Study Guide for Quiz 3

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Identify the different types of taxes paid by undocumented workers and explain why that is? P.3

"good moral character, demonstrate knowledge of U.S. history and civics, and have the ability to understand, speak and write English. Immigrants pay income taxes, sales and property taxes in order to receive citizenship.

How was sterilization used against the Third World, Puerto Rico, and ethnic Mexicans in Los Angeles during the 1970s?

---In Puerto one third of women were sterelized for ethcni mexicans the county hospital would sterileze women without their cosnent. They took the doctor to court and he was find not guilty. Third World the idea of eugenetics that people from the thrid world were having to many children.

What evidence does the ACLU provide to make the claim that undocumented immigrants are less prone to crime than their native-born counterparts? P. 5 ASK***

-Immigrants are actually far less likely to commit crimes than their native-born-counter- parts. Even as the undocumented population has increased in the United States, crime rates have decreases significantly ----According to a 2000 report prepared for the U.S. Department of Justice, immigrants maintain low crime rates even when faced with adverse social conditions such as low income and low levels of education.Even after taking into account higher deportation rates since the mid 1990's, and reviewing the 1980 and 1990 censuses, the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) ascertained that,"18-40 year-old male immigrants have lower institutionalization rates than the native born each year...and by 2000, immigrants have institutionalization rates that are one-fifth those of the native born

2002 to 2011 success after having Mexican studies

4x greater reading scores 3x greater writing scores 97% HS graduation vs 44% of a school who did not have Mexican studies. This was the greatest impact on High schoolars who are the hardest to reach because low income and mostly latino males.

Which vehicle is one of the quintessential Mexican American Low riders?

69 Chevy Impala

Mexican politics

70 years one political power which was PRI (1930-2000) Peace and Corruption PAN first different party fox (2000-2006)Change of Government PAN Calderon (2006-2012) 40,000 dead people in 2006 and 2012 DRUG WAR PRI pena nieto 2012-2018 more calm

What is a "cholo"?

A gang member

Identify examples of incidents that followed the passing of Proposition 187? P. 51

A receptionist at a public health clinic told all Spanish speaking women that they were no longer eligible for medical treatment. The registrar at a California State University campus submitted a proposal to notify all students with Spanish surnames that they needed proof of citizenship to remain enrolled. Fifth-grade teacher asks her Latinos students to write their citizenship status and their parents. Counter attended at a fast food restaurant did not want to serve three Mexican American tennager. a restuarant cutomer went inside the kitchen and demanded cizenship from the cooks. school security guarg told two latinos he would not let to mexicans get in to the place.

What is a stereotyped that's been around in America for street gangs and who does it apply?

All lower class groups have been stereotyped as rough, tough, gangsters who are mostly Irish, Italian, Blacks, Mexicans and Salvadorians.

MS-1980s Salvadorian descent from California

Attempt to deport and expanded. U.S. most violent gang. Started as streetgoing now it's own category.

Why do you think "I am Joaquin" resonated with youth of the Chicano movement?

Because I am Joaquin makes it relevent that the country has wiped out Mexican American history. Mostly because it makes an important saying that we look the same, feel the same and cry and sing the same.

Why doesn't Carlitos turn to the police for help?

Because he can get deported.

What is another name for the Walkouts?


What is most noteworthy about the Community Service Organization?

C.S.O. California's most important Chicano association. It concentrated on on fighting housing discrimination, police brutality and school segregation.

What is the name of the young protagonist of the film


Name some Iconic cars

Chevy Impala 60s and Bombs during the 40s. Part of decorations were underneath the car covered with gold plated and chrome.

What does Acuña have to say about Chicano Studies?

Chicano studies are one of the few academic programs that were not born within academia. What made this extraordinary was that initially, it involved so few students. Chicano did not have a large core- of middle-class students in college. Number of students were first generation and children of immigrants. Chicano studies advocated for more students, programs and more financial aid.

Which statement is an agreement with Lipsitz's argument about civil rights laws?

Civil rights laws of the 1960 were ineffective and unenforceable.

Griselda Blanco

Colombian living in the U.S. 1975 NY Cocaine Cowbay Wars florida she was making 80 million per month responsible for 200+ murders She was captured in California and put on Jail on 1985 2004 Deported 2012 was killed by people in a motorcycle

Sidekick gangs people who like to do grafitti

Crew and Posses

Lowriders car clubs

Did not accept any gang because they want any trouble. Mexicans mostly created and started the low riders in 1940s. Low rider magazine are still around today.

