Student First Sergeant Board

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What does salute to the Union consist of?

1 gun for each state in the union.

What are the responsibilities of medical personnel per AR 600-9?

1. Assist commanders and supervisors in ensuring that individuals who exceed body fat standards receive nutrition and weight reduction counseling from a registered dietitian, if available 2. Identify those individuals who have a pathological condition requiring medical treatment 3. Evaluate Soldiers who exceed body fat standards 4. Advise Soldiers that while various medical conditions, environmental conditions, functional limitations (temporary or permanent physical profiles), and/or medications may contribute to weight gain, they are still required to meet the body fat standard 5. Refer Soldiers to appropriate specialist for nutrition and exercise counseling 6. At the request of a commander, provide education and information to Soldiers on healthy eating behaviors

What are the seven principles of training that PRT links to?

1. Commanders and other leaders are responsible for training 2. NCO's train individuals, crews, and small teams 3. Train as you will fight 4. Train to standard 5. Train to sustain 6. Conduct Multiechelon and concurrent training 7. Train to develop agile leaders and organizations.

What is the function of a designated unit fitness training NCO or master fitness trainer?

1. Prescribe proper exercise and fitness techniques to assist Soldiers in meeting and maintaining body fat standards 2. Assist commanders in developing programs that establish a physical fitness program 3. Train other command designated NCOs in proper height, weight, and body circumference methodology to assess body fat composition

What are all commanding officers and others in authority in the Army required to display?

1. Show themselves in good example of virtue, honor, patriotism, and subordination 2. Being vigilant in inspecting the conduct of all persons placed under their command 3. To guard against and suppress all dissolute and immoral practices and to correct them according to laws and regulations of the Army 4. Take all necessary and proper measures under the law and customs of the Army 5. Promote and safeguard the morale, physical well-being, and general welfare of both officers and enlisted personnel under their command

How will Professionally competent leaders develop respect for their authority?

1. Striving to develop, maintain, and use the full range of human potential in their organization 2. Giving troops constructive information on the need and purpose of military discipline 3. training their Soldiers and ensuring that Soldiers and equipment are at proper state of readiness at all times 4. Requirement of Exemplary Conduct

How many guns are required for national salute and salute to a national flag?

21 guns.

What are the events for the Army Combat Fitness Test?

3 Repetition Maximum Deadlift, Standing Power Throw, Hand-Release Push-up, Sprint-Drag Carry, Leg Tuck/Plank, and the 2-Mile Run.

What are the alternate events for the 2-Mile Run, and how much time do you have to complete the alternate event?

5000 meter row, 12,000 meter bike, 1,000 meter swim, all in 25 minutes.

How many points are awarded for the go on an alternate event for the 2-Mile run?

60 points are earned.

Who is required to be present to salute with cannon?

A Commissioned Officer.

What is an example of a leader exercising authority by pretender of rank?

A SGT making a correction to a soldier not in their unit. They have that authority by the governing regulatory guidance.

What is the extent that a civilian can exercise supervision?

A civilian may be designated to exercise general supervision over an Army installation or activity

What is a Commander?

A commissioned or WO who, by virtue of grade and assignment, exercises primary command authority over a military organization.

If a registered dietitian is not available who may provide nutrition and weight reduction counseling?

A health care provider, to include nurse practitioner, physician assistant, or medical doctor

What AR covers Army Command Policy?

AR 600-20

What publication covers Customs and Courtesies?

AR 600-25

What other regulations support Holistic Health and Fitness?

ATP 7-22.01 for Holistic Health and Fitness Testing as well as ATP 7-22.02 for Holistic Health and Fitness Drills and Exercises.

What does individual training allow?

Allows individuals to master fundamental skills

What is pay grade?

An abbreviated numerical device with useful applications in pay management, personnel accounting, automated data organization, and other administrative fields

Who supports both the operating and generating forces?

Army Civilians

What are the courtesies rendered by individuals during Retreat and To the Colors if they are in uniform and in formation?

At the first note of Retreat, initiate "Parade Rest" at the command of the officer or NCO in charge. Remain at this position until given the command of "Attention" by the officer or NCO in charge. At the first note of To the Colors, execute the command of "Present Arms" at the command of the officer or NCO in charge. Execute "Order Arms" at the command of the officer or NCO in charge.

Why are the key elements of command?

Authority and responsibility

What is one indicator of physical readiness?

Body composition

Soldiers and leaders should train to master what?

Both the individual and unit collective tasks that support the unit's mission-essential tasks

What integrates and synchronizes the skills learned at the individual skill level?

Collective Training

What is Command?

Command is exercised by virtue of office and the special assignment of members of the United States Armed Forces.

Who determines the size and organization of the Army?


What gives the President the Authority as the Commander and Chief?


Where does Congress get the Authority to determine the size and organization of the Army?


What Department of Defense Directive governs the Army?

DODD 5100.01

Who is responsible for meeting body fat percentages?

Each soldier

What is the purpose of Self Development?

Enhances qualifications for a current position or helps prepare an individual for future positions.

Who do NCO's serve as the primary trainers for?

Enlisted soldiers, crews, and small teams.

How often does every soldier need to be screened IAW AR 600-9?

Every 6 months.

What are the commands to prepare a formation from a rectangular formation to a rectangular formation extended and uncovered?

Extend to the left, march. Arms downward, move. Left, face. Extend to the left, march. Arms downward, move. Right, face. From front to rear, count off. Even numbers to the left, uncover.

What does the Uniform of the Army represent for Soldiers?

For Soldiers it means that they have become part of something far bigger than themselves, a chance to serve their Country and to change the world.

Where is formal authority for command derived?

From the Policies, Procedures, and Precedents

What confers eligibility to exercise command or authority in the military?

