-talk: everyone I meet is such a jerk. why aren't people more friendly? realistic self-talk: I am going to make more of an effort to meet people who share my interests


what cognitive distortion is this? negative self-talk: my hair is a mess and I'm gaining weight. I'm so ugly. no one would ever want to date me realistic self-talk: I could use a haircut and should try to exercise more. this way ill start feeling better about myself and will be more confident when I meet people

believing you're the cause of everything

what cognitive distortion is this? negative self-talk: tom and Sara broke up and it's my fault. I shouldn't have insisted that tom spend so much time with me and the guys realistic self-talk: it's a shame tom and Sara broke up. I wish I knew what happened between them. Maybe Tim will tell me at soccer practice. at any rate, it isn't my fault; ive been a good friend to both of them


what cognitive distortion is this? negative self-talk: it was nice of everyone to eat the dinner I cooked, even though I ruined it. I'm such a rotten cook realistic self-talk: well, the roast was a little dry but they ate every bite. the veggies and rolls made up for it. I'm finally getting the hang of cooking!

general adaption syndrome

what does GAS stand for?

increases glucose concentration

what does cortisol do?

increases- HR, BP, breathing decreases-digestion, bladder movement

what does epinephrine increase/decrease?

genetics, life experiences, behavioral and emotional response to stress

what does the allostatic load depend on?

individual behavior personality traits past experiences

what factors determine our reaction to stress?

we exhibit physical and behavioral changes

what happens to our body when we get stressed out?


what stage: stressor present but trying to cope


what stage: when you cannot deal with the stressor and a disease can develop

focusing on negatives

what type of cognitive distortion is this? negative self talk: babysitting is such a pain in the neck; I wish I didn't need the extra money so bad realistic self talk: this is a tough job, but at least the moneys decent and I can study once the kids go to bed

expecting the worst

what type of cognitive distortion is this? negative self-talk: I know I'm going to get an F in this course. I should just drop out of school now realistic self talk: I'm not doing too well in this course. I should talk to my professor toes what kind of help I can get

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