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list some of the pros of the lifestyle of The Suburbanites

-FHA and VA allowed more affordable to move to the suburbs instead of paying apartment rent. -Women and veterans were being hired as teachers in elementary schools.

list some of the cons of the lifestyle of The Suburbanites

-FHA denied minorities to own houses =Teachers would soon be unemployed when the kids no longer needed education.

Similarities with the United States and the USSR led to an almost inevitable conflict

-Isolated prior to WWII and Missionary diplomacy of exporting everywhere -Big power roles

strengths of this American "holy-war" against communism?

-Marshall Plan and Truman Doctrine made people give up communism philosophies if they wished to receive military protection and economic aid. -Most people in the United States would receive government help such as financial aid or problem solving and protection from the army.

potential dangers of this American "holy-war" against communism?

-Spontaneous communist aggression could cause another war. -Financial and military problems arise -Stalin broke agreements

Differences and suspicions with the United States and the USSR led to an almost inevitable conflict

-US and Britain had delayed attacks against Germany. -Kept Soviet from making nukes and Stalin gains mistrust

In the absence of a formal peace conference the wartime meeting at the Russian resort of Yalta in February ______ among _________, _________, and ________ takes on huge importance

1945, Roosevelt, Churchill, Stalin

In return for a share of the goodies at the peace table, Stalin promised to help the United States defeat Japan within ____ months of the final victory over Germany.


In a major break with the nation's isolationist past, Congress in 1949 approved joining the North ____________ _________ Organization (NATO), a defensive alliance of western European nations. Japanese reconstruction proceeded quickly and efficiently under the command of U.S. General Douglas ___________ and with the cooperation of the Japanese.

Atlantic Treaty, MacArthur

The U.N. had a number of successes but missed a golden opportunity to control the massive dangers of atomic power when the ______ Plan was never approved.


After the war, both Germany and its capital _____ were each divided into four supposedly temporary "zones of occupation" to be administered by the "Big Four"— the United States, the USSR, _______, and ________.

Berlin, France, Britain

It would also set the stage for the eventual creation of the European _______ (EC) which is now unifying European countries. In 1947, the National _______ Act reorganized and unified the military in the face of the Soviet challenge and created a new National ______ Council (NSC) and Central ________ Agency (CIA).

Community, Security, Security, Intelligence

These evolved into two separate countries, _______ Germany, tied to the Soviets, and _______ Germany, tied to the western powers.

Eastern, Western

To keep communism out of Western Europe, Truman won approval in 1948 for the ______ Plan, which would eventually funnel $______ billion into the successful reconstruction of Western Europe.

Marshall, 12.5

A new postwar international framework, this time with full U.S. participation, was established when the International ______ Fund (IMF) and the ________ Bank were established at the _____ Woods Conference in 1944.

Monetary, International, Bretton

Twenty-two top Nazis were tried and convicted at _______, _______ after the war.

Nuremberg, Germany

Following potential communist takeovers in Greece and ________, this strategy became formalized in what came to be known as the ________ Doctrine, an open-ended American commitment to support "free peoples" resisting communist takeovers.

Turkey, Truman

Replacing the old League, a new _______ Nations was established in San Francisco a year later.


At Yalta, a new ________ Nations organization was agreed upon. Stalin promised free postwar elections for Eastern European countries such as _______, but Russian forces were occupying these countries on their march toward Berlin and there was little the West could do to keep Stalin from eventually breaking this promise.

United, Poland

In China, however, Communist forces under Mao ________ in 1949 forced the Nationalist government under to leave the mainland and set up on the island of _______.

Zedong, Formosa

The United States responded with a gigantic ______ designed to keep the Berlin supply line open. Stalin finally called off the blockade in May _______. By 1947, the broad strategy of "containing" Soviet expansionism, first developed by Soviet specialist George F. _______, had become accepted in America.

airlift, 1946, Kennan

This development, together with the first Soviet explosion of an _______ bomb in 1949, further heightened American anxieties. A massive and fantastically dangerous nuclear arms race ensued, beginning with the first explosion of an American ________ in 1952.

atomic, H- bomb

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