Grade or precedence of rank

What does FM 7-22 cover?

Holistic Health and Fitness.

What is the responsibility of Commanders and supervisors per AR 600-9?

Implement the ABCP, Ensure evaluations of all soldiers under their command, review monthly suspension of favorable personnel actions, forward a complete ABCP file to the gaining unit.

What are the 6 situations when salutes are not required to be rendered or returned by the senior or subordinate?

In civilian attire, engaged in routine work, carrying articles with both hands, working as a member of a detail or engaged in sports/social functions, in public places such as theaters or churches, and when in the ranks of a formation.

On what command would you salute while in formation?

Individuals do not salute or return salutes while in formation unless given the command "Present ARMS".

Who is less likely to sustain injury from activity, and more likely to perform at an optimal level?

Individuals with desirable body fat percentages.

How is body composition an indicator of a Soldiers physical readiness?

It is associated with an individual's fitness, endurance, and overall health

What are Unified Land Operations?

It is the synchronization of efforts between Joint Services, other government agencies, partner nations, and other military forces from other partner nations.

When was the Continental Army established?

June 14, 1775

How do leaders earn the loyalty of their soldiers?

Leaders must show loyalty to their Soldiers, the Army, and the nation

What training event provides the experience nessesady for building ready units?

Margot training events, combat training exercises, and operational deployments.

Will a Chaplain be addressed by their Grade or Rank?

No; All chaplains are addressed as "Chaplain," regardless of military grade or professional title

What is Duty?

Obedient and disciplined performance

What are the 3 training domains the Army uses?

Operational, institutional, and self-development

How does the Army accomplish it's mission?

Organizing, equipping, and training Army forces for prompt and sustained combat operations on land, while integrating our capabilities with those of other Armed Forces while remanning ready and preparing for the future.

What are the stretches for the Recovery Drill in order?

Overhead Arm Pull, Rear Lunge, Extended Flex, Thigh Stretch, Single-Leg Over, Going Stretch, Calf Stretch, Hamstring Stretch.

What is physical readiness?

Physical readiness is the ability to meet the physical demands of any combat or duty position, accomplish the mission, and continue to fight and win.

The Army's vision captures the three strategic roles of the Army, what are they?

Prevent, Shape, and Win.

What does the toughening phase training provide?

Provides foundational fitness and fundamental motor skills.

What is considered as important as institutional training and operations assignments?

Self Development

Who is essential to a successful PRT program and why?

Senior NCO's because they are often the most experienced trainers in the unit.

What must Soldiers maintain in order to meet mission requirements?

Soldiers must maintain a high level of physical readiness

Who is more likely to show decreased muscular strength and endurance?

Soldiers that do not meet body fat percentages

What will soldiers do if the Pledge of Allegiance is recited at a ceremony?

Soldiers will not recite the Pledge of Allegiance.

What are the six areas of the body soldiers must ensure they PMCS?

Spine, ankle, knee, hip, shoulder, and arms.

What does AR 600-9 cover and what was it formally called?

The Army Body Composition Program formerly called the Weight Control Program.

Why does the Army train?

The Army trains to provide ready forces to combatant commanders worldwide

Who is responsible for training units and developing leaders?

The Commander

Who's program is the physical readiness training program?

The Commander's Program.

Who is responsible for establishing leadership climate of the unit and developing discipline and cohesive units?

The Commander.

What is the only authorized method of estimating body fat?

The circumference-based tape method outlined in appendix B of AR 600-9

How must the national flag be displayed on Memorial Day?

The flag will be flown at half-staff from Reveille to noon. Immediately before noon, the band will play an appropriate musical selection, and at 1200 hours, the national 21-gun salute will be fired at all installations.

What should accompany the rendering of a hand salute?

The greeting of the day, such as Good Morning Sir or Good Morning Mam.

What is the Army ethic?

The heart of the Army and the inspiration for our shared professional identity.

Who will benefit from Soldiers meeting Body fat percentages?

The individual and collective benefit to themselves, their unit, and the entire Army

Who salutes first?

The junior person shall salute first.

Where does the Army get it's mission from?

Title 10 USC and DODD 5100.01

What U.S. code governs the Army?

Title 10 United States Code (USC)

What is meant by the Army's role to shape?

To assist other nations to shape their own training and military strength to be adequate to defend themselves.

What is the primary objective of ABCP?

To ensure all soldiers achieve and maintain optimal well-being and performance under all conditions.

What is the Army's mission?

To fight and win the nations wars through prompt and sustained land combat, as part of the joint force.

What is the principle that all Army training is based on?

Train as you will fight.

What does ADP 7-0 cover?

Training Units and Developing Leaders

Where does training begin for soldiers?

Training begins in the generating force.

What is the operational training domain?

Training that organizations conduct at home stations, maneuver combat training centers, during joint exercises, at mobilization centers and while operationally deployed

What are the 5 Essential Characteristics of our Profession?

Trust, Honorable Service, Military Expertise, Stewardship of the Profession, Esprit de Corps

What is the Army's life-blood?

Unit training and leader development

Why do units train?

Units train in garrison and while deployed to prepare for their mission and adapt their capabilities to any changes in an operational environment

When would you not salute an officer in a vehicle?

When military personnel are acting as a driver of a moving vehicle, they should not initiate a salute.

When is it required to salute officers in official vehicles? (3)

When recognized individually by rank, or by identifying vehicle plates and/or flags.

When will personnel salute indoors? (5)j

When reporting to your commander, when reporting to a pay officer, when reporting to a military board, an indoor ceremony, or at sentry duty indoors.

What is the only time you do not remove your headgear when reporting to an officer indoors?

When under arms.

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