What is significant about "Salt of the Earth?

Documentary called "Salt of the earth" of a labor strike(people who work there stopped working because they abuse them at work) in a mine in New Mexico 1950-1952. The longest strike in New Mexico history. This only focused on Mexicans.

Why is Enrique indifferent toward Carlitos and how does he ultimately redeem himself?

Enrique is not as nice as Carlitos. He has no hope for anything and Carlitos does.

Who is most responsible for the Cocaine Cowboy Wars in Florida during the 1980s?

Griselda Blanco

What does Lipsitz explain are some of the things that Bakke did not challenge as part of his 1978 case against the Regents of the University of California? (36)

He did not challenge the legitimacy of the 36 white students with GPAs lower than his who also secured acceptance to the UC-Davis medical school the year he applied, nor he did challenge the enrollment of five students admitted because their parents had attended or given money to the school. they also favor younger applicants than him.

Why is Acuña critical of "urban-renewal"?

He is critical because "Urban Renewal is not fair to minorities. Minorities would get their neighborhoods removed and developers, politicians made millions out their constructions. This development perpetuated racial tension and shaped contemporary racist attitudes and stereotypes.

Arizona and Chicano Studies

History and 1974 desegregation order and 1997 Mexican Studies is created. 20 years had to happen in order to see Mexican studies in school. There was no push to change the laws.

At one point, Enrique says "How" to a Native American in Tucson, what does this say about Mexican identity?

How is a Native American stereotype that Mexicans have from them.

Do you think the phrases "Viva La Raza" and "Chicano Power" are nationalist or racist?

I believe is a way to represent their culture and their community.

Who was mara salvatrucha taken in the U.S. and Latin America?

In the U.S. they were street gangs and in Latin America they were known as a criminal organization.

Pablo Escobar

Involve in cocaine trafficking from 19 marihuana is very bulky but doesn't wait a lot He became so rich in Medellin. Robin hood, politician, businessman, drug trafficker. He will invest a lot of money in Medellin for the community. He was elected to Colombia Congress. He needed to have a lot of Business in order para lavar su dinero. He made an agreement with Colombia and build his own prison and own prison guards. He escaped and killed him because Colombia secretely wanted to put him at jail in the U.S.

Drug Cartel and the USA purpose

Is to make money primarily through Drug trafficking but they are not the drug dealing instead they are the suppliers

How did the McCarran-Walter Act affect legal immigrants?

It made it possible to denaturalize American citizens and deport them.

Did the youth camps indoctrinate or open their eyes to reality?

It opened their by seeing what other people are capable to have if they went to college. The camp is to encourage them to graduate high school and get a degree in college. They want to make the Chicano history relevant.

What did "Operation Wetback" entail?

It was a military-style campaign to kick the Mexicans out. Joseph F Swing him as being in charge INS of deporting 1'000'000 Mexican immigrants.

Why was Mexican American Studies Program created in Tucson Arizona in 1977?

It was one of the outcomes of the federal Desegregation Order from 1974.

What is the significance of "I am Joaquin"?

It was poem by Corky Gonzalez about being Chicano

What is true about the Community Service Organization?

It was successful at encouraging people to register to vote.

Stored Value Cards

It wasent illegal to carry 1'000,000 of dollars.

Where does the black hand or mano negra originated from?


International Influence on lowriders

Japan has a lot of rap influence based on latinos and Chicanos. Raping in Japanese. "El latino" "Sunny Day" w Jae-P. Decades on influence on Japanese. Spain Brazil New Zeland

Identify three Latino immigrant myths that Gonzalez refutes. P. 216

Latin Americans come to this country to get on welfare. Latino immigrants drain public resources such as education and government services. Latino immigrants take jobs away from U.S. citizens.

Lowriders meaning

Low and Slow. (customizing cars to make them lower and nice)


MARA means Group and SALVATRUCHA means salvadoria on alert. (International gang group)

What is difference between MS 13 and surenos?

MS 13 represent as number 13, M, mostly and surenos by Surenos, S and Black Hand

What are the prison gangs?

Mexican Mafia (Gangs since the great depression) 1950 California Prisons. Nuestra Familia (own prison gang) Number 14, letter N de nortenos Black Guerrilla Family (African American gang) Aryan Brotherhood (White gang) skin head and iris symbols KKK

Which option is an example of fears publicly expressed by proponents of Prop 187?

