Study Guide: Internships, Field Experience, and Practicums
What are three benefits of work experience?
1. 64% of employers list work co-op experiences as pre-screening criteria in the selection of college graduates for hiring 2. Work experience should compliment and enrich your education, NOT compete for quality time! 3. Education & Professional Development
What are the benefits of volunteering?
1. Allows you to gain entrance into the profession 2. Provides experience for a future career 3. Generally, flexible schedule
List ways to obtain work experience
1. College Work-Study (CWSP) 2. Internships 3. Volunteer work
What are 1-5 of the 10 rules for planning a career?
1. Take charge of your career (ongoing) 2. Develop your people skills 3. Sharpen your communication skills 4. Discover and adapt to changes 5. Be flexible
List TWO benefits of internships
1. self-confidence 2. info on ways to approach your job search
The Goals of Employers
1. to retain students upon graduation 2. to provide challenging, interesting, and practical work for students 3. to assess future employers before hiring
What are 6-10 of the 10 rules for planning a career?
6. Embrace new technologies 7. Keep learning 8. Clear up misconceptions (find out the facts) 9. Research your options 10. Develop new capacities
Cooperative Education Programs
A student works full-time for a semester, returns to school for a semester, goes back to work, ect
Transitional stage providing opportunity to apply theory learned in the classroom to a healthcare setting through practical, hands on experience (definition from Quizlet, not book!)
Service Learning
a blending of academic study and community service
a formal work experience that is part of your college curriculum and is directly related to your major and career interest
Job Shadowing
a short observation consisting of a few hours or days
doing a job without pay to gain experience
Academic Study
learning via textbooks, discussion groups, classes, ect