Mexicans plan to annex California to Mexico


Money Laundering HSBC largest bank in Europe top 10 in the US and over 10 years they were Laundering money for Mexican cartel. Banks profit from the cartels.

identify one of the unintended consequences of increased border security and the construction of border fences?

More murders and will be more dangerous.

What is a gang?

Mostly a youth group

Meaning of the title "Under the Same moom"

Mother and son can both look at the same moon whenever they miss each other.

Would you have done things differently if you were Rosario or Carlitos?


Did Sal Castro orchestrate the walkouts?

No, he said he didn't he said the students did. The Mexican American education is getting his wake up call.

Which is true about lowrider culture?

One of their objectives is to go "Low and Slow"

Both lowriders and street gang originated from?


Identify three examples of what Gonzalez means by "Backlash to Backlash." P. 207-208

Pennsylvania Quekers in 1729 against Scotch-Irish

Why would somebody join a gang?

People won't be afraid anymore. Being part of a gang would attract young girls.


Places to hide different governments in the Carribean a lot of cost line to cross the drugs U.S. 1980s Colombian and Mexican started working together to cross drugs.

Who do you see as the agitators? (Brown Berets, College Activists, Police?)


What were some rules low riders needed to follow

Police said they wanted cars to be at least 6 inches above the ground so owners of these cars bought hydraulics so they can rise when the police passes next to them.

What is steering, and blockbusting? (26-27)

Redlining (denying loans to areas inhabited by racial minorities) Steering (directing minority buyers solely to homes in minority neighborhoods) Blockbusting (playing on white fears of a change in neighborhood racial balance to promote panic sales, getting whites to sell their homes for small amounts and then selling those same homes to minority buyers at extremely high prices)

Identify examples of fears that were publicly expressed in the 1990s by proponents of Proposition 187? P. 50

Secret plan to make Spanish the official language of California and wanted to annex California to Mexico Mexicans wanted to drive English speakers away

Chapo Guzman

Sinaloa Cartel #63 most powerful people in the world by forbes Magazine most powerful in 2012 arrested by pena nieto in 2014 escaped 2015 arrested in 2016 expatriated 2017 pena nieto lo extradujo a los estados unidos.

Which is one of the countries that Low-rider culture has expanded to?

Spain, Brazil and Japan.

Inglewood 13 is an example of

Street gang

How did the Bakke case popularize the concept of "reverse racism"?

The Bakke v. University of California case (1976) the assumption that affirmative actions discriminated whites.

What are some of the provisions in Title VII of the Civil Rights Act that undermined its stated goals? (40-41)

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) established by the act lacked its own enforcement mechanism, such as cease-and-desist orders, and could offer only "conciliation" as a remedy to aggrieved individuals. The civil Rights ActIt couldn't help people who are attacked. Conciliation so talks about being like fair or not.

Which statement is true about the Mexican Mafia and/or Nuestra Familia?

The Mexican Mafia is associated with the number 13.

What is the significance of the phrase "with all deliberate speed" regarding Brown v. Board of Education? (33-34)

The Supreme Court in Brown I and Brown II allowed more deliberation than speed.with all deliberate speed sounds fast but was not specific and would allow segregation in schools to continue.

What does Lipsitz argue constitutes the single greatest source of wealth for white Americans? (32-33)

The appreciated value of owner-occupied homes constitutes the single greatest source of wealth for White Americans.

United States and cartel role

The cartels wouldn't be as powerful without the U.S. Cartel are powerful because of the demand of cocaine in the united states. 80 % of Weapons are U.S. Manufacturers law enforcement against users law enforcement against traffickers

What are the four factors explaining why Latino immigration will continue? P. 218

The catastrophic economic crisis in Latin America. Latino is a movement of urban workers within the New World. Mexicans, the largest of Latino immigrant groups, have historically been "pulled" here only to be treated as easily deportable labor. The United States faced an agigng white population, will need an increasing number of Latin American workers to fill unskilled jobs.

What does the M and 13 in gangs mean?

The letter 13 of the alphabet

Why does Acuña call it the "myth of the 'Mexican Invasion"?

The media molded this anti-immigrant ideology by uncritically reporting INS propaganda and nativist scholarship. People think that undocumented workers caused poverty, were criminals and took jobs away from North Americans.

Did the Democratic Party, trade unions, or civil rights organizations challenge Prop 187? How so? P. 53

They failed to expose the economic benefits that come to Californians from the exploitation of immigrant workers. They failed to publicize the active role played by bug corporations and wealthy individuals in encouraging the rise of undocumented labor in the United States. They failed to offer proposals to seize the assets of businesses and individuals employing undocumented workers. Civil rights groups- African American voters opposed by a slightly majority Democratic party- Brown opposed but didn't challenge NO, the did not challenge because they failed to challenge the basic premises of the prop 187. supporting the people but not prop 187.

Why does the coyote (Doña Carmen) turn down the help of the two "Chicanos"?

They look to young to cross people threw the border. There not trained enough and "The Migra" will spot them a mile away.

Where and how did streetgangs originate?

They started in the U.S.A. due to poverty, discrimination and segregation.

How did the context of the Cold War play a role in the rhetoric about the Walkouts?

They were called communists and working for them. calling them red and calling them outside agitators that come and do trouble.

Some students were punished for Speaking Spanish. Identify two issues with the punishment.

They would hit them. They were reprimanded (punished) Physical punishment and fear of gettign punished by who they are.

What are some of the unintended consequences of increased border security and the construction of border fences? P. 6

Too expensive Increase in tax payer money money spent on making arrest along the border. Death rate would increase more.

Captures of NARCOS

US has supported the drug war by giving them weapons and technology. When mexican military camptures narcos the to a press to show how many weapons and money they get them with.

Identify one of the unintended consequences of increased border security and the construction of border fences?

Undocumented immigrants stay in the U.S. longer.

Where and how was MS 13 created?

United States (most gangs have the #13 but they are still enemies) MS 13 was created because salvadorians felt defeated by Mexicans and Black street gangs.

What was Rosario's plan in coming to the U.S.A.? How did reality deviate from her plan?

Work but the reality is that she is separated from her son.

types of cartels

ZETAS people who used to be in the military and created their own cartel.


alcohol, tobacco,firearms fast and furious (2009-2011) trace 1,700 semiautomatic weapons taking from Mexico and were purchase by cartels 500 found in crime secenes in Mexico Weapon used to kill Brian Terry, Bordel Patrol Agent, murdered in2010

What is redlining?

denying loans to areas inhabited by racial minorities.

Identify at least three of Lipsitz's critiques of the "Double Crossers"? p. 55

don't pay U.S. worker give union wages to pay less taxes less environmental laws less laws on worker's rights/benefits for workers\ double crossers are the U.S. companies

How does Lipsitz argue ethnic studies programs are beneficial to American society? P. 58

experiences and practices shape the meaning of what it means to be a citizen or minority people develop different ethnic identity through hybridity we can all be unified if we learn more what divedes us.

What is true regarding HB2281?

it prohibited encouraging the overthrow of the U.S. government.


long history grates monetary value. worth a lot of money. Profit margin 1 kilo would be $1500 dollars and was sold in $50,000 at the US. Cocaine is cheaper in the southern states.

How was sterilization used in Puerto Rico?

one-third of women of childbearing age were sterilized from 1973 to 1976.

History of Criminalization

poor neighboirhods immigrnats

What is Lipsitz's basic argument about civil rights laws and their enforcement?

possessive investment in whiteness not only do people benefit from their whiteness but they are invested in maintaining that privilege. Brown and Board Voting Right Acts in the 50s 60s and 70s those laws were a good thing but they were not successful by meeting their goals because they were not enforced. example schools didn't desegregated until 20 years older.

Why does the scholar and activist Lisa Lowe argue that stereotypes of women were "more attractive than the truth"? P. 54

she argues that stereotypes of women are more attractive than the truth because its a way to blame the people in the bottom for the problem in sociiety. the poor

Did any gender roles stand out to you?

situations that happened in the movie

How does the ACLU explain why the presence of undocumented immigrants results in a net fiscal gain, even at the state level? P.1 bottom ask***

the positive fiscal impact tends to accrue at the federal level, but the net costs tend to be concen-trated at the state and local level," which bear primary responsibility for providing not only health care but education

How did negative stereotypes of Mexicans help "legitimate Anglo conquest of Tejanos"? p.64

they see Mexicans as dishonest, stupid, and cowardly. it helped justify there taking of the land.

Colombia 1970s 1980s

two cartels the Medellin and the Cally cartels Pablo Escobar and Griselda Blanco both related with the Medellin cartel. Caribbean island and the through Florida.

Why are attacks on "identity politics" a defense of politics based on identity? P. 67

whenever something is atatcking the privilage of whiteness is when they say when there is an identity politics.

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